• Published 5th Feb 2012
  • 4,533 Views, 41 Comments

My Little Twilight - Zobeid

Twilight has to grow up all over again on Earth

  • ...


Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Words can’t express how much your letter has meant to your mother and me. (She is right here looking over my shoulder as I write.) Just knowing you made it to your world okay and are safe and sound is an enormous relief. To learn that you have a more normal life now among all your pony friends seems like vindication for all the work that you and I did, when we were trying for so long and hard to figure out your origins and where you belong. Even if the way it worked out wasn’t what we imagined.

I’ve got to admit it’s rough for us to learn that you had to lose your memories of us and your time here — but you know, your well being was my greatest concern, so I can’t argue if this is what had to be done. I can only guess it all must seem awfully strange and unreal to you, and it’s very kind of you to go to all the trouble to send your note back to a couple of strangers.

Your absence here is deeply felt. It was pretty rough at first. For all that, we are holding up okay, and especially since we’ve heard from you. I hope in the future we’ll be able to continue to correspond and that you may come to know some inkling of the fondness in which we still hold you. With that thought in mind, I decided to try an experiment and send you something. I noticed the magic box you rigged to return has enough room for a small parcel in addition to this letter, and I can’t resist seeing if I can get it to take a gift back to you. Or maybe I shouldn’t call it a gift, since it’s something that belongs to you.

I considered putting your journal in the box, but then I figured giving you that kind of personal knowledge might risk bringing back your memories and getting you messed up all over again. I just couldn’t take a chance on that. So, I decided instead to include one of your favorite books. I know you have read it many times — and if you’ve forgotten, then maybe you can now enjoy discovering it all over again.

With All Our Love,

Frank & Lola

Twilight place the letter back on the table, the glow around it fading as she released it from her magical grasp. She look back to the metal box, and her horn glowed again as she lifted the brown-wrapped object from within. She leaned forward to sniff at it, cautiously. “A book from another world!” she said softly, speaking only to herself. Her curiosity was almost overwhelming as her magic tugged at the wrapping, peeling back the tape and brown paper until the book was free.

The book’s dust jacket was black and had some rips along its top edge from age and handling. Large and colorful, somewhat ornate, lettering announced its title:


a novel by


Comments ( 37 )

A good tribute to My Little Dashie, not too long, and a heartwarming conclusion.
Nice work. :twilightsmile:


Thank you! I actually dithered for about a week before submitting this because it's such an odd little experiment, and I'm not even entirely sure whether I like it myself. I'm glad somebody does.

Interesting take on this concept. I enjoyed it.

...the second best "Pony-in-a-box" story I've had the pleasure of reading.

You can guess the first.

Thank you for amazing read :twilightblush: I love this site

so sweet it gave me a cavity:pinkiesmile:

I love the way you wrote this. It's typical for Twilight to write a letter, and writing one to herself in this kind of ... situation is perfect. Great piece of art in my opinion.

You really did well i must say. five stars sir five stars.:twilightsmile:

i enjoyed
not as sad as my little dashie
which im grateful for
don't think i could survive another reading of that story
*man tear*
good read

I think this might actually be a little tiny bit better than MLD.

Just a bit.

I really liked your style of writing, I'm used to writing/reading stories from the perspective of 'as it happens' rather than past recollections, so this is a nice change of pace.

As for the story itself, it's very touching, and I admit that after I read My Little Dashie I wanted to do a My Little Twilight of my own. Kudos for pulling it off beautifully :twilightsmile:

Thanks for all the positive comments, everyone! I think it's kind of amusing how much attention this fic has garnered so quickly, in comparison with my other two. I guess that's the benefit of piggybacking on somebody else's already-famous story.

Incidentally... Almost all the books mentioned in this story really exist. The only exception is Rivers of the Dead, which is a fictional book described in Steve Martin's very odd-but-funny book, The Cruel Shoes.

Twilight may have been confused when she suggested that her future self look up humans in The Encyclopedia of Monsters (by Daniel Cohen), since it was published in our world in 1982 and does not have any entry for humans, though it does have a whole chapter on humanoids. It also has entries for unicorns, griffins, basilisks, hydras and dragons, as well as Mothman, Spring-Heeled Jack, the Jersey Devil, the Dover Demon, Hopkinsville Goblins, and many, many more. Hard to find but well worth looking up.

You caught the spirit of My Little Dashie fairly well. I like how she appeared in 1996 so that there was more confusion over who and what she was, and we didn't have that whole brony wish fulfillment thing. Also, the idea of Twilight with a Texan accent sounds awesome.


I was deliberately vague on dates. However, MLP Rescue At Midnight Castle aired in 1984, which I guess would put Twilight's appearance in our world somewhere around 1976-78 and her return to Equestria around 1991-93. Which also explains why she never mentioned doing any research or having any social interactions over the internet.

I'm tempted to go looking for that book for the sole reason you mentioned it in this amazing tale of our dearest best pony. In case you did not get it, I really like this. While there was one or two errors, the story was immaculate and brightened my day enough to smile. Thank you.

I enjoyed this very much. It was worth it to stay up that much longer to read this when I really should've been asleep. This is a positively excellent take on the theme of My Little Dashie. The way you conveyed the story was obviously taking notes from MLD, but you made enough original changes that an independent story was developed with its own quirks and tidbits. Very will done, once again.

191374 OHHHH! So you were using G1 instead of G4, I gotcha.

It beats out Dashie if only due to The Last Unicorn. Not by much, Dashie was brilliant. ...But just enough.

Thanks for making this, I had fun reading this letter Twilight is writing to herself.

Incidentally, this story was rejected by EQD because, "We dont really take human ponies!"


Nice fic there!^_^

It was cool!^_^

Sad she lost her memories though now.:(

I'm thinking of writing one myself where I raise Twilight Sparkle.

Of course my Twilight will just look at Celestia when Celestia says { "Must erase memories..." "Both you and the humans..." "Can't allow human contamination happening in Equestria..." } and my Twilight will respond with "Fuck that, bitch! I ain't allowing you to erase our memories any! You try that damn shit with me and I'll drop your fucking pasty ass on the floor!", yeah!^_^

Not a bad story. Short but sweet.

I have to say, I actually liked this better than My Little Dashie. Maybe it's because I like Twilight more than Dash, maybe it's the intimations that humans actually got one or two things about magic right (stopped clocks...), maybe the plying of heartstrings is just less flagrantly obvious. Whatever the case, in my opinion, this exceeded its progenitor in quality. Well done!

I've never seen an adorable humanized Twilight before. Your cover picture is a first. :rainbowkiss:

You know, I actually liked this story better than My Little Dashie (currently in the "Gold" category of my favourites), except for one aspect: it just didn't capture me emotionally. Maybe it was because I'd already read MLD and knew what to expect, but it just didn't do it for me. :applejackunsure:

Don't get me wrong, this story was fantastically-written (your mastery of English vocabulary, grammar, and literature is much appreciated), and it definitely kept me turning the pages, so-to-speak, to see what would happen to our lavender friend next. :pinkiegasp:

The very, very end of the Epilogue came close to making me feel something for Twilight (especially that book title, a read I highly recommend to any fan of fantasy novels). But, in the end, the story left me feeling a little... meh.

I look forward to reading your future fics. What I've read so far from you shows a high degree of potential! :twilightsmile:


As far as emotional involvement goes, maybe I can blame part of that on my decision to frame everything as a letter. That was an easy format for me to write, and perhaps an interesting gimmick, but it also added a layer of detachment. I doubt that I'll try anything like that again.

Absolutely freaking wonderful. I say this with no offense intended for the other person, but I am SO glad you posted a link to your story in the comments for the other My Little Twilight story. This was incredible! I loved your spin on the 'My Little Dashie' homage story. Liked/Favorited/About to go see if you have any other stuff for me to read. ;)


Good story. I liked it!

An interesting homage to MLD, and very well done. :twilightsmile:


You're on the right track. She lands on Earth around the late 1960s, and the MLP TV show that she saw would have been the original (G1) series starting with Rescue from Midnight Castle in 1984.

Two thousand-year-old-sorceresses, with the resources of an entire nation behind them, and they can't make a homunculus(pony shaped, of course) and transfer some memories into it?

Someone should write a story where she ends up as a human in this.

That's quite a nicely done variant over "My Little Dashie". I loved the point of variation, making this one into a non-depressive version of it.

If you were to expend it to full length, I believe it would make a worthy reading.

I couldn't handle My Little Dashie's level of melodrama and cheese-tastic heartstring-yanking. I stopped reading it partway through, which I rarely do, especially for oneshots.

I loved this story.

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