• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 3,137 Views, 63 Comments

The Twilight of Change - teganaxis

Twilight wakes up one morning to discover, after accidentally turning off the sun and almost burning Ponyville to the ground, that she has the power to alter reality on a whim. Will she learn to control herself? Or will she destroy Equestria trying?

  • ...

Five More Minutes...

"...you... away..."

"...Ha ha...ha... already... dear..."

"...We'll... you..."

"...Who... stop... us..."



Twilight Sparkle was ripped cruelly from the misty haze of her dream, thrust into a world of obnoxious sunlight. The purple mare groaned in irritation, digging her head deeper into her pillow in an effort to stave off the inevitable.

"Twilight," a small voice called from downstairs, "Hurry and wake up, I've got your breakfast ready!" A moan was Twilight's only response.

Helpful as Spike was, it was on mornings like these she would give a leg for some peace and quiet, even if it meant she had to make her own breakfast for a change. Evidently, staying up until 3 A.M. reading was not conducive to a good night's sleep.

The sun did not relent. "Just five more minutes..." she begged, forcing her eyes to stay shut. The sun, being an inanimate mass of burning hydrogen, failed to respond.

Banging her head against the pillow, Twilight imagined the sun as an expensive lamp. A delicate antique from Saddle Arabia worth thousands of bits.

And then she smashed it.

The light disappeared from her room, leaving behind a soothing darkness that felt like silk to Twilight's sleepy eyes. Spike must have realized his adopted sister's plight and drew the curtains. What a sweet thing to do. When she got up, she would give the baby dragon a big hug.

"Mmm... thanks Spike..." she murmured, nuzzling the pillow like a newborn puppy. When her dragon brother didn't reply, she took it as respectful silence and thanked him again. Yawning deeply, the mare settled in for another few hours (give or take an eternity) of blissful slumber.

"Twilight!" Spike's panicked cry carried up the stairs into the librarian's room, ripping her once more from sleep's velvety embrace.

'I take back everything.' Grunting angrily, the purple pony shifted under her sheets. Maybe if she ignores him, he'll just go away...

"T-Twilight!" The shout was now somehow in her room. That dragon could move. Sadly, Twilight was not in the right frame of mind to admire the dragon's agility.

"What?! Dear sweet Celestia, what do you want?!"

The dragon stood there stunned for a second, before pointing a shaky claw out of Twilight's darkened window. "T-The... the sun... disappeared!" The librarian stared blankly at the lizard's look of abject terror for a few seconds. She sighed.

"...Really Spike...?" Exasperated, the mare drowsily got out of bed, carefully putting all four hooves on the ground before trudging towards the door. Not even bothering to glance out of the window, the mare walked past Spike as he stared in horror.

"B-But Twilight-"

"-Look Spike." she interjected, irritation giving her words an edge despite the lazy speed she spoke them. "...If you wanted me to get up so badly... you could of just asked." Spike looked legitimately hurt .Usually, the dragon's pathetic look would have made Twilight feel guilty. This morning, the little dragon's face actually made her feel a bit better. Aw, did his wittle dwagon feewings get hurt? Good.

Shaking it off, the dragon shook his head and pressed on. "Twilight, I'm serious! I was putting your plate on the table and then... poof! The sun was gone! I swear!"

Twilight, moving through a bog of drowsiness, was not listening. She stopped at the stairs, a small grimace breaching her features. Stairs sucked. Why does she live in a house with stairs? Eyes half lidded, she gingerly set a hoof down on the first step. The book mare dimly fantasized about having an escalator in her house; the kind you see in the big Fillydelphia super-malls, so that she wouldn't ever have to climb stairs again. That would be... heavenly.

"Twilight, please, list-... huh?" Twilight's assistant stopped yelling and cocked his head to the side, clearly confused. Celestia's protege didn't notice the dragons's distress- she was too busy enjoying the slight breeze as she was lowered gently to the floor. Smiling pleasantly, Twilight stepped off the wooden stairway, oblivious to the fact she didn't walk a single step.

Twilight was not what you would call a morning pony.

"When did we get an escalator?" Spike asked, bewildered and wide-eyed. Slowly rolling her eyes, Twilight continued to cheerfully skip (yeah right) towards the kitchen.

"We don't have an escalator Spike. Now come down here and eat breakfast." Twilight practically growled, tired of her foster brother's games. Spike blinked, and the stairs stopped moving. Was he dreaming? After pinching himself a couple of times, he decided he wasn't. Huh. Shaking his head again, the baby dragon jumped down the stairs after his guardian.

He found her sitting at the table, glaring sleepily at her lettuce salad like it was her mortal enemy. Her silver fork floated lazily in the air, surrounded by a familiar lavender aura. She turned towards disturbed dragon, her face softening. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." she apologized, smiling gently. "This is really good."

Spike managed to keep his composure despite the slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. "I-It's fine. B-But the sun-"

"Spike." the mare said firmly, cutting the dragon off. Despite the drowsiness still present in her voice, the message was clear. Sighing massively, the baby took his seat across the table from Twilight, defeated.

A long silence reigned; Twilight slowly chewed her food while Spike dejectedly pushed the small gemstones on his plate around with his fork. The mare pondered the taste of her breakfast. It was good... but it was missing something. Glancing over to the counter, the lavender spotted spotted her monogrammed salt shaker, complete with a picture of her cutie mark. Ah. 'All this needs is a little more sa-'

Salt. Salt everywhere.

"Whoa! What the heck, Twilight!" Spike jumped out of his chair as a literal avalanche of salt tumbled down the massive mountain of sodium chloride that now rested on top of their kitchen table.

"I-... What?" The purple mare tripped over her clumsy hooves as she dodged to avoid the white avalanche, managing to get away with only a few grains caught in her messy mane.

"Jeez Twilight, tell me when you're going do something like that!" Spike fumed, looking longingly at the tower of salt that now concealed his breakfast jewels. He then glanced down at the floor, a slight pout on his face. "And if it needed more salt, you could of just said so..." he added, kicking at the tile floor.

"I-I... but I didn't-"

Three loud thuds echoed through the tree house.

"Twilight!" The scratchy voice of Rainbow Dash pierced the front door of the library. Her tone was clearly urgent- this was no idle visit. "Come quick! We got trouble!"

Temporarily choosing to ignore the sudden appearance of Mt. Salt, the librarian leapt up and rushed for the door, fully awake. After all, being an Element of Harmony meant being ready for action on a moment's notice.She opened the door and was greeted by the faces of all five of her greatest friends, their muzzles twisted into various expressions of worry. That's not the only thing she noticed, however.

'What? Is it still night time?' She thought, looking towards the black sky uncomprehendingly. Impossible. There were no stars. There wasn't even a moon. In fact, the librarian realized, the only reason she could even see her friends in the first place was because of the torches they all carried. The world surrounding them was almost pitch black.

But... if it was daytime right now... then-

"Whu-... Where is the sun???" Twilight squeaked, utterly at a loss. The faces of her friends all reflected her dawning horror as Spike sauntered out of the library, dusting the salt off a ruby. He looked smug.

"Told you so."

Author's Note:

Hey FIMfiction! They finally added an author's notes section so I can stop taking the first comment on my own stories! Yay! Been playing around with this idea in my head for a while, and I was tired of writing nothing but horror, so I thought, why not? Comedy isn't really my forte, but tell me what you think!

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