• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 2,402 Views, 263 Comments

Pony Jokes for Brony Folks. - Firebirdbtops

Whatever crazy ideas my brain can throw out.

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Knock knock knockin on Sombra's door

It is well known that, within Equestria, it is the Crystal Empire that has the ponies that are drawn to beauty the most. Everypony living there appreciates good art or craftsponyship, from the regal castle attendants with their crystal uniforms, to the ponies on the streets with their crystal meth...ods. So, it comes as no surprise that when he ruled, King Sombra had hidden away some of the finest art pieces the Empire had to offer, in an effort to further demoralize his subjects. When Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and her husband, Prince Shining Armor came into residence in the castle, one of their first decrees after the defeat of the previous king, was to recover the stolen cultural artifacts. Unfortunately for them, the pieces were locked up within the room that once held the Crystal heart, and the only pony capable of getting past the door, Twilight Sparkle, was currently occupied with her own affairs in Ponyville. Knowing that the curse upon the entrance was one that showed the deepest fears of the pony trying to enter it, the royal couple set their guards to the task. Each one of the brave stallions and mares of the equal opportunity crystal army attempted to enter, but were so overcome with fear, they had to withdraw. This went on for most of the morning, and well into the afternoon, until the kitchen staff came around with several glass bottles of preserved fruits to feed upon. Noticing the lack of progress, the royal chef asked if there were any way he would be allowed to help. Given that the door wouldn't actually hurt the chef, the soldiers didn't bother to dissuade him. The chef walked up to the archway that had stymied so many before him, and without more than a few moments pause, walked through. A while later, after the chef had traversed the excessive stairs and returned with some of the art that was sequestered away, the prince came before him. Demanding to know how the chef had managed to conquer his inner fear enough to gain entry, the still exhausted chef gestured at the leftovers of the lunch he had brought to the soldiers. Unable to catch his meaning, Shining Armor inquired what the fruit had to do with anything. The chef attempted to catch his breath for a while, before explaining, "It was simple. I just left the door a jar."