• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 3,149 Views, 55 Comments

Doubly Mared - TheTwerp

Twilight Sparkle uses an experiment on the mirror pool creating an evil counterpart bent on seducing the folks of Ponyville.

  • ...

Rainbow meets Evil Twilight

Amidst the twisting vines and leaves of the Everfree, light cast from the midday sun was breaching into the dark recesses of foliage causing the air to shimmer gold and green, shifting with the hues of the sky and nature. It was here that her mistress had clambered along the path through the mud, bushes and grime.


Evil Twilight smiled as she barely touched the ground, her hooves flitted between tree and embankment. Her muscles propelling her along the path at a lighting pace.


She breathed in controlled spurts as she jumped from branch to branch. Clearing a section of foliage with a sublime back flip she smirked at her own strength. With one last push she blasted forth from the darkness and broke out into the view of a clear midday sky.



"Ah, much better." The mare sighed pleasantly drawing in the clean air of the meadow. Pulling herself into a trot she allowed her thundering heart to settle. The run through the forest had felt good, the feel of blood pumping and muscles shifting had all but brought out the predator nature her mistress had bestowed upon her.

"Mhm, lets find a tasty morsel to devour." She purred.

Picking up the track Evil Twilight proceeded towards the outskirts of town, her mane flowing with the breeze leaving a trail of violet sparkles in her wake.


High in the sky above the meadows sat a single cloud in the empty sky. On top of this single bastion in the blue was a colourful pegasus named Rainbow Dash. She had been lazing here since her early morning routine of clearing the skies and making sure the weather was correct had been completed.

While the wind playfully tussled her mane she snuggled deeper into the soft white pillow, dozing and dreaming on her favoured idols the Wonderbolts.


"Whuh?" In a mild panic at being woken so suddenly she nearly lost her grip on the cloud. Looking back and forth she quickly realized that, no she was not under attack by Ahuizotl or any of his minions and relaxed.


"What in the hay was that?" She grumbled wiping drool from her muzzle.

As she drifted into a state of mild-wakefulness she poked her head over the lip of fluffy white to catch sight of a purple unicorn making her way out of the Everfree.

"Twilight?" She thought to herself while rubbing her eyes. "What she doing walking around the Everfree?"

Flapping her wings a little Rainbow brought the cloud closer to the purple mare. She could see from here a trail of glittering sparkles being left in the wake of her friend.

"What the?" She blinked to make sure it wasn't her vision. "Is she covered in sequins or something?"

Just as she went to ponder why her friend would be covered in sequins another flash of thought stole away her attention. At this moment the purple unicorn was unaware of Rainbows current position and appeared to be distracted. High up in the sky a devilish smirk broke out on Rainbow's muzzle.

"Hehe, this is gonna be great." She whispered to herself whilst rubbing her hooves together.


On the ground Evil Twilight cast a cursory glance at the sky, spotting a single cloud with a puff of colour spilling over the back.

"Hmpf." She smirked.

Evil Twilight was not impressed at the attempt to remain hidden considering there were no other clouds present, let alone any with a Rainbow tail.

"How did mistress keep getting caught by this mare?" She said to herself. She noticed a flurry of movement and the cloud shifted over her current position.

Evil Twilight decided to play along and made an effort to look as if she had stopped to gaze at a selection of amber flowers. Making a motion to smell the flowers Evil Twilight instead used the powerful sense of smell her mistress had graced her with to take note of the intruding pegasus.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Mhm, she smells like a clear summer rain but with a fruity twist." A shudder of desire ran along her spine. "Ah, delectable."


Rainbow could barely hold back her stifled giggling as she got closer and closer to the unsuspecting mare who had stopped to smell the flowers.

"Oh man, Twilight's gonna freak!" She snickered inside. As the weather mare got closer to her target however details started to distract her.

"Huh? When did she have hind legs like that?"

"Holy Hay! Look at her tail!"

"W-when did her horn get that l-long?"

By the time she was within pranking distance all desire to jump the purple mare had vanished. She was lost in the sea of glitter that fell from her mane, the curves that twisted her heart, the deep eyes framed in the longest black lashes and the sweetest smile that was turned to her.

"...oh wait."

"Hello Rainbow." Rainbow Dash felt her entire face heat up and her wings stiffen as she clutched the cloud closer to her thundering chest.

"It isn't nice to sneak up on ponies, you know that right?" Evil Twilight smirked.

"Uh, yea...yea I knew that?" Rainbow stammered her brain becoming confused.

"Her voice!" Her stunned mind uttered. "I...ah...what is happening?"

"T-Twilight?" She stuttered.

Giggling the purple mare spoke. "Yes Rainbow?" Evil Twilight waggled her hips.

Rainbow averted her gaze but persisted. "What happened to you? Since when did you get so...uh buff?"

That resulted in a clear burst of laughter from the unicorn which echoed over the meadow with a sound reminiscent of wondrous bells. A bout of joyous pleasure at sight of the purple mare laughing brought a silly grin to the red faced pegasus.

"Hehe, oh Rainbow surely you know that I'm the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria?" The purple mare said stifling her joyous laughter.

"W-Well y-yeah but what's that-"

"Well I just used a few spells to improve my appearance." She said fluffing her mane. "What do you think?"

Rainbow took another examination of her friend. "W-well uh..."

"Taught muscles?"


"Shimmering coat?"


"Deep, dangerious eyes?"


"Overall feeling of sexual predator?"

"Triple check."

"W-well it looks great I...uh...don't know what to say?" Rainbow said dumbly while staring at her friends swaying hips.

Evil Twilight began to giggle again. "Oh Rainbow why don't you come down off that cloud and spend some time with me?" She motioned with her hoof.

Feelings of anxiety, embarrassment and worry barrelled through Rainbow. "Oh uh no thanks... I...uh...well I gotta go and make sure the weather is still Ok! Yeah." She said quickly while rubbing her hoof against the back of her head.

Twilight cast a glance around the clear sky. "Uh it looks like you can't make it any better." Her gaze returned along with a smirk. "Besides I read that it can be dangerous to fly with your wings like that."

Rainbow's muzzle twisted in confusion as she looked at her wings to find them stood to attention proudly displaying her healthy wingspan. With a loud yelp Rainbow began to bash her wings back down before flopping onto the cloud to hide her face.

"Oh by Celestia's beard!" She shouted into the fluffy mass as she heard her purple friend fall down in hysterics.

"Haha! Rainbow aren't you just the sweetest little thing." Evil Twilight said between giggles. "Come on Rainbow I'm not offended, come down and sit with me."

Feeling incredibly stupid for allowing her friend to give her a wing boner she just groaned and slipped from the cloud before settling awkwardly next to the still giggling mare.

"It's not funny Twi!" The cyan mare shouted after a few moments.

"Aw I'm sorry Rainbow." Evil Twilight said with a gentle smile.

Rainbow allowed herself to calm down, no need to get so angry at her friend. "I suppose it was a little funny." She thought.

Turning back to Twilight she suddenly noticed another new feature her friend had acquired.

"What's with the fangs?" Rainbow asked pointedly.

"Oh these, well I think they make me look sexy." Twilight said running her tongue over the glittering fangs.

"No arguments there." Rainbow frowned. "Since when did you care about being sexy?"

A malicious glare formed in Twilight's crimson stained eyes. Rainbow's flight-or-fight instincts began to kick in as she saw her friend begin to twitch.

"Well why not!" Rainbows breath hitched as the glare fixed her in place. The burst of unexpected anger had evaporated the panic instincts leaving the weather mare stunned as Twilight began to shout. "Why can I not be pretty like Rarity or you!"


"Of course you! You wander around with a glistening coat and perfectly coloured mane! You don't think I see you posing for the stallions and mares drinking in their attention!"

"W-w-what! I don't..." Rainbow tried to defend herself.

"She thinks I'm pretty?"

"I'm a mare as well you know! I like attention even if I'm not the best at dealing with it!" The purple mare was becoming more irate as she began to poke her hoof into the chest of the stunned pegasus.

"Am I not allowed to be sexy? Huh!" She finished with a malicious snarl.

"Whoa...uh...look I didn't... I mean I'm..." Rainbow began to hyperventilate as she stumbled over an apology.

All at once the red tinted glare faded into despair. "I'm sorry Rainbow I didn't mean to shout..." Evil Twilight said sorrowfully. Her eyes downcast and watering leaving her beautiful features painfully clear.

"Oh no! I can't take that look!" Rainbow panicked and began to ramble as she looked away. "Oh geez, I'm sorry Twi I didn't mean to say it like that. What I meant was you are so beautiful anyway so why would you-"


"I'm beautiful?"

"Uh." Rainbow froze.

"Oh crud I said that out loud."

Turning back she saw her friend with a horrifically wonderful smile plastered on her muzzle. "Oh Rainbow!"


Being tackled by the egghead was something Rainbow never expected to experience and neither was the feeling of helplessness that came with it.

"T-Twi?" She managed to stammer out as the purple unicorn nuzzled her neck lovingly. Evil Twilight raised herself up and placed a firm hoof against the chest of the blushing pegasus.

She said nothing as she began to lick her fangs whilst tracing a heart in the cyan coat which was slowly turning tomato red. She leaned down bringing her muzzle inches from Rainbows and drew a large intake of breath.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

"Oh by the Luna's mane!" Rainbow bellowed in her own mind.

"Oh Rainbow your scent is divine." Evil Twilight whisper in her ear.

"T-Twi-l-light puh-please s-stop." She felt the words tumble out as she began to try and pry the mare off her.

"Why? Don't you like being caressed by a pretty mare?" Evil Twilight said her eyes blazing with power. She smirked and began to lick her fangs hungrily.

"I have to get out of here or she's going to eat me!" Rainbow panicked.

Evil Twilight pulled her head close to Rainbow's neck before whispering. "Do you want to play a game with me? Dashie."

Rainbow merely whimpered trying to push the purple mare away. "She's so strong!" She thought again.

"W-What kind of g-game?" She finally managed to breath out.

"Oh you know, the kind involving leather, a whip and a lot of honey." She finished with a lick across Rainbows muzzle.


The hoof pinning her down began to trace its way south toward the regions of bliss. Twilights hoof began to stroke the inside of her hind legs as she began to kiss the subdued mare, her tongue exploring and twisting around Rainbows own.


Shifting her muzzle away Evil Twilight began to bring her tongue south while gently kissing her prize along the way. Rainbow had changed from her normal colour of sky blue to cherry red all over leaving only her wings and hooves her sky blue colour.

Evil Twilight sensed her victory, bringing her mouth closer to Rainbows south region she could feel the pegasus squirm with desire and want. Just as she was about to begin her ministrations however, fate intervened.


Startled by the sudden noise Evil Twilight jumped up and turned to the location of the sound. She found a large brown box not more than two feet away. Looking up she saw a large grey mare with a butter yellow mare who had clearly dropped the large package off the back of a pegasi wagon. Annoyed at the interruption Evil Twilight fixed the oblivious grey mare with a glare.

"Derpy! Be more careful!" She called out.

"Oops! Sorry Miss Twilight!" She bashfully called back as she lowered herself down to the ground. Picking up the box with her mouth, the mail mare said with a confused look. "Whuh yo'u doin ouf ere on yor orwn?

"My own? I'm not, I'm with..."


Jumping back around she found the cyan mare was no where to be seen. "Tch." Evil Twilight growled in annoyance. "You won't get away next time Dashie."

Flicking her tail she began to trot toward the town once again.

The grey mare sat really confused before deciding that wasting brain power on why the librarian was out in a field on her own wasn't worth it, with that she went off to deliver the mail her mind returning to thoughts of muffins and leprechauns.

Author's Note:

Yay chapter 2!

If anyone is tracking some of my stories, well this one and Friendship is a teapot is what I am working on now. The others are on the back burner until I summon the strength to have a go at them again.

Remember to Fav and like!