• Published 25th Jan 2013
  • 823 Views, 15 Comments

The Light in The Darkness - Bareback Writer

Pip is thinking about how his past again. Rated T. Sequel to A Colt and His Favorite Princess.

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Waking up 13

It was the morning of his birthday, and Pip was still asleep. The years had shaped him more physically then mentally. He had grown taller and stronger, able to do hard labor without breaking out in sweat; but that was on the rare occasion that there was hard labor that needed to be done. As of yet he had not found his 'special talent', becoming a candidate for the 'Going the Longest without a Cutie Mark' record. But he didn't let it bother him.

By now most of the town had heard rumors of his origins. Most of which were more-or-less true. He was fortunate that most ponyfolk didn't mind or care, it made life easier. Currently, he was Twilight's 'apprentice', a term he used loosely. Really it was just training to take over the library, but it was important, none the less. Twilight, now a princess for about four or five years, was moving into her own castle to live with her coltfriend…or really her drakefriend, Spike. True the Tree House Library was home to them, but it wasn't just them they were going to live with.

In the all the years Pip had known Spike, he would have never guessed at how adored he was by other ponies. It was of unbelievable proportions. When Rarity finally got the courage to reject Spike, in a gentle, ladylike way of course, almost all of Ponyville's, and some of Canterlot's, single mares made a mad dash for him. For weeks, he got confession letters, boxes of gems, and other stuff that would make any dragon happy. But what was even more surprising was that when the element of generosity rejected him, all the other elements went for him as well. It was such a disastrous threat; Ponyville was almost wiped off the map. Every building was broken or damaged in some way.

Finally, and to the relief of many citizens, Spike finally settled on a marefriend, or marefriends, as the case was. He had decided that he was going to date the other five elements. At first many were angry, but when he explained that each of them held as much a place in his heart as the others, he couldn't come to a clear cut decision; and though the other mares were saddened, they understood. Most of them were already making planes to get him the next time he was available. Ah, sweet love, but that's beside the point. Long story short, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike made planes to live under one roof. A challenge worthy of a great dragon one would say. But back to Pip

As the light of day had dawned on his room, he was awoken by the smell of Night Blooming Jasmine, a rare flower that was native to Ghoranian region, a cultural delicacy for them. Only somepony of great wealth could have it imported, somepony like his caretaker Miss Starlight, alter-ego of Princess Luna herself.

Pip's eyelids slowly opened to see a smiling Princess Luna who lay beside him. As much as it bothered him, especially now that his hormones were beginning to work, something like this was common. It had been ever since that first night, when Luna's bed caught a case of 'spontaneous combustion'. Granted getting a new bed for her was easy, the second bed caught the same case, the third apparently never arrived and the forth fell into another dimension. After that, Pip got the distinct impression that Luna didn't want to sleep alone. So a fifth bed was ordered, not for the guest room, but for his. It was a queen- sized water bed, fit with four pillows and the basic bed spread, as to accompany him and Luna. Pip's old bed would be used for the guest bedroom of course.

As he stared at her cyan eyes, Pip couldn't help but blush. As he spent more time with her, he started to get to know the real Luna. Her mane became more brilliant in color, her coat more soft and smooth. But her eyes, oh her eyes, they changed the most. They held an unfathomable beauty to them that, to Pip, Rarity could never achieve. He felt comfort in her eyes, one that held something dear to him, that made his heart flutter. He was falling in love with her.

However, it was for naught. For all that time he had spent with her, their relationship hadn't gone past caretaker/caretakee. It hurt. More so then he had felt in a while. Every time he would say 'I love you', she would respond with a smile and say she loved him too. It hurt.

Pip was brought back by the smell of jasmine on Luna's breath as she softly cooed, "Wakey wakey birthday colt."

Pip opened his eyes a little wider, "Ya know Luna," he said, "I don't understand how you don't have morning breath"

Luna gave a little titter. "And you never will, it's my little secret." She stared at him with a that heart melting smile, and for a moment, they were all alone in the world. But that moment passed with the hash knocking on the door.

"That must be Miss Pinkie with the decorations. No time to waste Pip, Your party awaits."
Luna got out of bed and made her way to the door, all the while using magic to disguise herself as her alter-ego Miss Starlight, a middle age mare with a mint turquoise coat and a forest green mane. Plain, yes, but effective. As she walked away, Pip couldn't help but watch. Hormones or no hormones, he couldn't help himself, she was his first crush after all.

Author's Note:

Here's the first chapter, sorry it's so short. just wanted to get this beginning bit out of the way.

Comment and enjoy.