• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 3,293 Views, 277 Comments

Grounded - MissytheAngle

A secret hidden for five years is at last brought to light.

  • ...




"So, what we talked about... you're okay with it?"

She wanted confirmation. Above all, it was his voice, his opinion, she cherished above all. Even if he was but a colt, that didn't matter to her. Whatever made him smile, she wanted that for him. So as they arrived at Cortland's house, she wanted this last reassurance.

Cobalt nodded.

"And this is what you want?" How many times had she asked this on the way there? Far too many, that she knew.

Based on him rolling his eyes, she could tell he agreed. "Yeah, mom! I promise. As long as everypony else is 'kay with it."

Rainbow grinned. "I'm sure they will."

They approached Cortland's house. She noticed a pony in the field, one bucking trees and too focused to notice the mare and her son standing in the distance. Once at the door, she could feel that certain trait that she didn't like gripping at her chest. Something like fear. Why feel afraid? Why now? What could possibly —

"What about you, mom?"

The thought ended there. Right. This isn't about me. Get it together, Dash.

With a quick scoop, she held Cobalt closer to her and nuzzled with nose. When he giggled, she could feel that pinch of nervousness slip away. "Yeah, I am. Whatever works for you, kid." And once she placed him back on the ground, she gave the door a couple of knocks.

Peachy Keen peeked out the door, and Rainbow Dash struggled not to jump when the mare squealed in a burst of delight. Cobalt, however, didn't fight it, and slid behind his mother's back leg. "Ohmygosh, is that you, Rainbow Dash? Lovely to see ya!"

"Y-yeah, you... you, too." She gave the best grin she could muster, but it couldn't possibly beat Peachy's own that shined like stars. "Uhh, where's Cortland?"

Peachy nodded. "Ahh, I expected." She turned her head, glancing behind the door, and shouted, "Hey, Cortland!

"I'm busy!" Cortland yelled back from the other side of the house.

Peachy leaned onto the doorway, letting out an exasperated groan. "You always are. You've got company, and they're here to see you. Now don't be rude, dumbo!" When he didn't respond, her eyebrows narrowed. "Ugghh, come inside. I'll go get him."

With a wave, Peachy Keen brought them into their house. Though small, it appeared cozy and welcoming, if a bit simple. Peachy muttered something about sitting down wherever only to disappear into a back door to find Cortland. Cobalt was quick to sit on the couch, bouncing lightly on the cushion.

When Peachy returned, she rolled her eyes. "He says he's too busy working to come in right now." She let out a sigh filled with exasperation. "He's probably gonna be out there for, I dunno, fifteen minutes, if I had to guess."

Rainbow Dash groaned, half tempted to head outside and bother him while working just for the hell of it. In fact, she almost concluded on this, but then Cobalt spoke up.

"Can I go help him?" He jumped up, flashing a white toothy grin.

Peachy Keen's eyebrow quirked, but she recovered with a chuckle. "Do you know 'bout applebucking, little guy?"

Rainbow laughed a little under her breath. "Not a lotta trees where we lived the past few years. Just never tried to show him."

Cobalt pursed his lips. "Can I still help?"

Dash laughed again. "Of course, why not? Just don't go too crazy, you got it?" she warned Cobalt with a stern point at him and a not so perky smile. She had her fair chances at helping Applejack with her work, and a few accidents have happened on her account—whether that was because of her impulsive actions or not, she refused to admit it to her friends.

"Promise, promise!" Cobalt exclaimed, before pouting out his lower lip. "Can I go now?"

"Well, we'll see if we can convince Cortland."

With a wink, she took Cobalt outside, leaving Rainbow Dash to herself. Rainbow peeked from a window, watching Cortland stop his work kicking trees to see his sister and son approaching him. The two older ponies talked for a bit, with Cortland rolling his eyes and Peachy sticking her tongue out. And beside them, Cobalt approached a nearby apple tree. He gave it a light kick, which failed to make the tree so much as budge. Rainbow laughed.

Peachy Keen then turned around and trotted inside. And Cortland looked down at Cobalt with a cheerful smile, a sudden shift from the stallion who either looked bored or tired or both. Before she could continue spying on them, Rainbow heard Peachy head into the house and toward another room that, based on the counters and few chairs surrounding a circular table, she figured was the kitchen.

"You thirsty?" Peachy called from the room a minute later, and she popped in the doorway with two bottles filled to the brim in one hoof.

"That cider?" Rainbow Dash pointed, trying her hardest not to drool. The five year gap since she had apple cider from the Apple family only made it more difficult. And she barely even went to the Apple farm once she did return.

"Of course," Peachy Keen giggled, as if catching her in the act.

Rainbow cleared her throat. "Uhh, sure, why not?" She shrugged to make it more casual.

"So what's on your mind, Miss Dash?" Once she handed Rainbow the drink, Peachy leaned on the couch, forelegs crossed. "Give me all the details, don't be afraid. I know we don't know each other all that well, but I'm easy going enough."

Rainbow Dash blew a raspberry. "No miss, okay? It sounds old."

Peachy opened her mouth, but firmly shut it again. She laughed under her breath. "Ahh, fine. Didn't mean to press any buttons. You're doing well for your age."

"I'm not old!"

Peachy Keen burst into laughter. "Oh, I'm kidding! We're dodging the subject here. How are you doing?"

"I dunno," Rainbow said with a lazy shrug. What could she even say? Especially to this mare who she certainly did not know all that well, but still treated her with a friendliness that was attention-grabbing, to say the least? "I'm thinking about a lot of things, I guess."

Peachy Keen glanced outside, looking through the window. Rainbow Dash followed and saw Cortland juggling several apples and most certainly not working. Rainbow smirked and noticed the grins on both guys' faces. The joy Cobalt's face wore proved how easily he was amazed. She both loved and hated that about him.

"About him?" Peachy pointed, but Rainbow couldn't pinpoint where she meant to point.

"Which one?"


Rainbow hesitated. "Yeah."

Peachy sighed and looked back into her cup. "They seem to like each other. Which is good. Cortland honestly kid once he got older—well, he actually wanted a daughter." She rolled her eyes, which sparkled.

"Good for him," Rainbow said through her teeth.

If Peachy was bothered by the angered tone, she didn't show it. "Ah, let him dream. He still likes Cobalt, clearly, so that's what counts," she replied with a dismissive wave. She took a peek outside once more and gestured to the window. "I mean, he's smiling like a kid, I love it! Even if he was supposed to be doing 'work.'" She even added air quotes to the side.

She continued smiling while peering out the window, but then she added, "So why are you here?" Her genuine smile turned into a knowing grin. "Cause I doubt this is some random ol' visit out of nowhere."

Rainbow smirked. "Alright, you caught me. I wanted to come down and see Cortland. And, well, I wanted to talk to him about some things."

"Like what?" Peachy blinked her eyes as if to allure her into spitting it out.

"That's between me and him, got it?" Rainbow said, rolling her eyes. Then she looked downcast. "I hope it's something that will help me feel better about the shit I've caused."

"What do you mean?"

Rainbow glanced at her, noting her genuine confusion. She scoffed. "You know what I did, though. I never even told Cortland or you about Cobalt until, like, five years later!" To go on about further damage she inflicted in her life would only make it more difficult to continue speaking. And she refused to bring up the tension between herself and Applejack. “And that’s just part of it.”

"And why didn't you? Err, tell us, I mean."

"Well... I wasn't thinking. That's kinda the simple way to explain it, but... yeah, it was a mistake. A really dumb one." Rainbow Dash looked into her cider and did not have it in her to drink anymore now. She swished it around. She did not know Peachy Keen all that much, but here she was, spewing out all this to her. Perhaps it was the way the country mare watched her with a solemn and rather intense expression, silent as Dash spoke, until she needed to speak up. Like she knew the country pony was listening and paid attention well. "And I'll never get rid of it. I hate it.”

Peachy scoffed with a soft smile. "Well, doesn't everypony make mistakes? You just gotta learn from them." She crossed her hooves in front of her. "Life would be boring as heck if we did everything right, I think."

Rainbow stayed quiet. She sighed, blowing a strand of hair from her face. "But what if the mistakes keep coming? I don't like when I keep making them, especially when ridiculous stuff happens 'cause of it." She turned her head away, as if in shame. "I just want what's best for him—and us, I guess."

Peachy hummed, leaning back. "Well, to be honest, no mother is perfect. There's always going to be something that, thinking back, you'll want to do over. But there's always... one thing, you know?"

"Sounds like you know this a lot," Rainbow pointed out.

She nodded with earnest. "My momma always was clingy and helicoptered over the two of us like hawks! It was not fun. We could barely breath without her asking about my love life or Cortland's social life or, ya know, lack there of." With a shake of her head, she let out a thoughtful noise under her breath. "When we got older, we decided to move out of the house together. They're still close by, but we just wanted to be somewhere where we didn't feel smothered."

Rainbow Dash's eyebrows narrowed, looking like she shot Peachy a glare. Only she wasn't. If anything, she took her words with a simple nod.

"What about your mother?" Peachy asked.

Rainbow groaned, and the country mare recoiled a few inches back. "Sorry, too much, probably."

"It's fine. But I... I get it."

Peachy Keen eyed her, eyebrows quirked. "Just know... that whatever choice you make, just make it good. And stick with it, so long as you know, you really know, that you're making the right choice."

"Do you have fortune cookies for stuff like that?" Rainbow chuckled, rising her cup of cider to her lips.

Peachy giggled back. "Nah. I'm just that good." And her volume of laughter increased, stretching around the house. Once she calmed down, she reached across the table and smacked Rainbow against the shoulder. "Now, no more cryin' to yourself, got that?"

Rainbow Dash nearly spat out her drank. "I'm not crying!"

Peachy grinned wider, tapping against her chest. "On the inside..." she whispered.

"Oookaaaay... can I talk to Cortland yet?" Rainbow Dash asked, shoving her hoof off. She turned away.

Peachy Keen giggled. "Alright, I was just kidding there. I'll see if he's done 'working.'" She waved her hooves for air quotes again before trotting outside. But Rainbow could still hear her as she shouted, "How 'bout you go talk to your guest already? I see you not working, you lazy bones! I'll keep an eye on him!"

It was silent after that, but heavy hoofsteps came into the room. As did Cortland, a blank look back on his face, as if he didn't play with Cobalt just a few moments ago. Rainbow could tell only good things were to come. Suddenly, she reminded herself as to why she was here and crossed her hooves in front of her chest.


Cortland grinned a little. Barely. "Hey there."

He was slow to sit down where Peachy Keen sat before. "Glad you came. Both of ya, actually," he said while sitting. "I was kinda getting tired. It's been a long day."

"Not tired enough to play with Cobalt," she pointed out, but she kept her tone stable.

"Heh." He shrugged. "When you're mostly just kicking trees most of your day, a little break don't hurt. Especially when I get to see my son again."

Rainbow Dash made a mental note of that last bit.

"So what's brought you here?"

Rainbow nodded toward the last place she saw him and her son. "You just saw him."

Cortland's placid expression change into one with suspicion, eyebrows narrowed and his small smile fading. "What about him? Everything okay?"

"He's fine, don't worry." She rolled her eyes for the second time that day. "I mean, couldn't you tell?"

He didn't even respond to that, only stared at her, while only irritated her further. "What?" she asked.

"I always got a feeling you didn't like me." Cortland's voice didn't tell her he was upset by this statement, or even bothered. If anything, his voice, mixed with the glint in his eye, spoke of a challenge. He wanted to know, but couldn't care less.

Good, cause neither do I. "I barely know you. That's all I got. But I'm not here 'cause of me, so don't worry."

Cortland's face softened. "I'm not worried. But you look it." The wooden chair creaked as he leaned it back, letting his back hooves rest on the table. "So spit it."

Rainbow swallowed that worry she did not realize she had until she felt it. Since she was caught in her concern, too, she realized that there was no going back now. She sighed. "Okay, so there's something me and Cobalt talked about. And... we decided that perhaps he could visit your place--and I mean, like stay here. Perhaps a week a month or something, but well... something like that. Whatever works for you, I guess. That is, if you’re up for it. I can tell you like having him around and all, but of course, I gotta ask first.” She rambled on far longer than she expected, and understood Pinkie Pie a bit better in that aspect. It all just comes out with no thought.

Cortland's lips pursed into a circle.

“Sooo, what’s it gonna be?”

"Well," Cortland chortled a quick laugh to the side, "that's honestly something I didn't expect. I, uh... well." He stuttered a bit, then brushed his muzzle curtly. "What brought it up? I'm curious."

"It's what he wanted. "

And the conversation with her son once Applejack left her house entered her mind, and she lost focus of her current conversation as she thought about it.

"Hey, Cobalt. Can I... can I ask you something?"

"Sure, mom. Umm, am I in trouble?"

"Heh, nah, nothing like that. Promise! I've just been thinking about things." There was a long, awkward pause. It took her a minute to actually fill it, to ask the big thing that she only then realized needed to be asked. "You know you only have me around, right?"

"Well, yeah. Why?"

"I think maybe... maybe we could change that?"


"You wanna be with your dad sometimes, too, right?"

"Yeah! N-not like I don't like being with you, mom-"

Another laugh. "Don't worry about it, okay? I know what you mean. You'd like to see him more often, right? You can be honest."

"I mean, a little. He seemed cool—but not as cool as you, mom."

"Exactly! But... I can take you over to hang out with him, before you really make up your mind."

"That sounds nice."

"Do you want to?"


"If he wants you around, do you want to stay with him sometimes? Weekends or however long..."

He didn't respond for a long time, having a big decision for a five year old weighing on his shoulders. But of all ponies, she trusted him with whatever he wanted. Even if he was young, he seemed to think about it, and for quite a bit. Enough time to ensure her that he took this seriously.

"Y-yeah, I do, but... I hope..."


"Will he like me? You know, and want me around?"

"I'm sure he will. We’ll see, m’kay?"

She laughed a touch at the memory, then came back to reality. Cortland watched her with a rather confused expression. With an exasperated sigh, she asked, "So, are you up for it or not?" She struggled not to let the anticipation bug her, but it ate at her inside.

"I do have one question."

Despite not getting an actual answer, Rainbow waved a gesture for him to 'ask away.'

"Why ask it now? Just… what got to ya now?”

Rainbow sighed, as she of course saw this sort of question coming. And to explain it to him, she had yet to really work on an explanation for doing this, or what came to her to do it. But here she sat, with the stallion she shared a one-night stand with right in front of her. And their child ran outside somewhere with the stallion’s cheerful sister. Eh, he does deserve this. You’ve got this, Dashie.Just let it out…but don’t be stupid.

"I want what's best for him, that's all. And that involves having the parents he should have. I know you want to have him around, or at least care for him in some way. So, like, why make a big deal out of it? If you can love him, too, then that’ll make him really happy. That’s what I want for him, so, uh, yeah.” She shrugged. “That’s about it.”

Cortland gave her a warm smile. It bugged her, but it was a good sign. An even better sign was his nod. “Yeah, no, I get it. And that’s fairly good of ya. I know it’s a little late, but… I… I think Peachy wouldn’t mind a little one in the house. And me, well, I certainly would love it.”

Rainbow tried to hide her excitement. It wasn’t her excitement, after all--at least, she wasn’t happy for her sake. It was all Cobalt. What this child had done to her! Oh, the stories she would tell when he was older…

To hide this strange sense of joy, she tilted toward him with a stern face. “Well, good! But I swear, one wrong move, and the deal’s off, got it?” She even rose a fist toward his face.

Cortland pushed away the fist, wearing an amused look. “I hear you loud and clear. No need for fist raising, though, Miss Dash.”

“First your sister, now you? Stop calling me that!”

He laughed, but then it was obvious an idea appeared in his mind that instant. "Oh, speaking of her, let's keep it a secret for my sis until then. She'll go nuts, I swear." His smirk was teasing, fitting for a sibling who loved to cause trouble for the other. She supposed that she’d get to know this stallion more as time went on.

"And have her freak out in the middle of Twilight's wedding?" She paused, and she gave a smirk in return. "I'm game."

Cortland didn't respond, and instead stared over her shoulder. When she glanced back, curious as to what caught his attention, her jaw fell slack.

"Hey there." Cortland's reaction sounded calm, but also like he was holding back laughter.

Cobalt, peeking from the bottom part of a window, slowly showed himself and waved a hoof. "Uh, hi."

Rainbow's jaw fell slack. "You were eavesdropping, weren't ya?"

"N-no..." He pawed at the side of the window and lowered himself to hide behind the window.

She rolled her eyes. “Get in here, already!” She flew over to the sill and picked him up. Tossing him in the air, she added, “So, hey, got some news, kiddo. He said yes.”

"You did?" Cobalt’s ears twitched. His head drifted to meet Cortland’s gaze.

Cortland smiled, wearing a gigantic smile. “I did.”

“You will?” The child’s face showed he had yet to register this, which made both adults laugh.

“Yes, I’d love to have you around. I think a week a month would be perfect.” He approached her and Cobalt, poking the tip of the colt’s nose. “Long as that’s alright with you and your momma.”

Cobalt jumped from his mother’s hooves into his father’s. Cortland recoiled a step back, eyes wide in surprise, but he welcomed the hug.

Rainbow had to bite her lip when she saw Cobalt hugging Cortland. As if she could help that twinge of… well, she didn’t want to call it jealousy. Maybe it was, but that was besides the point. She hid it so the two can enjoy their hug, knowing they would start being a family. Something both of them wanted. And with that in mind, she couldn’t help but feel a smile at the edge of her lips. “Yeah, that sounds fine.”

Peachy rushed into the room, panting. "My Celestia, Cobalt. You're a runner, I'll give you that much!”

Cobalt stuck out his tongue, but he was giggling. "Beat ya.” He slipped from Cortland’s hold and landed neatly on the floor.

“This is why you’re my favorite kid, Cobalt,” said Rainbow Dash.

“I’m your only kid.” He looked incredibly lost, blinking.

“Well... I stand by what I say!”

Peachy Keen smirked and walked over the table. She leaned against it. "You guys all sorted out with whatever it was you needed?"

"Yup, and we were invited to a wedding, apparently." Cortland nudged her.

"A wedding?" Peachy's voice rose to a screechy tone. "For real? Are you sure? I mean, I probably don’t know ‘em, so I’d hate to intrude, but…” She was fanning herself now, obviously trying to hold back her elation.

"Ah, I think I can sneak you in," Rainbow answered with a wink. Twilight won't mind, I'm sure... too much. Well, she probably will.

Peachy Keen looked as if she could hardly hold herself back from hugging someone. She grinned ear-to-ear, even shaking a bit. Rainbow shot her a genuinely confused and somewhat concerned look, but Cortland just laughed, tilting his head down into his hoof.

"No worries. She hasn't been to one before, so-"

Cortland was grabbed by the tail and pulled away, with Peachy Keen dragging him away. "We need to go classy clothes shopping! This instant!" She turned and waved an excited hoof to Rainbow and Cobalt. "See you two there!"

Cortland sighed with a roll of his eyes, but also waved. "Be seein' you two."

The two waved and watched the stallion being dragged off by his sister. Then Cobalt glanced up at his mother, eyes still lit up like stars in the sky. “That was good, right?”

Rainbow chuckled. Though she knew this didn’t make everything better, it brought an ease to her that made her feel a bit more at peace. Seeing the way his face shined, however, made her agree even more. “Good? It went awesome. It’s what you wanted, right?”

“Exactly!” Cobalt rose his hooves into the air in excitement, giggling into them afterward. “Thank you, mom. Soo, ah, can we go home now?”

She grinned, noting the tired look on his face. “Totally.”

Author's Note:

This one's very talk-y. I write a lot of that these days. Sorry, I guess?

P.S. I'm still amazed that, upon the last chapter being updated, this did pretty darn well. I'm not sure if it'll be the same this time, but we'll see. Thank you! Like the last chapter, I have not asked my proofreaders to check this, because I'd hate to bother them with a story they likely forgot as time went on. So keep that in mind if there are any mistakes or the likes. I wrote this late at night, with a headache from a loooong day, but I had music that just… made the last few parts I needed to write just flow out!

This was sorta planned from the beginning? I mean, the basics. I wanted it to end with, basically, Rainbow shows that though she fucked up in the past, she can make amends and grow from them. I hope that’s come across. Then again, I have a feeling that this will never be as good as I wanted it to be over two years ago. I still write it so I can a) get it out of my system and b) cause I know people do like this, and I’m grateful for that, so I feel like owe them this much.

The last chapter is merely an epilogue, but it is where I planned for it to end once upon a time. Even though this is sort of the end, if I ever get to finish the epilogue, I'm planning to post it. Which is hard, because I don't have much planned from that. And I'm working on another project that I am clearly giving far more attention to. I will try my best, though.

Once I do get to the epilogue, however, I will state just a few small things I would’ve loved to changed if I ever wrote a redo of this. Which I’ll never do, sadly, because there’s so much more I would’ve loved to have done. But I never truly thought about the in between things to do that. :(

Also, previous chapter’s update got me a small feature which was nice. Thanks! Certainly didn’t expect it ^_^ Until later!!

Comments ( 10 )

Alright, new chapter! And the feels in here are just too much!

This fic will never be forgotten! It's just too good!

Rainbow swallowed that worry she did not realize she had until she felt it. And since she
"Okay, so there's something me and Cobalt talked about.

I think you accidentally a phrase there.

7012072 Dang it! I knew that'd happen! Once I'm at my computer I'll fix that. Many thanks.

7085820 Hmm, that's so true it hurts. If I had to guess (I wrote this two years ago, so please bear with me), perhaps they didn't let anyone buy the house, or simply no one realized it was being sold. I feel like cloud houses are simple to make because... clouds, so they didn't bother selling since, for quite a while, no one knew what happened to Rainbow.

I'm sorry my answers aren't that great. I sort of tired out with this story as time went on, but I do appreciate you reading and commenting, nonetheless.


Finally got around to finishing this story at last. It was an interesting one, with only some small errors mostly related to missing a word here and there and a few typos. The writing itself was relatively solid too, which is nice.

The content of the story itself, is what makes it stand out. It does feel like this was a tad of a clipped ending, with how the chapter ends, and where the story itself ends too. I know you stared this was always your intention, but your own story somewhat betrays that. Still, you managed to see it through and get it complete, so that is something nice. Good job, overall.

7867001 While that was how I wanted it to end, aside from an epilogue that would do very little, I probably would've done it differently if I didn't have such a wide gap between later chapters! Maybe better? Mhhh, probably not. Sadly, the ending came across as too rushed and not coming to enough of a satisfactory conclusion. It does make me wonder how much would change if I rewrote the story now, but oh well.

But I digress; I highly appreciate your comments. Thank you for taking the time to read this! :twilightsmile:


7867114 Those were just some brief thoughts on it, after some more thought I think it probably hurt that you went such a long time near the end there, and wanted to go ahead and get it wrapped up so it wasn't hanging over your head any longer. That's perfectly fine, mind you, better something come to an ending (in most cases) than be left hanging for ages. Had you had more time and the inclination, there were still plot threads you could have possibly explored branching outwards from Dash herself, and also further time-wise. I understand how it goes, though, having something left incomplete for so long and wanting to conclude it.

That said, what you did present was, although a bit rushed at the end (It does feel like you're missing a bit of time between what happened leading up to the end) was nice enough a story, even if it feels like only a part of it. I honestly have no clue what your desire/drive/time to write is, so I can only speculate, but this story could easily have sustained itself for some more time. Especially hashing out the dynamics further between father/mother/son in the story, but that would be more a potential romance-angled aspect, which wasn't really your goal from the start. Plus, ~65k is nothing to snuff at, and is an accomplishment in and of itself.

Thought I had more, but apparently not. Again, good job on it despite the slight brevity and open ending.


I honestly have no clue what your desire/drive/time to write is

Yeah, unfortunately, both time and drive were not on my side. I'm in college, so fanfiction writing became a distraction a lot of the time, hence the huge gaps when I put my focus elsewhere. And as time went on, I slowly lost interest in not just writing this story, but overall writing for pony. I am glad you understand, though, which is all I can really ask for when I totally know that there was more to be desired from a story I once put so much work into (I cannot tell you how surprised I am by how quickly I updated when it first started out!). I am proud that I actually got the chance to make a story as long as this one, 'cause it is my longest fanfiction ever, so it's good to know that something did come out of this aside from experience, of course!

A rather impressive chapter, been a very long time my old friend, it's good to see you back at it.

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