• Published 15th Jan 2013
  • 3,668 Views, 405 Comments

TwiMacVerse Part 3: The Apple of My Bulls Eye - ThatBronyWithTheClipOns

Sweet Apple Acres gets help from cousin Braeburn and his best buddy Mal, who Applejack has never been a big fan of. And in between all that, a certain pink party pony also finds romance, and we see more of our TwiMac couple.

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Chapter 9: Reunion Part 1

Rainbow Dash and Bookworm made their way to Ponyville via a hot air balloon, since she couldn’t carry her husband all the way down. She was getting a bit impatient though, as hot air balloons weren’t the fastest mode of transportation.

“I coulda been in Ponyville seconds ago,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Why didn’t you just have me pull the balloon?”

“Because we have our belongings with us,” said Bookworm. “They’d get spread all over Equestria.”

“You just had bring logic into it, didn’t you,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Do you think you’ll be able to get your old job back with the weather patrol,” asked Bookworm.

“Of course,” said Rainbow Dash. “It’s not like they have a huge staff in the Ponyville division. Plus, I was their best worker.”

“By the way, did you tell your friends you were coming back,” asked Bookworm.

“Nah, I figured they’d like the surprise,” said Rainbow Dash. “I know Pinkie sure will. She’ll probably throw a huge welcome back party and everything.”

Once Ponyville was in site, Rainbow Dash jumped out of the balloon basket and flew about, looking for her friends. She then spotted Pinkie Pie bouncing around.

“Yo, Pinkie,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie looked around, not seeing anypony.

“Look up,” Rainbow Dash yelled again.

Upon looking up, Pinkie let out a huge gasp of excitement. Rainbow Dash flew in and tackled her, but Pinkie ended up pinning her to the ground.

“Rainbow,” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “I’m sure super excited to see you! I’ve missed you so much! Where’s Bookworm are you two still together is he still your manager are you still with the Wonderbolts!?”

“Bookworm is up in a hot air balloon, we’re still married, but he’s not really my manager anymore because I quit the Wonderbolts,” answered Rainbow Dash in the order Pinkie asked.

“You what,” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “But, being a Wonderbolt was your big super dream!”

“What can I say,” said Rainbow Dash. “It didn’t turn out to be as good as I hoped. But I don’t mind, I’m just glad to be home. How’s everypony doing?”

“Well,” started Pinkie Pie. “Braeburn came in from Appleoosa to help out at Sweet Apple Acres, and he brought a friend along named Mal who used to pick on Applejack when they were kids but they clearly like each other. Rarity and Hayseed are now engaged but don’t have a wedding date planned out just yet. Fluttershy and Snowflake are still married, Twilight and Big Mac are still married, and Braeburn confessed that he liked me and we’re gonna go out on a date when we’re both free. Oh and Rarity gave me this new hair accessory. You like?”

“Yeah, it’s really cute,” said Rainbow Dash. “Wait…did you just say you have a date with somepony!?”

“Sure do,” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

“Well isn’t that something,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Hello down there,” yelled Bookworm from the hot air balloon.

Once again Pinkie looked in various directions. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, grabbed Pinkie by the head and tilted it up to the direction Bookworm was in.

“Oh hey, it’s Bookworm,” exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

“You don’t say,” said Rainbow Dash in a sarcastic tone.

She may have sounded annoyed, but Rainbow Dash would be lying if she said she didn’t miss these Pinkie moments.

“Hey Bookworm,” yelled Pinkie Pie, pulling a megaphone seemingly out of nowhere.

“Wonderful to see you again, Pinkie,” yelled Bookworm.

The balloon finally landed and Bookworm hopped out of the basket. Pinkie immediately pounced to give him a hug.

“I see your glad to see us,” said Bookworm, gasping for air.

“Rainbow Dash says she’s no longer a Wonderbolt,” said Pinkie Pie. “Is that true?”

“Afraid so,” said Bookworm. “They weren’t treating her fairly.”

“Aw, that’s a shame,” said Pinkie Pie. “Oh well, at least you’re home now! Are you gonna join the weather team again?”
“That’s the plan,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Are you guys still gonna live in the sky,” asked Pinkie Pie. “I know Bookworm has those fancy horseshoes and all.”

“We haven’t totally figured that out yet,” said Rainbow Dash.

“I suppose we’ll stay in a hotel for the time being,” said Bookworm. “And place some of our items in storage.”

“Great,” exclaimed Pinkie Pie. “Let’s go around and say hi to everypony!”

The first place Pinkie rushed Rainbow and Bookworm to was the Carousel Boutique; Pinkie entered first.

“Pinkie, why are you back so soon,” asked Rarity. “Did something go wrong?”

“Nope,” said Pinkie Pie. “I got a surprise for you!”

“I don’t need a gift, darling,” said Rarity.

“Oh it’s better than a gift,” said Pinkie Pie. “It’s Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow burst in and struck a confident pose.

“Rainbow, darling,” exclaimed Rarity.

The two friends embraced in a hug, and Pinkie soon joined in.

“What on earth are you doing here,” said Rarity.

“I quit the Wonderbolts,” said Rainbow Dash. “It wasn’t as cool as I had hoped. I don’t wanna hear how sorry you are or any of that stuff. I’ve grown up some since we’ve met and it’s just one of those things that happens.”

“I suppose that’s the best way to look at it,” said Rarity. “Is Bookworm with you?”

“I certainly am, Miss Rarity,” greeted Bookworm.

“Hope living in the clouds wasn’t too difficult,” said Rarity.

“These enchanted horseshoes made it a breeze,” said Bookworm. “For the most part. I still had to walk of course, but it beats plummeting to your doom.”

“I know that feeling all to well, dear,” said Rarity. “All too well…”

“Oh yes, the Best Young Flyers competition,” said Bookworm. “That’s a good story.”

“We must have a get together with everypony,” said Rarity. “Once we’re free, of course.”

“Well for now, Pinkie is taking me around to surprise them,” said Rainbow Dash. “You were our first stop.”

“That’s flattering,” said Rarity.

“You were the closest,” said Pinkie with a smile.

“Oh,” said Rarity. “I see.”

“But I’m still glad to see you, Rares,” said Rainbow Dash.

“And it’s so wonderful to see you again, Rainbow Dash,” said Rarity. “It’ll be good to have you around more again.”

“No kidding,” said Rainbow Dash. “I make everything around here 20% cooler!”

“Let’s go see Twilight next,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Cool, but then lets see Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash. “I’ve been missing Tank like crazy. I doubt the little guy would’ve liked living hundreds of miles in the sky.”

“Okie dokie lokie,” said Pinkie Pie.

Arriving at the Golden Oaks Library, Pinkie Pie burst through the door and made a little music with a kazoo.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts,” announced Pinkie Pie. “All the way from Cloudsdale! Former Wonderbolt star! Rainbow Dash! And Husband Bookworm!”

Rainbow Dash then burst in a did a couple aerial maneuvers before landing.

“Rainbow,” exclaimed Twilight. “I don’t believe it!”

“Well believe it,” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “Your favorite rainbow maned pegasus is back in town! For good this time!”

Rainbow Dash when over to give Twilight a hug, as she wasn’t gonna make her get up from the couch if she didn’t need to.

“Man, Twi, you’ve gotten huge,” said Rainbow Dash. “But…I mean that in a good way.”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t take is a negative comment,” Twilight assured Rainbow Dash.

“Glad to hear,” said Rainbow Dash. “Are Spike and Big Mac around?”

“Eeyup,” said Big Macintosh, coming from his bedroom.

Rainbow went over to give Big Mac a hug.

“Great to you see you, big guy,” said Rainbow Dash.

“You too, Rainbow,” said Big Mac.

“Rainbow Dash,” exclaimed Spike.

Spike leaped through the air and wrapped himself to Dash’s neck.

“Hey Spikey Wikey,” said Rainbow Dash, hugging him back. “Have you grown?”

“I don’t think so,” said Spike. “Why?”

“You feel heavier,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Well, I could’ve grown some,” said Spike. “I don’t know enough about dragon biology to know when I actually get a growth spurt.”

“Well you aren’t a baby anymore,” said Rainbow Dash. “But at least you got a new one on the way! You excited to be an uncle?”

“Uncle,” said Spike in confusion.

“Well sure,” said Rainbow Dash. “You and Twi here are pretty much siblings. So her kid will be your niece or nephew.”

“I never really thought about it that way,” said Spike.

“You should know by now that you’re family to me, Spike,” said Twilight.

“Uncle Spike,” he said out loud. “I do like the sound of that!”

“You’ll be an awesome uncle,” said Rainbow Dash. “You take care of Peewee after all.”

“Yeah, I guess I do,” said Spike. “He’s definitely grown since you were last here.”

Spike gave a loud whistle, and in flew Peewee. He wasn’t quite the size of a full grown phoenix yet, but he was twice his size for sure. He swooped down sharply and perched himself on Spike’s arm.

“He likes to go flying a lot,” said Spike. “But he always comes when I whistle.”

“Super cool,” said Rainbow Dash. “That reminds me, I need to get over to Fluttershy’s place.”

“That’s right, she’s looking after Tank again,” said Twilight.

“Last thing I needed was worrying about my pet tortoise falling through some clouds,” chuckled Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

This was originally one chapter, but I figured I should make it the average length of my other chapters, so I split it in two. I regret not including Peewee in my fic, My Little Wasteland, that featured Spike as a badass bounty hunter. That would've been a cool team up there. Oh well. Here's an image to make up for it.