• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 2,452 Views, 24 Comments

Even An Apple Falls Hard Sometimes - DemonRykuKyuubi

Applejack and Pinkie Pie have been dating for a while now. But is there a secret that the southern mare doesn't know about? What could Pinkie be hiding?

  • ...

Finding Out the Hard Way

It was just starting to get on into evening. I sat in the comfy rocker in the family room of my big house in Sweet Apple Acres. On my lap sat a photo book of all the memories I’d shared with the mare I’ve confessed to be my special somepony. Each photo had a caption underneath, detailing what had occurred during that particular day. I stared down at the pages with a strange combination of happiness and depression. Pinkie Pie, the mare I’d loved for going on eight months now, was beginning to act strangely, and seemed to be growing more and more distant with each passing day. I looked down at the first entry. The day Pinkie and I had started dating. It was an image of me and Pinkie sitting together under an apple tree:

“Ah asked Pinkie if she’d be mah special somepony today. It’s been almost a week since Ah saw her lookin’ down right upset outside Derpy’s house. Since then, she and Ah have really hit it off. Macintosh thought Ah was crazy when Ah said Ah wanted to be with that mare. All Ah know is that Ah think she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

The caption sat in my mind for a while before I moved on to the next picture. This picture made My heart flutter. It was the first time Pinkie had ever kissed me:

“Pinkie surprised me today. It was a joke kiss, but it still made mah heart beat real fast like. That mare sure does mean a lot to me.”

I sighed happily, looking at the image. Oh, Pinkie. Ya sure did know how to make this country pony blush! I thought with a chuckle. I skimmed a couple entries through the book. I remembered each and every moment like it was yesterday. How could I forget any of them? They were the happiest moments I’d ever had! I grinned goofily to myself before reaching the next entry. I stopped. I remembered this one too, but much more vividly. Pinkie had gone into a depression. I’d never seen her like this! Mrs. Cake had me go see her. When I’d arrived, she was very upset and couldn’t stop crying. I tried for a solid couple of hours to get her to talk to me, and she finally started:

“Poor Pinkie... Mah little Sugarcube near bout gave me a heart attack today after Mrs. Cake had me come in. That poor little darlin’ was curled up on her bed, cryin’ her little eyes out. After Ah get her talkin’ with me, Ah realized that a lot of stress had been put on her in the last month over a few things that Ah wasn’t aware of. Ah told her Ah’d help her through anythin’, and she gave me the most grateful hug Ah’d ever recieved from her. Ah’m glad Ah was able to make her feel at least a little better.”

I frowned as I thought back to that particular day. I had been so worried about her. I was so happy she was able to open up, if only a little with me. I sat the book down for a few minutes while I went to go get something from my room. Something I must have forgotten to put on this morning. No, not my hat. That never leaves my head. No, I needed to grab something that was very important to me. I trotted up the stairs and into my room.

Looking around, one could immediately see that I was still very much in love with Pinkie. Many pictures she had made for me hung on the walls, and little trinkets she’d either made or gotten from me were strewn about on shelves. I walked over the the side of my bed and picked up a necklace with a skeleton key as the pendant. It had two blue gems attached to it, symbolizing Pinkie’s two blue balloons on her cutie mark. This was the key that Pinkie had made for herself. I had made one like it, except with two red stones, symbolizing my apples. We’d traded them after we had gotten them made for ourselves during a big party we’d gone to together. This key meant everything to me. It symbolized what I felt to be the keys to both our hearts. I removed my trademark stetson for a moment so I could slip the necklace around my neck, then replaced my hat before going back down stairs.

I returned to where I had been sitting previously and opened my memory book up to where I’d left off. I looked at the picture I’d been on one last time before moving on to the next one. I flipped through a couple more pages before finding one that made me smile almost as big as some of Pinkie’s impossible ones. It was the first time we’d really ‘played’ together. I don’t think she knew I took this picture, but it but it wasn’t anything too degrading. In fact, I found it downright sexy:

“Ah just had to take this here picture of us after our first time rollin’ in the hay, iff’n ya know what Ah mean. We sure did have a good time. Ah’ll save the picture. It’s always nice to have the memories...”

That caption made me chuckle to myself. That had been a very magical night for Pinkie and I. I flipped quite a few more pages into the book before finding the first one that made my heart sink. Our first major argument. To this day, I still can’t remember what we were arguing about in the picture, but Apple Bloom and her other friends had apparently been watching through the window, and took a very scary picture of Pinkie when she was angry:

“Today... Today was awful. Pinkie and Ah fought with each other for the first time. Ah’m only writing this a couple hours after it happened, but already Ah don’t remember what it was about. Pinkie had me as scared as a cat in a dog pound! Whatever the fight was, Ah guess it couldn’t have been too important... but... Ah’m still worried as to what will come of this.”

I sighed and set the book down once again. I still wanted to go a bit further into the book, but I nee ded drink after reliving that particular scene in my head. I stood up, adjusted my stetson, and then walked into the kitchen.

Taking out and pouring myself a glass of apple cider, I mulled our current relationship over in my head . Alright... come on, Applejack. What could be buggin’ Pinkie? She started actin’ funny after... after that one big party she threw a while back! Who was there... well, Ah guess near half of Ponyville was there at some point... I kept thinking as I made myself a tomato and lettuce sandwich. Hmm... what was Pinkie doing that night... She seemed to be starin’ at somepony nearly all that night... Come on, think! Who was it? I finished my sandwich and started walking back over to the fridge with my drink on my back. Frustrated about my inability to think of who my special somepony has been looking at, I looked up at a picture on the fridge. I had forgotten my camera, but Spike drew a that all of us posed for. Even in the drawing, it was obvious who she was staring at. Rainbow Dash. To make things worse, Rainbow was looking at her:

I stared at the image for a minute before gritting my teeth. Ah... Ah’m just over-thinkin’ this... She’s been with me fer eight months... she wouldn’t just up and leave me... would she? My hooves began to shake and I downed my drink before going back into the family room.

I tossed the picture book up and onto my lap, and nervously flipped through the pages once again. For several pictures more, whenever Rainbow appeared in one of them, sure enough, Pinkie was staring right at her. Tears formed in my eyes as my mind went over all the things that this could mean... like the possibility of me losing my special somepony that I’d tried my darndest to be good to. A couple tears rolled down my cheeks as the thoughts just kept flowing.

Desperately looking for some type of proof that this might not be true, I turned another page. My heart fluttered and all the thoughts I’d been having stopped. I smiled, tears still streaming. Oh Pinkie... I love you. On the page was a scene with just me and Pinkie, sitting together and just enjoying being with each other like this:

“Pinkie an’ Ah, just relaxing together this past summer. She even fell asleep in my forelegs for a couple of hours... Sweet Celestia, this girl makes mah life so much better... Pinkie Pie? Iff’n Ah ever find the courage to show ya this book... Just know. Ah love ya with all of mah heart, Sugarcube!”

I smiled so happily. There is no way she’d ever hurt me like that. Mah little Sugarcube loves me. Ah know it. I thought, closing my photo book and and setting it on the end table next to my chair. Then another thought came to me. An’ Rainbow would never betray our friendship! We’ve been friends fer years! Ah can trust her, Ah know it! I grinned to myself, feeling foolish for even thinking about doubting my best friend and my lover.

I stretched my hind legs out and thought about what I wanted to do now. Hmm... that club Pinkie was going to the opening party of... Club Pon3, Ah think she said. Maybe Ah’ll surprise ‘er and actually show up! I laughed to myself. The party would be starting very soon. I wasn’t all that interested in the music that they’d be playing, but Pinkie was worth going to it for.

I slipped my picture diary into my saddlebags and strapped them onto my back. I straightened my stetson again, and then left out the front door. I trotted quickly to the main gate of the orchard entrance, then stopped for a moment. I glanced back at the farmhouse and wondered something to myself. Huh... Ah wonder where everypony is, now that Ah think about it. No Big Mac’... no Apple Bloom... Hay, even Granny Smith was out and about. Ah wonder where they all went off too... The thought stuck with me but for a moment longer, then I shrugged it off and turned back to the main dirt path leading to Ponyville.

Happily, I began my trot towards the place I’d see my very special somepony. Hmm... Ah wonder what we’ll be doin’ at this Club-place Pinkie’s at... Rainbow always said they played loud, fast music with no words that was made fer dancin’ to. She said it was where she liked ta go on a weekend if nopony wanted to hang out. Ah ‘spose it won’t kill me ta check it out, jus’ this once, for Pinkie. I thought to myself, barely paying attention to the road ahead of me, as I’d made the trip many, many times before.

With me walking at my usual fast pace and thinking about everything I was about to get myself into, the trip took no time at all. I passed the “Welcome to Ponyville” sign quickly and I could already see a commotion up the road a ways. Excited that I’d be seeing Pinkie soon, and knowing that I was already late to the party, I quickened my step. The doors to Club Pon3 were shut, but I could see flashing lights and hear a faint beat resonating from within even from how far away I was.

I stopped short of getting there however, as the doors came open suddenly, and the mare I’d come to see walked out, with Rainbow Dash alongside her. The two of them shut the doors and walked over to a nearby clearing a little ways away from the club.

Well, that’s a surprise! Good ta see those two gettin’ along. Bet they came out here so they could talk for a minute without that blarin’ music all around ‘em. hmm... I looked around and noticed some bushes not far from where they were sitting. It was maybe ten feet directly behind them. Maybe Ah can surprise ‘em! This oughtta be fun! I giggled happily to myself as I snuck slowly up to them. I hid in the center of the bushes and waited for them to head back towards the party so I could try and catch them off guard.

Pinkie was saying something I couldn’t quite understand, and waving her arms around for dramatic effect. Rainbow gave a small chuckle and smiled at Pinkie. The pink earth pony grinned back. They did this a few more times, and then I noticed something. Rainbow seemed to grow nervous. Shy, even. Rainbow Dash was NEVER shy about anything. Slowly and cautiously, the prismatic-maned pegasus reached over and gently pulled my love closer, wrapping a wing around her. Wait a minute. What are ya doin’, Rainbow...? I thought for a moment, confused by my friend’s actions.

Pinkie stammered her next words, something she rarely if ever did. “Wh-What are you...”

Rainbow shrugged hastily and muttered two words. “You’re cold.”

“Oh...” Came Pinkie’s only reply. The pink mare was in fact shivering. I was feeling the nip in the air too.

Well, that’s mighty kind of ya, Rainbow. Ya sure are actin’ kinda strange though... Wait a minute... I thought suddenly. But I had put two and two together too late.

I watched in shock as Rainbow slowly turned to face Pinkie, their muzzles nearly touching. Rainbow then spoke. “I just want you to know...”

She then reached forward carefully and kissed Pinkie very gently. “I love you.”

In an instant, my heart sank and all the awful thoughts about Pinkie and Rainbow came flooding back from earlier this afternoon. No... It can’t be... Pinkie... tell ‘er ta knock it off... Yer with me... I thought desperately.

Pinkie just sat there in awe for a moment before a smile grew on her face. My eyes got big and I brought my hat down in front of my face.

My thoughts became mumbled words as I started to sob. Pinkie looked so happy in that moment. I knew I was losing her. “N-No... N-Not like this... W-We’re happy... t-together...” I whispered to myself hysterically.

My sobs began getting louder and louder, and so I replaced my hat on top of my head, turned and ran out of the bushes and away from them before they were able to hear my pain. I galloped as fast as I could away from the club and back the way I had come. By now, night had fallen and the air was biting at my body, but I didn’t care. It didn’t matter anymore. I was passed the welcome sign in less than a couple of minutes, and I didn’t dare stop now.

Why, Pinkie?! Why didn’t ya tell ‘er ya weren’t interested?! What about us?! Are ya jus’ gonna leave me high an’ dry?! My thoughts raged on, not believing for a second that what she had witnessed was anything other than Pinkie moving on from our relationship. I was scared... and angry... and desperate for some answers. But right now, I just wanted to focus on getting as far away as I could. I wanted to go home.

In a fraction of the time it took for me to get to Ponyville, I was back on the farm. With my legs threatening to fail me, I flung open the farmhouse door, ran in, and slammed it before collapsing right there.

I stayed there for some time, until my brother eventually found me, curled tightly into a ball with tears flowing freely down my face. He walked slowly over to my side and lowered himself to my level. “Somethin’ happen?” He asked in his usual abrupt manner. But a slight look of concern had risen in his eyes.

I couldn’t find words to answer him through my sobs, so I simply nodded in reply.

“Pinkie?” He asked, knowing there weren’t very many things that could upset me to this extent.

I nodded again.

Macintosh placed a hoof lightly on my back, then motioned for me to follow him into the kitchen. It was then that I noticed two large amber eyes peering at me from around a corner, full of worry. I stood up on my wobbly, tired legs and followed Big Mac’, waving to Apple Bloom for her to stay in the family room. I had a feeling I knew what my brother was up to.

The crimson stallion walked over to the fridge and opened it. Reaching far into the back, he pulled out his ‘homemade’ apple cider pitcher, which was something he saved for special occasions. He poured us each a glass and replaced the pitcher in the back of the fridge.

“Ah don’t know, Mac’... Ah don’t think drinkin’ this is such a good idea right now...” I said between sniffles, trying to hold together a bit of my pride now that I was home.

He shook his head and gave me a little grin. “Jus’ the one, Sis’. It’ll help ya relax so ya can talk with me a bit better.”

I sighed and did as he said. I took the glass from him and drink it slowly. Unlike normal apple cider, Mac’s hard apple cider wasn’t nearly as sweet, and tended to have a sharp bite to it. I finished to glass and surprisingly, I did feel a little better. I shook off the bitter aftertaste the cider left in my mouth and looked back up at my brother. “Thanks, Big Mac’. Ah do feel a might more calm after that.”

He smiled warmly at me and finished his own drink, before once again motioning for me to follow him. “Alright, AJ. Now come along. Apple Bloom’s worried sick ‘bout ya. She’s the one who went an’ told me ya were down here fallin’ apart, after all.”

I blushed a bit. I didn’t want my family worrying about me, but... I was glad they were here. We trotted into the family room, and Apple Bloom was waiting patiently by the fireplace. Granny Smith, on the other hand, was slowly rocking in the rocking chair, giving me a mix between a welcome smile and a knowing smirk.

“Ah told ya, child,” Granny began, “Sooner or later, a mare like ‘er is bound to get bored of the same day-ta-day grind.”

“Granny. Not the time nor the place.” Mac’ said in my defence.

Her words hit me too quickly though, and a fresh wave of tears streamed down my face as I laid down on the hard floor, holding the key pendant of my necklace against my chest and closing my eyes.

Before I had time to open them, I felt two forelegs on my back. I opened them, and I had Granny Smith and Big Mac’ on either side of me, and Apple Bloom in front of me with tears in her eyes.

“Big Sis’...? Is everythin’ alright?” She asked me.

I shook my head. “No. Not really, Sugarcube. Somethin’... well... somepony jus’ hurt me very badly...” I said with tears still flowing down my cheeks. They showed no sign of stopping.

Granny Smith then spoke again from my left. “Ah’m sorry, Applejack. Ah shouldn’t have jumped ta conclusions like that. What happened, hun? What’s got ya all kinds of upset?”

“I-It’s... s-somethin’ Ah saw with mah own two eyes, Granny... Somethin’ Ah wish Ah ain’t never seen. Pinkie Pie was... was...” I couldn’t bring myself to form the words I needed.

I heard my little sister’s small hooves tap on the floor as she got up and stomped them once. “Pinkie is causin’ ya ta be like this?! But you two were so happy... what happened, Sis’?”

I smiled at Apple Bloom through my puffy red eyes. She really was worried about me. “Well... Ah caught Pinkie Pie with Rainbow Dash tonight... they were outside of that there club that just opened, and Ah hid in th’ bushes behind them so that when those two were goin’ ta go back in, Ah could surprise ‘em...” I began. For the next couple of minutes, I explained in great detail what I had witnessed in the short time I had been in town that night.

Going back over it set my emotions ablaze yet again. I took my hat off and lost it, crying like a filly. “Ah’m sorry, everypony... Ah don’t mean ta make ya’ll worry ‘bout me...”

Big Mac’ looked down at me and patted my head like he used to when I was a filly. “Think nothin’ of it, AJ. That’s our job.”

“Ah have an idea. Ya still have that there picturebook you were keepin’ fer yer memories? Why don’t ya climb up here an’ we can take a look at some happy times?” Granny suggested with a warm smile.

I nodded slowly. I didn’t share my book with anypony normally... but maybe it would help. I placed my stetson atop my head again and stood up, trotting over to the couch. I removed my saddlebags from my back, took out my diary, and hoofed it over to Granny Smith, who had taken her spot in the center of the couch. I sat on her right, Apple Bloom took the left side and Macintosh stood behind the couch, looking over Granny’s shoulder.

The elderly mare flipped the book open, and started from the beginning. Before I knew it, we were all smiling as I relived my happy memories for the second time that day. Granny Smith quickly skipped any page that had a sad entry, and before I knew it, we’d reached the picture of Pinkie and I cuddling close together that I’d ended with earlier that day.

I re-read the last bit of the entry in my head. ”Pinkie Pie? Iff’n Ah ever find the courage to show ya this book... Just know. Ah love ya with all of mah heart, Sugarcube!”.

I felt myself wanting to cry again, but I held it back. I didn’t want anypony to see me cry anymore tonight. As we all stopped reading, Granny gave me my book back and looked at the clock.

“It’s goin’ on ten, everypony. We’d best get ta sleep. Th’ mornin’ chores won’t do themselves!” She smiled. Looking over to me, she added, “If ya want ta, you can relax tomorrow, Applejack. Ah know how hard it is ta lose somepony ya care about.”

I grinned, but shook my head. “No thank ya, Granny. Ah wouldn’t be much of an Apple if Ah took a break over somethin’ like this. Ya’ll head off ta bed. Ah’m gonna stay up a while longer.”

Without another word, the three of them each took turns giving me a warm, loving hug before each of them disappeared upstairs. As soon as I was sure they were in their rooms and out of earshot, I sighed. Tears fell from my face again, and I flipped the the newest blank page on my diary. I decided I needed to write the next entry while my feelings were still fresh. I wrote exactly how I felt:

“Oh, Pinkie... Ah hope there is some way for us ta fix this... but doin’ somethin’ like this behind mah back? Ah thought you and Ah agreed we’d have no secrets... Who am Ah kidding? Ah jus’ want ta talk ta ya, and maybe figure out just what ya want ta do. Ah love ya, Sugarcube... and Ah’ll do anythin’ if it means ya stay with me...”

I sighed as I finished my entry, and I looked down at it. The page was riddled with wet spots from where my eyes must have leaked onto it. I closed the book and put it on the end table near the rocking chair. I then slipped my necklace off and held it my hoof for a few moments, staring at it somberly, before setting it on top of my diary. I walked back over to the fireplace and sat down in front of it, staring into the flames. I closed my eyes and lowered my head, and just let the tears come.

I stayed there for the rest of the night. I just cried and cried, and thought about how much I still loved that energetic pink mare.

I love you, Pinkie Pie... I love you so much... Please don’t leave me...

It was very late when I finally fell asleep. The call of my aching limbs and tired mind finally overwhelmed my sadness, and I fell asleep right there, in front of the fireplace.


Comments ( 24 )

Wonderful detailing and great use of pics!:ajsmug::pinkiehappy:


Wow, the Apples are a lot more progressive than I thought. Not only are they are ok with a same sex relationship, they even show slightly provocative pics to Applebloom!

I felt the story moved a little fast, and the old, "spy on your lover and catch them being kissed and run away before they can explain" is a bit cliche. But your use of pictures was excellent. Don't forget to credit the artists!

Overall I give it 3/5 mustaches.:moustache::moustache::moustache:

Feature box. Story containing pictures. I don't see how. :facehoof:

1943887 You're just mad you didn't think of it first.

Wait... I can like comments now?

1943224 LIKE FOR YOU!

1943036 LIKE FOR YOU!


1943887 ...except for you.

why must these applepie fics always end up so freakin sad?:applecry: I feel your pain Applejack damn it pinkie dont be such a cheat!:fluttershyouch: I would like to see more i hope Pinkie comes to her senses and realize she doesn't belong with Dash damn it pinkie :raritycry:

I'd have to say a few things:
I really like the fact that you use a different medium, AJ's photo album, for AJ to develop the story. One thing I will say in that respect is that would she really write out her accent?

If you really want to polish this, you could take a "fine-toothed comb" to this and get those small errors in grammar and the like. Also, changing the color to the photo album would be helpful to establish what is being said and what is written. But, nice job. I patiently wait for more :twilightsmile:


I always knew you were the crazy one.

1944462 Well, I'd HOPE so, cause otherwise, you'd be wrong.


Sometimes things happen.

True things happen for a reason. as much as i love pinkiedash i just hate seeing applejack get hurt maybe Fluttershy will come in to cheer her up. who knows i just want see where this goes.


I'm so annoyed that I didn't see this...

But you make a good point!


Casual hello.


And to you, too.


Anyhow! Nice work, Ry! Hoping that chapter 2 is happier! Because I'm a wuss! Don't laugh at me!

1944476 Yeah. Sometimes things happen. And sometimes innocent ponies get hurt because of it.

1944272 Well, it's from AJ's perspective, maybe it's meant to be less, what's written and more of, how she's reading it.

Whenever I see this pair, I always hope (even in vain!) that everything turns out well in the end for them. I mean, they go together like applepie.



No problem! I hope it helped.


That's very true and could be the case, but as I was reading that's how I interpreted it, so either way :twilightblush:

It was very late when I finally fell asleep.

Ohh.. this looks good...

The call of my aching limbs and tired mind finally overwhelmed my sadness, and I fell asleep right there, in front of the fireplace.



.... Wait, what?

GREAT! story, the only thing down is the ending. The one where I said

.... Wait, what?

That was the let down. But cant wait for more.

This reminds me of so. Many memories i wish i could forget.

3087469 I know that feeling all too well, my friend.

Gods damn, talk about filling to the brim with emotions, it's rare to see Pinkie cheat on a pony, shit...this has my full attention, wow. Maybe could have given more detail about what brought them together and give Pinkie her own point of view, Gods damn, this is tragic but realistic, and I love this story and you for that, keep it up, I'll be waiting for more:pinkiehappy:

More plz

This is good, so you should start it up again :raritywink:

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