• Published 17th Feb 2013
  • 2,956 Views, 40 Comments

Only on the Surface - A cubed

Prejudice has moved from interracial couples to gay couples. Lyra and Bon Bon get married and taste this head-on. Applejack starts coming out to her family and friends, with Twilight's help. Derpy's children are adopted.

  • ...

Sex Happens. Twice.


Attention citizens of Ponyville

It has come to my attention that there are many residents who do not approve of homosexuals living among us. I would like to address this issue in a Town Meeting this Sunday. Due to the somewhat adult nature of the meeting, I request that you make plans for your foals, whether it be daycare, babysitting, what have you. Attendance is not mandatory; however, due to the nature of this issue, I expect most if not all citizens to attend.

Twilight Sparkle, please contact the Mayor’s office ASAP.

Thank you,
Mayor Mare


The article was put on the front page of the Ponyville Gazette. As a result, many plans were changed for that next Sunday. All tickets for the train stations were redeemed, and postmarked to be used on the Monday afterwards. This was a big issue among citizens in Ponyville.

The majority of the population tolerated homosexual rights. Heck, most of them encouraged it! However, there was a minority who opposed. That minority, though small percentage-wise, was still quite a bit of ponies population-wise. The mayor had always been receiving grievance notices from ponies who were aware that their neighbors were gay, but that hadn’t really been much of a problem: everypony gets junk mail, after all.

However, there was a certain event two weeks ago that had massively increased the influx of said grievance notices. Two citizens had gone to Canterlot to be married by the Princess herself, and stayed for a week afterwards to have a honeymoon. After that week, they returned to Ponyville, proudly married, and ready to face the rest of their life together. Only thing is, they were both female.

This was met with mixed results among Ponyville’s citizens. Nothing really changed among the friends of the new couple, but those that did not approve of gay marriage certainly did get- for lack of a better term- saddlesore. Ever since that day, Mayor Mare’s mail intake doubled. She decided enough was enough, wrote a letter to the town, and had it published in the newspaper on Thursday.

Today is Saturday.


‘But Twilight-’

“No buts, Spike. I’m sorry, but I can’t let you go tomorrow.”

‘Why not?’

She sighed. “Because biologically, you’re still technically a baby dragon.”

Spike’s face fell at this. Twilight looked away, and continued. “Look, I’m sorry Spike, but your presence at the meeting would cause unnecessary drama that would detract from the main issue.”

His claws clenched into fists. ‘That’s not fair, Twilight.’ the young dragon looked up at his caretaker, friend, and parental figure. ‘You know that I’m mature enough by now to voice my opinion on these kinds of things!’

“Spike, I do know that!” voice full of exasperation and high in volume for just a moment, before the unicorn took in a deep breath, extending her hoof from her chest as she did so. She continued, transforming her rebuttal to an explanation. “It’s just that, not everypony else in town does. I mean, you still look like you did three years ago when we came here. Appearances can be deceiving, and seems to be the only thing many ponies in this town go by. I mean, think about it: some of them are so closed-minded that they’re angry about something as simple as gay marriage. I wouldn’t doubt that there are those who consider you a foal, despite how much you’ve grown...” At this, she looked down at her number-one assistant’s still-stocky baby-dragon form. “...Mentally.”

‘...oh. Right.’ Spike’s resolve deflated quicker than a popped balloon, or Pinkie Pie’s mane when he’d inadvertently caused her to fall into depression on her birthday after pretty much telling her that her friends hate her. He sat on the floor, pulling his knees to his chest. ‘I forgot that not everypony else is the same as you.’

Twilight knelt down to his level, and wrapped a foreleg around the young drake. “I’m really sorry, Spike. But, look: a few decades ago, there was all the arguing about interracial marriage. You remember when I wrote that research paper about Starswirl the Bearded and his wife, and how many said that it was supposedly blasphemy against the Princess?”

Spike looked away from Twilight’s face, remembering. He had read the biography out loud while Twilight took notes. One of the ridiculous things he remembered reading was that many ponies took great offence to Starswirl’s relationship with the pegasus mare. One of the big arguments against it was that a unicorn and pegasus could potentially sire an alicorn baby, despite all the evidence that it was impossible for an alicorn to be born by a normal birth- and even Celestia herself denying the claims.

‘Yeah,’ he finally said. ‘I remember.’

“Well, it’s moved on to something different now, but still pretty much the exact same thing: prejudice by physical differences.” her face grew dim for a moment, eyes downcast. Trying to forget about the incident, Twilight shook her head and put on a smile: that was in the past, and Spike’s issue is in the present. “At least there’s a bright side,” she said. “By the time you’ve matured enough to be the size of a full-grown pony, there’ll be something else to argue about. Maybe somepony won’t like marriage between ponies with different mane colors!”

He smiled a little at the attempt to cheer him up. ‘Yeah, maybe.’ He said, hugging Twilight. ‘Thanks.’

She didn’t say anything for a moment, until Spike let go and started to stand up. “Tell you what,” Twilight began to say. “After dinner, if we get the library cleaned and finished tonight, you can have the day off tomorrow. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle can’t go to the meeting either; maybe you can hang out with them?”

‘The day off? All right!’ Spike hurried off to finish his chores for the day. Twilight turned and glanced at the half-unpacked box of the week’s new orders.

“Well, these books aren’t going to organize themselves...” the lavender mare mused to herself. “Stupid nonexistent spontaneous animation spell...”


‘But Applejack-’


‘You can’t just say-’


‘You aren’t even listen-’

“No, Applebloom.”

‘Dummy says no!’

“No- uh...”

A moment of silence passed. Applebloom grinned smugly at her older sister. The grin was not returned. The older mare sighed, and she removed her hat, setting it on the kitchen counter before turning to the yellow filly.

“Applebloom...” Applejack sighed. “Even if ah did say yes, it ain’t even up to me. Mayor mare said no foals, an’ yer still just a filly.”

The younger of the two’s grin dropped immediately as she replied with another ‘But Applejack!’

“Applebloom, no arguin’.” her voice was stern and firm for a moment, before she inhaled and spoke with a more apologetic tone. “This ain’t even mah decision, okay?”

The orange mare received a ‘humph’ in response as Applebloom crossed her forelegs.

“Applebloom, y’all know that if ah COULD,” she taps a hoof on Applebloom’s shoulder each time she accented one her words. “Ah WOULD let y’all into the meetin’. Granny an’ Big Mac an’ me raised y’all right, and y’all prob’ly know more than some o’ them idiots out there who got us into this mess by sendin’ all those letters to the Mayor. Unfortunately for you, fillies s’posedly ain’t s’posed ta know ‘bout this ‘cause of them.”

Silence, broken by a sigh. ‘Ah know that, but sis, it ain’t fair!’ the redhead complained. ‘Just ‘cause Ah’m a filly don’t mean ah ain’t a part o’ this community.’

“Ah know it ain’t fair. Life playin’ fair is like a cow layin’ eggs, it just doesn’t happen. But that’s just the way...” Applejack hesitated for a moment before continuing. “That’s... the way things have to be.”

A sense of deja vu washed over Applejack as she remembered a conversation between herself and her father...

“But Daddy,” filly Applejack said. “Mama can’t go to sleep forever! Ah, ah want her to stay here with me!” a tear slipped out of her eye and glistened on her cheek, followed by two others.

‘I’m sorry, AJ.’ the filly’s lip quivered. ‘Mama... can’t be with us anymore. She’s gotta go to another place, away from us.’

She sniffed before replying. “But, but what about the baby? Doesn’t she love lil’ Bloom?”

The older stallion leaned down to his young daughter’s level. ‘Your mother loves Applebloom very much, and she loves you and your brother too. But, sometimes... sometimes ponies just have to do what they have to do. This is one of those things.’

Applejack trembled. She tried to put on an angry face, a facade to cover the fact that more tears were coming. But it wasn’t enough: she closed her eyes and let out a wail as she closed the gap between herself and her father. She wrapped both of her forelegs around one of his. He set down on his haunches and wrapped his other foreleg around the crying filly.

“But ah, -sniff- I don’t want her to -sniff- go away, daddy! It’s not -sniff- not right! We gotta -sniff- stay together forever!” she exhaled and inhaled heavily before continuing. “You said -sniff- that family is forever...”

He closed his eyes and leaned down, as if his encasing her away from the outside world would prevent the pain of loss from reducing his baby girl to this. It didn’t work, though, and she continued to cry.

‘I... I said that, didn’t I...’

“You did.” she sobbed a few times. “Why did you lie to me?”

He had nothing to say to that. What could he say? She was right: he did lie to her. He promised her that, even though there would be another baby in the family, there would still be enough love to go around for all of them. He’d likened it to the fact that Princess Celestia was immortal, and loved everypony, and would continue to love everypony forever. Since Celestia could love ponies she’d never met before, he had continued, then love was forever among ponies who have met before, and were close. Like family.

She had asked him if that meant that if they all loved each other, they would be together forever as well. He said yes, thinking, hoping, that he would have to wait to tell his children about death for when his own mother eventually passed, so it would be less of an emotional toll than their own mother. This was an unforeseen tragedy, and he regretted having lied. Although...

‘I didn’t lie to you, AJ. Maybe your mom can’t be here in Equestria with you, but she’ll always be with you in spirit. Actually...’ with his free foreleg, he reached up on the table for the stetson hat. He grabbed it and held it in his hoof by the filly’s head. He contemplated the consequences of this decision: on one hoof, perhaps Applejack wouldn’t be as sad. On the other hoof... ... ... lacking any counterpoint, he said, ‘I want you to have this, Applejack.’

She sniffed, and looked at the hat. Her eyes; wrinkled, wet, and red from the tears; opened slightly as she saw her mother’s favorite apparel held right in front of her.

“But... but that’s mama’s hat.”

‘Yes... yes it is.’ he turned it around on his hoof. ‘And, if you wear this, she’ll always be with you. Have you ever seen her without this hat on?’

Applejack sniffed again. “Not before today.”

‘Well, neither have I.’ he replied. He held the fabric to his muzzle and inhaled. It still smelled of her mane: apples and strawberries. He set it on his daughter’s head, and when it comically covered her face due to its largeness, he leaned it back up so he could see Applejack’s face.

‘Can you feel her?’

The filly rubbed her eyes with her hooves, and she started to nod.

“I think so... a little bit.” she pulled it off and held it close to her body, hugging it to her chest. “It’s just a little big.”

‘Well... you’ll grow into it. The good thing is that you can still feel her presence, right?’

“I s’pose so... but... it’s nothin’ compared to the real thing.” she leaned on her father’s chest. “...it ain’t fair.”

‘I know it’s not fair, AJ.’ he said, leaning his head on hers. ‘I love her too. But... sometimes bad things happen. Sometimes that’s... just the way things have to be.’

Applejack cast a glance to the counter at the hat. She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to remember what her mother looked like wearing it. It took a moment, but the mental image snapped into place. It wasn’t an image, though, but a memory. She was on her mother’s lap on the rocking chair, and she could faintly hear a voice.


It was familiar, but it didn’t sound right.


That’s not her, that’s-


Her eyes snapped open. Applebloom was calling her.

‘Y’all drifted off there for a second-’ Applejack cut her off with a hug.

“Leave the boring meeting to me an’ Big Mac an’ Granny Smith. Y’all are young anyways, so you should go out an’ have some fun with yer friends tomorrow.” she pulled away. “Who knows, y’all might find your cutie mark this time!”

Applebloom rolled her eyes, but smiled.

‘Yeah... maybe when I get my cutie mark, ah’ll get treated more adult-like, right?’

Applejack shrugged. “Who knows?”

Applebloom sighed. ‘The meetin’s probably gonna go nowhere anyways, like they always do. Ah s’pose this is for the best.’ she looked out the window, and suddenly jumped. ‘OH NO!’ she cried. ‘Ah forgot we had a Crusaders meetin’ in the clubhouse tonight! Ah’ll be home for dinner AJ, see ya later!’

She galloped towards the door, but Applejack yelled, “Applebloom, wait!”

The eager red-maned filly skidded to a halt. ‘What do ya want!?’ she cried impatiently.

“Ah...” she hesitated for a moment. “...Ah love you.”

‘Yeah yeah, love ya too, bye!’ and she shot out the door.

Applejack watched the door slowly close, and looked at the counter. The hat was still there. She reached a hoof out and grabbed it, and held it close for a minute or two. She brought it up to her muzzle and sniffed it before putting it back on her head.

It still smelled slightly of strawberry.


‘But Rarity-’


‘What if mom and dad say-’

“It doesn’t matter what mom and dad say, Sweetie Belle. They aren’t in town right now, and you know their rule.”

She sighed. ‘When they’re not here, you’re my boss. I know...’ the white filly traced a circle on the ground with a hoof. Suddenly, Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened, and an imaginary lightbulb went off over her head. ‘But it’s been forever since we did anything together!’ The obvious guilt-trip tone was obvious.

Rarity rolled her eyes, able to see through- well, hear through, technically- the facade. “I know that. But do you really want the thing we do together to be sitting around all day listening to ponies talk about something that really doesn’t merit all the fuss and commotion? Is that your idea of fun?”

The lightbulb shattered as the younger unicorn’s face fell. ‘...no...’ she sighed. ‘I guess not.’

Rarity sighed as well. This disappointment wasn’t fake. But then, an idea came: “What if I take you to Sugarcube Corner tomorrow, after the meeting lets out?”

A gasp was heard, followed by an exclamation of ‘Really!?’ Sweetie Belle’s mood perked up considerably as she considered this possibility. Quality time with Rarity AND cupcakes? At the same time?

The blue-eyed mare nodded. “Really.” she said. “My only client at the moment is Hoity Toity, and I still have another three days to finish two and a half dresses. I could take a day off and still make the deadline.”

Sweetie Belle hugged her big sister. ‘Thanks, Rarity!’ she exclaimed. ‘You’re the best!’

The hug was returned. “You promise a filly a cupcake and suddenly you’re ‘the best’, regardless of what was being discussed immediately before.” Rarity mused to herself. “Funny how that works out.”

“But if even a speck of dust is in your mane, you’re taking a bath before we set foot outside this house.”



“Cloudsdale’s over this.”

‘Well, Rainbow, Cloudsdale’s more focused on factories and weather than social issues, so that’s not really a surprise.’

“Yeah yeah, I know. I just wish that you and the others lived there sometimes.”

‘I’m sorry.’

“Don’t apologize, Fluttershy. It’s not your fault. That’d be like Twilight apologizing for not having any wings.”

‘Twilight with wings?’

“Ridiculous, right?”

‘Yeah... ridiculous...’


“Of course I’ll babysit tomorrow! Why would I sit around in a boring old meeting all day when I can be with the twins? I mean seriously, I would do anything other than sit around in a boring old meeting all day, because you know better than most anypony else that I can’t sit around anywhere all day. I mean, there was that one time with the mirror pool where I had to watch the paint dry, but that was different because I wasn’t the only me right then, and it was a matter of life and death- well, social life and death, because I wouldn’t be dead and gone, just gone with the other mes, but still, I would probably die if I never got to see my friends again. And if I never came back to Ponyville again, I would never be able to be here with you guys and the babies, and that would be really bad. I just love you all to death and I would take any and every opportunity to be there for the kids, and lookee here, an opportunity! So you two have fun tomorrow- well, as much fun as you can have in that situation, of course, I’m not trying to be sarcastic here, and if you thought I was then I’m sorry!”

Pinkie took in a deep breath before starting to talk again. But when she did, she saw that the Cakes were sprawled on the ground, eyes turned to spirals and tongues lolling out.

“Oops...” she laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her head with a hoof. “I broke them again.”


“Who knew so many foals lived in Ponyville?” Amethyst Star sipped her coffee, black.

“After being used to 16, 40 seems like quite a jump.” Cheerilee sipped her coffee, two sugars.

“But if we split among the four of us, surely we will reduce the fuss.” Zecora sipped her tea.

“At least we don’t have to watch ALL of the foals in Ponyville.” Nurse Redheart sipped her coffee, milk and cream.

The three most dangerous & destructive fillies in town would hopefully steer clear of the school during their, ahem, adventures. If not... the four mares shuddered.


Two ponies, newlyweds, laid in bed next to each other, looking up at the ceiling.

The first pony said, “To think we angered enough ponies to merit a town meeting.”

The second pony replied, ‘All we did was get married. It’s not like anything really changed, right?’

“I know, but still. It amazes me.”

‘We’ve kissed in public before, I really don’t see the difference.’

“Maybe it’s because now you have a ring on your horn?”

‘Hmm. Probably. But if they get angry at what my horn looks like, imagine what they’d think if they knew what I did with it.’

The first pony blushed heavily at this. “Well, we’re certainly not doing THAT in public!”

‘Aww. Well... we could just not go to the meeting tomorrow. Town Hall, Sugarcube Corner, and the school are the only places we’d need to avoid. Otherwise, it’d be a ghost town. Or, we could just go into the Everfree Forest- then again, that’d probably be dangerous.’

“Please don’t tell me that you spend a lot of time thinking about this.”

‘...okay. I won’t tell you.’


‘Come on, Bon, it was a joke!’

“...who said I wanted it to be a joke?”

The sea-green unicorn raised her eyebrow at this. ‘The plot thickens!’

The cream-coated mare raised her eyebrow at this. “You calling me fat?”

Lyra smiled. ‘What, that comment didn’t sit right with you?’

Bon Bon smiled back. “Interesting choice of words.”

‘While that may be true...’ Lyra leaned over her lover. She stopped smiling, and whispered, ‘My choice in a wife is definitely a much better one.’

Bon Bon’s eyes widened. She stared into her partner’s eyes for a moment. A hoof reached out, and swept a tuft of sea-green and white hair to the side. Another reached behind Lyra’s neck, and pulled her down.

/x/ Sex happened. /x/

They laid together in each other’s forelegs as their breathing returned to normal, and their heartbeats slowed. Lyra’s horn slowly stopped glowing, but the earth pony’s essence still lingered.

‘Hey Bon Bon.’

“Hmm...” she nuzzled the fur on Lyra’s chest.

‘Do I...’

Bon Bon opened her eyes.

‘Make you...’

“Don’t you dare-”


Bon Bon sighed. “Thank you for reminding me that I didn’t marry you for your sense of humor.”

‘...I’m guessing this is a bad time to ask for a sandwich?’

“Good night, Lyra.”




“See you later, Spike.”

Twilight headed for Town Hall, while her assistant headed to Carousel Boutique. It was earlier than most of Ponyville’s other citizens, as Mayor Mare requested her assistance in preparations for the meeting. After proving her mettle at her first Winter Wrap-Up, Twilight was an invaluable asset to anything important the town had planned.

The door was opened, so she didn’t knock. She just walked in. The main central area was clear to the raised area in front. A simple podium sat there, occupied by the Mayor, who was arranging papers. She didn’t look up at Twilight’s entrance, so Twilight assumed she didn’t hear. Not wanting to interrupt, but forced to anyways, she coughed.

Mayor Mare looked up at the sound. ‘Twilight Sparkle, hello.’

“Hello, Mayor. Anything I can help with?”

She nodded, and stepped down from the podium. ‘Not at the moment, Twilight Sparkle. Your help will be more appreciated as the day goes on. I have a checklist here in my saddlebags that I’d like you to manage.’ She reached in and brought it out.

Twilight grabbed it with her magic and unrolled it slightly. It was an alphabetical list of all the ponies who lived in Ponyville.

“You want me to make sure who has and hasn’t spoken?”

She nodded. ‘That’s correct. It’ll keep the, ah, more talkative and opinionated ponies down to one turn each, and those that are more reserved will be called upon at the end.’

“I see. Well, that seems simple enough.”

‘Also, if you could keep a chart running of approvals and oppositions, it would be helpful as well, so I can accurately gauge the ratios of who approves and disapproves.’

“Chart? No problem.”

‘Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.’

Twilight was slightly put off by the number of times she heard her second name used. It wasn’t bothersome, it just seemed too formal. Even the Princess rarely used her second name!

“Mayor, you can just call me Twilight. Everypony else does it.”

‘I know, but I’m required to keep up formalities as part of my job. Why do you think I dye my mane grey instead of its natural pink color?’

“I don’t think you need any help keeping up formalities, Mayor. You’ve been doing very well handling the town’s affairs through these past years. There have been no recessions, we’ve recovered from natural disasters, and you handled the parasprite invasion well.”

‘Well thank you, Twilight Sparkle. However, those have been economic and physical, things that don’t directly affect this town. There are still social issues such as this one that are hurdles that I still need to take care of. Perhaps if this gay marriage dispute settles down and dies, I could dispense formalities. But until then, I shall address thee by your full name.’ She looked towards the front door of Town Hall. ‘They’re arriving. Twilight Sparkle, please step up here and take roll of attendees. There’s two boxes per name, so use the first for attendance and the second for speaking.’ she headed to the front and began greeting ponies.

‘Thee?’ Twilight asked herself. She shrugged it off and did as she was asked, silently taking roll.


The Apple Family left Sweet Apple Acres together. Applebloom didn’t attempt a final plea as she knew it was fruitless. Plus, she enjoyed the prospect of a full choreless day to spend with her best friends and Spike, so it wasn’t a total loss.

Applejack and Big Mac shared a collective sigh as they thought about the consequences of not doing any work today: double the load tomorrow. Still, this was for a good cause, and they maintained straight faces.

The walk was relatively quiet. Applebloom was formulating plans for the day in her head. Big Macintosh hardly said anything anyways, so with nopony initiating conversation, he stayed silent. Granny Smith didn’t speak either: she was old, and getting winded on the walk. Talking would just expend more oxygen.

Applejack was wrapped up in her own thoughts. She was worrying about the consequences of the Town Meeting. Everypony in town’s feelings on the subject would be laid bare for all others to see. After this, there would be no going back. Normally, that wouldn’t worry the orange mare: however, this was something important to her.

If it was about something meaningless, like which vegetable tastes the best, she would think nothing of it- other than wonder why Mayor Mare would waste valuable time and resources on something stupid like that. But this directly affected Applejack: she wasn’t sure if she could speak her mind on the subject without somepony asking questions.

If anypony questioned her opinion, it could potentially lead to a confrontation about whether she herself was gay or not. Applejack was a terrible liar: the truth would no doubt come out if it came to that. She took a deep breath and focused on the ground beneath her hooves.

When they finally got to Ponyville proper, Applebloom bid her family farewell before heading to Carousel Boutique. When she arrived, she knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door was opened by Rarity. Atop her mane sat a small maroon beret, and she had on a black sweater.

‘Applebloom, hello. Sweetie Belle and Spike are inside.’

“Hi Rarity... Nice hat.”

‘Oh, this?’ she blushed slightly. ‘It’s just a little souvenir I bought from a gryphon merchant in Canterlot a few months ago. We’re having a big important town meeting today, so I thought I should dress formally informal. You don’t think it’s too much, or too little?’

Applebloom returned with a blank stare. “Yer askin’ ME for fashion advice?”

Rarity blinked. Then, she blinked again. ‘Oh. Sorry. Well, have fun today.’

“Thanks Rarity. Will do.” Applebloom stepped aside to let her friend’s sister through the doorway, and when it was clear, she stepped through, letting the door close behind her. “Sweetie Belle?” she called out into the dress shop. “Spike?”

Her pink-and-purple-maned friend’s head peeked out from the side of a doorway. ‘Hey Applebloom!’ she called out, waving a hoof. ‘In here!’

The earth filly trotted over to find the aforementioned Sweetie Belle and Spike, coloring on a table. The dragon exchanged a greeting with Applebloom.

“What’re y’all doin’?”

‘We’re coloring until Scootaloo gets here.’ It seemed to be true. Sweetie Belle had been drawing a rough sketch of her, Applebloom, and Spike being pulled in the wagon by Scootaloo on her scooter. Spike drew a slightly less rough sketch of Rarity, but still fairly unrefined. As Applebloom was studying their handiwork, Sweetie Belle nudged the box of crayons over. ‘Wanna join in?’

Applebloom shrugged. “Why not?” she said as she sat down, grabbed some paper, and thought about what to draw. In the past, the filly would have done something simple, like her siblings bucking apples, or a family portrait, or something else of that nature. However, this time she decided against doing something simple, in case Scootaloo took a while (it was fairly early in the morning, so it wasn’t out of the realms of possibility) and started looking around the boutique for inspiration.

Her gaze took her to a window, outside of which you could see Canterlot on the mountainside in the distance. This gave her an idea. She took a few select colors of crayon, and started to carefully sketch a mountain.

About fifteen minutes passed. Scootaloo still hadn’t arrived yet. Spike had drifted off to sleep, leaning against the wall and drooling a bit. Sweetie Belle started a second drawing, this time of herself and Rarity. Applebloom continued work on her Canterlot Castle.

Another fifteen minutes later, there was a quite loud, yet rhythmic series of knocks at the door. This woke Spike up, and made him fall out of his chair. Sweetie Belle giggled at this, and said ‘I’ll get it!’ before galloping off. Rarity would disapprove of running inside the shop, but Rarity isn’t here, is she?

She opened the door to reveal a young magenta-maned pegasus.

“Sweetie Belle, good morning, I’ve got so much stuff planned for today! Where’s Applebloom?”

‘Good morning, Scootaloo. Applebloom’s inside coloring with Spike.’

“Coloring?” the filly’s eyebrow raised. “With Spike?”

‘Well you were taking forever,’ the young unicorn said, slightly exasperated. ‘So we were coloring. And yeah, Spike’s coming with us because he can’t go to the meeting.’

“Huh. Okay. Well, go get them, we’ve gotta get going ASAP if we want to do everything we’re gonna do today!”

Sweetie Belle decided not to point out the fact that regardless of when they got going, and the speed of which they were doing those things, they would still do everything they were going to do that day even if there were undone things on the list that were originally planned and intended to be done, because all the things that would be done would have been done, and anything they didn’t do wouldn’t have been done that day anyway. Instead of confusing herself (or, more likely, Scootaloo), she simply said ‘Okay!’ and headed back inside.

Spike was rubbing his head, and Applebloom was still coloring.

‘Guys,’ she said. ‘Scootaloo is here, so we’ve all gotta... whoa.’ her train of thought was derailed after looking at Applebloom’s project. It was a realistic representation of the base and several towers of Canterlot, as well as the mountain it sat on. ‘Applebloom...’

No response.

‘Applebloom?’ She tried again, no response.

‘APPLEBLOOM!’ she yelled, this time getting a response.

“Gah! Sweetie Belle, what’re y’all yellin’ for!? Ya scared me half ta death!”

‘Scootaloo’s here, didn’t you hear?’

“Oh. Why didn’t ya say so?”

‘I thought I did... Anyways, you drew that?’ she asked, pointing to the paper.

“Yeah, but who cares, we gotta go crusadin’ now.” she left the paper behind and headed out the door. “You comin’?”

The unicorn filly spared one last glance at the picture before answering. ‘Yeah, I’ll be there in a second.’ she stepped out the door, closed it behind her, and stepped into the wagon, putting her helmet on.

Spike looked between the other two passengers. ‘Where’s my helmet?’

‘Oh, Spike, sorry. I think we have a spare here-’ she grabbed something with her teeth. ‘Yeth, her it ith.’

Spike narrowed his eyes at the helmet. He put it on, buckling it under his chin. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom giggled.

‘The pink really goes well with your scales, Spike!’

‘...shut up.’


Bon Bon was awakened by the sun, upon which she became aware of Lyra’s soft snoring. And morning breath.

She wriggled out of the unicorn’s forearms, which fell limply to their owner’s side. After yawning, Bon Bon stepped off the bed and headed towards the kitchen. She spent the next five or ten minutes making breakfast for the two of them, a salad of spinach and dandelion. After this was done, she headed back upstairs to wake her lover.

She set her hoof on the sea-green mare’s shoulder, and shook lightly. “Lyra,” she cooed. “It’s time to wake up.”

She slowly turned over in the bed, pulling the sheets tighter around her body. ‘Five more minutes... zzz...’ she murmured.

Bon Bon tried again, shaking a little harder. “Lyra, wake up. It’s morning.”

‘Mommy, I don’t wanna go to school. Go ‘way.’

Bon Bon sighed, and used her last resort. She whispered, “Look, a human.”

‘WHERE!?’ Lyra bolted upright in the bed, flinging the sheets off, face full of visible excitement. This excitement faded when she didn’t see any humans. She looked around and saw nopony. ‘Bon Bon?’

A muffled noise came from underneath the blankets on the floor. Lyra grabbed the edge, and pulled, revealing a blue and pink mane, followed by the rest of her wife. She grinned sheepishly. ‘Uh, sorry Bonnie...’

A light blue eye twitched.

Lyra reached a hoof down to help her up, which was received. But, instead of pulling up, the cream-coloured mare pulled down, causing the unicorn to cry out and fall to the ground.

“You know, you should have expected that.”

‘You know, it’s unfair to get mad at me for flipping out after you dropped the H-bomb.’

Bon Bon grinned. “I guess you’re right. But it was funny.”

Lyra rolled her eyes. ‘Maybe to you.’

“Aww, did I hurt your feelings?”

‘Nope. You did hurt my flank though.’

“Poor baby.”

Lyra peered over at her cream-coated companion. ‘My sarcasm senses are tingling.’

“Good, then they’re working!”

Lyra started to fake pout. ‘Well, don’t I feel appreciated.’

Bon Bon smiled. “All right, let me make it up to you. I’ll show you how much I appreciate you by letting you decide how. Choose anything you want me to do.”

Lyra stopped fake pouting. ‘Anything?’

Bon Bon nodded. “Anything.”

Lyra put her hoof on her chin as she pretended to think hard about what she wanted in return. ‘Well, I could ask you to make something special for breakfast. But... why would I waste an ‘anything’ on something as mundane as breakfast? Hmm...’

As she was waiting for Lyra to ‘decide’, Bon Bon rolled over closer to the unicorn, so she was right-side-up.

‘I know, how about a hike through Everfree Forest?’

The earth pony rolled her eyes. “Doesn’t that sound fun?” She stood up on her hindlegs, and moved her left hoof onto Lyra’s other side, positioning herself dead center.

‘I suppose there is one other thing... but... it seems like you already know what that is.’

Bon Bon winked suggestively, licked her lips, and lowered her head.

/x/ Sex Happened. Again. /x/

Lyra’s eyes glazed over as her pulse slowed to normal. The muscles in her back legs relaxed, freeing the pony trapped inside from captivity.

Bon Bon dragged herself forward, and laid herself down atop her lover. She could feel hooves stroking her mane.

‘We should probably shower before going today.’

“You think?”


Author's Note:

This chapter was an exercise in slice-of-life, dialogue, and romance. The real meat of the story will be starting in the next chapter. I’ll try to have at least one or two LyraBon scenes each chapter, because I really like the pairing.

You’ll notice I censored over possible clop scenes. That doesn’t mean they WON’T be written, it just means they AREN’T written... yet. At this point, I don’t think they add much to the story, and I don’t think removing them takes much from the story. Plus, some people don’t like clop scenes, which is understandable. And, I wouldn’t be good with them anyways, as I am not a lesbian, pony, or someone who’s had any kind of sex before.

By the way, for this story, I’m not going to adapt to Alicorn Twilight.