• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 1,333 Views, 20 Comments

Trixie's Lover - Talon and Thorn

Pokey arrives at work the day after Hearts and Hooves day to find Trixie spending time with her secret lover. An entry to RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse Hearts and Hooves Collab.

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Trixie's Lover

Trixie’s Love by Talon and Thorn

(My first and probably very Bad Fan fiction)

Pokey Pierce was on top of the world, if fact he found himself bouncing through the streets of Ponyville like he was the town’s resident pink party pony. It was the day after Harts and Hooves day and he had spent last night with his very special somepony, his smile became even wider as he thought of the romantic meal they had shared last night and how they had spent the rest of the night curled up in front of his fireplace. Finally his grim threatened to rip his face in two as he reminisced about the polishing his horn had received.

The only thing that was dragging him down was that he had to work today. He had tried to get the day off to spend more time with his snookums but the Lazy Slave driver known to the rest of Ponyville as the Great and Powerful Trixie had told him in no uncertain terms that if he missed one more day he’d be fired. Maybe he should have told her it was his grandmother’s funeral or something but he’d tried that four times already and he thought she might be starting to get suspicious.

The blue stallion soon arrived to find the door still locked and no sign of life from inside, a not unusual occurrence given his employers sloth. Patting the ground next to the door with his hoof, he touched an apparently empty patch of grass but felt the shape of an upturned flowerpot. Tired of losing her key, Trixie had stored a spare under the enchanted pot. How the invisible pot managed to hide the key was beyond him but both he and Trixie found it amusing to see visitors trip over it when they came to the residence.

Pokey unlocked the door, threw it open, and was about to shout a greeting to rouse his boss when he heard talking from the back of the residence where Trixie’s bedroom was located.

Who could Trixie be talking to at this time of the morning? he thought, surely she didn’t have visitors yet? Wait, could someone have spent the night?

Although he’d always though that his employer was fairly attractive and could have bagged any number of stallion’s or mare’s if she’d put any effort into it, she always acted like she would run a mile if anyone would actually try to get physically close to her, and that sex was, well, Icky. Could she actually have a secret Lover?

Pierce thought back to last night, Trixie had seemed very insistent that he leave early but at the time he’d just thought that she was being considerate of his planned date. Although that was rather unlike her. Could she have been trying to get rid of him so she could get to her own romantic rendezvous? Who could it be? He’d always thought that Trixie would make a cute couple with Raindrops, the weather pony and her fellow element of Friendship, but based on the garish novels he had spied the weather pony trying to sneak out of the town library last week, the pale yellow mare preferred Stallions, preferably of the muscular and hair blowing in the breeze type. He had seen Trixie spend quite a bit of time with Windowpane the glazier but’s that always seemed like a business relationship given how unlucky the residencies window’s seemed to be, could it have become something more?

He heard further noises from the bedroom, there was a brief fight between his Ursa Major sized curiosity and his Parasprite sized respect for Trixie’s privacy, which ended in the expected way with a knock out in the first round. Pokey sneaked across the room to the door at the back like an extremely pointy ninja; and peered through the key hole...

He saw…


He Heard…


He remembered….

Trixie’s bedroom was upstairs!

He felt…


Turning away from the useless non-bedroom leading door Pokey walked on tip-hooves over to the stairs, and slowly began to ascend one step at a time.


One of the stairs seemed to protest loudly enough to wake the dead. The nervous unicorn paused and looked around, no zombie horde seemed to have engulfed the house so he guessed he was wrong and continued on his stealthy journey until he reached another door, the correct one this time. Pricking up his ears Pokey tried to overhear what was taking place on the other side of what he now considered an annoyingly thick obstruction to his senses.

“Last night was fantastic” Trixie was murmuring from within her bedroom, with what sounded like a purr in her voice. Pokey didn’t think she could even make a noise like that. We’ll maybe during that one dream where she went into heat and came onto him, but he’d sworn to Luna that he’d never eat cheese after midnight after that one.

“I thought I was going to spend hearts and hooves night alone, but then I remembered that you were about” she continued, “It’s been too long since we spent the whole night together, just the two of us”

“I know you're bad for me, and my friends disapprove, but I also know for a fact that even Luna enjoys your charms from time to time and she was the one that introduced us. I remember our first time, she thought I was too young for you, underage, but what do they know?” Pokey’s eyes boggled at this, he was afraid they would pop out of their sockets.

“I was so sore the next day, there was just so much of you, but I’ve got used to you, now I can take on both you and two of your brothers in a single night.” Pokey almost drove his horn through the door, he must have misheard that last bit or had Trixie been replaced by a doppelganger? A very kinky doppelganger.

“You’ve always been there for me even in my darkest hours; sometimes I think you’re what makes the Great and Powerful Trixie, Great and Powerful.” She paused for a moment “Oh, who am I kidding even without you I’d still be more amazing that 99% of the ponies in Equestria” Nope definitely Trixie, no one else had that ego. “Oh, Listen to me, you intoxicate me and make we say the silliest things but I don’t know what I’d ever do without you”

“I didn’t think I’d ever say this to someone but, I think, I think, I love you” Her voice was becoming quieter now, almost a whisper. Pokey flattened his head against the door to try and hear what she was saying, and with a click it suddenly flew open.

“I do love you, Monsieur Bourbon.” Announced Trixie as Pokey shot into the room as if was fired from a party cannon, his head crashed into the ground with a loud crack.

The last thing he saw before the world turned black was Trixie leaping to her hooves in shock and on the pillow next to her lay an empty bottle and although it might have been the concussion he was sure there was a smoking a cigarette hanging from its rim and it was producing an aura of relaxed satisfaction.

The End

(Rotten Fruit can be purchased from the Apple Trust for the purpose of throwing at the author for a very reasonable price).

Author's Note:

My first attempt at fan fiction in about 15 years and its given me a new appreciation of the authors posting on this site and how well and quickly they can write,

Comments ( 20 )

:rainbowlaugh: very amusing.

I'll be honest, I saw the ending coming a mile away. Still, it was an entertaining read and the double meanings made me smirk

Hahaha pointy ninja :rainbowlaugh:

Canonically, Trixie's bedroom is on the second floor of the residency :raritywink: and the spelling you're looking for is 'Monsieur' (and as a quirk of the French language, that word is not pronounced anything closed to how it is spelled:derpyderp1:) .

Anyway, nice work!!

Trixie and Monsieur Bourbon - the love that will never die! Cute story! It's Trixie's dialogue (well, monologue) that really makes it work, I think.

Ah, my. At least it ain't her mirror.

You think that's bad? Try Versailles. Just under half the letters in it are silent.

2097110:unsuresweetie: aside from the 's' being silent Versailles isn't a hard word to pronounce. All the phonem in it are in other words. Monsieur on the other hand is basically an old French word that never evolved in spelling but did in speaking. The plural, Messieurs, only has the 'r' at the end to worry about.

It's my understanding that Versailles is pronounced ver-sie. Making the "lles" extraneous. Prior to learning how to pronounce it I called it ver-sah-ee-laess

2097326 Ah I see... yes from your point of view a lot of the letters are extraneous, but it's fairly consistant with other words in French that end in 'ail' or 'aille' so it's not that difficult to read... but when you start learning to read in first grade there will always be someone who trips on monsieur...even if the teacher actually points it out before begining. :facehoof:

Now edited for French spelling and correct spacial lay out.

I had originally planned to try and make it more of a suprise but, well, I couldn't figure out how.

I did sort of remember the residency's lay out I think it was in some thread a while back although I can't find it now, anyway the extra journey up the stairs has now been added.

Oddly the first bit of this story was the Trixie dialoge which came to me on the walk to work where I do all my best thinking but once I actually started to write it I was most inspired by the Pokey parts. Trixie's monologue was originally going to be much longer but I just couldn't think of anything else.

I've seem worse "Throat Wobbler Mango Grove" Spelt Smith (someone's bound to get the reference).

HA! Hilarious.

this made mw have a good laugh! nice little story man! i must admit short the story im working on is almost done and its a bit longer then thsi but still great job :twilightsmile:

Not bad for a first outing. In fact, pretty darn excellent for any outing. The premise is simple and predictable enough, but quite well executed regardless, and the added degree of mind screw from Trixie's double entendre laced monologue, simply marvelous.

He saw…


He Heard…


He remembered….

Trixie’s bedroom was upstairs!

He felt…


Oh god, I shouldn't have read this in class! I died and everyone is giving me odd looks!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Seriously though, very nice for a first try. Or any try, really. You have a great grasp of humor!


That part was entirely a rewrite based on the fact that I personally forgot that Trixie's bedroom was upstairs so I though Pokey should as well.

Well it was beautiful anyway!:pinkiehappy:

Darn it, I was writing a Trxie x Bourbon fic!


There's nothing stopping you writing a better one, as long as you note me as your inspiration :scootangel:

Ah what the hell. I lol'd. Have a like. :eeyup:

“I know you're bad for me, and my friends disapprove, but I also know for a fact that even Luna enjoys your charms from time to time and she was the one that introduced us. I remember our first time, she thought I was too young for you, underage, but what do they know?” Pokey’s eyes boggled at this, he was afraid they would pop out of their sockets.

So how big is this misunderstanding going to be?

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