• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 1,722 Views, 16 Comments

A Gleam in the Night - Serene_Haze

"In the depths of the night, over the far away castle, a pinprick of light catches my eye."

  • ...

A Starlit Night

I headed out onto my balcony to enjoy another beautiful starry night, as I am oft to do. I drew a deep breath of the crisp night air, relishing the feeling it brings my body. Quickly moving my eyes skyward reaffirmed that this was a perfect night to watch Princess Luna's glorious canvas. I swiftly inspected and, as needed, adjusted my equipment with a practiced ease that would put professionals to shame. Once my task was complete, I stole one last unassisted view of the sky before placing my eye onto my apparatus to begin a closer inspection of a number of individual stars.

'Now, let's see...oh my! It's not often a star goes supernova like that! How exciting!!,' I thought giddily as I subconsciously wrote all the details and even a minor sketch of the event onto my nearby journal. I watched this stellar cataclysm until it completely faded, aside from remnant vapors that lingered. Averting my eyes to look over my notes revealed a wondrous sketch showcasing the exact climax of the event. I gaped at the drawing for a solid minute, wondering how I could've done such a feat with no attention placed upon it. I shook my head deciding to leave that investigation for another time, and once more brought my eye to my telescope.

I pulled my head away from my piece of equipment and gently rubbed my eyes, thinking of getting some much needed rest. I thought to myself, 'well, a look of the view up here would be a perfect end to this night.' I walked to the balcony's railing and took in dark expanse of Ponyville at the moon's zenith. I slowly walked around the balcony's edge to see the amazing panoramic of the town and the outlying forest. I caught sight of the distance capital, sitting gracefully on its mountainside. In an instant, I relived all my times with my beloved princess and mentor. Lessons in magic, the luxuriating walks through the gardens, the lavish meals, and the peaceful nights spent under her watchful eye.

As the last of the memories faded, I wondered what would have happened if I returned to the castle to resume my apprenticeship. It seems as though my friendship with the girls is unlikely to break if I do leave. And the Elements haven't, and more-than-likely wouldn't, be needed anytime soon, it looks very possible. Suddenly, I was broken from my thought as a curious sight. In the depths of the night, over the faraway castle, a pinprick of light catches my eye. I stared at that spot, the spot that rests directly on the tallest tower of Canterlot, wondering what that light could be. On cue, it happened again, making me feel it was impatient. 'Odd, an impatient light? And from the princess's tower, no less?' I light my horn, calling upon the magic I used daily and sent out a similar light, not knowing why. Once more, the earthbound star shone, this time bringing about a feeling of....joy? I responded, hoping to convey my utter confusion through this light. My partner in this conversation quickly pulsed out an apologetic response, followed by a questioning one, as if asking to visit me. I cocked an eyebrow, then realized it wouldn't see my expression and sent out a cautious affirmative.

Suddenly, a light of intense magnitude appeared in the main area of my library. Using my magic, I quickly opened my balcony and bedroom doors and bolted over to the area where this strangely familiar flare was occurring. I then tripped on a unseen obstacle over the drop from my bedroom door and down to the library proper. I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for impact, only to find myself in a warm embrace. I opened my eyes and gazed upon the smiling face of my beautiful mentor. My face gained a mind of its own as a massive uncontrolled grin appeared upon my visage. I snuggled into her embrace as I did in times before. Her head moved so she could speak into my ear, "I have missed you, my faithful Twilight." I looked up and replied, "I've missed you too, my beautiful Celestia." As soon as those words left my mouth, shock from both what I said and what followed quickly worked its way through my entire being.

As I began to suffer a panic-induced meltdown, she quickly closed the gap and our lips met, making my deepest secrets and dreams into a reality I could have never hoped for. My eyes slid down of their own accord, or perhaps, of my enjoyment? Either way, the feeling of my long-time mentor caressing my lips with her own quickly washed away any other thoughts. She pulled back ever-so-slightly, causing me to whimper at the loss of bliss. She giggled softly as my blood quickly made up for lost time and gave me a glowing blush. She, once again, smiled at me and gently ran her wing over my back, causing me to shiver from the sensation. Her lips met mine again, though this time her tongue worked its way into my mouth and lightly played with my own muscle. A small duel occurred, though neither of us were trying to win. After several divine moments, she withdrew from my mouth and looked into my eyes. She whispered in a way that caused any remaining thoughts to flee, "I love you, Twilight. And I am glad you feel the same." I looked at her, trying to convey all my love for her by using nothing but my eyes, for my mouth ceased to work, but I knew that she understood exactly how I felt. Why else would she claim I felt the same? She laid back and initiated another heavenly kiss, thereby cutting off my mind's attempt at recovering. The sheer joy I felt at these moments easily outclassed my wildest fantasies. I fought her tongue, refusing to quit even as she relentlessly beat me back down. Another clash ended as we both gazed into the others' colorful depths, seeing naught but the unrestrained affection we harbored for a long time, too long. Our activities continued well past this point, showing no sign of stopping until the rise of my lover's charge. But the night, our night, had just begun.

The Morning After.....

I sat at the table, eating a healthy breakfast, thinking of what occurred. I prayed it was not a dream, my heart already accepted its reality, yet my mind remained resolute in the probability of being false. Regardless of the evidence of it being false, my dreams (and my mentor's) have reached realization. This event, being rarer than the cataclysm I witnessed earlier, occurred in a setting I never thought possible. My love was finally released unto its chosen object of affection, and was returned in the utmost fervor, underneath a starlit night.

Author's Note:

Well, that's that. My first fanfiction, loaded with possibly useless detail, no hint to the ending (aside from the tags), and generally being erratic in every sense of the word.
I hoped you liked it, never thought I'd actually publish anything. Oh well, have fun throwing your helpful (possibly hurtful) words into the comment section.

Edit 4/19/2014: A quick review, fixed a few mistakes, added a small amount of text to the beginning of the kiss scene, changed the ending of that same paragraph....As much as I would like to expand upon this chapter, I cannot bring myself to do so. Seeing my words is.....rather jarring. And so, I release this chapter from its bonds.

Comments ( 14 )

You good sir have create something that falls under the heart griping catagory and has filled my heart with poetry once again and i thank you for that keep up the good work

First fic? This looks like something somepony would write on their fith fic, if a little short. :twilightsmile::heart::trollestia: FTW!!!!!!

Very nice work, probably too rushed, it wouldn't have hurt to have a bit of interaction between Twilight and Celestia before their first kiss.
Still, that was adorable :heart:

Well, I spent the entire time after submission biting my nails....I agree that more interaction would have been better, but then again, it makes for a nice surprise. Mind you that I made this up as I went, only had a few previously thought of sentences. Thank you for your words so far!

Definitely good. And I like the useless details, keep them coming.
It reminds me of some stories written a while back nearer the beginning of the fandom, before every story had to have a huge plot with twists and turns on every page. It's simple, it's to the point, but in that it's beautiful.

2105457 I am sad to say (not really) that I doubt I'll be writing ever again. Not a fan of writing, reading is a different story, though. Then again, I totally doubted that I'd post a story, so you never truly know.

Ah well. It was good while it lasted then. With you on the reading though. It's not a real day if I haven't read 10 chapters of something on fimfiction

2105561 I'm getting hit by the possibilities of a prequel chapter, to add more of a development and reveal for Twi's feelings, and maybe a small bit with Celly. So maybe there will be more.

Lol. I would respond with something relevant, but I fear you might change your mind again. :pinkiehappy:

2105599 I may need a reminder eventually, I'd easily throw such a momentous occasion to the back to my conscious! But, knowing my jerk of a mind, I'd be forced to write more:facehoof:

Don't you hate it when your mind forces you to do something? :twilightsmile:

2106024 Only when I'm trying to sleep

A good little oneshot. I enjoyed this little read.

I saw the AU tag and had some initial thoughts, but they were wrong. You probably don't even need it, honestly. Ah well, it's not a big deal.

Comment posted by Serene_Haze deleted Feb 13th, 2013
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