• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 6,622 Views, 322 Comments

Finding Your Place - Jake The Army Guy

Spike is no longer the chubby baby dragon he was, and he no longer has to go through his hundred-year wyrm sleep. But as he and Twilight move back to Canterlot, Spike finds that his new larger body means the end of his old life.

  • ...

A Warm Welcome

Finding Your Place


Jake The Army Guy

Chapter One: A Warm Welcome


The train car jerked slightly, accompanied by the light squeal of brakes.

"Now approaching Canterlot Station! Last stop!"

Twilight looked up from her book and peeked out the window. The dull view of the craggy mountainside was gone, replaced by the breathtaking panorama of the Equestrian countryside. If she squinted, she could just make out Ponyville down below, glinting like ancient treasure in the mid-afternoon sun. A small void threatened to build in her gut, but she quickly squashed it.

She eased up from her cushion, letting out a contented sigh as blood rushed back into her sore limbs. Her saddlebags, enveloped in a lilac hue, floated down from the storage shelf above her, easing onto her haunches and cinching themselves tight, the cutie mark-shaped clasps snapping shut. She spared one more glance out the window, now showing the massive Canterlot train station slowly coming to a halt. With a light smile, she floated her book into her bag and made her way to the opening car door.

The elegant, almost gaudy, architecture of Canterlot never ceased to give her pause, even after all these years. Through the thin veil of steam and smoke cast from the engine, extravagant walls of pure ivory, inlaid with large gems of various sizes, housed large ornate windows. Ponies dressed in the finest wares strode about, their noses haughtily thrust in the air. Flecks of gold could be seen winking sunlight back at her from the surrounding parapets as she stepped onto the fine rosewood platform. She had only a second to enjoy the breathtaking view before she was assaulted by a black blur of fur and feathers.

"Auntie Twi!"

Twilight let out a cry of surprise as the tiny colt slammed into her chest, sending her falling unceremoniously to her haunches. Small forelegs wrapped around her neck with a steely grip, the colt's purple mane tickling her chin under the strength of his nuzzles. Collecting her breath, she gently embraced him and smiled warmly. "I missed you, too, Dusky."

Dusk Shine immediately released her and began to hover before her, his tiny wings buzzing like mad to keep him aloft. "Oh, oh! Lookit wha I kin do!" Brow creased and tongue slightly protruding from his mouth, he jerked his body to the side, completing a very shaky midair roll.

Twilight gasped in exaggerated awe. "Oh, wow! You're such a big colt!" She reached out and gently ruffled his mane, brushing the bangs away from his face that was struggling to contain his grin.

"Oh! An' dis!" Concentrating once more, he slowly flew forward and up, apparently attempting a loop-de-loop. He made it halfway before bumping into a passing mare, who grumbled and leered at the colt. Dusk cried out and fell, only to be instantly caught by a pink aura.

"Okay, that's enough, Danger Dusk. Let Auntie Twi take a few breaths."

"'Kay, Daddy." The magic relinquishing control, Dusk flew with sounds and speed not unlike a hummingbird towards Shining Armor, who was approaching the scene with a bemused smile.

"Shiny!" Twilight stood and hurried towards him, embracing him in a tight nuzzle. She pulled back, nodding towards the still hovering Dusk. "Does he ever land?"

"Only to sleep and crash," he said with a half-grin. "You know, it's kinda of sad that I have an easier time keeping track of an entire army than I do a three year old!" He lightly flicked his tail at Dusk, earning a loud giggle from the wobbling colt.

"And they're probably easier to clean up after."

Both turned to see Princess Cadance walking out from the inside of the elegant station. Even without her full regalia, ponies immediately recognized the Princess of Love and quickly moved out of her way.

Twilight smiled even wider, if such thing were possible, and ran to her. She knelt down, preparing to launch into what had been their standard greeting since her foalhood, but the sight of the tiny bundle wrapped around Cadance's neck robbed her of all conscious thought. "Is... is that..."

"Mm-hmm." She motioned to Twilight, who slowly approached with wide eyes and a hanging jaw. The faintest blue haze gripped the edge of the blanket as Cadance gently peeled it back to reveal the precious cargo. "Twilight Sparkle, meet your new niece, Twilight Glimmer."

Swaddled in cloth, a tiny unicorn foal looked up with the wide-eyed awe that only a newborn could have, sucking gently on her tiny pale-blue hoof. Twilight felt her heart melt at the sight of the filly's slightly pudgy face framed by an aquamarine mane streaked with white, apparently a gift from her father.

"Oh, she's so beautiful!" She gingerly poked the foals belly with her hoof, earning a gurgling cry of happiness. "How much did Mom bribe you to keep that tradition alive?" she said without ever taking her eyes from the precious sight before her.

Shining balked. "Absolutely nothing!" His indignant face turned quite sheepish under Twilight's deadpan glare. "Heh... first dibs at the dessert table the next five Hearths Warmings."

"You sold out cheap," Twilight said before turning back to her niece. "Daddy sold out cheap, yes he did!" she cooed as she tickled the filly’s tummy, earning a blubbering giggle.

"Hey, now," Shining said as he eased next to her. "Number one, the first mare in every generation of our family for the past seven has been named 'Twilight Something.' " He looked down at Glimmer, his face bathed in warmth that could only come from a father. "Number two, Dad's zap apple pie."

Twilight chuckled, giving the filly one last nuzzle before stepping back. "Okay, fair enough." She looked to Cadance. "I'm sorry I couldn't come for the birth."

Cadance waved her hoof dismissively. "Oh, it's fine. You were busy, Professor Sparkle," she said with a sly grin.

"Don't remind me," she groaned as the group moved back into the train station, heading for the front door.

"Oh, come on, Twiley! You can't still be nervous. Celestia already said she's only going to start you off with half the students you'd normally have."

"I know, I know!" She flicked her tail as they stepped out into the crowded courtyard. Dozens of ponies mulled about the cobblestone ground, some carrying luggage, others being followed by well-dressed servants carrying luggage. As they walked, passers by still stared with muted awe at the royal family. "Still, it's... a bit nerve wracking, okay?"

Shining nodded. "We'll just remember, you have lots of family here ready to help." They stopped next to a large fountain, a large statue of some famous pony spouting water into an expansive pool that came to about mid-leg. Shining looked at Twilight's slim saddlebags. "Say, don't you have anymore bags?"

"No, the moving ponies teleported most of our belongings here over the past few days. Spike is bringing the last few things we own."

"Speaking of which," Shining said, scanning the skies for a sign of the drake, "where is old scaly butt?"

Twilight gasped, prodding him with her elbow. "Shiny!"

"Ow! Oh, calm down. It's a guy thing."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Spike took off shortly before the train left. He should be here anytime now."

“I still don't think it was a good idea for him to fly all the way here by himself, Twiley," Shining said with a slight frown. "I mean, it's only been five months, and Ambassador Sharptooth said he needed to give his bones time to heal after...” He trailed off, casting a worried gaze to Twilight.

Twilight closed her eyes for a moment, fighting off a wave of shudders as horrible memories of Spike howling in pain, of dark and forbidden magic tearing his flesh and bone to age him by one-hundred years in mere seconds, flashed through her mind. Months later, she could still hear the terrible sounds of his body breaking and reforming, like groaning metal and grinding rock; still smell the sharp, coppery scent of his blood as it stained the ground. And she could still see the glowing eyes of the cackling lunatic who caused it all.

She shook her head, looking back at Shining. “Well, you know how stubborn he can be. Rainbow Dash's lessons have really helped him out. Plus, he said he would stop and rest at least once, so he should be okay."

Dusk Shine shot into the air. "Unca Spike comin'?!"

"He sure is, Dusky. I know he ca—"

A bloodcurdling scream made all three ponies jolt. Dusk’s wings locked up, but a blue aura caught him before he could even cry out. Turning to their left, they saw an old unicorn mare standing beside a pile of dropped luggage, gazing upwards in horror as a large shadow fell upon the crowded street.


At her prompt, the street exploded in a cacophony of screams and cries. Ponies young and old whipped their heads skyward, only to turn and run at the sight of a large purple dragon descending in a slow, lazy circle.

"Run for your lives!"

"We're doomed! Doomed, I tells ya!"

"The Draken are coming! The Draken are coming!"

In less than a minute, the once bustling courtyard was a ghost town. Forgotten luggage and discarded clothing littered the ground, abandoned by ponies fleeing from the scaled abomination falling from the sky. Only three ponies remained as the giant green and purple drake neared the ground and backwinged hard to slow his descent, sending discarded bags and a great cloud of dust flying.

With a very undignified yelp, Spike didn't so much land as fall from the sky with the barest hints of grace, sending deep tremors through the ground that nearly knocked Twilight and Cadance off their hooves. Towering over the fountain statue, his expansive wings took up most of the courtyard, the sunlight filtering through the thin membrane a purple tint with a web of veins casting shadows on the cobblestone.

"One of these days I'm gonna get the landing right," he groaned, his deep basso voice reverberating off the surrounding structures. He reached up and untied a rope attached to his shoulder. Catching the rope, he gently laid the bundle of bags to the ground, then flopped down to all fours with a resounding thud.

"Spike! Watch your claws!"

He looked down, and instantly felt heat rise to his face. His long talon-like claws had cut deep gouges in the cobblestone courtyard. "Aw, crap. Sorry!"

"Don't apologize to us, save it for the repair colts!"

"Nice to see you, too, Shiny." He stuck out his tongue, the appendage easily three hooves long, then turned to the alicorn next to him. "Cadance! It's been too long." He smiled, fully exposing the razor-sharp fangs that filled his maw.

Cadance offered a shaky smile, gazing up at the dragon she had often sat for, now easily three times taller than her on all fours. "H-hey, Spikey. You've, uh... grown, heh."

"Gee, I hadn't noticed." His eyes widened when he looked lower. "Oh, that the new baby?!"

Spike reached in with a foreleg-sized claw. As soon as he moved, Cadance instinctively jerked her body away, raising a hoof to cover her foal. Spike yanked his claw back as if he'd been burned, looking down at the alicorn with narrowed eyes, his lips pursed with a question he didn't want to ask.

Shining, ever the perceptive one, all but leaped in between them. "Uh, hey, Spike! Look who's here to meet you!" He stepped to the side, revealing the trembling Dusk Shine. The poor colt's eyes were wide as dinner plates, and his wings were locked to his sides, pinion feathers twitching.

Spike held his eyes on Cadance for a brief moment, then looked down to the colt, his slight scowl melting into a toothy grin. "Hey there, flycolt!" He leaned down, bringing the colt eye-level with fangs that were bigger than him. "You a Wonderb—"

Dusk let out a high-pitched shriek and dove back behind his father's legs. "Scary dagon! Go'way!"

Spike quickly withdrew his claw, his eyebrow ridges raised. "Oh, hey, Dusk, no. It's me, it's Uncle Spike." He took several steps to the side, which had the unfortunate effect of sending tremors strong enough to knock the poor foal of his shaking hooves.

He scrambled backwards, scampering to Shining's hooves. "Daddy, help! Scary dagon gon' eat me!"

"Dusk Shine!" Shining's horn flared, a pinkish hue enveloping the terrified colt and dragging him to his father's face. "You stop that this instant!"

"Don't—don't worry about it, Shining. It's... it's okay." Spike shrank back, his eyes roaming everywhere except forward.

"No, it's not okay. Dusker, what's gotten into you?" He plucked the colt from the air and hugged him close. Dusk latched onto him with a death grip, burying his face into the safety of his fathers coat, staining it with hot tears.

Spike continued to backpedal. "No, seriously, Shining, it's—" He stumbled as his left hind claw stepped on the rim of the fountain. The solid marble cracked like eggshell under his mammoth weight. A torrent of water gushed through the new hole, quickly soaking the group's hooves.

Spike instantly picked his claw up. "Oh, jeez! I'm sorry, I—"


The telltale tickle of magic hit Spike's hind leg an instant before a massive tug sent him to the ground in a heap of scales and smoke. He barely had time to let out an "Oof" before the tickle reappeared, this time on his back. He whirled his head around to see a glowing golden rope wrap itself around his midsection at frightening speeds. He surged his muscles, but the instant the rope went taut, trapping his wings to his back, all strength was sucked from his muscles and his mind decided to take a holiday. He lay back down on the ground, a goofy smile beneath empty eyes. "Guh..."

Twilight and Shining rushed to his side, but they both bounced off a translucent wall of magic. Before Twilight had even hit the ground, the glimmering red dome contracted driving her and Shining back towards Cadance and the foals. Twilight pressed against the shield. "Spike!"

The massive dragon's slitted, serpentine eyes were currently crossed. "Gubba-wubba-huh-huh-huh..."

A burly white earth pony guard stepped between them and the now apathetic Spike. In a deep, booming voice that befit his massive frame, he barked orders to the dozen or so Royal Guards that seemed to appear from nowhere.

"Quickly, get those restraints around its arms and legs! Don't get in front of its mouth, it may still be able to breathe fire."

"What are you doing? You let him go this instant!"

"Not now, miss. Yes, that's it, secure the beast's tail. Someone escort the Royal Family out of here!"

"Sir, please this is all a misunder—"

"Please, your highness, let me do my job. This is a ferocious beast and it must be properly subdued, lest it raze the whole of Canterlot!"

"Buh-huh... Bunnies 'r f-f-f-flllluffy. Huh-huh..."

"Stand clear of its jaws, colts, or—"


Two voices, one mare and one stallion, echoed across the courtyard as two beams of magic, one lavender and one pink, broke through magic shield shield like it was tissue paper. Seconds later, every royal guard in the area found themselves dangling precariously nearly ten meters off the ground. The earth ponies and unicorns of the group all whimpered pitifully; two earth ponies grabbed onto each other for dear life. A nearby pegasus snorted. "Ground-pounders..."

The large earth pony who had been barking orders floundered upside down, his legs kicking furiously at nothing. "W-What in blazes—" Whatever lament or curse he was trying to utter turned into a surprisingly feminine yelp as he was yanked downward so fast he swore his tongue ended up in his stomach. When he finally clear his head and opened his eyes, his throat defied gravity and he gulped hard at what he saw: the near-legendary Sparkle siblings, one with glowing white eyes, one with pink magic crackling and sparking from his horn, both upside down, and both very pissed off.

For a few moments, the only sound in the still courtyard was young Glimmer’s bawling cries the the thrum of magic. Twilight made to speak, but in a voice that rivaled the so-called "Royal Canterlot Voice," Shining voiced his displeasure with the dignity and grace of a career soldier.

"What in the name of Celestia's flaming teats do you think you're doing?!"

The hanging pony tried to answer, but his brain had decided a better option was to whimper pathetically.

"What's your name, soldier?"

"Maj—" he cleared his throat— "Major S-S-Simmer, s-s-sir."

"Tell me something, Major." Shining's tone was pleasant, even conversational. One might think he was having a chat with a friend were it not for his eyes attempting to burn a hole through the dangling pony's head. "When you reported to work this morning, did you happen to receive the morning brief?"

"Uh, w-well, I—"

"Because I could have sworn that there was an entry in there about a large purple dragon who would be landing at Canterlot train station around 1430 hours." Shining was slowly pacing around the poor guard, looking not unlike a shark. "And that this dragon was to be allowed to land unmolested."

Simmer tried to follow the General, but the purple haze that kept him airborne also kept his head locked on Twilight, whose eyes had yet to regain any pigment. He swore he could feel his coat heat under her glare. "Yes, but—"

“I know it was in there, because I put it in there myself.”

“Sir, unde—”

So, Major,” he reaching his hoof up and spun the airborne pony around by his leg, bringing them eye to eye, “that being the case, would you mind explaining why said purple dragon is currently tied down in the middle of the courtyard, rendered retarded by arcanium fiber?!”

Said purple dragon was also currently examining his claws. "Aye-yi-yi-I-I have two fingers. Hur-Hur."

To his credit, Major Simmer held the General's gaze, though he was happier that he held his bladder. He gulped once more before finding his tongue. "S-Sir, und—under the treaty signed by Her Majesty Princess Celestia and She of the Wyrmstadt in Solar Year 137, no Wyrmstadt citizen may cross Canterlot without esc—"

Cadance spoke up. "Spike is a free citizen of Equestria!"

"What?!" Simmer wiggled his body like a snake, slowly turning to face her. "That... that beast is a f—"

"That 'beast' is my little brother!" Twilight's voice rattled the cobblestone ground, and earned a fresh wave of whimpers from the airborne guards.

Simmer very suddenly found himself splayed on his belly, the faint sound of ringing bells echoing in his head. Just as his eyes finished spinning, Shining leaned down to his ear. "And she is my little sister. You know her, right? Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia?" As he spoke tiny tendrils of magical energy crackled and hissed between the strands of Twilight's hair, her eyes still blazing white. Large wisps of steam rose as the water around her hooves from the destroyed fountain boiled away, the cobblestone beneath cracking under the extreme heat.

Simmer's pupils were so tiny they resembled Twilight's, his chattering teeth drowned out by his rattling armor. Shining's voice was but a whisper. "One of the most powerful unicorns in recorded history, who mopped the floor with not one, but two deranged demigods?"

Shining took the guard's choked squeak as a "yes."

"So, I highly advise you chose your next words carefully." Slowly, Simmer was brought to his hooves, just as Shining stepped back and leveled an even gaze at him. "Personally, I'd suggest, 'Release the dragon at once.' "

Luckily for Simmer, the newly released guards translated his blubbering cries to, "Release the dragon at once."

"Guh-flubba-wubba-eeeeeeyow!" The instant the glowing rope was removed, every muscle in Spike's body lurched. He jumped up, back arched like a cat and his spines rigidly straight. He landed roughly, sending a large tremor through the ground. The pegasi guards all yelped an instantly took to hovering a few hooves above the ground. A nearby earth pony snorted. "Sky jockeys..."

Shining turned his back to the whimpering officer. "Thank you, lieutenant. You can go now."

"I—I'm not a lieutenant, sir."

Every enlisted soldier winced, some sucking air through their teeth, as the Major poked the metaphorical bear.

Slowly, glacially, Shining turned to face him. He leaned in, his eyes harder than dragon scales. "Major, if you and your squad don't un-ass this A-O in the next five seconds, you will be."

Simmer offered a salute, his hoof hitting his helmet so hard his eyes momentarily crossed. "Very good. Have a nice day, General—" he turned to Cadance, giving a deep bow— "your highness—" he looked to Twilight, but all that came out was a breathy squeak, so he spun on his hooves and ran. "Fall back," he yelled over his shoulders to his squad. The guards looked at each other, shrugged, then ran after him.

Across the courtyard, Spike shook his head vigorously, knock the last cobwebs out of place. "Ugh, what the hay was that?! I felt like I lost my mind for a second."

"Arcanum fiber," Shining said as he watched the fleeing soldiers shrink in the distance. "Made from an extremely rare mineral, one of the few things known that can suppress draconic magic.” Turning, he made his way to Cadance and the foals. "I'm actually a bit impressed they got it here so quickly."

"Wait, you're saying the guard keeps this stuff just in case of dragons?" Twilight glared at Shining, but never left Spike's side.

Shining knelt down to his son, briefly shooting Twilight a hard gaze. "News flash, Twiley: most dragons aren't as polite as Spike." He stood back up, nuzzling Cadance. "You two okay?" he said, looking down at the still-blubbering Glimmer.

"We're fine. It was just too loud for her." She gently rocked the bundled foal, slowly easing her tears.

Across from them, Twilight gently ran a tender hoof over Spike's arm. "Are you okay?"

Spike just stared in the direction the soldiers had run. A hollow look filled his eyes. "They—They didn't even..." His eyes fell to his claws—to the wickedly curved talons, all but gleaming in the afternoon sun—the near pony-sized fists that could crush steel. "They just—"

Twilight stepped in front of him, throwing both her forelegs as far around his massive head as she could, nuzzling into him. The smoke from his nostrils made her eyes water and his blistering breath caused a sheen of sweat to form, but she held firm. "I'm sorry, Spike. I know this has been a big adju—"

Her words of comfort became a yelp as she found herself suddenly without support. Spike had reared back up, rotating to retrieve the fallen luggage. He grasped the rope in his claw, roughly slinging the bundle over his shoulder, then fell back to all fours, sending a tremor through the ground and earning another whimper from Dusk. "Let's just go."

As he lumbered past them, Twilight and Shining both shuffled up to him. "Spike," Twilight said on his left, "if you'd ju—"

"It's fine, Twi."

On his right, "Look, Spiker, I thi—"


Both ponies jerked to a halt. Spike sighed deeply, turning to face them. "Seriously, it's okay. Those ponies are dumb, I get it. It's fine, really."


"Twi!" He gave her a grin, though it didn’t quite make it to both sides of his face. "It's okay."

She held his gaze for several seconds, her brow creased with concern, before nodding. "Okay, Spike. Lets head to the castle."

He nodded. "Good." He readjusted the bundle on his shoulder then moved out. Twilight and Shining shared a brief glance, then followed.

Behind them, Cadance stood with the now-sleeping Glimmer across her chest and the trembling Dusk beneath her. She watched the massive dragon brazenly step on discarded luggage, heading down the road towards the distant castle. She chewed her lip pensively, her forehead crinkled.

Dusk finally poked his head from underneath her. "Scary dagon gone, Mama?"

Cadance blinked, then smiled warmly down to him. "Yes, sweetie." She picked him up with her magic, placing him in her back. Dusk curled up between her wings as she slowly walked towards the castle.

After a few minutes, Dusk spoke. "Mama, when Unca Spike comin'?"

She craned her head back to nuzzle him. "He'll... He’ll be along soon."

A quiet gasp. "Scary dagon didn' eat him, did he?"

Cadance sighed, turning back to the road ahead. "I hope not."