• Published 14th Jun 2013
  • 9,916 Views, 507 Comments

Random Acts of Generosity - Brony2893

How low can you go in life before you can't go any further?

  • ...

Pasts Revealed

Sunny Sprout shifted uncomfortably in her bunk. Rarity was still doing her best to get some answers out of her. It was evident she wouldn’t be able to stall any more. With a heavy sigh, Sunny moved to the end of her bed, tapping the other side for her friend to get off the floor.

Rarity wordlessly complied, climbing up onto the bunk, and settling opposite her downtrodden companion. The fashionista gave her a nod, ready.

Sunny cleared her throat and began. “I… I used to have a shop in Manehattan. On the outskirts of the market district,” she looked up to the cabin window with a long stare and a smile. “It was a beautiful place, so happy, with so many friends…” Her hooves slid across the blanket beneath her. “So warm too.”

"It sounds like it was a lovely place," Rarity commented warmly.

Sunny let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, it was. I ran the shop with my husband at the time, we lived in the apartment upstairs."

“You were married?” Rarity interjected, surprised.

Sunny nodded. “Yeah. Obviously not now though,” she gave a slow shrug and looked down to her hooves. “We built something beautiful, and I couldn’t have asked for more.”

Rarity felt a dull ache in her chest, knowing what would come next. She decided to change the subject, if only for a moment.

“What kind of shop was it dear?” She asked simply.

Sunny quickly motioned to her Cutie Mark, a patch of dirt with a green sprout coming out. “It was a flower shop. Flora is kinda my thing, heh,” she gave a weak laugh. “We weren’t as popular as some of the bigger places, but there was always enough business for us to never worry about money. And regular, friendly customers that made the job fun.”

Rarity felt a sort of kinship to her, knowing what it was like relying on customers to keep food on the table in the early years of her business.

“—We even made enough to buy the building from the original owner. The downstairs shop, and second and third floor were all ours.” Sunny looked to Rarity, ensuring she was still listening. “It was a fortune, but it meant less costs on the bills in the long run...”

Sunny suddenly trailed off into silence. After a few moments she looked up to Rarity, mouth agape as if she wished to speak, but couldn't find the words to say.

Rarity leaned down to meet the mare at eye level. “What happened—”

“We had plans, Rarity!” Sunny cried out before burying her face into her hooves. “so many plans...” The mare began to softly sniffle, a weak shaking coming with each breath she took.

’Fluttershy, darling, I could really use your help right now...’

While the fashionista knew her sympathetic friend was much better suited at comforting ponies than herself, she knew she had to try.

“Sunny, I… I don’t have the words, dear.” Rarity hesitated a moment, but eventually slid over to her and placed a foreleg on the distraught mare in an effort to comfort her. “It’s alright dear, we can—”

In one fluid motion, Sunny turned and dove her head for Rarity’s chest, wrapping her forelegs tight around the other mare. The fractured composure the earth pony desperately tried to hold together shattered, falling into hard sobs and pained wails.

Rarity was taken aback by the sudden contact of her friend, and her explosion of pent up emotion. After the initial stun, the fashionista slowly settled a forehoof on Sunny’s back and stroked her mane with the other. Rarity became aware of a warm, wet sensation running down her chest and gave a silent sigh.

’The poor dear must have held back for so long.’

“That’s right, darling, just let it all out,” Rarity comforted gently, slowly rocking the mare she now cradled in her hooves. “Things are going to get better, I promise.”

The two remained as so for some time before Sunny eventually released her forelegs’ lock around the fashionista. However she refused to remove her head from Rarity's chest, taking some much needed comfort in the mare's calming embrace. She shifted position, turning to look up at the window.

“I-I… I had a life, Rarity…” Sunny sniffled softly, rubbing her snout with a forehoof before continuing, “It wasn't much, but it was mine, and—”

Rarity gently placed her forehoof over Sunny’s muzzle, softly hushing her. “You can tell me later darling, just relax for now. You still have a long day ahead of you,” she quietly, but firmly told her.

With a flick of her magic, Rarity levitated the blanket from her own bunk and settled it over Sunny and herself.

‘A long day indeed...’


“So, this town we’re going to—Ponyville, what’s it like?”

Some time had passed since Sunny’s breakdown, the two of them silently agreeing to drop the subject for the time being.

Rarity looked down to her friend, still sitting in her bunk. “It’s a nice place—very quiet, most days anyway.” She chuckled slightly to herself, briefly wondering what sorts of trouble her sister had been getting into while she was away. “Have you never heard of Ponyville before, dear?” She asked.

Sunny gave an almost imperceptible shrug. “Just what I used to read in the papers… it’s where the Element bearers live, right? Other than that, I know next to nothing about it.”

Rarity’s ears perked up, her attention instantly piqued. “Oh? So you’ve heard of the Elements then?”

She’d been thinking of how to break it to Sunny exactly who she was, and the mare may have provided her an opening. Rarity didn’t want to tell her right away and risk coming off as boastful, yet she didn’t exactly want to hide it from her either.

“Of course!” Sunny’s voice instantly perked up. “Everypony knows about them, they stopped Nightmare Moon and Discord too!” She replied as she got up from her bunk, taking a moment to stretch her back and limbs.

Rarity was happy the subject seemed to warm Sunny’s spirits, but also wondered why the mare hadn’t quite connected all the dots yet. She decided to continue questioning.

“So, what all do you know about the Element bearers?”

“Well let’s see…” Sunny grabbed an apple from the table basket, taking a small bite before continuing. “There’s Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia’s personal student. The Element of magic.” She took another bite of the fruit, Rarity listening intently. “Then there’s Rainbow Dash the Loyal, she even did a sonic rainboom! And also Rarity the Gen—” Sunny stopped.

Rarity turned to see the stunned mare drop her apple and stumble back a half-step. “You were saying, darling?” She asked, unable to hold back a proud smirk.

“You… you can’t be!” The mare stuttered out, but otherwise stood still. “Y-You, you just have the same name... it’s just a coincidence right!?”

The fashionista shook her head dismissively. “No, darling. I assure you that I’m the real McCoy. In fact, I was wondering when you might catch on to it,” she teased with a somewhat smug smile.

“Wow, um, I-I... I don’t really know what to say right now...” Sunny nervously rubbed a foreleg with the other, suddenly finding it difficult to meet Rarity’s gaze. “Now I feel even more awkward. I can’t believe I didn’t realize you were that Rarity.”

“Sunny, dear, there’s no need to feel embarrassed,” Rarity said as she stood up, placing a hoof on the shy mare’s side. “Trust me, even the brightest ponies sometimes overlook the most obvious of clues.” Her librarian friend crossed her mind briefly and she chuckled. “I know this for a fact even.”

Sunny met the chuckle with one of her own. “Yeah, I guess so.” She looked back up to her unicorn friend. “You know, I’m almost wondering if this is a dream again. I never imagined that I’d have the Element of Generosity being the one that helps me.” Sunny’s demeanor lightened, she even smiled.

“Think nothing of it,” Rarity remarked. “Just think of me as any other pony, darling.”

Sunny quietly laughed to herself. “That might be a little difficult at this point, I mean I’m sitting here with somepony famous.”

Rarity scrunched her muzzle into a small pout. “While I’ll admit I do rather enjoy the attention it brings at times, I would prefer that my friends simply think of me as they would anypony else.” The fashionista’s expression shifted back into a smile. “Besides, we’ll be staying together for a time I imagine, so I’d prefer it if you saw me as more of a roommate and a friend, rather than somepony famous.”

Her statement hit Sunny like a speeding freight train. She stammered incoherently, trying to say a million words that came to mind all at once. She had totally forgotten the little detail about the planned living situation.

Rarity covered a small laugh. “Well, you're certainly taking it better than I expected. Take your time, dear.”

Several long moments of flustered, failed attempts at communication later, Sunny finally calmed down enough to form her words. “So, I’m... living with an Element bearer…” she said more to herself than anything, before another concern crossed her mind. “Wait! What about the other Elements?” She spun to Rarity with a nervous expression. “What will they think?”

The fashionista hummed thoughtfully to herself for a moment. “Well, they probably won’t think much of it” Rarity shrugged and took a seat closer to her bunk. “We do these spontaneous sort of actions quite often actually, honestly I think the others expect it by now.”

“You mean like inviting a whore in—”

“No.” Rarity abruptly cut her off, rapidly shaking her head dismissively. “No-no-no-no, no! Nothing like, that, dear.”

Sunny’s ears fell back as she shrank down.“I’m sorry! I just—I mean—I’m used to—”

“Think nothing of it,” Rarity interjected reassuringly. “What I meant to say is, we often either help others or volunteer to do things—often absurdly crazy or dangerous I might add, for other ponies.” she chuckled at her own amusement. “I’m certain the girls won’t be all that surprised by you staying with me, just another day in Ponyville.”

“Speaking of…” Sunny paused, unsure of how to say what she wanted in a polite way. “How... long, do you think I’ll be staying with you—I mean I don’t want to impose or force you out of your home trying to support me too, and—”

Rarity smiled and waved a hoof. “Don’t worry about that, dear. I assure you I can support another pony without any sort of financial issues. Now, as for how long you’ll be there... as long as you need to I suppose.” She tapped a forehoof on her chin in thought. “Oh, and I do believe I may have a few leads on a job to help you start getting back on your hooves, too.”

Sunny shook her head in disbelief. “Why? Why are you going so far out of your way to help me?”

Rarity glanced to her with a smile. “I do believe I’ve answered that for you a few times now, darling.”

“No! This is different!” Sunny exclaimed. “That was before I knew who you were!”

Rarity scrunched her muzzle. “I don’t see how that changes anything.”

“Of course it does, it changes everything! You’re famous, surely you're really busy with your, uh, Element thing and what ever else you do already!”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous, Sunny. It’s not like I am required to rescue Equestria everyday.” Rarity paused for a moment, staring off into nowhere briefly. “Though, I do wonder sometimes...” The fashionista shook her head, regaining her focus. “Anyway, what I mean is I’m not so busy that I cannot attend to a guest.”

Despite her new friend’s persistent reassurance, Sunny still felt as if she were imposing. “But, what will others think? The Element of Generosity inviting a whore to live in her ho—”

“No, Sunny, you are not... that anymore. No mare should speak of oneself in a manner like that so casually.” Rarity hummed to herself, remembering a detail she forgot to mention. “I’ll also ask you to be mindful of such language, as my dear sister is quite an impressionable young filly.”

’That’s right, I’ll have to inform Sweetie Belle of the situation... and Mother and Father.’

Rarity cringed at that thought.

’I think I’ll save that last one for later, much later.’

“So, uh... after I get enough earnings to move out of your guest room... then what?” Sunny asked unsurely.

“You are free to do as you wish, you are your own pony after all,” Rarity answered dully.

“So thats it? I’m just... free to go?” Sunny asked skeptically. “I won’t owe you anything?”

“Of course not. That’s the entire point of this, darling. To get you a stable place to live until you can support yourself,” Rarity replied before shooting her a somewhat smug smile. “What would be the point if you were to owe me after everything is said and done? That would defeat the entire purpose of helping you with a fresh start.”

“Well, in that case I’ll be certain to try my best to get out of your hair,” Sunny said with a small frown.

Something in her companion’s phrasing intrigued Rarity. “Sunny? If I may… why do you seem to be in a such a hurry?”

Sunny went back to her uncomfortable pose. “I just… I don’t want to bother you for too long. I mean no offense, Rarity, but I only want to get back to my life as soon as possible, not overstay my welcome.” She looked over to her worn saddlebag on the bunk for a moment. “I hope you understand what I mean."

Rarity nodded. “I understand perfectly.” While she may have agreed, she still had a hunch that Sunny was hiding something, a reason for her urgency to have her own place again. “Like I said, I’ll do everything in my power to help you as soon as possible.”

“I know you will.”

Rarity raised and eyebrow. “You sound quite sure of yourself there, why the sudden bout of confidence?”

“Because the universe can’t take anything else away from me,” Sunny answered in a neutral tone. “If anything, you already got me away from Manehattan, and for that I am already grateful. I wouldn’t have lasted much longer in that city…”

Seeing the coming conversation was about to take a bitter turn, the fashionista quickly changed the subject. Although to one just as potentially bitter.

Rarity bit her lip in hesitation. “I’m sorry, but I have a question if you don’t mind.”

“Go ahead.”

“You never did tell me, but... what of your husband?”

Sunny silently sighed at the mention of the subject, simply staring out the window at the mid-afternoon sun. Rarity could tell the memory probably hurt, but her curiosity simply had to know.

“It’s alright, you can tell me.”

Sunny slowly inhaled a large breath through her nose, then just as slowly let it out. She didn’t want to talk about it, but felt she owed Rarity that much at least.

The homeless mare turned to Rarity, whom was sitting patiently, wearing that ever-present smile she was already used to seeing.

“Alright, remember how I said we had our own business?” Rarity simply nodded in response. “Well… after we bought the whole building, we ran into—”

A sudden shift of the floor cut the mare off. The sound of squealing brakes were heard as well. The two mares gave each other awkward smiles at the interruption.

Rarity got up and stretched. She would have told Sunny to continue what she was going to say, but the unicorn knew it would only take a few minutes for the train to stop; hardly enough time for a serious conversation.

“Let’s gather our things and make for the front, the train will be stopping soon.”

Sunny got up and grabbed her belongings. Rarity did the same with a quick flick of her magic, settling the bags firmly on her back and sides.

Sunny gave a quick nod, confirming she was ready. Rarity made for the door, turning the handle with more of her magic and glancing back to her companion with an enthusiastic smile.

“Come! Ponyville awaits your grand arrival!”