• Published 26th Jan 2012
  • 4,569 Views, 71 Comments

Conversion Bureau: Operation Ares Kingdom - SirAroun

In a future full of greedy leaders and racist ponies on man aims for stars to save humanity

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Ch. 5 The Deluge

Sorry for the lateness but our school work and other project has fill up most of our time. with school out for me and soon out for my co-writer we will have more chapters for you soon. Also as a note: this is a short story, not a novel, so there will be about 4 more chapters till the end then I will start rewriting the earlier chapters. As always, please comment.

Thank you for reading,

Sir Aroun and Sixpence

As I finished by tomato, I turned my attention back to my friend and co-worker, Nigel, who was now juggling tomatoes for some reason. Juggling them very badly. I gave a throat clearing cough to get his attention which somehow surprised him and caused him to drop the remaining tomatoes.

"When did you get here?" He said. I was about to give a sarcastic response when I paused at a horrible realization: He was serious.

"I have... We were just... You know what? Never mind. So, tell me, how are the Land Cutters going."

"Oh, great! They're at full cutty-ness."

"That isn't a word."

"It should be."

Land Cutters were part of our plan to terraform Mars. High powered lasers capable of slicing through diamond like wet paper, they are to be used to slice through the land to reach the inner core to help create an atmosphere. Of course we need to add some other gases to the mix to make it livable but still. The cutters are also very dangerous as Nigel demonstrated a week ago, trying to cook a hot dog near them is not recommended in the least.

"Oh, before I forget, how many moons did you need again?" he said suddenly.

"Just one. It needs to be large enough to keep the magnetic field stable, but nothing you cannot handle, right?"

"Of course no-"

And then the facility rocked and the lights flickered off, plunging us into total darkness.

I wasted no time.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I shouted at Nigel

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" he shouted back. "At least... not recently..."

I opened my mouth to reply when i was interrupted by a loud screeching noise. The Alarm. Red lights flickered on everywhere as the emergency generator kicked in, and a simulated voice over the intercom spoke:

"It appears that we are under assault. Please calmly and carefully make your way to the nearest exit. The local authorities have been informed, and will be on our the way soon." It continued to repeat this message, over and over.

"Couldn't that have been a bit more alerting?" I said as my co-worker walked over to an unusually large pile of vines.
"Probably." He replied even has he pulled out a large black gun with yellow stripes on it.

A World Corp heavy industrial Stun Shotgun with a retractable Zap Bayonet. A heavily custom one at that.

"Shouldn't we be running?" I said to him.

"Eyup." He said as he put on a blast proof vest.

"As in, not going into the horrible combat situation that is sure to follow?"

"Mhmm." He said as he put on rubber gloves and a face plate mask.

"Still have that crossbow you were holding onto for me?"

"I thought you'd never ask." He said.


As much of a horrible idea fighting our way out was, this facility wasn't made to withstand assault. It was made with a horribly designed single exit single entrance format, and that was only rarely used as we were supposed to live on the area. Meaning that if we were under assault, it was from that way.

"So, who do you think is attacking us?" I said to Nigel.

"Dunno." He replied.

"Do you think it's PER?" I asked him.

"What? No. Of course not. How would they even learn about this pla-"

The Intercom chose that moment to speak up again.

"Ponyfication Gas detected in Dome One. Enemies identified as the radical group "Ponyfication for Earths Rebirth". Dispersing gas neutralizers. Activating Automatic Turrets and other defense systems. All unidentified personal will be fired upon. Have a nice day."

"...Well, the computer might be wrong." He murmured. I on the other hand was on a different tangent.

"Have a nice day? Have a nice day?! How... you... We're... Oh well. We'll be fine as long as we have our ID Car-"

Then my mind flashed to a certain purple pony.

"Oh shit." Was all I could say. I whipped over to my co worker. "Dr. Sangui-" I started, only to find that he wasn't there, having already run off. I was on my own. With a crossbow that Nigel modified into being a rapid fire electric pain machine. I stared at it weirdly, before taking a test shot at a wall.

A glowing white bolt of energy fired off at the wall leaving a scorch mark. And more amazingly, it didn't shock me.

"This will do." Was what i said before rushing off to find Twilight.

Nigel is crazy somethings. After hitting one of the attackers with my shock bolts I grabbed the enemies radio. He was singing creepy nursery rhymes over the radio while PER members shouted for their comrades to respond. I did not have time for Nigel's craziness right now.

If Twilight Sparkle doesn't have her I.D. with her, hell, even if she does, the turrets might just shoot her on sight! The I.D. I gave her was just a visitor I.D. and therefor would not be on the defense's I.D. log. I dashed from room to room shouting for her, but to no avail.

"There's one!" i heard someone say, and turned to see two rifle toting PER members rounding the corner. I readied my crossbow... But to no target. The turrets had already rounded on them and fired, causing them to burst open in an explosion of horrid blue light, and the remaining pieces resembling black putty lit by an ominous blue flame.

What if Twilight had already been reduced to the black mess I see on the ground? I thought in horror, but shook my head. She would be fine. I dashed past the "bodies" down the hall, and took a left and a right, stopping as I bumped into someone. I quickly pulled up my crossbow and aimed, as the other man spoke. "Don't shoot! I surrender, I surrender!"

I blinked in surprise at the cowering form of Dr. Zim.

"Dr. Zim?" I said in surprise.

He opened his eyes with a similarly surprised look. "Dr. Freeman? What are you doing here? And with that thing?"

"Looking for our guest. She doesn't have an Official ID card and the turrets are active. And this is a crossbow. I am a medieval enthusiast, and this was a lot better than a sword."

"But, wouldn't a gun be much better in this scenario?"

"This one was also modified by Dr. Sanguis to be combat capable."

"Ah." Was all he said to that, but his actions of taking a long step back from it spoke volumes. "I am afraid I cannot help you with your... choice of weaponry, but I last saw Ms. Sparkle heading towards the library. I would advise taking cover however. The last PER Agent was moving this way in a hurry."

"I do understand that, but I still have to save her; just get to the security room, you'll be safe there."

I ran off to the library, dodging or shooting any PER members in my way. I really feel that it was my responsibly to make sure that Twilight was safe not just because she was the representative for Equestria but also because she was the first pony I had ever been able to really talk to.


Run passed another recently incinerated PER member, I entered the library to find Twilight curled up in a ball with a copy of a book called "So the Building is Trying to Kill You? By: Nigel Sanguis". When she saw me she jumped up and ran over to me limping strangely.

"Mr. Freeman, I'm so glad you are here! I tried to leave and one of those turret things nearly shot me leg off."

I noticed the burn mark on her hind leg

"It is going to be ok" I said patting her head.

I then ran to a locked bookcase, and opening it up, pulled a book called "Emergency Manual" casing A small terminal to pop out from the wall.

"Whats that?" She asked as she limped over.

"Its a Admin terminal. It can turns off the security on the path to the head security office." I said as I pressed the touchscreen on it. The touchscreen instantly changed to insert password. I entered "STONER SUNSHINE" as fast as i possibly could, and heard a clicking noise, then a buzzing. I then shut down the security on the path to the offices, and closed the terminal re-locking everything as it had been before.

I beckoned for Twilight to follow me as we rushed down the hall, as fast as her wounded leg could carry her. I ran ahead to scout, when the sound of an explosion stopped me.

I looked down, and saw blood coming out of my thigh, along with a hole in it. I looked up at the Per soldier who shot me, just in time to see Nigel materialize into existence and knock him down the hall with a shot from his gun.

"Hm, missed one." He said as he turned to me. "You okay Ace? Ace?"

I could not answer as I fell to the ground.