• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 2,570 Views, 22 Comments

A Goddess's Wake Up Call - Vigilance

Shining Armor tricks a hapless recruit into awakening Princess Celestia at a bad time.

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A Goddess's Wake Up Call

Shining Armor trotted merrily through the halls of Canterlot Castle. It was a brand new day and the sun was glistening beautifully in the distance, the sunlight shining through the colored windows of the castle created a dazzling light show in the halls. Still, the stallion was on business at the moment, important business. If he failed at his task it could prove doom to all of Equestria. If he failed, anarchy would rule, chaos would run rampant, and all harmony would die a painful…

“Good morrow Captain Armor, how doth the new day fare to thee?”

Shining skidded to a stop when he saw Princess Luna turn a corner and approach him. Caught off guard for a moment, the captain saluted to buy time while his brain translated the night princess’s archaic way of speaking (she always talked like this in the morning, slipping in and out of both modern and olden ways of speech). Finally grasping translation, Shining smiled at Luna. “Everything’s been wonderful today Your Highness. How have you been doing?”

Luna smiled back. “Quite exemplary to say the least. We are enjoying a stroll about the castle grounds.” Luna motioned for Shining to drop his salute and continued. “So, where does thou go? Doth you intend to make the dream you had last night of Cadence and yourself a reality? We most certainly hope so, we hear having nieces and nephews is a ‘fun’ experience for any pony.” Luna smiled wider, prompting a squee.

Shining Armor’s mouth dropped as far as it could. Did she honestly just say that?! The Captain pondered, unsure how to answer. He was lost at what was worse; that Luna had seen the dream or that she was talking about right in his face. The Captain of the Guard went deeply red in the face. “I, umm… well… uh…” Shining’s mind was at a loss at how to respond. Finally one thought prevailed over all others: abort!

Shining shook his head, recomposing himself. “No, no I’m not Your Highness. I’m going to wake up your sister, Princess Celestia, for the day; you know how she likes to raise the Sun and then catch another hour or so of sleep before going to her duties.” Shining Armor prayed the subject matter would change at the mention of Celestia.

To the Captain’s enjoyment, it seemed to work. Luna no longer looked at Shining Armor with a smile, but a look of terror. The night princess backed away from the Guard Captain, mortified. “You… you are going to wake our sister?! We… we… we… I will pray for you, most gallant Shining Armor. And know that should you perish, I will personally assign one of my best guards to protect your sister, Twilight Sparkle. Heavens above, I may very well do it myself.”

Shining Armor cocked an eyebrow at the night princess, truly confused. Why was she so frightened? Shining Armor had awoken his princess many times before. It’s not like… wait. The cogs in Shining’s mind clicked into place and began to turn. The guard took on Luna’s horrified look stare. “What’s today?” He asked fearfully.

Luna gulped. “Tis Sunday, valiant Captain Armor.”

Sunday! It was Sunday! Shining felt all his strength leave his legs and he wobbled. It was Sunday and he was tasked with awaking Princess Celestia, what a horror for him! One does not simply awaken Princess Celestia on a Sunday. It was an uncalled for action! But at the same time, if Shining didn’t wake Celestia up she might punish him for negligence. Shining Armor gulped, looking at Luna. “You’ll protect Twilight… right? And Cadence?”

“With our life most lionhearted Shining Armor.” The nighttime ruler proclaimed.

With the knowledge that all he cared for was under good care, Shining Armor made his way to the royal bedchambers of Princess Celestia. He prayed to his Maker and recited his wedding vows. He was too young to die!


Outside the royal bedchambers of Princess Celestia, a lone white furred pegasus guard stood ready at the double doors. It was a mare, and by the look of pride and eagerness upon her face it was easy to see she was a new recruit. Her hazel eyes shifted back and forth, looking down each of the hallways. She was ready for anything! She’d protect her Princess with the valor and honor that was expected of her! She’d stand tall and let nothing frighten her…


The mare squealed a high-pitched sound and jumped into the air, grasping on to a ceiling chandelier. Visibly shaking, the mare’s frightened eyes shifted downward to the source of the shouted order. A sigh of relief escaped the poor thing’s mouth when she saw it was Captain Armor that had snuck up on her. The pegasus released the decorative ceiling attachment and fluttered down the floor, saluting as she did.

For his part, Shining Armor had watched the spectacle with mild amusement. The guard were always so stiff and serious, Shining loved to see them with some life in their eyes, even if it was fear. “At ease, guardsmare, this isn’t an official inspection.”

The mare heaved out a heavy sigh, dropping her salute. “Oh thank Celestia’s divine mercy. I thought I was in trouble… well, actually at first I thought you were an enemy that was trying to attack and I got scared because, well, who wouldn’t get scared at that right?! But then I saw you weren’t an enemy so then I got scared because I thought I’d be in trouble because I did get scared and I hate begin in trouble because it’s really a pain you know and I was so happy when you said this wasn’t official but I’m still really, really sorry I wasn’t paying attention sir I’ll try to do much better next time and…”

Shining’s brain was trying to process all the mare’s words but she was simply talking way to fast. His thoughts spun and finally the Guard Captain had had enough. “Guard, guard, GUARD!!!” The mare stopped instantly. Shining sighed in relief, his mind finally at peace. “Listen, it’s fine. Geez, you’re rambling like a recruit.”

“But I am a recruit sir.” The mare responded.

Shining’s eyes widened. “Say what?”

The mare saluted once more. “Private Indigo Breeze at your service sir!”

At that moment, everything went silent as Shining’s mind devised. A new recruit, an ignorant thing that would do anything to please her superiors… anything. Shining thought for a moment, no it was wrong; he couldn’t, not in good conscience. Seriously, what would Cadence think if she found out? What about the other guards, what would they think? He was Guard Captain, he should be above such things. He... He should! Despite every reason against it, the darker side of Shining’s mind won and a devious smile crept up the stallion’s snout. “Excuse me, Private?”

Indigo’s eyes widened and she straightened herself out. “Yes sir?”

“I need you to awaken Princess Celestia for me.”

The recruit tilted her head in confusion. “You want me… to… wake up Princess Celestia? Don’t you usually do that sir?”

Shining laughed nervously. “Yeah, usually I do, but today’s special! See, today’s Sunday and as a little ritual we have here in the Castle, all new recruits in the Solar Guard have to wake up Princess Celestia on Sunday at least once to be considered a true part of the guard.” The mare looked at her Captain with a confused look. “What? You don’t get it? She’s the Princess of the Sun; we’re her Solar Guard? It’s Sunday? It’s a silly little thing we do here because the Princess doesn’t like hazing. This way, the guard get their right of passage and the Princess doesn’t need to worry about bullying in her guard's ranks.”

“Ohhhhh…” Indigo replied, understanding completely now. “I see what you mean sir! Right, I’ll get on it right away!” The mare smiled eagerly at her Guard Captain.

Shining Armor smiled back and began to trot down the hallway to the nearest exit. “Good to hear Private! Get right on it! Don’t stop until you’ve woken up the Princess! We’re all counting on you!” With that Shining opened the door to the hallway facing the Princesses room, rushed inside the next hallway, and quickly shut the door, releasing a heavy sigh. What have I done? He thought. I’ve committed such a cruelty on that poor mare… but… but I have a family to think about after all… what would they do without me? His resolve hardened, Shining made his way back to the guard barracks, his stomach in knots over his actions.


Back at the door to Celestia’s room, Indigo Breeze was readying herself. She had to look presentable to the Princess after all. Finally done gussying herself up, the mare walked to the door. Grasping the handle with her hoof, the guard slowly opened the door. “Princess Celestia, it’s time to get…”


The door had lit up with a golden aura and swung shut, right in Indigo’s face. The mare fell backward onto the floor, her armor clanging on the marble floor. The recruit held her nose and rolled around in pain.

“OW! OW, OW, OW, OW!! What the hay?! What was that about?!” The guardsmare quickly poked at her nose to make sure it wasn’t bleeding then picked herself up off the floor. She was not going to be defeated so easily.

Going again to the door, Indigo placed a hoof on the handle and turned it (this time she held her other hoof up to her nose to protect it). “Hello? Princess Celestia? It’s time for you to get u- WHOA!!”

The door Indigo was holding onto suddenly crank inward quickly and took the mare with it. The other door opened and awaited as the door Indigo clung onto whipped back and put the mare in firing range of the other door. The second door swung shut and rammed into Indigo, sending the mare skidding and bouncing down the hall.

“OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!” The mare grunted in pain each time she hit the floor and then went flying again for another feet or two. Finally coming to a stop at the far end of the opposite hallway, Indigo shot up and looked at the door with a defiant glare. “Oh that’s how you want to play it?! Well fine! That’s how we’ll play it!”


Attempt 3

It was about twenty minutes ago that Indigo had left her post and retrieved all the things she needed to combat the door that held her from her prize. The hooked staff the mare held in her hooves was almost three meters long, a perfect length to keep her away from the door’s merciless strikes. And once she got both doors open she would use the staff to keep them open and no longer would they smack her in her face.

Smiling deviously, the mare stepped back three meters from the doors and worked the staff’s hooked end into the door handle. Working it just right, Indigo was able to click the door’s handle and push into an open position. Quickly doing the same with the other door, an idea popped into the mare’s mind. If the doors were open, she could just scream to Princess Celestia, therefore not needing to actually walk through the hostile entrance.

Nodding her head, Indigo decided that this was the right course of action. The mare sucked in lots of air in preparation to scream her Princess awake. It wasn't very regal, and she’d probably get scolded for such actions but it was better than fighting the Princess’s doors. Indigo opened her mouth and…


One of the many chandeliers in the castle’s halls fell on Indigo, wrapped in a golden aura. The ceiling decoration lifted itself up from the flattened mare and went back into place, as if it hadn’t moved in the first place. The aura jumped to the doors and shut them.

Indigo’s eyes spun. “Alright, gonna have to do something else.”

Attempt 4

After an excruciating time of getting more materials, Indigo finally had enough wood to increase her hooked staff’s length so she could stand at the far end of the opposite hallway where Captain Armor had left from and still reach the door. She had to pull favors, do some crazy things, and even took candy from a foal, but she was sure that there was no way the magic could impede her now.

The long, makeshift pole wobbled and creaked as Indigo maneuvered it to the door. Finally latching on to the handle the mare smiled. Focusing on the door and trying to desperately get it open, Indigo was unaware of the magical aura zigzagging on the ceiling. The golden hued magic sunk into the door Indigo was for support. The door opened and went as far back as possible.

“Gotcha!” Indigo exclaimed in victory as the Princess’s door was opened by the guardsmare’s pole. Indigo reached down next to her and pulled out a trumpet. There was no way the Princess could sleep through this, even if she was so far away. Placing her lips on the instrument, Indigo sucked in air and… door.

The magically infused door shot back and whacked Indigo’s rear with supercharged force, sending the mare flying. The mare glided down the hallway screaming. Looking up, Indigo could see the magic zipping by her and possessing the other door, which closed right as she came close. A thud rang through the halls as Indigo slammed into the regal bedchamber's doors.

Comically sliding down to the floor Indigo huffed in annoyance. “I’m gonna have to try something completely different if I want to defeat the Princess’s magic.”


Attempt 5

Indigo soared over Canterlot Castle, enjoying the light breeze that was passing through the city’s airspace. Positioning her body so it turned right, the mare found her destination: Princess Celestia’s bedroom balcony.

“There we go, no doors, no problem.” Indigo smiled as she swooped in low to land.

“Almost there.”

The balcony was only a few meters away that Indigo could just feel the hard marble under her hooves. The mare smiled at her victory. The Princess’s magic could possess doors and objects that weren’t there; this plan was foolproof! Then Indigo hit the barrier. Magic surged through the mare’s body as she was electrocuted with Alicorn lightning.

“Oh you’ve… got to… be… kidding me!” Indigo said between shocks.

The magic seemed to get bored electrocuting its hostage and decided it was time to send her flying. Gathering energy and jolting it outward, the barrier sent the mare flying across the buildings and courtyard of the huge structure called Canterlot Castle. Indigo couldn’t help but admire the scenery and how beautiful it was up above the castle, she could even see her house in Canterlot from there! The mare tried twitching her wings but the didn’t respond, still in shock. Finally tired of not knowing where she was going, Indigo looked straight ahead. She was heading for the Castle’s library, heading at the door more specifically. Indigo’s eyes widened as she saw the handle turn on the door.

“No… No, no, no, no, no, no!”

The door opened just in time to whack the mare in the face and send her into the wall with its swinging motion. The collision of mare and wall made quite a sound, but the mare that had opened the library door took no notice, wrapped in thought as she was.

“Alright, this should be the book… Everypony I ask says it’s the best in its subject matter.” Princess Cadence looked down at the book she had taken from the library. “That ‘Special’ Moment and You, Volume 19: 101 Ways to Get Your Partner to Lose the Protection and Get You Foals Sooner Rather Than Later.” The love princess read aloud to herself. “Oh I just know Shining would be such a great father… I just have to be persuasive enough… please let this help.” The Princess closed the library door and trotted off to read her new book, praying it held the answers she wanted.

Back at the door, Indigo was moaning something but it was muffled with her face plastered in the wall. Using all her might, the mare finally got her face unstuck from the stone. Her eyes spun and little Alicorns and stars danced and trotted around her head.

“This castle has a door fetish…” The mare fell on the ground with a thud.


Attempt 42

Celestia’s bedroom was grand indeed. All around were Sun themed banners and cloth; Sun emblazed shields and such. If you could put a sun symbol on it, it had one in Celestia’s room.

As for the Sun Goddess herself, she was sleeping in her massive, circular bed. Lying on her side, the Alicorn was blissfully ignorant to the attempts made to awaken her. A slight smile was plastered on her face; she was having her favorite dream. Every time this dream crept its way into her sleeping mind the Princess gladly submitted to it and let the events detailed within play themselves out. Once, this dream had been just that: a dream. But now, now that it had occurred, Celestia found pure ecstatic happiness in it, even if it was considered the darkest day in Equestria’s most recent history. Celestia pawed about in an adorable fashion, much like a newborn foal. Finally finding a pillow that was a similar size to the dream’s interpretation, Celestia brought it close and hugged with no regrets.

“Luna… I’m so happy you’re back… I missed you… so much…” Celestia smiled adamantly as a single, happy tear left her eye.

The Royal Goddess was so enraptured by her dream; she didn’t even notice the sound coming from her ceiling. Specks of wood fell to the ground as a hoof saw popped out of the ceiling and began cutting in a circle big enough for a pony to fit through.

Inside the ducts and roof rafters of the palace, Indigo Breeze smiled manically as she sawed away to break into her Princess’s bedroom. The mare had lost her helmet during attempt 27 and her mane and tail had been singed black during attempt 35. Attempt 39 had poked her in the eye and now an eye patch hid away her right hazel eye. She was missing an armored boot thanks to attempt 17 and attempt 41 ensure that she would never again be comfortable around toilets. About 27 of the attempts had almost outright killed her, but she didn't care. This time… this time she’d get it! This time she’d awaken her Princess!

A thump indicated she was done sawing and Indigo pulled out her saw; let the chunk of ceiling fall to the floor with a loud bang. Celestia twitched slightly, but remained asleep. Poking her head through, Indigo made sure that nothing was going to attack her, or set her on fire, or try to do unspeakable things to her using a spork. When the coast appeared to be clear, Indigo threw a rope down to the floor. Making sure the other end was securely tied to a rafter, Indigo grabbed hold and slid down the rope Daring Do style.

Reaching the bottom and silently placing all fours down, the mare looked around for any objects that could impede her progress. She saw none; the mare went into stealth mode and snuck across the floor with her stomach to the ground. Reaching the foot of Celestia’s bed with no problems, the mare raised her body to Celestia’s bedside. Indigo’s eyes fell upon her Princess and she blushed at the sight of Celestia’s perfect face. Shaking off her feelings, Indigo took her hoof and slowly motioned it to Celestia shoulder.

Reaching the royal mare’s body, Indigo tugged on the Alicorn’s shoulder. “Princess Celestia… Princess Celestia… Wake up…” Indigo whispered, unsure if the Princess’s magic could hear her and react.

It wasn't the Princess’s magic that reacted, however; it was the Princess. Before Indigo could pull out or do much of anything, the Princess smiled and grabbed Indigo in her long, slender Alicorn fore legs. Celestia smiled as she pulled the mare in for a sisterly hug.

“Come here Luna, it’s been so long since we hugged like this.”

Indigo, deeply red in the face, was squirming as best she could to escape the mare’s grasp; it was not working!

Celestia smiled, not noticing the squirming as an escape attempt, lost in her dream as she was. “A thousand years, but finally you’re back. I still can’t believe Twilight was able to free you… At best I thought it would imprison you once more. I expected the worst. Luckily, I was pleasantly disappointed.” Indigo didn’t know what to do! If she screamed, the Princess would wake up, but what would the Princess do if she found herself holding on to some random guard? Indigo didn’t want to experiment with the depths of the Princess’s anger at a guard being this far in her room. “Remember that nursery rhyme I’d always sing to you? How about I hum the tune and you sing? Would you like that?” The Princess started humming some song unknown to Indigo. Then Princess Celestia nuzzled Indigo affectionately; the mare felt a nosebleed coming on.

“I love you so much little sister.” Celestia plopped a kiss on Indigo cheek and released her. “I love you so very much…” The Princess rolled on her side, her dream fading but her sleep remaining.

Indigo rushed out of the bed and hid in the nearest crevice she could find. She was so relieved she hadn’t awoken the Princess. There would have been so much to explain. Still, Indigo had had enough! She didn’t care if it was a right of passage; she wasn’t going to be a guinea pig for Celestia’s sleep magic! Indigo stood up to leave and… her hoof got stuck on a banner. The mare let out a grunt and tumbled to the floor. Rolling like a snowball down a snowy mountain the mare rammed into the Princess’s vanity, spending the effects it held flying everywhere and crashing on the ground with multiple smashes. Indigo, now disorientated, wobbled about until she whacked into a dresser and knocked it off balance. The mare shook her head and recomposed herself just in time to see the dresser nearly squash her. Diving out of the way of the dresser and the accompanying loud smash, Indigo landed on the fallen effects and, very loudly, screamed at the top of her lungs as the pointy parts sliced into her underbelly.

Princess Celestia shot up from her lovely sleep and looked around at the devastation. The Princess took on an embarrassed look. “SHINING ARMOR!” She called.

The Captain was there before you could blink. The stallion burst through the door and saluted. “Yes Princess! Is something wrong?!”

The Princess sighed. “What time is it?”



“It’s eleven thirty Princess!”

Celestia sighed. “So… it’s that late huh? Was I sleep magicing again?”

Shining Armor paused. “I…” The stallion rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh… yeah, you were Princess.”

Celestia sighed again. “Was anypony hurt?”

Shining Armor looked around for Indigo Breeze. His eye finally spotted her and was about to say something but Indigo waved her hoof in front of her neck. “Umm… no Princess, nopony was hurt. I decide it was best not to send anypony in here while you slept...”

Celestia smiled. “Good, I would hate for that to happen. Ugh, say what you will about Luna, she stopped sleep magicing when she was still in diapers! Isn’t ironic the one time my magic grabs a mind of its own is on Sunday, the day with my own celestial bodies' name in it?”

Indigo’s eyes widened and she shot an angry glare at Shining Armor.

The Captain ignored the evil eye being given to him. Shining smiled nervously. “I suppose some would think that, yes Princess.”

Celestia nodded and got out of bed (Shining covered his eyes to avoid seeing his Princess without her trappings). “I’ll be in the shower Shining. Don’t worry the maids with the mess, I'll clean it myself.” With that, Celestia left to her personal bath.

When she was gone, Indigo took her chance and flew out the open door, but not before giving Shining Armor another deathly glare.

When Indigo flew out and was gone from even the outside hallway Shining released a heavy sigh. He knew he had done wrong by his own recruit, the painful knots in his stomach that had evolved into full out traumatic tumors of guilt told him so.


It was lunchtime for all the off duty guards and recruits Radiant Point and Steadfast sat at their favorite table talking about the best way to disarm a drunken pony without causing too much harm when a disgruntled and annoyed Indigo Breeze came in with her tray and slammed it down on the wooden surface, causing several of its contents to go flying.

“Whoa!” The Earth pony Steadfast yelled as he dodged an incoming pea. “Wow Indigo, what’s wrong, did they not have your favorite Jell-O again?” The stallion ignored Indigo's appearance, you never really know how a guard's gonna look after duty.

“An arrogant, good for nothing liar!” Indigo yelled, still angry over Shining’s betrayal of her trust.

The unicorn Radiant Point gave his friend a look. “Who exactly is it that has you all angry? D’you and your marefriend break up? If that’s the case then mare, I told you so. What did I say would happen, exactly what happened. Psst, she was a lousy thing anyway. Indigo trust me when I say there are so many better mares out there for you, get me my friend?”

Steadfast and Indigo looked at Radiant with an unsettled look. Steadfast leaned in close to Radiant. “I don’t think that’s what this is about.”

Radiant’s mouth took on an O shape. “Oh, I see… well then… What’s bugging you Indigo? You can tell us.”

“That would be me…”

The three looked behind Indigo and instantly snapped to attention, Indigo was the most reluctant to do so.

“Captain on… umm, the food court… floor.” Steadfast blushed a little.

“At ease guards, I’m not here for anything official.” Shining sighed as the guards returned to normal stance and eyed their Captain curiously. “Indigo…” Shining started. The Captain then bowed to the recruit, catching more then just the eyes from her table. “I’m sorry… What I did, tricking you so I wouldn’t be in the line of fire… despite... despite knowing the dangers… it was a foolish and selfish choice… please forgive me.”

Indigo looked at her captain, pity replacing the anger that was there moments ago. How could she feel hate when such a pathetic face greeted her own? “Captain… it’s fine.”

Shining Armor shot up, angry. “It’s not fine! I put you in harm’s way! I did what no Captain should do! I was stupid, thinking only of myself and…”

“And you’re only a pony, just like the rest of us.” Indigo said, smiling. “You make mistakes, the trick is not making those mistakes guide your life and making sure you never do them again… that’s what being in charge is all about right?” Indigo still smiled at her dumbstruck Captain. “Captain Armor.” She said, saluting.

Shining looked at the recruit, a small smile forming on his snout. “I won’t let you or any other guard down again.” The Captain saluted his recruit.

“That’s all we can ask, sir.” Indigo replied back.


Dear Princess Celestia,

I’m well aware that my sister Twilight sends these… friendship reports to you whenever she can. Well, now I have one I’d like to share. First off, just because you’re in a higher position of power, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to abuse it to your own advantages. In fact, a higher position of power requires you to be more resolute and incorruptible. Your decisions affect so many more ponies then just yourself and you have to everything in your power to protect them, not sacrifice them simply because you don’t want to do something. Going along with that, no pony’s perfect, we make mistakes. I made a mistake today… it almost hurt an innocent guard and I thought that I could never live it down. But I have to, and I have to push past the bad feelings and improve myself from this mistake, so I never make it again. And I swear to you Princess, I will improve from this.

Your faithful subject and Guard Captain,

Shining Armor

Comments ( 22 )

I enjoyed reading this. lol

short, sweet, & hilarious. loved it.

me gusta!!! this was funny, and i liked the lesson at the end

Indigo had damn well better get a promotion out of this.

Naughty naughty Cadance

At least SOMEPONY is sending friendship reports...

Cadance wants foals? Interesting...

1966397 Wtf is wrong with my brain

Interesting little anectdote. i accidentily clicked on the thumbs up button because i was on the wrong tab. Then I read this. Then I loved this. It deserves my thumb when my thumb points up. I cannot decide which headcannon to use.
1) Celestia wakes up with the sun on her own, (Logica and reasonable) or
2) this story. Waking Celestia is dangerous. At least on Sunday. ROTFL
Please help me decide which is a better headcannon.

1958267 Or at the very least a substantial pay raise.

1963087 That's the Alicorn of Love for ya! :trollestia:

1977757 Use whatever headcannon feels right to you, that's what makes headcannon awesome.
I love this headcannon because it makes the great Celestia have a magical disfunction that is like the magic user equivalent of wetting the bed.

oh god...I know that feeling......I went through that myself.....well maybe not to that painful a point but she needs a promotion, pay raise, paid vacation, and her own parking spot if they have those

1982602 and maybe a personal assistant... everybody needs one of those! :pinkiehappy:

this would have made a nice TV short

Must say I liked this story. Good deal of humor and the characters are in character. Good job, mate.

really nice story :rainbowlaugh:

Almost hurt? I believe the final tally of injuries was something like countless bruises, cuts and lacerations, loss of armour, blinded in one eye. Geez i'd hate to see what he considers injured.

This story is great! Sweet and funny I liked it! :twilightsmile: This would have been a great episode.

“Oh that’s how you want to play it?! Well fine! That’s how we’ll play it!”

that made me think of this line:

Back at the door, Indigo was moaning something but it was muffled with her face plastered in the wall. Using all her might, the mare finally got her face unstuck from the stone. Her eyes spun and little Alicorns and stars danced and trotted around her head.

oh, i had forgotten that one!

It interesting thst unicorns or alicorns lose control of their magic in their sleep. It was really funny!

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