• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2017



An MLP / Warhammer 40K Crossover

They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear. - The Emperor of the Imperium of Man

When all you ever knew is gone, and everything you ever fought for is lost, what will you do to get it back. Will you even need to? Will you even be able to?

Or will everything just get destroyed anyway...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 64 )

Well, here it is, the beginning of an idea I had while playing a game of tabletop 40k.

I will be frank, I can hear the cries of NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPE from fa/tg/uys and ca/tg/irls loud and clear about my little deus ex warp moment at the end. I assure you that I almost tried something else for this little moment, but if you give me a chance, all will be made clear in time. I am as much of a 40k fan as anyone else here, and I will go to some substantial lengths to make sure that everything stays as canon-plausible as possible. That's not to say I won't stretch characterizations and certain aspects of the universes just a tad for the sake of comedy and plot (my use of three fan-made chapters a perfect example of that), but I am a fan of crossover stories that take the best of the worlds involved and merge them together in ways that make some sort of fictional sense, and, above all else, provide an actual story.

Nevertheless, the appearance of Tzeentch in the materium will make sense within the next few chapters.

For those that don't know (and I did have one pre-reader who didn't), the Angry Marines, Pretty Marines, and Reasonable Marines are all fan-made chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, and I felt that their characters were a good fit for the story I had in mind. I intend to play to their strengths and weaknesses as best as I possibly can.

And no, Celestia will not be related in any way, shape, or form to the Emperor.

And now for the grotz I need to thank for offering their minds to this little project. You folks are awesome.

Whitestrake for pre-reading, as well as offering his rather deep attention to the little details that even I didn't think of, including advice on Tzeentch's appearance in the materium. (Seriously, I thought I had an eye for detail, damn dude. :trollestia:)
There was a guy who also read it named Jay, but meh. Think he was an associate of Taylor's.
Great Kyn for pre-reading and giving me the second swift kick in the ass I needed to make Tzeenetch's appearance in the materium at least plausible in the grand scheme of the story I will be writing.
Champion of the Void for pre-reading and for being another awesome Necron fan. :rainbowdetermined2:
Bronyhood of Steel for pre-reading.
Slaanesh for (rather enthusiastically :rainbowderp:) pre-reading and pointing out my many formatting errors.
Also, the sexy bitches in the Krazy Knitting Klan for putting up with me and my endless ramblings about Warhammer 40k. Also Asr3.

I am not sure how often I will be able to update, but I will try my best to maintain an at least semi-regular schedule. As of right now, I have shit-tons going on with my full-time job, and will need to focus mostly on that. The good thing is, though, that most of this story is outlined and ideas have started to crystalize, so when I do write, a new chapter will be done fairly quickly.

Anyway, on with the show!

I'm always happy with Warhammer crossovers.
Yours made me exceptionally happy.
Well done!

I'm guessing with the inclusion of /tg/'s sillier chapters that this story will be more light-hearted in nature.

This will be a bit more light hearted, yes, but I plan on bringing you all an actual story, so I plan on there being serious character building moments. A dramedy, if you will. :twilightsmile:

Glad you approve. :rainbowkiss:

the Sargent wares cammo? oh, reasonable marines

my theory on why squats dissapeared, they were redundant dwarves are: stubborn to a fault, master smiths, and have strong family ties, short, and love gold and beer. Salamanders are: stubborn to a fault, master smiths, and have strong family ties, space marines cant get drunk and gold is worthless in the 41 millennium

This.. I like this. I shall eagerly await the next chapter after praising The Emperor for this story's existance..

Continue good sir, this amuses me so.

Good story... I just wish you somehow threw in the alfa legion.

Alright, sorry for the disappearing chapter. I looked back on it and realized that I royally goofed on alot of things to the point where I forgot major elements that make up the fucking plot. So yeah, expect me to republish it sometime this weekend... Now excuse me while I nurse this rapidly growing lump on the back of my head.

May I direct your attention to the link in my comment just before yours?

Chapter 2 will be up this weekend, I promise.

2011437 da corrrectt ansor is dat it disiper'd ya stuped grot!


You've got a pretty good story going on here. Impressive prose, an eclectic cast of characters, no glaring errors. All it's missing right now is a plot, but I'm sure there's some coming. I'll have more to comment on the story when there's more story to comment on.

The physical, personal manifestation of Tzeentch himself (normally a flagrant violation of 40k lore) is something that would ordinarily irk me, but the presence of the /tg/ chapters already made it clear that certain licences were being taken, and allowances for shenanigans can be made.

Thought for the Day: It is better to die in fashion than live in unfabulosity.

:trollestia: Ave Imperatrix Celestialis :trollestia:

You're right about my reason for using the /tg/ chapters, but as for Tzeench... Well, I actually have a legitimate reason for him showing up like he did, and it will all make sense when I release the next chapter. By the way, I'm sorry to say that the next chapter is a bit heavy on the 'telling' side of things rather than 'showing', but in the grand scheme of things, what I reveal next will be more like back-story to the actual plot i have in mind. Ill be making more funnies by chapter 3, I Pinkie Promise. :trollestia:

I have a few of problems with this, mainly with the fan made chapters of Angry Marines and Pretty Marines but they are minor. The main one is this, "He had seen Adeptus Mechanicus construct needlessly enormous Titan war machines." The enemies of man have war-machines of Titans size, od it actually very reasonable to have Titans to go toe-to-toe with them. Aside from that, it well written and keeping in characters, even through all Space Marines are better shot then what you portrayed.

I promise it is the last time!


Moar, naow.

This is a very good read...


damm u i want ch3 now! i mean.., if that's okay with u

Indeed. All doors fear the Angry Marines' wrath.

Like I said, I'm hoping to have it sometime this weekend. But heres the other thing, I'm also prepping for a 40k Tourney my local game club is hosting, so I wouldn't get your hopes up. It's coming along, i swears it. :pinkiesad2:

Clearly you have never been held in one of Celestia's dungeons. Does the word 'Moon' ring any bells? These guys got it easy

Probably not. It's going to be tournament victory points, not bracket elimination. 5 for a win, 3 for a draw, 1 for a loss.

2110192 If Celestia sends them to the moon with no xenos or chaos to beat the crap out of... may the Emperor have mercy on her :twilightoops:

Nah, i was just pointing out that she is not above dishing out harsh punishments. :trollestia:

Correction then, 'All THINGS fear the Angry Marine's wrath.'

I staunchly refuse to write Azerus' rage in ALL CAPS for more than one or two lines. Anyone who has a problem with that can take it up with him. :ajbemused:

Anyway, I debated about whether I should split the fight into multiple chapters or keep them in one, buuuut, well, I can smell your cliffhanger'd rage from here. :ajsmug:

No mention of the Black carapace, the mechanical third lung and the various other extra organs?

I ain't mad, I ain't even upset

As far as i have gathered until now there are 6 of them a reasonable Marine, a Ultramarine, Angry Marine, Space Wolf and a Pretty Marine but what chapter is the last one from?

Salamanders. I think it was mentioned in this chapter and the first chapter (the part where he is pinned by the Shoota Boyz).

Also, I am referring to them by their more "official" names. So Reasonable Marines = Knights Inductor. Angry Marines = Desert Fangs. Pretty Marines = ........ Pretty Marines...

Seriously /tg/, what the fuck?

Pretty Marines cannot be described by anything else then this name. And are you questioning a board on 4chan? That never lead to good things.

i think the pretty marines are called like Emperors glory, or grace or something like that


While the denizens of /tg/ have more sanity then a great deal of the other boards, we have our moments of insanity as well. That and some times its hard naming stuff, you know?

Will we get to see Azerus' full on RAGE mode? Because i would love to see him completely flip his shit.


Angry Marines aren't Desert Fangs, They are a successor chapter of them, that had their geneseed altered so it no longer has the warp resisting properties like the Knight's Inductor do (who were made from a cache of heresy era Desert Fang geneseed that hadn't been destroyed.(If I recall correctly))

Outside of the upper echelons of the Angry Marines few know that the Angry Marines are a successor chapter of the Desert Fangs, period. As they were framed as being traitors and loyal to Horus and were wiped from the records when they were thought to have perished along with their home world. (The Primarch took all the powerful nulls in the chapter and entered the eye of terror to do battle with the forces of chaos, saying that he would return to lead his sons in the final battle, or something)

I have some suggested alternate chapter names for you
Pretty Marines: Astartes Bishounen , Brothers of the Rose, Space Bishounen
Angry Marines: Emperor's Fury, Wrath Bringers, Forefather's Rage

Also one final thing The battle cry of the Angry Marines is either a long extended cry of 'Fuck!' or 'Always angry all the time' repeated ad infinity. As the desert fangs were Close Combat specialists and masters of setting up ambushes their battle cry more often than not was `Surprise fuckers!`

You know things are bad when the Angry marine is trying to keep the peace.

Thanks for the info.

You will probably notice that I deviate a bit from the established fannon. The Angry Marines are a facet of tabletop gaming culture taken to the extreme. Here, i wanted to create relatable characters, and Azerus, I feel, actually channels a bit of me in his rant. I fucking hate it when people act like jackasses like everyone else was. (And being a proud owner of an Imotekh the Stormlord model, one I am all too familiar with :pinkiecrazy:)

The time for Azerus completely flipping shit will come. In this case, he knows he needs to exhibit some self control. Trust me, this is about 3% rage mode. His fight with the Ork Nob in Chapter 1 was about... I'd say 6%.

You don't say... :ajbemused: to be perfectly honest, the names here came from a name generator I found.

And then he winked and laughed all the way down the stasis chamber :trollestia:.

And the rage will be doubled during the Apocalypse game my club is holding on the 17'th. :pinkiehappy:

Did I also mention I found plans to make the Necron Pylon out of cardboard? Yeah, gonna try to bring a few of those as well. :pinkiecrazy:

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