• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 8,685 Views, 279 Comments

We Fight as One - chaos2012

When Discord chooses to abandon friendship for chaos once again, Celestia and Luna must fuse together to defeat him once and for all.

  • ...

The Future

The cool breeze gently blew through Eclipse’s mane as she sat on the roof of the palace. In the calm evenings before the night, she always enjoyed the view from the very top of the castle back when she was only Luna. For some reason now it felt even better knowing that she technically wasn't alone when she was up here. She glanced down to the sun and moon design on her breastplate, gaining a warm feeling in her chest from the sight of it.

With a warm smile across her muzzle, she looked up into the sky and cradled the sun in her power. Gently guiding it down below the horizon, she switched her power and took hold of the moon and brought it up into view. Putting it in its place, she watched as the land became covered in its light glow, admiring the tranquil feeling it gave off, and another night of her new life.

"Our new life..." Eclipse whispered to herself, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes.

It had been a week since she had left the hospital, and she loved the way things had turned out. After receiving a wonderful warm return from the citizens of Canterlot, Twilight (along with Pinkie Pie of course) went on and made a massive party in celebration of her recovery and as thanks to saving them. And Cadance had returned from the north to visit her. With everypony she loved together, it was wonderful.

But for some reason... Something was wrong.

Eclipse knew it wasn't with herself or the others around her. She couldn't be happier with her life. She had wonderful friends and family that would always be there for her no matter what. Even with all these great things however, it felt like something was not right. As if there was a danger was approaching from the shadows, but she couldn't tell what it was.

"Is it just the thought of us together like this forever..." She sighed to herself, "to never be two ponies again? No... It's not that." She then turned her eyes down to the large gardens below the castle, specifically the now empty spot next to the fountain.

Where Discord used to be.

A small shiver crawled down Eclipses back at the memory of what happened to him; offered a chance at redemption for the years of chaos he put over the land, but that wasn't enough for him. He chose to try and kill her and threaten the land she swore to protect. But what bothered her the most of it was what Discord had said to her was correct. The elements weren't the ones that united Equestria together, but them. If something were to happen to them, everything the god of chaos said would be true.

After barely making it through that battle with him, Eclipse knew there were so many things she now realized in her life. Not only did she see she was lucky with her battle, but she had nearly killed herself in the process. If she did come across something strong again, she may not have the second like she did before. If the worst did happen, only Twilight and-

"Wait..." Eclipse sat still for a moment, a sudden idea popping into her mind. "Perhaps that is the thing bothering us. Maybe if..." A smile spread across her muzzle as she thought of it more, "yes. That is what we should do."

Standing up, she opened her two sets of wings and leaped off the roof. She quickly glided through the air down to the balcony several stories down. Gently landing on the tile, she walked towards the open doors leading to one of the large guest suites and chuckled to what she saw; both Twilight and Cadance were sitting down on separate cushions, both of their faces covered in green face cream while Twilight placed curlers through the others hair. The two of them were still oblivious to Eclipse standing there as they laughed together.

Cadance giggled as she felt her hair pulled up and wrapped around another piece. "Oh my gosh, I feel like I am back in Canterlot high doing this. What made you ever do these kind of things?"

"Actually, Rarity is the one who really showed me this." Twilight said as she clipped another curler into her sister in laws hair. "It was a funny thing how it happened."

"I just think its so funny seeing you doing this. I mean, you used to be so into books that you never did these kind of things."

"And so into her studies she hardly ever got out when she was younger." Eclipse added as she walked up to the two of them.

Both young alicorns quickly looked up and smiled at the new guest. "Princess! What are you doing here?" Twilight asked as she stood up from her pillow.

"I was just coming back from lowering the moon and saw you two in here. So I figured that I could come in here and see you both."

Cadance levitated a rag and wiped off the mud over her face. "You wanted to talk to us aunt Celes-" she stopped herself mid sentence, a beep blush growing on her cheeks from her mistake. "Sorry, I'm still getting used to that."

"No no, it's quite alright. It is..." Eclipse gave an annoyed frown to her niece. "Why do you always mistake us for our one half? Why not the other?"

Twilight scratched the back of her head with her hoof and chuckled. "Well... You do look like Celestia more overall."

"Well, alright then." After a small laugh, Eclipse walked closer and sat in front of them. The next moment though, her face lost its small smile as she looked to the two ponies before her. "Actually, we need to speak to you about something important."

Both Twilight and Cadance exchanged confused glances, taken aback by the sudden change in tone from her. Both of them finished cleaning off the face cream they had before sitting at attention for her. "Is something the matter?" Twilight asked.

"No, nothing is wrong. It's just..." Eclipse sighed, making sure she said the right things. "Look, back when we fought against Discord, we realized something very important about ourselves. If you are never prepared for anything, you may not be able to stop it. There will be times in your life when you will face dangers that cannot be faced the ways you have before. You may not have the chance to use the Elements of Harmony, or the Crystal Heart to help you."

Both Twilight and Cadance flattened their ears against their head, knowing that if it weren't for what Eclipse just mentioned, they would have never stopped Nightmare Moon, Discord or Sombra without them. They were nearly helpless when they didn't have those items of defense at their leisure to use.

"The same goes for us with Discord..." Eclipse flicked her ears, jingling the Solaris earrings hanging on, "if it weren't for these, we wouldn't be here to be telling you this. We cannot always allow ourselves to have to rely on outside defenses all the time."

"But... What are you trying to say?" Cadance questioned. "Where are you trying to get at?"

Now, Eclipse couldn't help but smile. "This is what we came to tell you. We want you two to begin training with us in combative magic."

Twilight's mouth fell open in disbelief to what she heard. "Wh-what? Combat magic?"

"Yes Twilight. While originally you may have been taught it wasn't needed for you, we realized it is perhaps an important thing to learn." Eclipse got up from and trotted over to their sides, wrapping a set of wings around each one. "You must learn so that when the time comes, no matter how far into your future it may be, or hopefully never, you are ready."

But what threat are you worried about that you want us to learn this?" Cadance asked.

"We aren't saying there is, but for when the time comes that there really is, you are prepared. You must be ready to protect not only yourself, but all those around you that you love."

After a few seconds, a large grin spread across Cadance's face. "Alright then. I'll do it."

"Me too." Twilight said as well. "Who knows, maybe I won't need the elements anymore. I can do it all myself now."

Cadance rolled her eyes at her sister in law’s joke. "Okay Rainbow Dash. You go and guard all Equestria."

All three alicorns shared a laugh together, enjoying the warm embrace the three of them shared. After a moment, Eclipse spoke back up. "Perfect then. Practice starts tomorrow."

"This will be good, but maybe not too necessary just so you know." Twilight said with a smirk. "I mean, you already beat Discord, and don't know what else would be that tough."


music link

Miles from the peaceful city of Canterlot, a very different tone drifted in the air. The great desert beyond the borders of Equestria sat vacant of almost all life, dry wind whipping dust over the barren land. No plants grew in this place, the land still destroyed from the great battle over a millennium before the princesses came to rule the land.

Sitting alone in the sandy wasteland, a single mountain rose from the ground. It's solid stone face was unlike anything that was found in the desert. That was because it didn't naturally come from the land like the other land masses. The deep red rocks across the face of the mountain was so shiny it almost appeared to be glass, the surface smooth and flawless. All except for a large crack over the very top.

Spreading out like a spider web, the crack grew out until a chunk the size of a golf ball poked out and fell off the mountain face. The empty space revealed a hole leading to the dark, hollow interior inside the strange landmass. As soon as it was revealed however, it was filled with a bright yellow eye staring out to the moon in the sky.

A deep laugh was heard as the mysterious eye stared up to the bright orb, relishing the light it gave. "Amazing, it's been over two thousand years since I have seen the moon. Seems smaller than I remember."

"I don't care about a moon. I just want to feel something else than this damn rock all around me." Another voice said from the darkness inside, this one sounding like a female. "The moment we our out of here, I will get the meal of a lifetime."

"Heh heh, I agree with that one..." The first voice said as he moved his eye out of the way, his pitch black claw reaching through and scraping at the surface. "I can feel the spell weakening already. That only means one thing."

"Yes it does..." A new, cold voice spoke up from the blackness of the mountain. "Discord is dead."

The claw slipped out from the hole as its owner moved out of the way, allowing a new green eye to look through. The new eye stared out to the barren land that was the desert before it. A deep sigh was heard as the mysterious being looked out to the world before it. "The spell over us still won't wear off for sometime. When it does though, there will be no stopping us."

"Yeah, now that Discord is gone, that is one less obstacle in our way." The first voice said from behind. "I just wish I was the one to slice his throat open for betraying us."

"It doesn't matter. He is gone and his magic dissipating is enough to destroy the prison. Knowing him how he was, he was foolish enough to keep the secret after so many years, and that secret died with him."

"Still... to think Discord could be killed." The first voice laughed in the darkness at the idea. "That is something I never expected. I really can't wait to see that creature who did it. Perhaps I can give it a thanks for it before I kill it."

"That time will come soon. And once it does, nothing will stop us from taking our world back." The deep green eye narrowed as it stared out to the blowing sand, almost picturing the deceased draconequus in the night.

"You shouldn't have betrayed us, brother."

Author's Note:

Yes, its finally here. The true epilogue for my story.

Hopefully you all enjoy the follow up story here

. And if you are interested in following these and other stories like this more, there is the group I created called the Eclipseverse.

Comments ( 24 )

...uh oh. :rainbowderp:

More Draconequui? This can't be good.

~ Super-Brony12

You got that right!

Ho! That escalated quicker than I expected. I actually expected a wind DOWN, not a wind UP! :rainbowderp:
Definately sold to read the sequel now! :rainbowlaugh:

Typos :3
"The moment we our out of here"
I missed a few of the other ones

SOOOOOO many DBZ references!!!

I think this song maches up ...kinda. :derpytongue2: Nice Fic! Very DBZ-like. :twilightsmile:

Hmm... should I read, or save for later?
Honestly, reading this will probably help me write fight scenes better.

I have to ask, what is the Dark tag for? Character death? EVIL!Discord? What?

4071088 Egh, my advice would be to not read at nightmornings. :facehoof:

I thought I faved this...
Oh well. FIMFic likes to pick and choose what I Fave sometimes. :derpyderp2:


Jeez, if Eclipse unleashed her own version of Nightmare Moon, there'd be no stopping her would there?:pinkiegasp: She'd probably look pretty wicked though:pinkiecrazy:. Total/Complete/Absolute Eclipse anyone?


OK, Serious Time, GO! - The premise caught me by surprise. Discord deciding to finally betray them all? I buy it. The princess using Potara Earings? Cool. I like the fusion design. The fight scene's were pretty cool. I could sense a Goku thing going with the whole Eclipse 'will stop you but not kill you.' Didn't detract my interest from the story. I found the choices of music for each scene to be very fitting indeed, definitely made me imagine how it would go out if this was animated.

The fight scene's were quite lengthy and detailed - I enjoyed that. Throughout the scenes I did imagine it all in a Dragonball Z style fashion. Ah, imagination. Makes the story more epic. (Sorry for lack of other words.) Eclipse being in a coma, instead of dying, left me quite surprised. Not that I wanted her dead, just caught me off guard.

All in all, I enjoyed it. Not perfect but very well done.


Like, Favourite and Follow from me.

I will look forward to reading the sequel.

P.S - Any animator reading this story. Make an animation of this story. It would be awesome to see.

I got to say you have an interesting story here so far

Awesome storie thanks for sharing

4521968 if this got animated i think i would die from oversquee

Very nice! Reading this reminds me of Dragon Ball Z. In fact I even check out your group and you even say we can fuse together any one else other then the Princesses. I'm working on one right now. That story is going to have Twilight and Trixie fuse. So far the best name I can come up with is Trixlight. I'm also using a different villain. So, in an way, my story is like a gift to you for making this awesome story.

And, next season of Pony Ball Z...

This story was a three times crossover between MLP, Bleach, and Dragon Ball Z .................. AND I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pure fucking evil these days, I beg to differ.

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