• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 1,622 Views, 24 Comments

The Wonderbolt of her eye - TGAP Trixie

Applejack has always had feelings for Rainbow Dash, but once she decides it's time to tell her it may be too late.

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Applejack awkwardly set down on Rainbow Dash's fluffy couch as she watched the pegasus struggle to find a brush for her messy mane.

When Rainbow did find a brush, she quickly brushed it over her rainbow colored mane and tail to give it that rough, careless look as always, and she nearly flew over to sit next to Applejack.

"Sorry AJ, I have practice later.. I might take one of my days I'm allowed off though, because.. I don't think Soarin is going to be too happy training with me after I tell him.." She trailed off, but she slowly grew a soft smile on her face as she looked at Applejack with a little laugh, and although she felt bad for Soarin, she had to smile back. Rainbow Dash loved her, not Soarin.

Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath. "Wow, huh, I dunno where to begin.." She sat in silence for a moment before looking back up from the ground to Applejack. "I can tell you that I've never felt this way before.. so.. don't tell anypony! They think just because I've dated a lot of ponies in my past means I've felt this way but.."

Applejack couldn't help but to chuckle a little bit about the pegasus thinking about her reputation. "Aw, don't worry sugarcube. Ah think it's kinda.. cute." The farm pony smirked as Dash rolled her eyes and smiled. "You're the only one allowed to call me cute, got it, cowpony?"

AJ laughed a bit and looked at Rainbow with a soft expression in her eyes. She loved how comfortable and happy she felt with the winged pony, it just felt natural, despite them being on a cloud.

"Besides Rainbow, ah've only been with a few colts from when ah was in high school.. and ah've never felt anything close to what ah feel now."

Rainbow had an expression that made her look like she was probing her mind for something else to say as she looked at Applejack with eyes full of emotion, but than she spoke. "You know, I really noticed how awesome you were until the day of the Iron Pony competition. We were hanging out and I loved being around you and all, and I guess it kind of got to my head that I might have met an earth pony who could be my match.. but after it, I swear, I was just so stubborn headed to impress you.. and to keep my reputation a little."

Before Applejack could reply, Rainbow Dash scooted closer to her and threw her arm around Applejack's neck. "Anyways, who in the hay would be dumb enough to let someone as awesome and as.. as beautiful as you go anyways? I'd rip them apart if I saw them around town, I'll tell you that!"

Rainbow thought about how she's always wanted to be called beautiful rather than some of the other compliments she had gotten from stallions and maybe one or two mares in her life. She thought Applejack would appreciate that, despite it being a bit cheesy.

Applejack blushed slightly as she laughed. "Rainbow, ah'm nothing special.."

"Nothing special?" Rainbow Dash looked over at her and rolled her eyes. "You serious?"

It was the farm pony's turn to roll her eyes and scoff. "Of course ah am. Ah'm just your run of the mill farm pony."

Rainbow Dash scooted closer to her and her arm tightened around the orange neck. "AJ, you're so much more special than that! You're the element of honesty, you're beautiful, you can kick flank, I mean, you're one of the only ponies who can give me a run for my money. No, the only one without wings that can."

Applejack smiled very softly, but she decided she wouldn't argue with Rainbow about anymore personal opinions. "Thanks sugarcube."

Rainbow Dash let her grip a little bit more loose and let her gaze soften. "So, what made you realize you were in actual love with an awesome pony like me?" She grinned and Applejack smirked, rolling her eyes.

"Well ah.. ah don't know Dash. It's one of those things where, it just happens. Ah guess it was when we started hanging out at the farm, and well.. when were we up in the loft.. ah felt somethin' special with ya."

Rainbow Dash slowly nodded. "Yeah, I remember.."

"You know, you really are fun to be around, AJ. I should visit the farm more often!" Rainbow Dash grinned as they both smiled and looked out of the loft, the sun setting ever so slowly.

Applejack smiled. "Well of course sugarcube, it sure is fun having ya out here. Ah've never really had a friend like you before.."

Rainbow smirked. "Of course you haven't!" When the pegasus looked into the pony's green eyes, and find herself reading them, with some sort of emotion. She wasn't too good at reading faces, but she scooted closer to Applejack, knowing it was much more than that by her silence. "But if it's not just that, than well, talk to me."

The orange mare looked over at Rainbow in surprise, never really taking her for the type to talk about feelings. She nodded very slowly. "Alright than, Dash. Ah trust you."

She took in a deep breath. "When ah was a school filly, ah didn't really have a lot of friends.. well, any, if you want me to be honest.. well, shoot, of course you would.. anyways.. ah had Big Macintosh, and.. my mother after my dad passed.. but even that didn't last long.."

Rainbow Dash felt her heart ache at the sight of the mare. Applejack had closed her eyes and sighed, finding it hard to go on.

"Hey, AJ, I know how you feel on that one.." Rainbow said, hitting a soft spot she wouldn't dare touch for anypony else at this moment.

She saw her orange eyelids blink a few times, and she carefully scooted closer using a hoof to brush the very edge of her eyes for tiny tears. "You don't have to act tough all the time, cowpony." Rainbow grinned as she looked into her green eyes. The pegasus had to admit they were one of the most beautiful pair of eyes she'd ever seen. Realizing that she had just thought this, she awkwardly moved her head back towards the direction of the farm outside and stared up at the clouds.

"Me and her.. we were really close.. but, one day I asked her if we could go flying, and she warned me about the upcoming storm, but, I was just a stupid little filly.. All hell ended up breaking out, and, after the storm was over, I haven't seen my mom since. They did find her body though, but, I was so heart broken.. I just couldn't.." Rainbow sighed, taking a long pause to breathe in deeply so she could continue clearly.

"And than my dad decided to blame his little filly for his wife's death.. but.. I can see why.. And ever since than, I've been flying. Trying to show everyone all I had. I was bullied as a filly too, Applejack. They were all so cruel. I never told them about my mother.. I didn't want to seem.. weak."

Applejack stared at her in shock. "Ah'm so sorry, Dash.." She wrapped her hoof around Rainbow's shoulder. "You'll show em, trust me. But ya gotta come to terms, it's not your fault. Ah wish ah could've jumped in to save my dad, and it haunted me forever until Big Mac had to come to terms and tell me that if ah would've, we both woulda been gone."

As Rainbow Dash found herself struggling not to get lost in those eyes again, she felt her face get hot.

Damn it Dash, she's your friend. Don't think of her that way. Keep thinking and you might..

Dash looked over at her wings, not even wanting to think about what would happen if she started thinking about anything other than AJ's eyes.

"So, if it's not.. too personal.. how did your parents.. pass on?" Rainbow Dash looked at Applejack and spoke softly.

Applejack sighed, looking at her hooves now. "My mom passed of cancer not long after Apple Bloom came, and mah dad got into an accident at the rodeo with a bull.. ah was there watchin', so ah rather not talk about how horrible it was."

Rainbow Dash saw Applejack try to fight back tears again, and she gingerly placed her hoof on top of her's, scooted over, and rested her downy blue feathers on the orange pony's back. "Don't worry Applejack, I won't make fun of you.." She mumbled softly into her ear, sending chills down Applejack's spine. "Even I have to let out tears every once in a while." Applejack was painfully aware of how Dash's touch made her stomach twist and turn in the silliest way.

Oh Applejack, you're just bein' silly.

Applejack lied her head down on the hay, releasing a few silent tears before looking back up and smiling softly as Rainbow wiped her tears away once more.

Rainbow awkwardly made half eye contact.

"Thank ya sugarcube.. as a filly ah was bullied.. ah didn't really have friends like Sweetie and Scootaloo like Apple Bloom does. Some ponies can just be rude but, ah know you'll always be loyal to me."

"What can I say, I'm the element of loyalty! And I know you'll always be honest to me." They both grinned, but Applejack's blood froze as Rainbow nuzzled her cheek lightly. Applejack could sense some sort of.. affection, maybe? The earth pony studied her gaze, but it was more of a friendly affection despite how it might not look like it.

Oh, so now you're reading her expressions?

Applejack actually thought it would be quite.. interesting to learn a pony like Dash this way. She took note that maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Rainbow laughed nervously at the earth pony's soft pink cheeks. "Sorry, I'm used to nuzzling my mother like that, and since it was on the brain..."

"Nah, it's cute." Applejack chuckled softly as Rainbow Dash removed her wing. She took notice how her hoof still lied in place, and she couldn't take the giddy feeling this gave her.

But than Dash shoved her shoulder softly with her other hoof. "Hey, I'm not cute!"

"Whatever you say.. Dashie." She smirked as Rainbow laughed nervously at Pinkie's nickname, which sounded more like a pet name more and more each day.

As the sunset progressed they talked about more happy things, such as their new found friends and such.

Applejack was talking about the upcoming zap apple harvest, but stopped as she heard a loud yawn and a half asleep pegasus pony rest her head on her shoulder. Applejack chuckled and noticed that every time a cold gust of wind came through, the pony who was now fully asleep flicked her ears and pulled them back.

She held back an immature giggle at how cute she found this, and she placed her hat on top of her rainbow mane as she started to doze off herself.

Applejack was painfully aware of these newfound feelings, but for now, she could watch Rainbow sleep like this for the rest of the night.

She yawned and snuggled closer to her friend, and ignored the slight warmth in her cheeks as Rainbow Dash's head rested on her neck and her cyan hooves over her back.

This would be pretty awkward when they woke up.

Rainbow Dash chuckled a bit. "I was having some thoughts, but I guess I pushed them away. That was a few weeks before our Iron Pony competition, after all." She grinned as if she also had a story to bring back up, but she heard a knock at the door.

"That's Soarin.." Dash looked up at the clock. "He's here to pick me up for practice.. I.. let me go talk to him.."

Applejack nodded understandingly as she watched the pegasus pony walk outside. Sweet Celestia let that stallion understand.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath as she stepped outside, shutting the door behind her as she forced herself to smile a little bit. "Hey, Soarin.."

"Hey Dash!" The blue pegasus grinned, planting a kiss on her cheek. "You ready for practice?"

Rainbow Dash looked into his eyes and sighed softly. "Actually Soarin, I think it's best if I don't go, because, I have something to talk to you about.."

Soarin's face dropped a bit. "Oh, are you okay Rainbow?"

"Oh, I'm actually great but.. this pony.. this pony I really love confessed her feelings to me.. she's the one who pushed me towards dating you, but it actually broke her heart.. Soarin, I really like you, but more as a friend.. I really love this pony." Rainbow Dash stood her ground and remained strong.

The stallion's green eyes had a bit of hurt in them, but than confusement. "Did you say her? And she? I mean.. not that there's a problem with it, you're not the only Wonderbolt who would.. y'know.. I was just wondering.."

Rainbow placed her hoof over his mouth. "Yes, Soarin.. she's an earth pony from Ponyville. But for the love of Celestia, if you tell ANYBODY, you're sure in for one hell of a flank kicking. We haven't discussed those kind of details yet. Understood?"

The stallion slowly nodded and moved her hoof from his muzzle. "But.. I thought we had something special Dash, I really did.."

Rainbow frowned at his dissapointment, and felt bad for him at this moment. Rainbow thought with an aching pain how she'd feel if Applejack had broken her heart like this for some stallion or whatever. That is, if they were going to date, which Rainbow could only assume. She shook her head clear, that was a matter resolved for later.

"Listen Soarin, you're a great pony, and you're going to find an awesome mare. I really did like being with you, but, you have no idea how guilty I felt because of my feelings for another pony.. I really still want to be friends, but, I understand if you don't.." Rainbow looked down as she scraped a hoof on the fluffy cloud.

She was taken back as she saw a navy blue blur from Soarin's mane and looked up to see the stallion giving her a friendly hug. Rainbow sighed a sigh of relief and gave him a quick hug back.

"I understand Dash.. It'll take me awhile to get over it.. but.. between you and me.. I think Spitfire was a little jealous." Rainbow's jaw dropped. It was a possibility that she had taken Spitifre's lifetime friend or maybe even love away from her. Maybe it was for the best that she let him go, and Soarin might realize there's another mare that has been right in front of him this whole time.

"W-well.. tell her she doesn't have to worry anymore, okay Soarin?"

The stallion nodded. "I assume you have things to discuss with this mare you told me about, so, I'll tell them you were sick, okay?"

"You don't have to lie for me." Rainbow Dash said, imagining the dissaproving green eyes of her favorite mare right now.

"Hey, what are friends for?"

Both the ponies grinned at eachother, and she sighed as Soarin flied off. He really was a great guy.

But nothing compared to her cowpony waiting inside for her.

Rainbow Dash walked inside quietly.

"How'd it go?" Applejack questioned.

"He actually took it pretty well." Rainbow smiled as she walked over to Applejack. "Say, how about we keep this conversation going on during breakfest in Ponyville?"

The farm pony grinned. "Ah'd like that. It's beautiful up here, but ah prefer the ground."

Rainbow chuckled. "There are some things you'd like here. I should show you around more sometime, but for now, I wouldn't mind walking a bit myself."

The orange mare smiled. "Alright.." She paused for a moment as they got up.

"Say, RD?"

"Hm?" Rainbow turned around to look at her.

"Ah was just wonderin'.. does this mean we're.."

"Dating?" Dash finished her sentence, feeling like lifting a little bit off the ground at the thought of something so great.

"Uh, yeah."

The cyan pegasus walked over to stand beside Applejack. "Well, if you wanna give it a go, I wouldn't want to be with anypony else."

Applejack grinned. "Okay, just call me your marefriend."

As they started to walk again, it was Rainbow's turn to ask questions.

"Should we tell our friends right away?" She asked quietly, hoping not to sound like she was ashamed. She just didn't know how they'd respond.

Applejack looked at her marefriend's face and smiled softly. "Ah understand, sugarcube. Ah think we should just keep it on the down low for a little while myself."

Dash nodded slowly. "Alright. That seems fair enough."

They walked outside and hopped into the hot air balloon.

"Besides Dash, we'll know when the time is right."

Comments ( 8 )

I think the story moved on very well with this chapter.

Keep the chapters rolling. :ajsmug:

Glad to see how well Soarin' took it. I expected there to be a wierd scene in which Soarin' goes into a rage and tries to murder Applejack. Luckily, that didn't happen.:twilightsmile:

That would have killed the mood

2136528 Yes, but my demented imagination creates some really bucking wierd scenes and still tries to make me think they work in the situation. Sometimes it succeeds in doing so, too.

I thought I was the only one...

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