• Published 5th Feb 2013
  • 1,466 Views, 21 Comments

The Land of Equestria: A Poet's Journey - APoeticHeart

A series of poems I wrote for the characters of MLP:FIM. Criticism accepted.

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A Cutie Mark Ques - A Poem

While you are walking around Ponyville saying hello to all the ponies, watch out or you will might get hit with a trio of fillies coming full speed with one riding a scooter hooked to a wagon with two riding in the back. Once you get your head straight and shake the cobwebs out you will come face to face with the town's notorious group known as The Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Making up this rag tag trio are the sweet southern bell AppleBloom, but mess with her family such as her older sister Applejack she wouldn't mind giving you a good bucking or two. Next is the oh sweet and lovable unicorn filly Sweetie Bell whose beauty is as awe inspiring as her older sister Rarity's. With super charm, she will warm up your heart during the coldest of weather. Finally, finishing out the CMC is the awesome dare devil pegasus Scootaloo. She is always enjoys the rush that comes in blazing through Ponyville on her cherished scooter. Unfortunately, unlike the other two, she doesn't have an older sister to look up to and share life's moments with. However, her heart beams when she is around her idol Rainbow Dash, because she dreams of being taken under her wing and become her big sister.

Together all three of them have made it a mission in life to achieve their cutie marks. They try everything from deep sea diving to animal handling, but they end up with the short end of the stick with each attempt. However, they refuse to give up, because they are determined to not only earn their cutie marks, but find out what their talents are.

A Cutie Mark Quest

As a new day dawns, upon a new journey they embark;
three fillies on a quest to hopefully earn their cutie mark.
Determined to discover their talents and who they truly are
they are willing to travel across the land no matter how far.

Try after try they end up failing, but they never learn to quit
for they think of strategies with their determination and whit.
At times they go to their loved ones and ask for their advice
or at other times listening to their cutie mark stories would suffice.

If you need something repaired you can always call on Applebloom;
this country filly is always willing to help and apples she loves to consume.
Looking for a sweet tune to listen to, ask Sweetie Bell to lend her voice
because she loves to sing and her sweet tone will make you want to rejoice.

Lastly you have Scootaloo who enjoys the thrill of life’s adventures
together these three make the Cutie Mark Crusaders in search of an ultimate treasure.