• Published 24th Jan 2012
  • 1,368 Views, 13 Comments

Stormy's Story - MrBigmac1011

The story of a pony trying to find his way.

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Chapter 3: Her Story

Her Story

Twilight Sparkle was reading. Not a big surprise, she was always reading. It seemed like those books could give her something that nopony else could. The books never argued, they never lied, and they always seemed to have the answers. She had come to realize, though, that they could never replace friendship, or love.

She had felt love before. It was the kind of love that was true, that could never be broken, no matter what. Not a day went by that she didn't think of him and how their time together was taken by something that was out of their control. She hated not being able to see him, but it was no use. "Its been two years," she thought, "he's probably forgotten me by now." She would think this from time to time but today was the worst. It was the anniversary of the day they met. She could remember it almost like it had happened yesterday.
4 Years Earlier

Twilight was on a mission. She was sorting through book after book like a madmare. The princess had just given her an assignment and she wanted to start on it right away. When she had finally found the perfect book she dashed out of the library, and ran into another pony head on. The collision had caused her to lose her magical grip on the book and she wasn't very happy about almost losing it. She wanted to give this pony a piece of her mind, but when she got up to look at him it stopped her in her tracks. Twilight felt something strange, something that even she couldn't explain. She was drawn to him.

"Oh, I'm sorry miss, let me get that book for you." He lit his horn up with a brilliant royal blue light and levitated the book with ease. He offered to walk Twilight back to her home and as if on instinct she accepted his offer. They talked about everything while they were walking, from magic, to books, to politics, everything. It was the first time she had ever been able to have this intelligent of a conversation with anypony but the princess. She didn't want it to end. She felt like she could talk to him forever. She never believed in love at first sight but now, she had experienced first hand, and it was wonderful. When they got to Twilight's home she realized that she had never introduced herself.

"Thank you for walking me home," she said, "I'm Twilight Sparkle"

"Very nice to meet you Twilight Sparkle," he replied, "I'm Stormy Weathers."

Twilight had set her book down by this point and just sat in her chair thinking about that night. She thought about all the dates they went on and how happy he had made her. But, whenever she thought about the good times, eventually, her thoughts would lead her to the bad times.

They sat at the train station for what seemed like forever. They didn't speak, they just savored each others company.
Finally, when the conductor called for everypony to get on the train, Stormy got up. Immediately, Twilight brought him into a loving embrace. "Please, if you have to go, let me go with you." She said.

"Honey you know I can't let you do that," he replied with a hurt tone of voice, "I love you more than anything on this or any other world, but you need to stay here and continue studying. That's what's best for you. But don't worry Twi, as soon as I can, no matter where you are, I'll find you and we'll be together again. I promise.

She let him go. She had to, there was no stopping him. As the train left, She heard him scream, "I love you!" She wanted to reply but she knew he wouldn't hear her. She left and felt as if there was nothing left for her but her books and her studies. Nothing but the lonely life she led before she met him.

Twilight shed a tear but quickly wiped it from her face. She went out of the library. She thought that maybe the fresh air would help her. Besides, she was running low on apples anyway.