• Published 2nd Nov 2013
  • 1,895 Views, 135 Comments

Flying Alone - Neko-sama

In the midst of Rainbow Dash coping with the loss of her lost lover, she discovers that there's a little piece of him that will never leave her.

  • ...


"...Have you head the news that you're dead?! No one ever had much nice to say...", the old stereo blasted.

The rapid succession of beats drove Spitfire to strike the punching bag at pace that could only live up to her name. She didn't mind the copious amounts of sweat pouring down her brow, she didn't care about the pain her muscles were screaming, nor did she care about her now-jumbled mind.

Spitfire remembered why she started attacking the bag, but for no reason could she fathom why she was still hitting it. Beating an inanimate object wouldn't fix the team, it wouldn't turn back the clocks, and it would certainly not get Rainbow to emerge from her room.

She turned off the blaring rock music, and sat down next to the bag. Now that it was free, her mind used it's liberty to wonder, and sure enough it wandered to the one place it couldn't escape. That day three weeks ago.

"This is nice and all," Legs said. "But who are all of you exactly?"

An innocent, unknowing smile drew itself on his lips. He stopped stroking Rainbow's mane as he awaited an answer.

"Wh-what? What are you talking about Legs?" Rainbow said, her voice reflecting a heavy amount of worry.

"Well it was nice and all for you guys to come visit me, but I have no real idea who ANY of you guys are."

"Legs! It's us! Your friends!", Rainbow shouted. "It's me, Legs."

"Yeah, you're you, my name is evidently Legs, and I guess you two are the crazy doctors."

"What the Tartarus are you talking about?" Spitfire shouted.

Legs pushed Rainbow off of him, and the small heartbeat monitor began to beep at an increased rate.

"What is all this shit?!" he shouted, and began ripping the IV tubes from his arms.

He removed the pads connected to the monitor, and the once erratic beeping turned into a high-pitched beep that filled the room. Legs' once calm demeanor was replaced with a visibly distressed expression, and his hands clenched into fists.

Spitfire saw his eyes lock onto the window beside Rainbow, and moved her hand to the leather weapon holster strapped to her waist. She didn't want to have to shoot Legs, but she knew that if he flew off, they'd never see him again.

"Legs!" Rainbow interjected, "Please think about what you're doing!"

She moved to grab one of his arms, but he grabbed her arm before he even got close. He jerked his arm forward, bring Rainbow to stand face to face with him. He stared into her eyes with an expression of pure rage, and then threw her towards the wall.

His stance changed, and right before Rainbow could make contact with the wall, he delivered a devastating roundhouse kick to the base of her spine.

She cried in pain before slamming into the wall, the blow knocking her unconscious.

Spitfire removed the pistol from its holster, and leveled it at Legs' shoulder.

Unfortunately, Soarin' was ahead of her plan, and made a blind rush towards the now formidable Leg Sweep. His arm was raised, ready to deliver a blatantly obvious punch. Legs caught onto his actions, and readied himself for Soarin's attack.

As Soarin' delivered the punch, Legs gracefully sidestepped Soarin's outstretched arm, and was now right beside his elbow. Legs grabbed Soarin's wrist, and with his other hand, forcefully pushed Soarin's elbow in. The organic sound of cracking bones snapping overtook the drone of the monitor, before being replaced by a scream of pain.

Soarin' retreated from the attacking Legs, and crumpled on the ground, clutching his broken elbow. Seeing both of her comrades were now defeated, Spitfire knew it all came to her.

She drew the pistol from the waist, the same one that she had saved his life with one year ago, and aimed it at his head.

"Freeze!", Spitfire shouted.

He grip was anything but confident, and the the metal spine of the sights wavered s her hands shook in anxiety. She didn't want to have kill Legs, but if it came down to the worst case, she had no other choice.

Legs froze at the window of the hospital room, staring eye-to-barrel with Spitfire's gun. A small bead of sweat formed on his temple, and his fists clenched in fear of his future outcome.

"Please. Please, Legs, just calm down and we can work this out," Spitfire begged.

"Work out what? I think we're past that already!" Legs spat back.

"Think about everybody waiting for you!" Think about Rainbow!"

Legs clutched his head in form of pain he'd never experienced before. The back of his head was throbbing frantically, and voices he had never even heard before were swirling in a mix of images. He put a hand against the beige wall in an attempt to regain his balance and his coherence of the situation that had befallen him.

"Don't you see Legs, there's something wrong with you! All we want is to help!", Spitfire shouted at the pained Legs.


With nothing but his bare fist, he punched out the window next to him, and jumped out.

Spitfire ran over to the window, aiming her pistol over, but a small crack of speed revealed that Legs had already gone. She let out a small, defeated sigh, and returned her pistol to its home at her waist.

Her attention returned to the ruined hospital room and her two downed friends.

"Man! What's his problem?!", Soarin' shouted in a mix of anger and pain.

Spitfire didn't have the energy to answer him, she could only shrug and slap he sides on the way down. Soarin's problems were the least of hers.

She could hear a faint whimpering coming from beside the bed. In the back of her head, Spitfire knew that there was nothing she could say or do that could make up for this disaster. But letting it sit there and doing nothing was just as bad.

Spitfire sat down next to Rainbow, and puled Rainbow to her breast. Rainbow didn't question Spitfire's motives, but instead continued to cry. Her arms slowly wrapped around Spitfire, seeking comfort on the tile floor.

"It's gonna be okay", Spitfire whispered, "We'll...we'll figure out something to help Legs. I promise."

Nothing Spitfire said had reached Rainbow. She knew that no matter what they could try, Legs was gone. For good this time.

Spitfire wiped away the one tear that had escaped her head, and got back to her feet. Her mind was now off of the concept of a work-out, and she had no desire to go back to hitting the bag.

She left the small, on-base gym, and walked back to the barracks. The night was crisp and cool, and small winds chilled Spitfire's exposed fur. A few lonely clouds hung in the sky, blocking the view of Equestria's moon. Spitfire looked up ath te stars, hoping to find some form of solace from the millions of small pinpoints dotting the black sky.

A small part of her had hoped that Legs would have some change of heart, and come home and free the base from its depressed slump, but a larger part knew that she might as well give up hope.

She continued onward until she reached the barracks. She opened the door, and stepped inside the heated building, chasing the cold from her body. Spitfire walked towards the girls' rooms, and opened the door to her own. She threw the small gym bag to the ground. Her eyes locked onto her bed and her mind begged for sleep, but there was something she had to do before she could even THINK about sleep.

Spitfire cracked the door to Rainbow's room, and took a peek inside. The blankets on her bed were thrown to the floor, and the curtains whipped around from the wind coming from the open window. Fearing the worst, Spitfire abandoned all attempts at stealth, and burst into the room.

"Rainbow!", Spitfire shouted, hoping to get any sign of her presence from the room.

Spitfire leaned out the window, and looked out into the Equestrian night, looking for anything at all. Seeing nothing, her quest took her all over Rainbow's room. She ripped open the closet door, and sifted through the piles of sweaty PT clothes and wrinkled uniforms, but found nothing.

She stormed the bathroom, but again found nothing. However, the bathroom wasn't completely devoid of signs. The trash can that would normally would sit next to the toilet, was in the middle of the floor and had all of its contents strewn about the bathroom. Spitfire leaned down and picked up an oddly pink box from among the tissues and other assorted wrappers.

It didn't take much effort to see what used to be in the box. Spitfire's eyes widened in an expression of shock.

I can't believe it! Why didn't she te-

Her train of thought was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming into the room. In a panic, Spitfire stuffed the pink box in her pocket, and turned to face the room. The bathroom door slowly opened, and the owner of the steps came into full view.

"Spitfire?", Rainbow asked, stepping into the bathroom, "What, um, what are you doing going through my trash?"

"Oh, well uh, I came to check on you, and you weren't in bed and...", Spitfire said, her voice trailing off, "Why were you outta bed anyway?"

"I was hitting the fridge. Ever had nacho cheese chocolate pineapple pizza?"

"N-no...I can't say I have."

"Well it's awesome! I'll make you some one day!"

"Thanks Rainbow," Spitfire said, exiting the bathroom.

"Hey! Spits!", Rainbow called.


"Thanks. For checking on me and all."

Spitfire cracked the warmest smile she could through her nerves, and walked into the hallway.

Her hand wrapped around the box in her pocket, and she frantically walked back to her room.

I guess we need Legs more than we had thought.

Author's Note:

There was never any text here...