• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here


What it means to be the same, and what it means to be different. Who you love, and who you don't. What the difference is, and how much it matters.

Written for no one in particular, but with my mind on several people I care about very much.

Edited by a slew of folks, but by Noc and Jake the Army Guy in particular.

[Original written in February, 2013. The inspiring song of the same name was not nearly as prolific then as it is now... make of that what you will.]

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 39 )

Can I ask? Why do you post all at once?

Eh, should be a fun read all the same.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Glad you finally published it. This needs to be read by anyone and everyone.

Fucking hell this is out of nowhere

>that feel when you named it the same thing as that horrible macklemore song

He wrote it back in February, so it was already complete.


And? Many do that and post on a update.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3271467 I thought I was the only one who thought that song was shit.

3271707 I think Macklemore's an okay rapper, but in all honesty, that song is so dull and generic that it's almost insulting to the gay community.

3271871 I said "almost insulting", but yeah, disappointing is a better fit in any case.

3272079 It's funny how everyone completely overlooks his 15 or so non-clops everytime a new one comes out and goes "lolwow you wrote something other than clop good job darf"
I for one was not too fond of this fic
but whateves
it was nicely written, if anything

3271871 Macklemore is just a shitty artist in general, to me at least.

I was in the third grade I was dressed like applejack, drank some juice, and in my pants I shat.


3272163 I liked "Pieces of a Grey Cloud"
wasn't too fond of A Single Step though

“Uh... AJ? You got a second?”

“O’ course, cuz. What’s on yer mind?”

Hm. I think what we have here is a GHOSTPIGS MOTHERFUCKERS moment. Not that the train station arrival, walk through town, pancake breakfast, etc., aren't important to give context to the rest, but the core of your story is about what Braeburn needs to say here and what happens once he does. Note the difference in tone and tension between the walk-through-town scene and the applebucking scene. The latter is vastly more engaging because of the question of how it will advance the unresolved question this raises.

In a way, this moment is when your story starts. If you make a later editing pass, you might want to see how much you can trim before it.

Edit: Actually, having read the rest of the story — this is completely about AJ and Braeburn. The rest of the family is basically unimportant to the emotional core here. Axe everything you can.

Tears were shed. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I loved it. :ajsmug:


[Original written in February, 2013. The inspiring song of the same name was not nearly as prolific then as it is now... make of that what you will.]

That, to me, is a sign that the world (the Western world, at least) is starting to move in the right direction.

“Applejack... I’m...”
Too blunt.
“...I like...

Right up until this moment, I was convinced that you were going to lead up to Braeburn confessing his love for Applejack. I'm strangely disappointed that's not the case.

"Doesn’t add up. Simple mathematics."

This, on the other hoof, is beautiful. What I come to fanfic to see is stories that take place in Equestria — that wrestle with logic from another world. More like this.

...Interesting as always, darf. 3deep5me.

Odd that this has very little views. Odd but not surprising, given your record for non-smut stories. Such a shame.

On another note, I think it'd be interesting to see a piano that could be feasibly played by ponies.
It'd have to be massive to hold all the keys, not to mention the player would need lightning fast legs to not sound like they were pecking a few notes.

I'm pretty sure this is about the song same love by macklmore. Which is funny because I was just listening to it as i was checking my feed and sew you new story same love. Anyway loving the story so far darf, keep up the good work.:pinkiehappy:

3275257 oh wow i have opinion so strange

This is well-written, but I have 3 problems with it.
1. horizon's right--too much extraneous stuff. This is a short story concept; it shouldn't take 20,000 words. Braeburn's revelation isn't mysterious enough to make us wait chapters for; confessing he's gay is what fanon Braeburn does. I shouldn't even spoiler-tag that; the title gives it away anyway.
2. I think this story has been done enough that you'd need a new angle on it to justify doing it again.
3. Braeburn successfully resolves his problem with Applejack by trying to kill himself and making her feel bad. Not a good message to put out there.

BTW, while "Braeburn comes out of the closet" has been done before, you did it best. Applejack's reaction is more believable, and makes the story more moving, than an indignant-fundamentalist response.

3276648 I don't think your 3rd point holds true. It's her talk with Rainbow Dash that convinces her that she was an idiot not the suicide attempt

Meh, angsty suicidal stuff.

Seriously, get over it. People actually SUFFER under torments you people can't even comprehend and are stronger-willed than this.

Suicide of this nature is a symptom of psychiatric illness. Stop trying to blame 'persecution'.

You really do not know what true persecution is.

3295539 Seriously, get over it. People actually SUFFER under torments you people can't even comprehend and are stronger-willed than this... You really do not know what true persecution is.
You directed your remark at everyone on fimfiction other than yourself. You are singularly unfortunate to be the only person on fimfiction who can comprehend suffering and knows what true persecution is.

You really do not know what other people do and do not know.

But what did Rainbow Dash whisper to Braeburn???

"He scanned the room past the entrance doors, looking for something to hate."

He's in a church. Those places are monuments to hatred, in my experience.

3295539 I don't suppose you've actually looked at the horrific suicide statistics for gay teens, have you.

6026240 I don't suppose you've looked into the psychiatric comorbidity of the gay and transgender community overall regardless of 'persecution' and the HIGHER suicide rates of post-surgery transgenders.

Back off man, I'm a scientist.

And so ends Darf's journey. Still disappointed he left us.

3295539 i will tell you something, if you think that it is easy to live with it when everyone around you hates you for it, then i can tell that it isn't and i tried to kill myself twice and it was because of my family and their hatred against me. And i still want to end my life. :(

3295196 yea you r right :)

6318027 Try being a white nerd in Camden.

I won anyway. I grew up hated, simply for being far smarter than anyone else in any school I ever went to... which isn't saying much in central NJ... it wasn't exactly a challenge.

The point is, I broke THEM, they couldn't break me.

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