• Published 28th Jan 2013
  • 638 Views, 0 Comments

Darkness Awakens 1 : Discord's Side - Tyler-the-Brony

Discord's story, from the beginning of his mind, to the end of it. Somepony looms in the background behind it all, but who could it be?

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Part 2: Revealed and Documented

“What could be causing all this my sister?” Luna looked up at Celestia with worry written clearly across her face as she observed the current state of Canterlot.

Celestia gazed out across her kingdom as well, baffled by the strange series of events that had befallen her subjects and even the very earth and air in which they lived. Trees floated upside, clocks spun in reverse, and ponies behaved without thought and restraint for no explainable reason.

“I do not know Luna, but it can bode nothing good for Equestria. I am certain there must be a cause behind all this, but I am as close to guessing what it is as I am to finding it and putting a stop to it.” Celestia sighed as another of her guards flew by, spinning like a corkscrew backwards.

“I might be able to help you with that.” A voice with a clearly mocking tone called out behind Celestia and Luna.

The Royal Sisters turned about near instantly, frightened and confused as to how somepony had managed to not only reach them here, but arrive without causing any noticeable signs of arrival at all.

Behind them on the banister sat Discord, clearly in extremely high spirits as he twirled about the glass images in the Castle’s windows and ate an apple core into a full apple. Discord set down the apple as it at last regained its full composure, and called a cloud over to his side to fill a glass he seemed to have summoned from nowhere.

“Who are you? How did you arrive here? How is it you can exist so calmly in all this chaos!? ARE THOU THE ONE WHO DOES THIS?!” Luna’s voice boomed louder and louder as she shouted accusations at Discord, who merely smiled and laughed as his glass finished filling to the brim with chocolate milk.

“Let’s see. I am Discord, or so I am told. I arrived here by slithering through the air. I can exist calmly in this chaos because it doesn’t affect me, and yes I AM the one who’s doing all this to your kingdom. I believe that answers all your questions in order no?” Discord teased Luna as he sipped away a portion of his glass.

“What are you? How did you come to be here? Why do this?” Celestia stepped up and asked Discord, as curious as furious at the strange creature.

“I’ll go off of your first question, ‘What am I?’. Such an interesting question, and one I’m not quite sure I can answer on my own right now. If I had to name a species for myself….I’d say draconeques. It just has a certain ring to it. If I had to define myself as a being, I’d guess I’m a god, or maybe a Spirit.” Discord explained as he drained the rest of his glass, and then returned the remaining chocolate milk to the cloud.

“You think yourself like a god?” Luna stepped up beside Celestia, her anger partially pushed aside in a quest to understand her new enemy.

“What else would you call a being that can so profoundly influence this world, yet remains unaffected by his own influence? Spirit of Disharmony. I think you’ll find quite a few others will call me that.” Discord laughed as he stepped into one of the planes of glass in the castles windows, shocking Celestia and Luna greatly.

“Now, as for your others questions, Sun Princess. I have just as little idea as you do in regards to how I came to this Equestria, though I have many ideas. As for why I do all this, I’m simply bored by the way things used to be.” Discord explained, his likeness flitting between various windows.

“You will regret finally appearing before us Discord. I am assured of that.” Celestia threatened, eliciting a giggle out of Discord.

“If you are Disharmony, then we shall use the Elements of Harmony to stop you!” Luna screamed after Discord’s giggle, causing him to only laugh harder.

“You’re more than welcome to try that, but I dare you to find one area that truly represents ‘Harmony’ anymore in which to use them! And to think you can also hope to use them properly even though you’re still so unattuned to them! Bwahahaha! Buh-Bye!” Discord barked as he whirled himself away from the castle and off to another corner of Equestria.


“Darn this Discord! He is a far more difficult villain to vanquish than he initially seemed to be when he revealed himself before us!” Luna spoke up as she slammed her hoof down on the map of Equestria she had before, showing various areas Discord had appeared and had also vanished from as he expanded his influence over Equestria.

“I could not agree more Luna. Discord is confident, but not enough to face us on even grounds it would seem.” Celestia added in, mildly limping towards Luna, her hoof injured by Discord in their last meeting.

“We must convince him to battle us for control of Equestria.” Luna told Celestia, confident this was the only way to lure the 'Spirit' out of hiding long enough for them to vanquish him.

“I agree wholeheartedly. The only question is how to find him or lure him out in order to do just that.” Celestia answered Luna before she began staring off into the sunset of that day, hoping that some solution to vanquishing Discord could appear within her mind soon.