• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,100 Views, 105 Comments

The Day My Life Ended - Authora97

What do you do when you're out with friends at a karaoke bar and six people walk in looking just like ponies from Ponyville! Well, that's my problem.

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Chapter Two (Revised)

It was my least favorite moment of life.

Maybe I’m just being overdramatic. I was fifteen, I was allowed to be a bit dramatic right?

...then again, the Mane Six were scanning the karaoke bar like Discord was hidden amongst the people.

The Mane Six were staring at people! On my Earth! Things had gone horribly wrong. How could this’ve happened?!

Oh yeah I wasn’t coming out of this okay.

“Are you alright Morgue?” Maddie asked. I turned to her, giving them my attention for a full three seconds.

If I told them I knew those girls, they’d start asking how. This was literally my circle of friends on Earth. They all knew it. Besides, the Mane Six had no idea what I looked like on Earth. If I spoke with them then they’d know I was me, that I was a liar. I didn’t want to betray my friends. In good conscience, I couldn’t let them wander around this place.

“I think I know those girls. I’ll be right back.” My feet carried me over to the ponies/girls who would now doubt ruin my new social life.

Twilight spoke to me first.

“Sorry...uh...miss.” Twilight struggled to say. Her cautious purple gaze was still looking around the karaoke bar. “But, we’re looking for somepony.”

Dear Storyline, these mares are doomed.

“Twilight. It’s me.” I answered.

The six women turned to me in surprise.

“I want to ask if you were looking for a girl with blue and silver hair, but I know you’d say yes and that would hurt my head.” I stated.

Their looks of surprise turned to betrayal.

“Let’s go outside. We need to talk.”

The cold January air brought some sense to me. The Equestrians were a bit off by it. They had been out here for a long time anyway, if their red noses and cheeks were anything. The cold has always helped me get a clearer head.

I stopped them outside the building, on the sidewalk where it was safer. Yeah it was in front of the window, but my friends wouldn’t see unless they actually looked.

Now was the time for me to address the situation with calm and focused answers.

“What on Earth are you guys doing here?! How did you get here? Why do you look like that?!” I angrily whispered.

So much for calm.

“Princess Luna sent for us.” Twilight explained. “She said something was wrong.”

Pinkie hopped in between Twilight. Her human face was uncomfortably close to my face. “And you weren’t at your house. So we thought ‘Where would Raspberry go?’ Then we remembered sometimes you just disappear and we needed to find you really really fast and Dashie found a picture of you except you weren’t you from Equestria you were you like right now!” Pinkie explained possibly all in one breath. How does she do this and not pass out?

Ok, first they broke into my house. Then went through my stuff and found my secret picture! That I hide under my bed, locked inside a small box, and had my daughter, Lilac, watching over when I went Home!

“I hide that in my room. Locked and the key is hidden in my house here, in another reality.” I accused.

All six of their heads lowered in shame. Fluttershy herself looked ready to cry.

I figured the story out from there, I think. “So after you broke into my house, you found my Special Things box. You broke that open, and stole found this picture. You realized I must be somewhere where ponies looked like that. You used the spell I wrote on the back-which I don’t completely know why I did-and found yourselves here, probably looking the way you are now? How am I doing so far?”

“Pretty close Sugarcube.” Applejack admitted. She seemed the person the most embarrassed about this. She was all about the truth and they no doubt used some lies to get into my house and to unlock the box. Probably thought it was all for a good cause.

“We’re sorry Raspberry but if you would listen for just a second.” No... No they were not going to tell me... Please don’t say it Twi please don’t. “We spent the entire afternoon looking for you. But then we thought of how to get back home. We didn’t have a return spell.”

Of course you guys didn’t. Why did they always have no way home? It was easy to get here but they have to spend like three weeks figuring out a way back.

“I don’t even have words to express how mad I am at you right now. Tell me...what was so important you had to practically break into my house, I don’t even wanna think about what you did to poor Lilac, opened my LOCKED box and touch the things I hold most dear?” I asked, folding my arms in front of my chest, giving them the evil eye.

I could be very intimidating when I wanted to be. Blame on practically being raised by cop shows.

“Princess Luna said she had received reports of magic use in the forest by your house at night. She said she saw you as a pony.” Wait...what? “There was a small flash and you were gone but, she didn’t know how to say this entirely, a bipedal creature with pale skin took your place.” Twilight explained.

“We went inta your house...to see that you was ok. We found them there picture of you and knew Luna was tellin’ the truth. She said that was the creature she saw after the flash. We’re sorry we did it, Raspberry, but we all thought Luna was crazy for thinking you wouldn’t be a pony. I’m sorry fer what we did.” Applejack apologized.

This calmed me down a little.

“So tell me, what was your brilliant plan after you found me and had no way of taking us back to Equestria?” Twilight, who had finally gotten the courage to look back up, stared her deep purple eyes at me.

“Raspberry, we were hoping since you go back and forth so often you would know they spell to take us back home. Do you?”

“I do know.” The mares calmed quickly, but I had bad news. “I know it’s a weird kind of magic, and sending you all to Equestria at once could kill me.”

“But...what about our families? They’ll notice if we’re gone!” Rarity gasped.

“Time freezes back there when I use the spell. Then again, it’s when I use the spell.” I thought it over. “It might be progressing at a slower rate because Twilight did it.

“Sometimes they move at the same rate, one week equals one week. It changes a lot but if we play our cards right you can be gone before the others notice-” Then I noticed they grew worried faces.

Something tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Anna and Maddie waiting for me. Yeah that’s a reason to start panicking.

“Morgan, who are these girls?” Anna asked.

“And what’s with their hair?” Maddie asked a little closer to me so as not to offend them.

We had been so close to them not meeting.

“Them? Oh, right. I should explain that. You see...um...uh...We meet online.” I grabbed Twilight by the shoulder and gently nudged her forward. “This is Tracey Simore.” Alright, one down five to go. I grabbed Dash and AJ next, “And these are Rachael Days and Abby Jacobs.” Almost there. “This is Paisley Pie but we all call her Pinkie.”

“I can see why.” Anna commented. Pinkie only smiled during all of this. I brought Rarity forward but Fluttershy barely moved.

“This is Ruby Adams and that over there is Faith Shadows.” My two friends nodded, happy with the names as I was.

“I’m Anna Bellingham, nice to meet you.” Anna slowly shook hands with them all, even Fluttershy. Maddie stepped up.

“And I’m Maddie Par, so how long have you known Morgue?” Ok, this question seemed reasonable.

“Two months.” I answered, not giving time for Twilight to answer. “Can you guys give us a second? We were just catching up on some stuff.”

Anna and Maddie realized I was safe and walked back to the group. It was probably to tell them about the people I was with.

“So when can we get back? I don’t even want to know what the humidity is doing to my mane!” Rarity proclaimed with a flip of her purple hair. Always a drama queen.

“It’s mid-January, winter and at around 10 ‘o’clock at night.” I told her.

“Still.” Rarity groaned. I let an exasperated breath, annoyed at this situation

They couldn’t wait another day (or at least until morning) for me to take them back! To them it would only be at most three hours! But no, I couldn’t even have a few days of peace.

“Did you not here the part where I said I could die from taking you home?” I challenged. “That using that spell on two ponies makes me pass out? Because the spell is using my magic to change your bodies back to your pony selves, then it’s creating an anesthetic so your bodies don’t feel the full effect of muscles reshaping and bones growing and shrinking? Cause that’s a bad feeling.”

“Raspberry, I have a question.” Pinkie suddenly brought in.

“Yes Pinkie?” I asked, letting the fact they’ll be here awhile sink in.

“Do all your friends look at people like that, because it’s kinda silly?” Wondering if I would regret my decision I turned and noticed Caroline giving me a strange look.

Great, now my friends would be suspicious.

I hated this. Lying to my friends but I had limited choices. They didn’t exactly have an open mind when it came to these things, well, Caroline and Lauren did.

Can’t this crap wait until morning?

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