• Member Since 31st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Hay guys! Glad you stopped by! Just another writer trying to get better... and I love writing them pony fics... Also, Fluttershy is best pony. Just saying...

Comments ( 164 )

So far it's looking promishing. Continue please good sir.



Looks good hope to see more.


Love the elder scrolls references :rainbowlaugh:

I like where this is going. I wonder what kind of sh*tstorm will happen after Celestia and Luna learn thet Discord can travel to other dimensions and cause chaos there wiht out them and the elements to stop him and he can prey on the weak wiht out fear thet somepony will put him down.

AJ caught to him?? should be AJ caught (up) to him, lol. slow down your thinking, your skipping words. This is right when he starts heading for the hospital with AJ.

Thank you! I knew I was missing something...
Stupid words... I not know grammar... or sentences that make any sense...

Found one, (lots really...) Before they take showers Twilight says "Then was(h) around the bandages?" it just needs that H and it'll happy as can be. :twilightsmile:

Thank you kindly! I guess that's what I get for typing at like 3 in the morning eh?

here I go again reading a story that isn't complete... when will I ever learn anyways I was wondering about updates how often do you plan on updating?

Edit: Fluttershy is best pony:yay:
Edit2: The nine gods was nice but overplayed I'd suggest toning them down a bit like you did in chapter 4.

Fluttershy is best pony :yay:

And updates... maybe every 3-4 days? That's my goal anyway.

Thanks for faving too by the way.

Measurements part
Rarity knew w(h)ere she needed the measurements
"I'm sure (you) can repay the favor one day."
Back at the library (Questionable, I don't know the rules for ' completely)
animals, I don't think the ' is needed.
Watching the Star Wars Movie
I(t) just had a marathon last week or so...

Thank you.. I wasn't sure if 'where' was needed... don't recall if it'd be a location.
The ' was a damn typo :facehoof:
Would it be an 'it' if I or me just had a marathon last week? :rainbowwild:

Thanks for helping me edit though :pinkiehappy:

Second paragraph "andd" delete that extra D.
awwww... I'm mentioned... This is the only error I spotted.

Thank you! And of course, glad I know someone will read it and won't hesitate to show how bad I am at typing! :pinkiehappy:

Title, requires a third dot "Can't get any worse..(.)"

A Lego? Once my brother poured a whole box of Legos on my floor!

Ow a Lego, those hurt like the dickens but not as bad as a tack in your bare foot I think you got lucky dear sir

thought you might like that
message to mike and martin Don't worry mike being a pony isn't that bad I mean just check out Jappleack25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lu287mhiko1r5tr09o1_500.png
my only regret is that I might scar Mike for life with that but I would love to see Martin's reaction :P
Finally good chapter and I hope I didn't scar you for life.

First one was unanimous, we both laughed.
2nd one... slightly disturbed both of us, Martin felt sick while I laughed.... that's not good, is it?

"OH GOD!! I just ripped out one of my testical hairs!!" - Capt. Binoculars (Martin)

....I worry about him sometimes.

Please let Mike live his dead woud be soooo sad :'c. Beside there is no sad tag on this story bro!

:facehoof: you had me worried there for a while

It will be awsome if he woud work for the smithy and yeh about thet secret crush thing ,to youse the word of one of the most spiritual and intelectualy person in the world I know :


-TF2 Heavy

Went a bit overboard with the references.

You think "that" is bad? Just wait another...ummmm-...10 chapters or something and then you will see how bad things can get...

the nine divines sayings are getting annoying


I hated typing them as much as you hate reading them... I'm glad they faded away...

Martin took off the sling and grabbed one of the swords with his right hand, checking the balance and weight of the sword but Forge got his attention and subtly shook his head towards AJ, motioning for him to try and cheer her up. He stared at the smithy dumbfounded, pointing at himself in surprise.

The smithy smacked his head and more violently motioned for him to talk to her.


That just made my day :pinkiehappy: Thank you

2326191 Your welcome:pinkiehappy: can't wait for more of your work. had a nice little marathon by saving chapters now I'm sad again and have to wait. Also about the 9 divine I'm glad they're faded away too.

I'm working as fast as I can to try and get them out.. even if they've been sub-par lately, or so a few people have said. But thank you for your kind words.

"...Dash flew through the still open door and carried another white pony on her back. "Dash, you can't just ponynap me; there are sick ponies that still need my help." She said, glaring at the pegasus.
"Well we have a sick monkey that needs help here."
"Not monkeys." Martin stage coughed as the unicorn nurse looked at him..."


(edit; btw, isn't Nurse Redheart an Earth pony? I know she has several coworkers with similar names to her who are Unicorns though...)

:eeyup: She is, we just got confused and gave her a horn... we should probably change that...

"..He scratched his head and chuckled. "I was an author…"
She smiled at him curiously. "Really; what kind of books did you write?"
"Mostly science fiction but I babbled in some historical non-fiction, action/adventure, and a romance every now and again…"

It seems the jilting jerk got off lightly with AJ running off. This could just have easily happened...
or even this from her big bro;

(Not a rant, just a stunned awe at the nastyness and deviousness of the plots unfurling... ) :raritywink:

Gee... Awwwwwfully convenient for Disco-ball that such an incredibly rare variety of Manticore that even Flutters cant touch just happens to show up where the Earthmen had appeared. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/discord.png
Quite convenient, even, that it occurs just when one of those Earthmen is right there at his most vulnerable time of learning a new body.
So convenient....so... CHAOTIC! And he just happens to have the cure for that super-rare venom to armtwist "a Deal with the Devil." with...
Discord, you wicked, wicked chess-master and all-around dirty trickster you! :flutterrage:

Okay, there was way too much Elder Scrolls referencing. I started to get really sick of it. Every once in a while, every couple of chapters, sure. Every other sentence coming out of the guy's mouth? No.

So I'm not the only one... but if I say something...

Applejack is gonna feel so bad when she awakes and finds out about this D:

Angel! you dirty piece of (bleeeeeep!)
(Elmer Fudd pic)
All together now; 0/~"Kiil the wabbit! Kill the Wabbit! Kiiil The Waaaaabiiittt!..."o/~

Wait wait wait. So let me clear a few things the mane 6 got twisted by discord once they all know thet when Discord corrupt somebody he twist them to the pola oposite (thus causing chaos) and yet they judge Martin like he is a bloody murderer (minus AJ and Twilight) and then he sudenly get sended prison becouse he attacked a pony (ho whas a human not long ago) and nobody care thet he whas assaulted first by Discord (mind raping is serous assault in my opinion). I hope Martin will get out from this mess I mean he is a victim here yet everypony treate him like somebody ho is a criminal and deserve it.

2460856 i agree, but them ponies are quick to judge our good zebra chum is a good example of this.

2460974 you are right. Ponies even in show are very racist and quick to judge and condemn others even after the incident with Zecora.

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