• Published 21st Jan 2013
  • 1,765 Views, 52 Comments

Rise of the Dark Age - Broadway Sweetie Belle

Many stories tell of a world that is in need of a hero. But what if the world needed a villain? Concord, the spirit of order and balance, must do the difficult job of becoming that villain.

  • ...

Before The Coming Storm

One thousand years before present events

Huge chunks of the soil floated in the air, hovering over the craters where they had once firmly laid. The sky burned with a fierce orange glow. This was Equestria, ruled by the hands of a mad and evil draconequus named Discord: the master of chaos and disharmony.

Over a year ago, when the ponies first stepped into the land they would now name Equestria, they had found a new home; a place where they could strive and form a united kingdom of the three tribes. Half a year later that had all changed when the draconequus took over. In his rule he had brought forth a time of pain and suffering. Not even the icy wrath of the windigos could compete with the Draconequus, because at least the cold would kill and end the ponies' torture. If his chaos was too much for a single pony, the only alternative was for them to take their own life. Yet not all hope was lost, for there were two immortal souls that had been living and watching within this land long before the ponies had ever entered it.

Down below in a green-yellow meadow, there was no living thing in sight. The few farmers that lived near this area had long deserted their homes for good reasons.

Great booms echoed, and fierce lights illuminated the skies. Though, this was not a storm of nature, but a battle above the pink cotton candy clouds. Two young alicorns, named Celestia and Luna, were chasing the Lord of Chaos himself. The alicorns shot powerful rays at the draconequus, but his serpent-like body twirled and dodged in the air; he was a difficult target.

The younger blue alicorn, named Luna, charged up her magic; a high voltage of electricity arose from her horn, and with a flick of her head, she fired a beam of lightning at the draconequus.

Discord swirled to the side, dodging her shot once more. He clenched his fist, flames spewed out of the cracks of his fingers. Discord faced the alicorns and unleashed a ball of fire from his palm in their direction. The alicorns swerved out of the ball’s path; an explosion followed afterwards. They winced at the heat that scorched their backs, but nonetheless they pushed on.

The older alicorn, named Celestia, looked to her sister, who looked back at her. Celestia gave her a low nod. Luna returned the gesture with a nod of her own, then she took a sudden dive, leaving her sister in the chase. Their strategy was going as planned. Now phase two had commenced; while Celestia chased Discord, Luna would fly ahead so they could trap their target to end this long and exhausting conflict. If somehow phase two failed, she'd have no choice but to go with their last resort option.

Discord saw Luna leave; before he could dive down after her, a ray of light zoomed over his head, almost taking an antler off. He turned and snarled at Celestia, then took a turn and sped to a floating island. Discord flew into a gaping hole in the island; Celestia did not hesitate to follow the draconequus inside.

Once inside, Celestia’s vision became strained, her target nothing more than blackness. There was no sound, minus the flaps of her and Discord’s wings. She was cautious, yet kept her speed up; she wouldn’t let him escape. With a quick charge of her horn, she shot a shining ray of light, in hopes it would hit her foe. With the light she had made, she scanned her surroundings: it was a straight path through and out of the tunnel. Unfortunately for her, the beam missed, and Discord made it out of the tunnel first, leaving Celestia's sight for a few seconds.

Celestia cursed, and pushed her wings to flap harder to catch-up. She emerged from the tunnel—and was instantly shot down by a strong current of chocolate milk with the force of a hundred waterfalls.

She struggled; trying to move her body in every direction to escape the forceful liquid, but it was hopeless. The wind blew past her fast and strong, her eyes watered as she was pushed down. No matter how terrified she felt she could not take her eyes off of what laid ahead. Down below was another island in the middle of the sky. The ground came closer, and closer as she went. Her eyes widened, and she squirmed restlessly, but to no avail. Celestia collided with the ground, knocking the wind right out of her. The milk drowned her for a minute, Celestia unfortunately swallowed a mouthful of milk, and it took a wrong turn down her throat. The last drops fell, and Celestia heaved out the milk she had swallowed, coughing horrendously. Her lungs burned, and her throat stung while she coughed up what was left.

Celestia laid in her body-sized crater, weak, wet, and vulnerable. The grass held no comfort for her, it was as if the tiny plants themselves were against her, doing the most by prickling her underbelly. Celestia’s head spun, and her limbs cried out in pain. She took a weary breath as she forced her legs back up. When she pushed herself on her hooves she cried out and collapsed. It took her a few seconds to regain her strength before trying again. Discord would be coming for her soon. And she must be ready to face him once he arrived.

With a grunt, Celestia lifted herself up, again. She bit her tongue while she pushed her limbs up. Milk dripped from her wet pink mane, and rolled down her face.

Without warning, Discord landed on the island, vigorously, causing the ground under him to crack. The quake shocked Celestia’s weakened legs, almost causing her to collapse, again.

Discord glared at her, and she at him. They shared a moment of silence, giving vile looks to each other. It was a tense moment for Celestia. This wasn't the plan; this wasn't what was supposed to happen. Were they not careful enough, or had Discord figured out their scheme?

The spirit gave out a snort, followed by a smug smile. “Tell me, my dear, what gives you the right to come into my land and try to take it over, hmmm?” he said coolly.

This creature had caused so much mayhem in this land. He let the citizens suffer without a care in the world. Not only did she fight for the freedom of these ponies, she fought for the land she's called home her entire life. Yet now this invader towered over her, mocking her as if she were just a simple pony rebel. But she knew who she was, she was an alicorn who still had a fight in her, and she knew that this beast had to be stopped. With a sudden burst of speed, Celestia pounced at him.

“STAY DOWN!” Discord roared, throwing his hand out. Celestia was frozen in mid-air, her body contained in chaotic magic. She could not move an inch no matter how hard she tried. Discord thrust his hand down, and Celestia smacked into the ground, once more. Celestia regretted her decision. It only caused her legs and chest to hurt even more.

Discord’s smile was replaced with a look of rage. “I've had enough of you pathetic creatures trying to ruin my perfect world!” he yelled, “You just can’t help but get in the way, can’t you?” he came closer to Celestia. She was hopelessly trapped under the strength of his magic, and had no choice but to watch and listen. “Well, you certainly have no respect, such was the way of your kind."

Celestia didn't want to waste words on him, especially if he was going to insult her and her race. But in that moment, it was all she could do to stall her execution. She made a harsh grunt.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my chaotic-ness." He chuckled. "That or I have a wad of peanut butter stuck in my ears."

"You’re sadly mistaken if you think you’ll win,” Celestia said in a harsh tone.

Discord laughed. “I don’t think you’re in the position to claim such things, cotton-candy mane.”

“We’ll win... Concord... will help us." She moaned, “If all else fails, he will win us the battle.” The weight of Discord's magic over her was getting heavier.

Discord's humorous expression turned sour. The creature she mentioned was one of his kind, he opposed all that Discord did as he himself did the same back. But that was in their nature, they'd always be rivals. Nevertheless, he knew if Concord was anything, an oath breaker was not one of them. "Puff. That hoity-toity spirit would never go to such an extensive level of idiocracy. That's my job!" Discord clenched his fist then opened it to reveal a rubber ball. He proceeded to bounce it off of Celestia's nose repeatedly as he talked. "If you truly knew my orderly friend, then you'd know how uptight he can be! But I digress. Out of all five of us, Concord would be the last to come to anypony's help if it meant breaking our precious code; including you."

Celestia's plan was working, he was distracted, but for how long, exactly? Her face scrunched up in irritation from the ball repeatedly smacking her in the nose. It made it hard for her to sound serious. “Your—tyranny shall come to an—end, freeing those who have—suffered under it.” she had to strain the last few words out. Discord’s magic crushed her weakening body.

"Humph." Discord caught the ball in his hand; his expression grew dark. He squeezed the ball tightly till it popped with the sound of a whoopee cushion. "Your kind may not follow our code, but they do—or at least they did—regard it. I remember when your people used to think of us as monsters." He put on a devilish grin. "Well, if only they could see how well you turned out to be.”

Discord mentioning her people evoked anger and rage in her. Celestia’s eyes burned with fury, her teeth clenched, and she squirmed around like a raging bull, even though it pained her body. How dare he talk about them in such a way! Only a true monster would use a tragedy to taunt his opponent.

“Oh, you poor little pony," Discord said with false sympathy. "And you thought everything was going according to plan. Tsk, tsk. If only your sister was here to witness your executio—” Luna slammed into Discord's back. Her impact sent them both skipping across the ground until they went off the island.

Celestia was released from Discord's magic once her sister hit him. She tried getting back up, this time it was easier. She wobbled her way to the edge of the island to see her sister and the spirit tumbling down to earth, locked in combat.

They punched, scratched, and kicked each other as they wrestled to gain the upper hand. Luna jabbed her horn in the draconequus’s face, however, she missed and her mistake allowed Discord to grab her by the mane and throw her off of him. He swung his tail and slammed it into her face. The impact sent her sailing across the sky, far from where Discord flew. "She's out of the park!" Discord yelled in a raspy, yet triumphant voice.

With the fight now over, Discord descended to the ground, hands on his knees, breathing in deeply. “Curse those alicorns! They never give up, do they?”

The sound of wings ruffling caught his ears. He lifted his head to see both battle wounded alicorns, their faces full of hatred. Luna in particular had a giant black and purple bruise all over the side of her face.

“Look at yourselves,” Discord shouted, “You're pathetic, you’re weak, and you can hardly stand. By all means, you may fight as much as you want but you will fail eventually, and once that happens, I’ll take the liberty of ending your lives.”

The alicorns remained silent. The only sound made was the thunder roaring far off in the distance.

“But then again...” Discord tapped a finger to his chin. “You two have been so much fun being my punching bags. I wouldn’t want to stop just yet.” he spoke with glee. “So here’s what I’ll do. I’m gonna close my eyes and count to ten; it'll make the chase more interesting.” He closed his eyes and turned his back towards the alicorns. “One.... Two....”

The two sisters weren't going to play his game. They weren’t running anymore. Instead, they stared at each other, knowing exactly what to do. If they couldn’t stop him, then perhaps their friend could.

In the back of Celestia's mind she mentally apologized to her friend. He made her promise him that she would not use his gift unless there was no other way, or if she was near death. His reasoning was unclear for he did not state it. The battle had taken almost all they had out of them; if they were to continue, it would surely be the death of them. There were no more alternatives.

They summoned up their magic. Light shined out of nowhere above their heads, revealing six mystical gems, they gave off a powerful magic that even they could not comprehend.

“Five... six... seven eight nine ten!” he immediately turned and lunged forward, ready to fight, but halted at the sight of the strange gems above the Alicorns. Discord stared with his mouth hung open, dumbstruck at what beheld him. He could sense the magic from where he stood. It was abnormal, yet it felt strangely familiar to him. “But… But that’s impossible. There’s no way you could craft such artifacts, unless.... Unless someone else who had the means and power to. But who?” He racked his brain for an answer—then it hit him. He realized why the magic was so familiar, and the perception made him sick to his stomach.

“CONCORD!” His roar was like thunder as it echoed across the land. “Of all the boring and dull things you've done, this is just out of your league!” Discord shouted to the sky. “I mean you? Changing the course of the world! I… wait….” He stopped in thought.

The alicorns glanced at one another in confusion, then back at Discord who had completely forgotten about them.

The last thing he had said brought a conclusion to his attention. Changing the course of the world... “Yes... yes, of course," Discord squealed in a soft tone. "He has interfered with me and with the world, which means balance has shifted in the wrong direction. If I am to lose now, then at some point in time balance will shift back into my favor; I’ll have a grander world than I do now,” he whispered to himself. He knew his and Concord's powers had a big affect on the world, and he knew that if something that were to—let's say—cause a rift in the world's balance, Concord would be severely punished for failing to avoid it.

Discord burst out laughing psychotically. He was reminded of the two alicorns that stared at him. He began to put on his act. “OH drats! I guess you've beaten me, young alicorns,” he said with false woe. “There’s no way I can compete with you and your artifacts. And what can I do but face my justice?” He posed: putting one hand to his chest and the other one in the air. “So if you’re going to fire, then at least let me go out in style.” He tilted his chin up and just waited there, not moving once.

The alicorns were blown away by his sudden change of behavior. Out of everything they had seen him do, this was by far the weirdest.

“Sister, I fear that this is some sort of trap.” Luna said, keeping her sight on the draconequus.

“Luna, are you saying that my friend isn’t trustworthy?” Celestia questioned Luna, sounding a bit rash.

“No, sister!” Luna quickly stated, “I trust Concord. It’s just that Discord appears to be acting stranger than he usually does. You must notice it, too.”

Celestia had to agree with her sister. But then again, she trusted her good friend Concord. He despised Discord. Why else would he have given her these elements that were specifically made to defeat only evil such as Discord? There was no reason to question him. “I believe Discord has come to realize that he cannot win, and that has caused him to lose his sanity. So let’s end this, sister, once and for all.”

Luna looked a bit unsure by her sister’s reply. Of course she herself trusted Concord, nevertheless she knew Discord was no fool, either. “I hate to stall our moment of triumph, but what if—”

“But, nothing!” Celestia interrupted. “Concord is no fool, Luna. He knows what he’s doing.”

“Anytime, ponies!” Discord yelled.

The alicorns did not wait another minute. Whether it was a trap or not, they conjured up the elements' powers, causing them to glow brighter above their heads. The elements gained more and more unspeakable power until it unleashed a huge rainbow of magic straight up in the air; it slowed almost to a stop, released a blast of light and descended back down right towards the draconequus.

Discord stared at the rainbow with no fear or regret, as it got ever closer to him. “My time of glory will come again.” He said to himself before he started laughing. The face he made would stay that way for a thousand years to come.


Present day Equestria


Inside the library of Ponyville, there was a little dragon spending his time cleaning the bookshelves. Up on the second floor was the lavender unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. She sat at her studying table, flipping through the first pages of the Book of Legends.

After her recent task on reforming Discord, she brought it upon herself to actually know something about her former enemy’s kind. Twilight flipped through the pages to find the section where it told of the draconequus.

After a few more pages, she found the title, The legend of the draconequus, and began to read.

Centuries of research have brought little information on these creatures. The book stated, They keep to themselves and hardly ever talk about their race. However, a collaboration of ponies who've seen a draconequus have brought a conclusion that there are five known draconequi in the world.

The first draconequus is Discord, spirit of disorder and chaos. The next draconequus is Migrate, spirit is unknown. In following, is Passion, spirit unknown. It is said that she has an obsession for committing sexual acts with mortals.

“Oh, my.” Twilight blushed. It went into detail of a few stallions who've... but Twilight decided to skip that part.

Then there’s Concord, the spirit of order and balance, and most commonly seen draconequus. Concord is well known as being a personal friend to princess Celestia, having been seen with her during important events.

"Personal friend of Celestia?" Twilight thought, "How come she's never mentioned him before? If he's a friend of the princess, then why hasn't he made an appearance before?" Twilight rubbed her forehead in irritation. There was still one more draconequus she hadn't read yet, so she focused back on to the book.

And finally the last draconequus is Conjure, spirit is unknown. It's told that Conjure doesn't resemble a draconequus, it is said that he is called a Kirin: being half pony and half dragon, and nothing more. One eye witness said that the kirin can rip holes in the fabric of space and time.

The book had little to no information. It appeared that a draconequus was just as rare as dragons, but despite that, the draconequus Concord was a friend of Celestia's.

There had to be more in the book, perhaps there was another section that continued. She did find one small chapter title, coronation of the sun and moon, which did note that Concord had attended the ceremony. However, it mention somepony that she's never heard of before. A pony named Gladhoof was the one who crowned the princesses. What made him so interesting was the fact that the book referred to him as their uncle.

"Celestia and Luna have an uncle?" Twilight thought. Even that part didn't go into detail. This book was starting to look like a lost cause, yet she continued.

As she read on, the pages began to thin. Her vision became to blur as time went by; her eyelids felt heavy, and her mind was going off focus. But why would she be tired?

A tap on Twilight’s shoulder snapped her mind off the book. She turned around to see Spike with an irritated look on his face.

“Are you still reading that book?” he said. “Seriously, this is the fourth time in a row you've spent half the night glued to a book.”

Twilight looked out her window to confirm that it was the middle of the night. “That explains a lot.” She rubbed her eyes. “But at least I have a good excuse this time.”

“Uh huh? And what is it this time?” Spike had an expression on his face that told this wasn’t the first time Twilight had had a ‘good’ excuse.

“I wanted to know more about draconequi, so the princess had sent me this book; I’ve been doing research on them this whole time.”

“Draconequi? You mean like Discord?”

Twilight nodded. “Exactly. Since he’s going to be staying here in Ponyville, it makes this a great opportunity to learn about his race. So tomorrow I will be visiting Discord and hopefully get some answers that the book didn't answer.”

“That sounds cool. What have you learned so far?”

Twilight lifted the book with her magic and flipped through a few pages. “Well, Discord isn’t the only one of his kind. It did say there were a couple others, and that's about it. OH, I did learn that the princesses have an uncle, too!"

“So wait, there’s more draconequi and Alicorns?”

“Only four other draconequi. One’s actually a kirin, half pony half dragon draconequus. It did mention an alicorn by the name of Gladhoof. But nothing else.”

“Gladhoof?” Spike said, surprised. “I’ve never heard of an alicorn named Gladhoof before. What do you think happened to him?”

Twilight frowned. The question bothered her. “I don’t know, Spike. This is the first time I’ve heard of an alicorn besides Celestia, Luna, or Cadence. But that only extends the question: could there have been more alicorns a thousand years ago?” Many questions rushed through her mind, and there were no answers in such a short amount of time in sight. “Arghh! Great, now how am I gonna sleep?” She grumbled.

“Take it easy, Twilight.” Spike said in a soothing voice, “I’m sure Discord can provide you some answers.”

“Well, I hope so, or else I’ll just have to ask the princess for more information. Maybe there’s a book about Alicorns, or about ancient history that may tell about them.” Or I could just ask Celestia, sense she knew one of them.

“Okay, you can do that some other time, Twilight. For now just go to sleep and tomorrow Discord may be able to help you.”

Twilight breathed out a sigh. “I guess you’re right. Maybe I can gather my thoughts while I’m sleeping.” A yawn escaped from her mouth. “Well, goodnight, Spike.”

Spike smiled. “Goodnight, Twilight.”

Author's Note:

I'm hoping you stick around for this one. It's going to be big; lots of stuff planed! The first few chapters are kind of a warm up for the story, so you can get a good idea why this is happening.