• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 10,328 Views, 207 Comments

The Wonders of Time - Pia-chan

After living in Canterlot during two years, Spike is back in Ponyville, as Rarity is stunned by what she sees. What happened before he left and what will happen now?

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Chapter 2: Speculations

After a couple of minutes of absolute perplexity, during which the dragon couldn’t do anything but observe the pale beauty resting unconscious in his arms, Spike decided the best thing to do was to get Rarity into bed.

He scooped her up carefully, making sure her head was resting against his shoulder safely while trying very hard not to think too much about how soft she was and how warm her breaths were on his skin and took the unicorn to her room, laying her down gently on her back and making sure to cover her with the bed sheets. That way, she won't catch a cold, Spike thought while he watched over the sleeping beauty before him.

A breeze reminded him that he was very much naked. Rarity had said she left his clothes next to the bathroom door, so he made his way there and true to her word, there they were. He smiled when he noticed that both his pants and shirt had been thoroughly cleaned and ironed.

It didn’t last long, however, as the guilt for making Rarity faint, even if he didn’t know how or why, came back. He was still confused over the unicorn’s strange behavior, but the female mind had always been an unsolvable puzzle to him. To be honest, he wasn’t even sure the situation had gone down as he remembered it.

Had she, the Rarity who he thought he knew, the young woman who was always prim and proper as any lady could be, caressed his bare chest with her soft and tender hands? It sounded ridiculous, but he swore he could still feel the smell of her hair, which, only a few minutes ago, had been right under his nose, and… her firm and generous breasts pressed against his body, feeling her heart beat wildly just like his.

Impossible, the drake told himself as he put on his underwear. Too good to be true.

He shook his head to clear any stray thoughts but, as he bent down to pick up his pants, worry overtook him. He remembered the blood coming out of her nose, her slender body fainting in his arms. Could she be ill? Twilight had told him about Rarity’s seeming depression during the time he was living in Canterlot, maybe that had something to do with it.

A chill ran over his spine and he hurried up. He wanted to return to her side and take the unicorn’s temperature, or perhaps it would be best if he called a doctor?

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a shrill female scream right behind him. Alarmed, he turned around to face the intruder, pulling up his pants at the same time.

He discovered none other than Sweetie Belle, who was currently standing between him and the stairs, staring at him with a horrified expression. Fortunately, it turned into a smile when Rarity’s younger sister recognized the dragon, and greeted him. “Oh, is that you, Spike? Hello!” However, her expression changed once again, this time to an inquisitive look, when she noticed that Spike was half naked.

“What are you doing here?” Sweetie Belle asked, seemingly innocently. But the dragon couldn’t help but notice that the young unicorn seemed to be leering at him somewhere below the eyelevel, nor could he ignore the tell-tale blush on her cheeks.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t come up with a coherent answer, so he just started babbling, “I was taking a shower and… uh… I came out to ask Rarity for a towel but she crashed into me and then her nose started to bleed and she fainted and I don’t even know why she fainted but I took her to bed and left her there and… she still hasn’t come back to.” It was frankly ridiculous, but it was the truth and thus that’s what he told the young singer.

The weirdest thing was that, looking at her eyes, she seemed to have accepted Spike’s explanation. What really appeared to have gotten her attention was when he mentioned the bleeding and fainting.

“What? She got a nosebleed and fainted?” Her face betrayed a mix of concern and confusion.

“Yeah, do you know if she’s sick or something?” Spike asked eagerly.

“Well… no! She’s always been very healthy.” Sweetie Belle’s eyes were stuck on the green-haired youth’s chest and muscles. “Could-could you please put something on? Or do you usually go around like that when you visit my sister?” She was blushing again.

“Oh, sorry.” The young drake scratched his neck before picking up and donning his shirt. In the meantime, Sweetie Belle made her way to her sister’s room, intent on checking up on her.

“Rarity?” She tried to wake up her sister, gently nudging her shoulder. There was no response, so she tried a bit harder. All she got in return was some kind of mumbled whisper.

“Oh-nospaig!... notmycudiemar-nomnom… -wellokaaaay… but-begendle…”

Spike and Sweetie Belle look at each other, one toting a questioning look and the other blushing like mad.

“Do you understand what she said?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

“Uhm… eh… no! Not at all!” Spike lied. He had, of course, managed to understand Rarity’s mumbling, but it didn’t make much sense and it was, by all means impossible. Probably a mistake from his part.

Sweetie Belle put a palm against her sister’s forehead. “Well… she doesn’t have a fever, she’s just sleeping, and seems to be having a very nice dream at that.” Her face was one of pure innocence and security. Rarity smiled, hugging the covers.

“Oh, that’s a relief, as long as you are sure about it.” He felt very lucky that the singer was such an innocent youngster.

“I am,” she declared with determination while nodding.

“I think it would be best if I left then. It's getting dark out.”

“Sure, take it easy. I’ll watch over her until she wakes up and let you know if anything happens.”

“Thanks, Sweetie Belle.” The young dragon bid his goodbye and left, still a bit worried over Rarity’s health. Thus, he decided to return the next day to verify that she was all right and to clear any doubts he could have about her supposed illness.

Rarity woke up several hours later, while it was still dark. She noticed that she was still wearing yesterday’s outfit, which was odd considering she always took the utmost care when preparing herself for bed. Needless to say she always wore one of her dozen hand-made pajamas, all designed by herself.

She couldn’t remember what had transpired, besides being incredibly confused over the intense dreams she had while unconscious.

She was caught unaware when she heard the sound of soft breathing, realizing that someone had been sleeping next to her. Her heart went wild when her mind suggested a possible scenario.

“W-what… it can’t be… th-that Sp-spike and I…” Rarity was paralyzed, too scared to confirm whether her theory was right or not. “That would be the worst possible thing!” She inadvertently yelled. The person lying next to her immediately shot up.

“Sis, you are finally up!”

Rarity had never been so happy to hear her sister’s shrill voice.

“Swe-Sweetie Belle, is that you?” exclaimed the fashionista, close to tearing up as she hugged her little sister. Whatever she had imagined was not so. She would have hated for something like that to happen without even remembering it.

“And who else would I be? By the way, what’s with all the sudden affection? You can let go of me now… you are chokinggghh,” Sweetie Belle said while she struggled to breathe.

“Oh, ha ha ha, I don’t know, Opal? Ha ha ha, I’m sorry.” Rarity let her sister go, blushing. “And I’m always happy to see my dear and beautiful sister,” she added while squeezing her little sister cheeks despite of her protests.

Next morning, at around ten in the morning, about half an hour after Sweetie Belle had left, someone ran the doorbell. Rarity went down to open the door just to find herself face to face with the last person she wanted to see right now.

“Hey, Rarity, how are you feeling today?” Spike asked, looking concerned.

Without thinking, Rarity slammed the door shut, only to immediately realize how rude and un-lady like her behavior had been. She opened the door again only to find Spike bleeding through his nose from having the door slammed on it.

“Oh no, please forgive me, Spike-Wikey!” she cried. “I didn’t mean to hit you!”

“Uh… it doesn’t matter, it’s nothing,” he responded, trying to keep his nosebleed in check by throwing his head back and applying pressure.

Rarity quickly levitated a handkerchief to help him with while making sure he got in safely and helped him to lie down on the sofa.

“I truly am sorry,” she kept apologizing while mentally chastising herself for doing something so stupid and thoughtless.

Spike didn’t answer. He had the impulse to tell her that she didn’t need to apologize but, at the same time, he was both annoyed and confused about the unicorn closing the door in his face. Spike didn't answer, but Rarity could tell that he was annoyed about having the door slammed into his face.

Rarity understood the obvious reason behind his silence but she couldn’t come up with any convincing excuse.

“Please forgive me, Spike. I didn’t mean… to do what I did. It was just a really stupid impulse and I frankly don’t know where it came from,” she lied, for she knew why she had done it.

The explanation didn’t seem to make Spike feel any better, as Rarity could tell just by looking at his expression.
Although he seemed to be there for a good reason, his expression now was changing to worried.

“I just came to check if you were all right,” Spike explained himself, stuttering, going from exasperation to worry. “You passed out yesterday… and your nose…”

“Oh, my little Spikey-wikey…” The fashionista was on the verge of tears, comforted by the fact that even after all that had happened, Spike was honestly worried about her. “About that… I…” She couldn’t find a way to excuse herself for her actions the day before, not to mention her crushing embarrassment over the way her hands had stroked his chest and the real reason behind her nose bleeding, obviously due to her uncontrollable attraction to the drake.

“If you are sick then I need to know! Please tell me, you know you can trust me!” he insisted, his voice ever more concerned, which only served to melt Rarity’s heart even more. Without realizing what she was doing, she started stroking the dragon’s hair, like the way as she used to do when they had been more than friends.

Was it possible that even after all this time and what she had done to him, he still loved her? Her heart jumped in joy at the possibility.

“Forgive me for worrying you like that, darling,” she cooed softly while discreetly wiping away her tears. Then suddenly a fabulous explanation came to mind.

“I’m not sick, it’s just that… after crashing into you, I hit my nose, and you know I can’t stand the sight of blood. That’s why I passed out.” she lied again, but what else could she do? She couldn’t exactly tell him it happened because of her extreme arousal at being so close to his dazzlingly sexy, wet, draconic body.

Fortunately, Spike wasn’t quite sure he remembered exactly how things had actually happened gone down, so her lie was accepted; especially with the relief it brought him to know that Rarity wasn’t ill.

“That’s a relief,” was all he said, realizing that his own bleeding had stopped as well. That was when his gaze met Rarity’s, who was still running her hand through his soft, spiky green hair. She suddenly stopped once she met with his intense emerald eyes that were now staring into at hers.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Spike. It’s just that I was so used to doing this back when…”

“Back when we were happy, before you decided to ruin everything,” he angrily completed her sentence.

Rarity felt her heart break in two. Any hope she might have had harbored moments ago disappeared. He probably hated her, and to make it worse, he had a good reason to. The tears she had been holding in started running free.

The unicorn got up, turning her back on her guest. The last thing she wanted was for Spike to see her crying in these moments.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…” Spike tried to apologize, probably already regretting his harsh words.

“It’s all right, nothing’s wrong. Now, I don't want to be rude, but if you’ll excuse me, I have much to do in my workshop.” The fashionista’s voice trembled, showing just how hard she was trying to keep him from noticing her tears sobbing.

Then Spike just stood by the couch watching her as she went up the stairs. The last thing he heard was the door of the studio being slammed.

Slowly but surely, looking back at the stairs every now and again, Spike left the boutique.

“And then I stayed with her but she didn’t wake up until this morning. Before I did, too.” Sweetie Belle gave her friends a worried look. “You don’t think she’s sick or something, do you?”

Scootaloo and Applebloom looked at each other, not believing their friend could be so innocent.

“And you believed his ridiculous story?” the winged girl asked, frowning.

“Of course, why wouldn’t I believe him?” the unicorn still had a quizzical look to her.

“You really are a-“ the pegasus couldn’t finish her sentence, interrupted by their red-haired friend.

“Calm down, Scoots. And Sweetie, are ya' serious? Ya' never thought that Spike and Rarity…” A hopeful expression appeared on Applebloom’s face as she addressed her unicorn friend.

“Well, what else was I going to think? By the way, I don’t know if it’s appropriate for me to say this but… Spike sure is handsome.”

“Yeah, your sister’s very lucky, though she’s very pretty too. They are made for each other, I guess,” Scootaloo ventured.

“What’s that? You're talking as if they were a couple or something!” the teenaged unicorn said.

“Okay, maybe they aren’t, but something has to be going on if you found them… or, well, almost found them doing that, right?” A faint blush appeared on the purple-haired girl, while she avoided making eye contact with her friends.

“Good thing ya’ didn’t get there earlier, Sweetie. It would have been very embarrassing if ya’ had walked in on them while they were doing it,” Applebloom pointed out, a bit flustered, while Scootaloo nodded her approval.

But Sweetie Belle was still oblivious. “I’m sorry, girls, but I don’t understand. If I walked in on them doing what, exactly?”

Both friends looked at the young singer with eyes wide like platters. Sweetie Belle just stared back, her eyes betraying her honest ignorance.

“Come on, Sweetie Belle, are you kidding? If you find a half naked boy dressing up quickly right next to a girl’s room whose owner’s right there in her bed sleeping, just what is it that you think they were doing before you got there, eh? Now, I know you aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but that’s kind obvious, don’t you think?” Scootaloo was starting to get frustrated, but thankfully her listener’s face suddenly illuminated, her blush matching her friend’s.

“Are you are crazy, Scoots?! Just how do you figure that my sister and Spike would be, well… NO!! It’s not possible, Spike just got here two weeks ago and as far as I know they aren’t even dating!”

“Facts seem to point otherwise,” Applebloom said.

“Hey, wait a minute, this is my sister we are talking about, and she’s not that kind of girl. In fact, several of his suitors broke up with her because she didn’t want to do… that, until marriage and the likes!”

“And just how the hay do you know that?” Scootaloo piped in, curious.

“W-well, I might have overheard it during a conversation… but that doesn’t matter, thing is, I believe Spike!”

“Okay, okay, let’s all calm down a bit, all right? A’ think Sweetie Belle has the right to believe whatever she wants,” Applebloom placated, trying to douse the flaring tempers.

There was a short silence and suddenly Sweetie Belle perked up, as if she just had an epiphany.

“Girls, I just remembered something. Maybe Spike and my sister did have a relationship after all…”

Scootaloo and Applebloom stared at her wide-eyed.

“Though that doesn’t mean I don’t believe Spike or that I think they were doing… that!”

“Okay, okay, but come on, tell us!” Scootaloo shouted, eagerly.

“Well, this was a couple of weeks ago, the day before Spike got back and everyone went to welcome him at the station...”

Two weeks earlier

“Here you are, Rarity. I brought the coffee you asked me…” The white-horned teenager didn’t receive an answer so she edged closer to the fashionista, only to notice that she was fast asleep over some fabric. She looked so adorable there, she thought. Sweetie Belle figured her sister must have fallen asleep while working, which was understandable since she had spent the past few days pulling all nighters and getting almost no rest, drinking one cup of coffee after the other just to keep her brain working.

It was true that her sister usually had many orders to cover, that had never changed. But it seemed that she was overworking herself for some unknown reason. This had been going on for the past… two years, more or less? Sweetie Belle wasn’t quite sure of that, but one thing was certain, and that was that she was really worried about her sister.

And she wasn’t the only one, this was a common topic of conversation for her sister's five other friends. They always asked Sweetie Belle if Rarity was resting enough, if she had gotten any sleep at all or had she just been working nonstop, sustained only by brief breaks and cups of coffee.

Beauty sleep was no longer part of her daily routine, and that was incredibly strange. Just a month ago her parents had asked Sweetie Belle to move in with her sister and keep an eye on her.

Even Pinkie Pie had complained that Rarity didn’t attend her parties anymore, always excusing herself with the typical: “I have a very important order and not enough time to fill it, and I must finish it today. I’m sorry, darling.”

To Twilight, this had to be some sort of depression. But that was a mere supposition as she couldn't think of a reason for it.

Sweetie Belle put the mug on a nearby table and ran to get a blanket, which she carefully draped over her sister’s back. She’d rather not wake her up. The older girl had finally gotten some rest and the last thing Sweetie Belle wanted to do was to force her to spend another two days working.

She was about to leave when she noticed something under Rarity’s elbow. Carefully, making sure not to disturb her sister, the younger unicorn pulled out what seemed to be a letter.

"Dear Rarity," Sweetie Belle read.

Who wrote this? the teenager questioned herself. She skimmed all the way to the signature, which answered her inquiry: “Sincerely Yours, Spike.”

Oh, a letter from Spike? Sweetie Belle was truly surprised. She had no idea that her sister had kept in touch with the dragon during the latter’s stay in Canterlot. She knew they were good friends, but not enough to keep mailing each other for so long. Though maybe it was just one letter. She decided to take a peek, if only to clear her doubts.

Dear Rarity,

How have you been? I hope this letter finds you well since you haven’t send any response for the last two months. In any case, I don’t mean to bother you, I just wanted you to know that I’ll be returning to Ponyville this week and that I intend to stay. This is because I’ve already finished my term in the military and the Princess has allowed me to go back to Twilight’s and become her assistant again.

I don’t know if these are good news to you but, at least on my part side, I miss all of you terribly and I’m very happy to return to my true home. I hope I’ll be seeing you and with the others at the station next Wednesday at 10 AM.

Well, that was all I wanted to say. I hope we’ll be able to talk more when I come back.

Take care, and don’t drink too much coffee.

Sincerely yours


After finishing the letter, a mix of regret and surprise took over Sweetie Belle.

Since when had Spike and her sister Rarity been such intimate friends? Besides, it seemed as if he knew her just a bit too well. What’s more, could it be that a teenager like him, even if his looks were rather boyish (at least when he left), had something to do with her already adult sister outside of simple friendship? It simply made no sense, but both Applebloom and Scootaloo had mentioned that they suspected something on more than one occasion.

Sweetie Belle felt a light bulb light up in her head.

That’s it. Ever since he left my sister started acting weirdly. She barely smiles and she's become an even bigger workaholic… maybe she was depressed or something over him leaving? I can’t believe it!

The young unicorn shook her head.

No, that can’t be… they must have simply been very close friends. After all, he always helped her with everything he could and my sister appreciated it, that’s all. Sweetie Belle still preferred not to reach premature conclusions over a single letter.

With any thoughts of her sister and the dragon having a secret relationship discarded, the guilt became stronger than her curiosity. She put the letter back where she had found it, under her sister’s elbow. She had already promised that she wouldn’t peek into Rarity’s private life, back when she and her friends had published her diary on the school paper.

Though she had not intended to this time, she couldn’t have known it was a letter, plus she was worried about her sister’s health.

The teenager shook her head to clear away any feelings of guilt flooding her mind and caressed her sister’s head for a few seconds.

She smiled and headed to her room. She would need to rest, too, if she wanted to accompany her sister to the train station to greet the young dragon returning from Canterlot.

“But please, girls, don’t tell anyone else about this. Rarity would kill me if she knew I’ve been talking about this with anyone,” Sweetie Belle pleaded.

Her two best friends nodded in understanding. However, Applebloom told herself she would have to ask her sister Applejack about this mysterious business.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked this chapter. Now I want to give the credits to my dear translator, Stg. Alex and to my lovely editor, Imaginary Valued : ) really guys, THANKS A LOT!
and of course thanks to all my readers and who has faved and given a thumb up, and for the coments too :D