• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 1,638 Views, 6 Comments

The Sky's the Limit - aurorablaze

  • ...

When I'm Gone

This story is based off the cup song. Yeahhh, I went there~!
I decided to do a nice upbeat song for a change... talk ab. awkward & I dreamed are kind of disappointing for AD fans, and the other stories I have planned are kind of sad too, so... >> enjoy?

Well, this was bothersome.

Applejack was about to have gotten all her farm chores finished early today -she just had to put this brush away-, and apparently going about doing so was a waste of effort. She couldn't spend it with the pony she had planned to.

The farmpony glanced up at Rainbow Dash, who was currently hovering over her, a look of sympathy and disappointment etched on the pegasus' expression. Applejack spat out the broom to answer her.

"T'aint nothing Rainbow, you gotta do what you gotta do. And you kinda do gotta... fly," Applejack shrugged nonchalantly, attempting to reassure her marefriend.

"Well, I obviously have to keep hold of the Ponyville's Best Marefriend reputation I've got going on here," Rainbow leaned down to give AJ a slight nuzzle, pulling back up into the air as fast as she had come down. "Still - the Wonderbolts or you... It's a hard choice now."

The orange mare laughed. "That's mighty sweet of you, RD. Didn't take you as the emotional type, though."

"That's your fault! You have me acting all sappy!" The pegasus crossed her forelegs and shot an accusing look at AJ.

The offending mare laughed again. Winding up Rainbow was as fun as a barrel of monkeys. "You know I don't mean nothing of it, sugarcube. You go have fun at your Wonderhooves educationin' mabob, I'll meet up with the girls while you're gone."

Dash landed down on the ground, snickering slightly at the other mare's knowledge of the famous airborne flight group. "That reminds me - if you have any last words of longing and undying passion before I head off, I have an ear open."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "You're right, guess I do have you acting strange. Mighty sorry 'bout that, guess it's something that comes with the 'lationship package."

Rainbow facehoofed. So much for getting vengeance. "No worries. I'll deal with it."

The two lapsed into a comfortable-yet-awkward silence after Dash's backfired plan. Time for a different approach.

"Two bits you'll crack first."

"Who said anything 'bout eggs, sugarcube? Unless you mean this egg," She ruffled the prismatic mane in indication.

"Nope, I mean this one!" Rainbow, in return, tapped the top of the western pony's stetson.

"It. Is. On."

They pressed their muzzles together, nose to nose against the other. The competitive sheen was visible in their eyes. They smiled, neither of them backing away.

"Suppose you should be off now, dear."

"I'll get right to it, honey. See you in a week."

"I'll be waiting," AJ paused jokingly. "Or not."

"I'll be waiting to see you waiting... With my two bits!"

"Don't count on it, sugar." Applejack backed away first, and gave Dash a nuzzle for the road. "Cya. In a week."

"Don't forget," She pulled the orange pony closer to her again, putting a foreleg around her neck and a wing across her back, as a somewhat tender pegasus hug... thing. She gave a light squeeze, before retracting herself and positioning to fly off. "... To mark the days off your calendar!"

She was soaring through the sky in a snap; it was pointless to shout after the zooming rainbow blur, who was already flying over the apple tree tops.

Applejack shook her head with a chuckle, and picked back up her abandoned broom. She made a beeline for the barn looming in the distance.


A few minutes later, Rainbow arrived at the train station. Why she had to get a train to the Academy when she could fly there in a matter of minutes, she had no idea. But enclosed in the letter was a free Ponyville Express ticket - she would have normally been offended at such an offering, but she could see the sense behind it. She had to present herself as a fully charged speed/stunt machine - as Wonderbolt material, basically. She had to be at her best condition, and sitting down to a nice and relaxing train ride would help do the job. She had been asked to spend another week there! Of course, she was completely overjoyed, but now she had Applejack.

Bleh. Damn this sappy stuff.

After getting admission onto the train, she settled into her seat. It was about to leave the station and propel her towards the Academy. She felt like she could start bouncing off the walls Pinkie Pie style any moment now, she was so excited!

The train gave off a final blow before departing.


Applejack pushed open the door to Sugarcube Corner, the bell making a soft tinkling to alert the ponies inside the building. She gazed across each table, before she saw the one her friends were seated at. They waved, indicating to go to them. Trotting over, she was met with a chorus of greetings from her fellow mares.

"Hey y'all, how's it been?" They had saved a space for both her and Dash - however, noticing the pegasus' absence, they scooted to take up the extra space.

"Applejack, dear! We haven't seen you for quite some time; I think the rightful question is how it's been with you," Rarity declared, the other ponies nodding in agreement.

"Gosh, I'm awful sorry girls. The two've us just been busy with... you know," she replied sheepishly. She felt mean for neglecting her other friends over her new relationship. She'd need to work something out with Rainbow when she got back.

"It's really quite fascinating, you two pairing up! You make such a good couple, though it was quite unexpected to me at first," added Twilight, rather unhelpfully. Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity shared a look - they had seen it coming a mile away.

"Speaking of which," started Rarity, taking the spotlight from the oblivious unicorn, "Where is Dash? I expected her to come here with you."

"She's off at the Wonderhooves Academy again. They offered her another week, I think." The ponies glanced around the table with a smile. Wonderhooves?

"I think it's called the Wonderbolts, AJ," Twilight said, holding back a giggle. It was funny to think Rainbow Dash hadn't corrected that mistake yet.

"Dashie got called back again to the Academy? They must really really like her then!" Pinke exclaimed. "Maybe they'll give her a spot soon, and we can have a big 'Dashie is a Wonderbolt' party with balloons and cake and streamers and-!"

"Yeah Pinkie, I'm sure she'd appreciate that when she gets back," AJ interrupted. It was dangerous to leave Pinkie talk freely about parties, unless you wanted her to walk you home at the end of the get-together still describing her party ideas.

Rarity had similar ideas. "Pinkie, darling, how about those hay cakes you were telling us about?"

"Ooooh, I nearly forgot!" She bounded off to the kitchen.

"So, Applejack... Is she good?"

"Good? At what?"

Fluttershy spoke up for the first time, obviously not liking this new turn of topic. "Rarity, you won't believe what Opal did earlier..."

Twilight looked up. "Oh, yes, it was most stupendous! Such a smart feline!"


Flying to there definitely would have been faster. Dash stared out of the window, supporting her head with her hoof. Sitting here was tedious, and there were so many rocks. They were everywhere on this mountain, and the mountain itself was a big mound of boring rock - rocks upon rocks upon a huge rock. Nothing about this scene was at all picturesque.

The train made a slow curve around the mountain, which resulted in a complete change of scenery. Behind the mountain was a breathtakingly beautiful trail of rivers, strewn like ribbons across the rocky terrain; trees, flowers, all sorts of unexpected flora grew, polka-dotted between various cracks and nooks. The sun was setting, which casted a smoky glow across the stone-ridden landscape. It was like someone had taken a page from a ponytale and made it real; she could picture Fluttershy adoring this gorgeous view.

She got a mental hold of herself, and sat back down on her seat. She had gotten a bit excited and pressed right up against the window glass. Applejack's fault.

She felt a pang of... some emotion at the mental mention of Applejack. She turned to look at the empty seat next to her, and wished her farmpony was here to see this enchanting view with her.

... Sweet Celestia.

Rainbow banged her head against the wall in frustration.


Applejack chuckled to herself on her way back to the farm. She hadn't spent proper time with her friends for a while, and getting back together again was great fun. Apart from the fact that there was one of them missing. She shrugged. Rainbow has to do what she has to do. She'll be back pretty soon. She smiled, remembering their bet. Dash wasn't at her brightest suggesting such a motion; the element of Loyalty is obviously going to succumb. Victory was practically being handed to her.

Keep thinking that, her conscience jeered to her. She ignored it and trotted on.


The following week seemed to draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. Each of the competitive ponies were still holding up... somewhat. They kept in contact through letters being sent to and fro. The letters were addressed to each of their friends, but there was usually a little paragraph at the end of Dash's letters just for Applejack.

Neither had come crawling back to the other yet, both too stubborn for such a thing to even be thought. The week was pretty much over, anyway. Thank Celestia.

Applejack had jitters. She couldn't wait to run her hooves through her pegasus' chromatic mane, to feel the wind from her beating wings as she hovered above her... all the little displays of affection she'd show that would be over in a split second. She only had to wait till morning.

Rainbow was indecisive. The extra week, as expected, was completely awesome. Dash already knew all the trials the newcomers were tested with, knowing what impressed Spitfire and using it to her advantage. Her efforts weren't in vain; she was being treated like the pro she was, and she felt like she practically had that team spot being kept warm for her.

But she was, as expected, pining to go home. She missed Ponyville, she missed the ponies and she missed her pony. She longed to see her with her familiar cowpony hat, her southern drawl and her cute little freckles. At least the day was nearly over; Spitfire was preparing the finishing activities before the Princesses switched the sun and moon.


Applejack stood with her friends, shifting her weight from foot to foot energetically. The train was arriving soon, and Pinkie had prepared a small party to welcome back the new 'Wonderbolt'.

However, instead of a train there was a.. speeding cyan pegasus aiming to crash right into the bunch of them? It seemed like she was pretending to be a bowling ball knocking down pins.

The skyfallen mare had a different destination planned - it only knocked over Applejack, instead of them all. Rainbow pinned her down to the platform, preferring to be on top as usual.

It took AJ a moment to realize what had hit her -literally-, but she soon recognized the magenta irises captivating her line of view.

"I missed you so much," they whispered simultaneously, locking eyes before locking muzzles.

The four friends watched the heartwarming scene unfolding before them in silence, each deciding to give the reunited couple some time to themselves.

Pinkie edged closer to Rarity and whispered, "Does this mean their bet is off?"