• Published 27th Jan 2013
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Quizzical Greystone And The Basements Of Doom - JMac

A famous naturalist takes Cheerilee's class on a field trip into the Everfree Forest. This promises adventure, excitement, and other things Quiz really hates.

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Chapter 5 - It's Always Darkest When It Gets Really Dark

Quizzical Greystone And The Basements Of Doom

Chapter 5 It’s Always Darkest When It Gets Really Dark

“Soooo, giggle at the ghostly… sing with me, children… guffaw at the grossly…”

It was Fluttershy’s fourth attempt to begin a sing-a-long, and it wasn’t going any better than the previous three. Evading Capture has lost its charm, and the children had pretty much had it with trees. They just weren’t in the mood to sing.

Derpy landed next to them. She snorted with disgust and stamped her hooves. “That’s the last time I’ll be able to get our bearings. It’s completely socked in up there.”

“Socked in?” exclaimed Valory. “But Miss Derpy, we are scheduled for a cloudless night.”

“There’s no Weather Patrol in the Everfree, Dear,” said Shady.

“I could just make out a bit of pink on the horizon,” continued Derpy, pointing. “The sun is over there.”

“But that means we’ve been going the wrong way, again,” cried Fluttershy. “And… did you say ‘pink’? As in ‘sunset’?”

“That’s right,” said Derpy. She turned and glared at Shady. “The sun is setting. It’s about to get dark.”

“Now, I don’t see how you can blame me for the movement of the sun…”

“We are lost in the Everfree Forest, and it’s going to be very dark, very soon. I can blame you for that.”

“Oh, my gosh, it’s getting dark, it’s getting dark!” Fluttershy began trotting around in a tight circle, fluttering her wings with agitation. “Must remain calm, mustn’t cause a scene in front of the children…oh, my gosh!”

“My daughter is out here!” snared Derpy.

“Do you think I don’t know how that feels?” Shady snapped back. “Those barbarians have my son!”

Angel began backing away from the adults. “They shouldn’t be fighting. Can’t anypony make them stop? Please?”

This shocked Fluttershy out of her panic. “Oh, no Dear, no pony is fighting. We’re just … discussing our next plan of action. Um… with passion.”

“What… oww!” Fluttershy had surreptitiously kicked Shady. “Oh, right, passion. Very passionate, that’s us. But no hard feelings.”

“Maybe a few hard feelings,” muttered Derpy. “Owww!”

“Well… okay…” Despite the wooly blanket Angel had cinched on under her saddle bags, she shivered.

“Oh, you poor dear, are you cold?” asked Fluttershy.

“She’s always cold,” said Dinky.

“I just like to stay warm and cozy,” said Angel. “Being cold is for statues. I don’t see… Hay!” A diamond dog leapt out of the bushes and grabbed her.

“This little one is our prisoner! The other little ponies will surrender to us now!”


“Mithter Reader, why don’t the diamond dogths like ponies?” asked Twist.

She and Cheerilee had been trying to keep Reader talking. It distracted him and the other dogs, and allowed Sweetie Belle to remain quietly unnoticed at the back of their little herd of foals. They didn’t know if Bowser or any of the other diamond dogs would remember Sweetie Belle; she had only been in their warrens once before, and that had only been briefly. But it wouldn’t pay to take any chances. Nothing good was likely to come from Sweetie Belle being recognized as ‘the sister of the Rarity.’

Luckily, it was very easy to distract Reader. The pompous diamond dog delighted in the sound of his own voice.

“Oh, most of us like ponies just fine,” said Reader. “Our trade agreement with Equestria has brought us prosperity, and we enjoy the things we get from you ponies.”

“Then why are you violating the treaty?” asked Cheerilee.

“Oh, but we aren’t,” said Reader. “Bowser signed the treaty as Chief of the Barrens Pack. We are the Forest Pack.”

“But Bowser is Chief of both packs!” exclaimed Cheerilee.


Cheerilee saw that as a dead end to that line of reasoning. She tried another argument. “These tunnels are a treaty violation. They aren’t on any of the maps you have shared with Equestria.”

“Ah, but the treaty allows us to withhold details from the maps, for our own security.”

“You are supposed to at least include the outline of your territory.”

“That is to prevent conflicts from ponies mining diamond dog claims,” lectured Reader. “Ponies do not mine in the Everfree Forest, so there is no conflict.”

“It’th till a violation,” stated Twist.

“Perhaps, but that is a quibble for lawyers, diplomats, and negotiators to sort out. As the Forest Pack has no lawyers, diplomats, or negotiators there is no problem!”

Reader was so insufferably pleased with his logic that Cheerilee gave up. The only way to win this debate would be to buck Reader in the head. “Please just tell me why all of this is happening.”

“Oh, it is part of Chief Bowser’s grand political strategy,” began Reader, shifting ‘lecture mode’ into his highest gear. “The trade with ponies has benefitted every diamond dog except Bowser, you see. The Chief’s status with the pack has fallen and the status of Speaker to Ponies has risen.”

“Thspeaker to Ponies?” asked Twist.

“You call him our Ambassador to Equestria. The Speaker to Ponies has become the most important dog in the pack, and Bowser hates that. So, he secretly created the Forest Pack to come out to the Everfree and show how he can create prosperity for diamond dogs without having to deal with the pretty little princess ponies.”

All the diamond dogs within earshot laughed.

“And you think this is a good idea?” asked Cheerilee.

Reader shrugged. “Some do. They long for the ‘good old days’ when diamond dogs didn’t need ponies, and ponies were afraid of the diamond dogs.”

“Um… I don’t know,” said Snails, who was standing close to Twist (something he’d made a habit of lately). “We were never that afraid of you guys.”

“Hush!” hissed Twist.

Reader was enjoying pontificating so much he didn’t even pause. “Other dogs prefer to listen to Speaker to Ponies. They like how things are now, and wonder what we had against ponies in the first place. The vast majority of diamond dogs has no idea and has never given it any thought.”

“Yeah, not thinking is kinda in your nature,” said Snails.

“Thnails!” Twist whispered in his ear. “You’re a dear, but thshut up!”

“And how do you feel, Reader?” asked Cheerilee.

“Oh, I don’t care,” he answered. Reader continued in a conspiratorial whisper. “I’m just ambitious. I joined the Forest Pack to have access to the Everfree Forest. I see wonderful opportunities here.” Reader didn’t share any more, he only grinned smugly.

“Whoa, creepy,” whispered Snails. Twist just nodded.


At the front of the little herd Chief Bowser bellowed. “We halt here.” The tunnel had widened, and to one side was the bank of an underground stream. “Little ponies may rest and take water. Briefly!”

The foals lined up along the bank to get a drink or just lying down. Bowser stomped up to where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sat together. “Bowser’s guards did not take these pony’s pretty things. Such a shame, the pretty things might get dirty. Bowser will correct that now.” Before either filly could react, Bowser reached out and snatched away Silver’s pearls and Diamond’s tiara.

“Hey, give that back!”

“You have no right to take those!”

“You are gonna get it!

“I’m lodging an official protest!”

“Girls! Please!” Cheerilee trotted over to take on the thankless task of running interference between Silver and Diamond and Chief Bowser.


“Scoot, take my water bottle and fill it for me,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Aren’t you going to get a drink?”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “While those two are fussing, and everyone’s distracted, I’m going to try something.” From the back of the herd, she turned and faced up the tunnel the way they had come.

Sweetie Belle sang softly and her horn glowed. She began moving her head, using her horn like a sparkler to trace something in the air.


“I don’t get it,” said Shadow. “You say Bowser’s status has slipped a bit, but what does that have to do with you? What did you do?’

“Very little, actually,” answered Quiz. “I merely was present for the events that allowed Princess Luna to force a trade treaty upon him.”

“But Bowser still blames you.”

“Oh, yes, he is quite angry with me,” said Quiz. “It does not matter that I have done nothing to give him good reason. Chief Bowser is no more known for his rational thinking than he is for his mild temper.”

“I think you did more than you’re telling me.”

Quiz did not answer. She was squinting up the tunnel. “Can you see that? The blue glow?”

“Now that you point it out, yeah. Good eyes, Quiz. It’s faint, but…” Shadow cocked his he to the side. “’Z’?”

Quiz had her head cocked the other way. “It is an ‘N.’ Sweetie Belle should hold her head straighter when writing in the air. I believe she wants me to send her a Note.”


Alpha was sleek, sinister looking diamond dog, but he had a voice that was as high and squeaky as a living being could have without consuming helium. His voice was his shame.

Despite his menacing intent, when Alpha spoke the foals giggled.

“Stop laughing! Do as you are told or your friend will be harmed!”

“Just shut up, Alpha,” said Dagget. “We agreed, I would do all the talking. Um… the little ponies should surrender and stuff, like Alpha said.”

“Arr!” growled Pipsqueak. “Harm a hair on her and you’ll suffer my wrath!”

Now it was the diamond dog’s turn to laugh.

This was as much as Angel could stand. “Let me go!” she shrieked. She and Alpha glowed violet, then blue-green, then Alpha yelped and dropped her. Angel scurried to the nearest adult, Fluttershy, who knelt and gently held her.

Alpha stood glassy-eyed, swaying unsteadily. He opened his mouth and exhaled a smoke ring.

Digger turned to help Alpha, and was promptly shot in the buttocks. “Brilliant!” cried Valory. She’d wanted to shoot a bad guy in the butt ever since she had read a fantasy novel in which the hero did just that.

“Stop! What are you doing?” cried Dagget, the last dog standing. He ran at the ponies, waving his arms in the air. “Don’t you understand that you are supposed to surrender?”

Dagget only got two steps before Pip chopped him hard across the knee cap with his stick. Dinky kicked him on the other leg.

“Now would be a good time to leave,” said Derpy. She scooped up Dinky and Pip and took flight. Fluttershy picked up Angel and fell in right behind her. Shady and Valory followed. Valory could fly well enough that she could keep up, so long as Shady held the strap of her saddle bags and gave her a boost.

“Shady, Sir? Do we have to run away?” complained Valory. “We were winning!”

“Now, Valory, you know we have to cover the others’ retreat,” chided Shady. “It’s very important work, guarding the rear.”

“Yes, Sir.”


A phantom little sheet of note paper, glowing softly beige, appeared in the air just under Sweetie Belle’s nose.

“Are you all well?”

Sweetie Belle was so excited to hear from her friend that she almost squealed and gave herself away. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom moved to stand where they could see and also block the view of the diamond dog guards.

Sweetie Belle began to hum, and sent a reply.

“Quiz!!! So glad U got away! Bowser is really mad at U! We R fine, just tired.”

This was quickly answered.

“Do you know what Bowser is doing or where you are going?”

“Slave labor, pulling carts. Don’t no where.”

“Carts of what?”

“Good question. Bowser’s in a hurry to move something.”

Bowser is on a schedule?”

“Yes, and meeting a customer.”

It took a moment for the next Note to arrive. Sweetie Belle imagined Quiz pondering this information.

“Please behave and cooperate, and you will be safe while Bowser needs you.”

“OK. So sorry U R all alone.”

“Shadow is with me.”

“Oh!” Sweetie Belle giggled. “Aww, that’s sweet.”

“Girl, whatever you are thinking of saying, Quiz is just going to answer ‘I do not understand,’” whispered Apple Bloom.

“Seriously, Belle?” hissed Scootaloo. “Quiz and Shadow?”

“Hard to imagine a less likely couple under less romantic circumstances,” added Apple Bloom.

“It’s not that ridiculous,” muttered Sweetie Belle.

“Yes it is,” said both her friends.

Stubbornly, Sweetie Belle went ahead and sent the Note she had in mind.

“So, you and Shadow, alone in the dark together? Anything interesting happening?”

There was a long pause. As the pause grew longer Sweetie Belle became increasingly frustrated, and Apple Bloom and Scootaloo fought harder to contain their laughter.

“Maybe I miss-sent the spell…” grumbled Sweetie Belle.

“Wait for it,” said Apple Bloom.

Finally, the Note appeared.

“I do not understand.”

“That’s my girl!” Apple Bloom fell to the tunnel floor, convulsing with silent laughter.

“You have to love her!” Scootaloo had fallen next to Apple Bloom.

“Never mind, Quiz.”

Before Sweetie Belle finished composing the Note a diamond dog challenged them.

“Why are little ponies humming and carrying on? Stop that!”

“Sorry, Sir. We were just trying to keep our spirits up.” Sweetie Belle finished her Note and sent it.

Gotta go, Bye.


Quiz glared at Shadow, who had been reading over her shoulder. “Is there any point in my asking what is so funny?”

“Nope.” Shadow struggled to draw enough air to speak. “Never mind, Quiz.”

“I grow tired of being told that.”


They could barely fly to begin, and lost a lot of time avoiding trees and other obstacles. The forest soon became too thick with trees to fly through. Derpy managed to stop just in time to avoid clipping a wing. The others were slower than Derpy, and stopped easily. “I think we can walk for a bit. We have a good head start.”

Once he’d been set down Pipsqueak began hopping up and down with agitation. “Why did we run away? We had them right where we wanted them!”

“Don’t sass my mother, Pip,” warned Dinky.

“Angel, Dear,” said Fluttershy. “What did you do back there?”

“I don’t know!” cried Angel. “I just cast my “Leave Me Alone” spell. I don’t like to be held still. But it’s just supposed to sting a little. It’s not all big and glowy like that was! My magic is acting really weird right now.”

“I think all magic is acting weird,” said Dinky. “It makes my teeth itch.”

“I do feel a little funny,” admitted Angel.

“You’re feeling it more because you’re more magical than me,” said Dinky. There was a distinct edge to her voice.

Shady had pushed forward through the trees. “I see now why the plant life has grown so thick here. It gets extra light.”

They had come to the edge of an open path.

After stumbling around the undergrowth it felt good to have open ground to walk on. They followed the path for a while, until Shady stopped and looked around, an expression of shock on his face.

“Shady, what’s the matter?” asked Fluttershy.

“I… I know where we are!” Shady sounded absolutely amazed.

“Now Shady, are you sure?”

“Oh, yes, I’m positive. I recognize everything. I know exactly where we are! We’re… oh, no. Everypony, off the path! Right now, quickly, into the bushes and hide yourselves.”

No sooner had the last pony found a hiding place than the diamond dogs caught up with them. They looked battered, but they were still moving at a very good pace. They ran right past the hidden ponies, and continued down the path.

When the diamond dogs had rounded a bend and disappeared, Shady emerged from a bush. “I knew they would catch up with us. While we were flying along, dodging trees, they had a clear path to run along. It’s… um, that game trail I couldn’t find earlier. I think we were just right next to it.”

“What now?” asked Derpy. “Those dogs will realize they aren’t following us anymore and come back.”

She was answered by the frightened yelps, howls, and screams that soon filled the air.

“Ah, it sounds as if our friends the diamond dogs have found the giant spiders,” said Shady. “Good for them. We should move on, while they’re distracted.”

“Um… Shady? It’s the other way.”


“What is this!” roared Bowser. “The little pony’s break is over. Walk!”

“We aren’t going anywhere, and you can’t make us!” exclaimed Diamond Tiara.

“This is a treaty violation, and we won’t stand for it!” protested Silver Spoon.

Both fillies stamped their hooves for emphasis.

“Bowser is not running a democracy! Bowser did not politely ask the little ponies to please be his slaves!! Get in line and walk!!!”

“We aren’t going anywhere!”

“We refuse to take another step!”

“You aren’t the boss of us!”

“We refuse to follow any more of your orders!”

“Girls, this is not a good idea!” cried Cheerilee. Before she could do anything to defuse the situation Bowser settled the matter.

“Fine! Bowser will agree to the little ponies’ terms. But Bowser cannot have little ponies following him. You are advised to stand back.” With that, Bowser gripped a support beam and ripped it away from the wall. The ceiling groaned.

“What do you mean, ‘stand back’!” shrieked Diamond Tiara. “You can’t tell me what to do…!” Silver Spoon grabbed her by the mane and pulled her out of the way.

That was everyone’s last sight of them as the ceiling fell in and the tunnel was blocked.

“What have you done?!” screamed Cheerilee. She ran to the rock fall and began digging at the rubble. “You monster…what have you done?”

“Bowser has achieved a reasonable compromise. The obnoxious little ponies are safe on their side, and Bowser’s ears are safe on this side.”

“But what will happen to them? They’re all alone!”

“Oh, they will be found, eventually. And things that might eat them do not roam these tunnels. The forest wildlife does not like diamond dogs. The pretty little teacher pony should not worry about the obnoxious ponies. She should calm down and think about the little ponies she still has.”

“Calm down? How do you expect me to calm down?”

“Consider this calming thought. If the pretty little teacher pony does not tend to her little herd she will have to be replaced. And Bowser will take her place himself. Does the pretty little teacher pony prefer that the little ponies be taken care of her way, or Bowser’s?”

This had the sobering effect Bowser desired. “Fine. I will do what you ask. But if I lead the children for you, you have to promise not to harm any of them.”

“Of course no ponies will be harmed, Bowser would not dream of it. Bowser cannot afford to lose any more little ponies. The carts will not pull themselves.” He walked away, chuckling to himself.

Sweetie Belle was able to get close to Cheerilee and whisper. “Don’t worry. They’ll be Ok, they’re not alone. Quiz will be with them.”


“Here we are children, we have finally come back to the main path we left long ago.” Shady began preparing a torch. “And just as the sun has set. This will take us back to Ponyville, and we’ll be out of the Forest in only an hour or so.”

“Oh, thank goodness,” said Fluttershy. “I’m afraid of the dark, and I’m afraid of the Forest, and I’m really, really afraid of both of those together. I need to get home.”

“Do we have to?” whined Pipsqueak. “It was just getting exciting!”

“Miss Cheerilee and the others don’t get to go home,” said Valory. “That hardly seems fair.”

“The diamond dogs will probably put them in a cell,” whimpered Angel. “It’ll be a little stone box, all cold and dark. That’s terrible!”

“You won’t cry if you don’t think about it,” said Dinky. “Oh, Darn it, I can’t stop thinking about it!”

“Now, kids, none of that! You’ve done your job and you should be proud, but you’ve been relieved.” Shady finally had his torch lit and was examining tracks on the path. “See these, fresh hoof prints. A search party from Ponyville has passed this way. It’s time to turn the job over to them.”

“A search party! Oh, that’s excellent!” cried Pip. “Let’s go tell them what we know!”


“Wait, stop, I didn’t mean….” Shady was suddenly all alone, for the children had run off, and Derpy and Fluttershy were already chasing after them. “Come back!”

All the adults could see of the foals was the light cast by Angel and Dinky’s horns.

The first sign of trouble came when that soft light turned a bright blue-green.


Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara hadn’t moved. They were standing in the dark, facing the wall of rubble, crying.

The beige light grew very slowly and did not startle them.

“Evening, Ladies! Could you use a little company?”


“Shadow, you’ve come to rescue us!”

“Shadow, you’re our hero!”

The fillies threw themselves at Shadow, all but smothering him. “Girls, please, it’s nothing. I just happened to be in the neighborhood.” Shadow was clearly enjoying the attention.

“I must look a terrible mess,” exclaimed Diamond, trying to dry her eyes.

“You both look fine,” said Shadow. Then an afterthought occurred to him. “Oh, and Quiz is here, too.”

“What? Oh, hello, Quiz-ik-al,” sneered Diamond. “Nice one, hiding while we all got captured!”

“Hi, Quiz,” said Silver. “I’m glad you got away. Bowser was looking for you.”

“Thank you, Silver Spoon. As you and Diamond Tiara have discovered, Chief Bowser’s temper is not pleasant.”

“But that nightmare’s over now,” said Diamond. “Shadow’s going to lead us all home now.”

“Um… yeah, that might be a problem.” Shadow looked pained. “It’s dark now, and I wouldn’t want us up in the Forest after dark. It’s a lot safer down here.”

“Oh. I guess we could make ourselves cozy here until daylight.” Diamond batted her eyelashes at Shadow. “Don’t you think we could make ourselves cozy?”

“Well, yeah, that might be nice,” muttered Shadow. “But that’s a problem, too. We have to keep an eye on your friends. If we lose them they may never be rescued.”

“What?” Diamond arched an eyebrow. It was a warning, just as a cobra opening its hood is a warning.

“Well, yeah. There’s a tunnel running parallel to this one, we could cross over to that to get around this blockage, then catch up with them…”

“You want us to follow them?!” shrieked Diamond. “We just got away from them!”

“He’s right, Diamond,” said Silver. “We shouldn’t let the others get lost.”

“Actually, I believe Shadow should guide you home,” said Quiz. “You could travel most of the way underground where it is safe, and you would most likely run into a search party on the way. I will follow Miss Cheerilee and our friends.”

“Oh, that sounds good, let’s do that,” cried Diamond. “We go home, and Quizzical stays here. That’s a great plan!”

“No, Quiz, you’d be out here all alone,” gasped Silver.

“I am not afraid to be alone,” said Quiz.

“We don’t split up, Quiz,” stated Shadow. His tone left no room for argument.

“Fine! Whatever! Just give me a moment to get set.” Diamond drew something from her bag and set it carefully on her head. “There, I guess I’m ready. We can go and find this stupid parallel tunnel of yours.”

Shadow stared at her. “You carry a spare tiara?”

“Yes, yes she does,” said Silver.

The little party set off; Shadow with a filly close on each side, Quiz following behind.