• Member Since 20th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2015



the morning is not you favorite time of day, but some of the best things happen in the morning as you will alone with your best friends and the staff of your dreams. The end of the universe is your limit.

The name may or may not have anything to do with the story because it was inspired by the cover pic.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 11 )

Applejack posted a story? I know what i'm doing tonight :moustache:

"really?! so...if I find the right staff I could maybe use magic?!"

Allow me....I'm A WIZARD! :yay:

Not a bad set up, i'll wait to see where this is going. :moustache:

Not sure where this is going but good start

2040123 haha thats a good plot twist:

Okay jackson, here we go; this is an interesting set-up, it's the kind of thing I'd probably write. (Were I a writer myself.) You have something to write towards (that magic book) and you can fill out back story on your protagonist. However, I have noticed just a few minor errors:
Sunlight is one word.
Apostrophes are not used for every plural. (ie Birds) Instead, they're used to denote contractions or the possesive. (ie It is; it's)
The first word of every sentence need a capital letter. All names, of both people and places, also need a capital letter. Otherwise, words in the middle of a sentence don't need a capital letter.
Which witch is which?! Witches perform rites, while 'which' is the right way to write. (PS Spelling corrections within sentence) (PSS Explaining the joke)
I suppose hay is a colloquialism, but 'yea' should have a 'H' on the end. And 'dum' needs a 'B' on the end.
'Gard' should be 'guard', and sitting has two T's.
And...I'm done. Sorry bro, I just want to help out. But with an improvement to your spelling and a few touch ups to your grammar, you won't need any help!
Good luck!


okay? kool i guess i'll fix that mess. so... read? just askin:ajsmug:

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