• Published 14th Feb 2013
  • 1,050 Views, 9 Comments

A Flutter Of The Heart - JPTrixie-Fan

a romance fic dedicated to valentine's day.

  • ...

Happily ever after

The sun rose high above the horizon of Ponyville; its warming light beaming through the windows and caressing the beautiful pink hair of Fluttershy’s mane which was currently a tangled mess as she lay on the soft silk sheets of the bed. The timid mare awoke as dreams of last night danced in her head.

“Was it all just a dream?” Fluttershy questioned as her eyes slowly opened trying to avoid being hurt by the harsh light from the sun, just as the thought left her lips she felt a gentle squeeze around her stomach and soft breaths caressing the fur on the back of her neck tickling her with each exhalation. The yellow mare’s cheeks became a light red as she realised that she wasn’t dreaming and that she was indeed sharing a bed with her friend Rarity.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh… it really happened. Then that means we really did… oh my.” Her face became a deep crimson as she remembered every detail of the night before; memories of her first kiss and then the ‘other’ sweet kisses that followed made her heart almost beat straight out of her chest.

Again she felt the gentle embrace tighten around her, this time however followed by the sweet coo of her companion’s voice. “Good morning darling or should I say princess?” the white mare giggled as she placed several soft kisses along the back Fluttershy’s graceful neck.

“Oh… oh my, Rarity… I… I… ” the timid mare squeaked and moaned softly as her wings extended and brushed against the white coat of the mare currently embracing her.

“Oh my, what beautiful wings you have darling.” Rarity said in a hushed whisper as she stroked each delicate feather until Fluttershy began to breathe rapidly. The gentle caresses and kisses of the white mare were achieving their desired effect quickly causing Fluttershy to shudder in pleasure, but their intimate moment was cut short when a knock came at the door of the shop.

“Blast! And I was just getting started too.” Rarity mumbled to herself and pouted as she climbed out of the bed and headed for the door, leaving the yellow mare panting and shuddering in an unsatisfied mess that was now balled up in the silk sheets of her bed.

The knock came again and was quickly met as the white mare answered the door “Yes? How may I help y…. oh Twilight darling how are you?”

The lavender coloured mare stood looking confused as Rarity answered the door. “Rarity… um what are you wearing?” Twilight gestured pointing to the pieces of costume armour that the white mare was clad in.

“Oh… this… this is um… ” Rarity stammered in an attempt to find an excuse.

“Rarity? Who… who’s at the…” the yellow mare emerged from the back room still blushing and panting furiously from Rarity’s touch. “Oh.” Her eyes grew wide as she spotted the purple unicorn in the doorway. “H… hello Twilight… um… I’ll just erm...” Fluttershy quickly retreated when she realised that she was still bright red and garbed in only a silk sheet.

Twilight’s jaw dropped at the sight of the ‘excited’ yellow mare that had just fled into the back room, turning to the fashionista pony in front of her Twilight tried to piece together what she’d seen.
“Rarity, what’s going on here? Why was Fluttershy wrapped in a bed sheet? And why are you dressed like a palace guard?” she launched a barrage of questions at the white mare until finally Rarity took a deep breath and answered.

“Fluttershy and I, we’re… an item, a couple.” Rarity confessed looking a tad embarrassed by the situation.

“What?!” Twilight stood in wide eyed shock at her friend’s statement.

“Darling, this isn’t how I intended you to find out.”

“I can’t believe my own friend is one of those… weirdoes.”

“Twilight, you can’t be serious. I thought you of all ponies would be accepting.”

“No, I can’t accept it… its wrong! Celestia says that only a stallion and a mare can be together like… that.” Twilight’s words cut deep into Rarity’s heart and filled her with sadness.
“And with Fluttershy!? This… this is just unnatural! I… I can’t be around either of you right now!” with that Twilight galloped away leaving Rarity saddened and afraid of what the others would think once they found out.

It had been a few hours since the ‘incident’ with Twilight and the two mares had tried to forget about it and move on; hopefully she’d come to accept their love in time, but the thought still plagued Rarity like a persistent itch that she just couldn’t scratch. What if everypony was as closed minded as Twilight? She’d seen other lesbian couples, but they were few and far between; most importantly was that they were all socially isolated. When Rarity thought about it she only knew one such couple: their names were Lyra and Bonbon. They were social outcasts, but Rarity always attributed their isolation to Lyra’s obsession with the ponytales about the mythic creatures called humans; but what if it wasn’t that? What if the reason they were outcast was because of their ‘tastes’?

“Um… Rarity? Are you ok? I mean… you haven’t said anything since Twilight left.” The beautiful yellow mare asked, her voice filled with concern when her white companion failed to answer. “Um… Rarity? Um…”

Finally the white mare’s train of thought was de-railed and she turned to face her timid lover. “I’m sorry dear what were you saying?” The well groomed unicorn answered, her eyes slowly making their way to meet the other mare’s.

“I… err… was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the market? If you don’t that’s… um… fine.” Fluttershy asked and timidly poked the ground with her hoof.

A devilish grin crept across Rarity’s lips as she watched the yellow mare poke the ground. “Oh? Annnnnnnd what if it isn’t fine with me?” She teased slowly slinking towards her shy companion.

“Oh… um… I’m sorry I didn’t mea…” Fluttershy found her words cut off as Rarity’s soft lips pressed against her own and the sweet sensation of that first kiss returned, but this time she was much more prepared and kissed back with equal passion.

The kiss lasted several moments before Rarity finally broke it, once again leaving her shy lover gasping for more. “Of course I will go with darling, I love spending time with you.” She smiled and kissed her companion once again, this time she wrapped her forelegs around her lover to ensure that she couldn’t break the kiss half way through.

The market square was unusually crowded with ponies busily galloping from stall to stall, vendors trying to sell their wears and foals playing while their parents shopped; in the centre of the square stood the two mares that were carrying their saddle bags as they trotted to each stall.

The happy couple talked, kissed and nuzzled each other as they trotted around the crowded market place, however each stall they passed or visited quickly fell into silent whispers as word got around and judgemental eyes fell upon the pair. The gazes that followed the lovers began to bother Rarity and upset Fluttershy, her timid nature forcing her to hide herself behind her mane and draw closer to her companion.

As the two arrived at the final stall the stares that followed them had gathered in number and the judgemental whispers grew louder; finally the crowd spoke out in hateful, bigoted shouts.

“That’s disgusting!” shouted some members of the crowd; others chose to shout more hurtful remarks and the most extreme chose more aggressive gestures.

The sudden aggression and hatred caused the two mares to retreat, fleeing from the market in tears.

The scornful remarks of the crowds hurt Rarity, but her concern was aimed more at her yellow companion; she wasn’t as strong as Rarity was and her heart was easily broken.
“Fluttershy dear are you alright?” the white mare asked as she opened the door to her shop.

The beautiful Pegasus didn’t answer instead only soft sobs escaped her lips and tears ran down from her eyes; the sight of such a pretty pony crying was painful to watch, more so than the words that had caused the tears to flow. Almost instinctively Rarity lifted her foreleg to embrace her marefriend, but even with the white mare’s loving warmth wrapped around her Fluttershy couldn’t stem the flow of tears that fell to the floor like rain.

“Rarity…” Fluttershy managed between each sob “Why… why won’t they accept us? Are our feelings… wrong?” again the timid mare spoke, her tears beginning to subside as she was comforted by her lover’s embrace.

The well groomed mare didn’t know how to answer her lover’s question instead deciding to let her lips alone answer the question for her, using her hoof to raise the yellow mare’s muzzle level to her own and planting a soft kiss on her companion’s quivering lips. Fluttershy closed her teary eyes and enjoyed the sensation, her heart beating in perfect rhythm with her partner’s.

“This doesn’t feel wrong does it darling?” Rarity asked pulling the timid mare closer allowing her to feel her heart beat.

“N… no, it doesn’t…” Fluttershy blushed as she answered and looked up into Rarity’s blue eyes that seemed to sparkle under the light that broke through her shop’s window; her lover’s kiss and gentle caresses had almost stopped her sobbing save for a lone tear that remained to trail down her now pink cheeks, of course Rarity wasted no time in claiming it for herself as she licked Fluttershy’s soft cheek stealing the tear as she did.

“Fluttershy dear; if two ponies love each other then they should be allowed to be together, no matter what others say…” Rarity said as she cradled her companion and kissed her cheek. “One day they will accept us, I promise.”

Fluttershy said nothing, instead choosing to snuggle closer to her purple maned lover as they sat on the bed that Rarity had brought down as part of last night’s surprise; eventually the commotion of the day caught up with her and the beautiful yellow mare drifted off to sleep in her marefriend’s embrace, letting out a wish along with a sigh.
“Stay with me Rarity….”

Fluttershy awoke several hours later to find herself tucked into Rarity’s bed with the room enveloped in darkness; she sat up and noticed that the moon had risen, its silver beams barely illuminating the room as they broke through the canopy of dark clouds that filled the sky above. The shy mare shivered as she felt the chill of the night air entering through an open window.
“Rarity aren’t you cold?... Rarity?” she turned to look for her lover, but she was no where to be found. There was no warming embrace or gentle tickle as her breath caught the back of Fluttershy’s neck, it was as if she’d disappeared. Again Fluttershy felt a shiver pass through her as the icy wind invaded the room, she decided to climb from the soft sheets and warmth of the duvet to close the window. It was then she noticed a small note fall from the pillow next to her and flutter to the ground.

“Oh my, what is this?” she quizzed opening the letter.

The writing on the note was in flawless calligraphy and the message itself read:

“Fluttershy my dear, I had some business to attend to and had to pop out for a moment. Feel free to wait in my shop and help yourself to anything you want from the fridge. I should be back soon so you don’t need to worry. See you soon darling xoxoxo.”

The note was sealed with a kiss and sprayed with Rarity’s favourite perfume, but the thing that struck Fluttershy as odd was that Rarity had to be out all night. What was she doing? The yellow mare wondered as she closed the windows and returned to her slumber.

Across town a white mare garbed in a dark blue hooded cloak was trotting towards a small sweet shop as the dark clouds that hung over head began releasing their watery payload.

“Ugh… this is just what I need…” Rarity remarked sarcastically to herself as she walked through the now pouring rain.

Minutes passed and soon she arrived at the large red door of the sweet shop, it wasn’t a moment too soon either as her hooves were becoming soggy, almost prune like in appearance; she hesitated for a moment and knocked on the door hoping that Lyra and Bonbon weren’t already asleep. Several moments of waiting had left Rarity doubting her plan until the door creaked and slowly opened to reveal an aquamarine coated mare on the other side of the doorway.

“Can I help you?” Lyra asked raising an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Lyra darling can I come in there’s something I need to discuss with you?” the hooded mare asked slowly lowering her hood to reveal her white horn and purple mane.

“Oh hey, sure Bonbon and I were just making the sweets for tomorrow.” Lyra said inviting her in.

The inside of the couple’s home was well lit; its walls were covered in a blue and red stripe paint scheme, the very design of which made Rarity’s fashion conscious mind cringe in horror. Nonetheless the white mare continued into the pair’s sitting room and took a place on their sofa; Lyra also took a seat adopting a rather unusual posture explaining that it supposedly made humans smarter and therefore made her so.

“So what brings you here at this hour?” Lyra asked as she gestured for Bonbon to come sit with her guest and her.

“I… have a rather delicate problem shall we say, I’ve fallen for a mare and…” Rarity confessed as she sat fidgeting in discomfort.

“Really?! I never figured that you were that way inclined, who’s the mare? She must be gorgeous for a mare like you to fall for her.” Bonbon interjected and cut off Rarity’s thoughts.

“Yes; she is, but… you see that’s not why I’m here.” Rarity continued in an attempt to explain.
“I wanted to know how you deal with the scorn of the others. Their abusive jeers reduced poor Fluttershy to tears…” She became saddened as she recalled the beautiful yellow mare’s face covered in tears.

At that moment Lyra gestured for her partner to get their guest some tea and leant forward to look Rarity in her eyes. “To be honest, we never dealt with it… we just persevered and ignored them. Eventually they stopped; I suppose they just gave up.” Her tone was very frank and her answer wasn’t as satisfying as Rarity hoped it would be.

The white mare heaved a sigh of dismay and looked at the ground. “I… I can’t bear to see her in tears again…” she said and thought aloud; this statement caused the aquamarine unicorn to well up and smile.

“Rarity, that was beautiful. I’m sure that as long as you stay strong by her side then no matter how many legions of neigh-sayers look down on you two, your love will stay strong and it will see you through!” Lyra said getting a little carried away, going so far as taking an inspirational stance like that of one of the humans in her books.

“Lyyra! Sit down and stop shouting! We have neighbours you know.” Bonbon scolded her marefriend and placed the drinks on the table she had just been stood on.

The three mares continued talking late into the night and through to the early morning. Finally, Celestia’s sun peered over the horizon; its light breaking through the darkness of the night and illuminating the cities of Equestria.

“Thank you both for having me, I feel so much better now… Oh, Lyra darling if you and Bonbon ever want to double date then Fluttershy and I would love to go out sometime…” Rarity’s thoughts drifted to her lover who was most likely still sleeping softly in their bed. “I’m sorry dear, can we talk more later? I really want to get home to Fluttershy before she wakes.”

The other mares smiled and replied in unison. “Of course.”

With that Rarity took off like a white bolt of lightning as she galloped back to her home, where her timid lover was undoubtedly waiting for her.

Rarity quietly unlocked her front door and opened it being careful not to make a sound as she entered her home. The front room was dark; it seemed that the suns hadn’t broken through the curtains that almost barricaded the windows around the shop. The two floors of the boutique were deafly silent, not even opalescence had stirred to meet her and yet there felt like another presence in the room with her. The white mare heard light hoof steps and a quiet sigh before the curtains flew open.

As the sun light burst through the windows and filled the room, Rarity’s blue eyes were met by the silhouette of a pony stood in the centre of the room. It took mere seconds for her eyes to adjust to the sudden harshness of the light; returning her gaze to the figure that stood before her, Rarity watched as the light dispelled the shadows that shrouded the figure to reveal a beautiful sun kissed yellow coat and pink mane garbed in a flowing white dress that clung to the mare’s elegant form.

“Flut… Fluttershy darling?” Rarity stood wide eyed and speechless as she gazed at her timid lover.

“um… he… hello, prince… oh dear.” Fluttershy stammered and looked at the ground shyly.

“…” Rarity was still in speechless awe of the gorgeous mare that stood before her, her mouth hung open as her eyes looked over every inch of the yellow mare.

“Oh… dear… do I look silly? Did um… did I say it… wrong?” Fluttershy asked, her cheeks now a soft pink.

Rarity shook her head and regained her composure, letting a grin form on her lips. Rarity knew what her lover was up to and decided to play along; she stepped closer to the other mare and took her cloak off with a well practised flourish before wrapping it around the back of Fluttershy’s neck to pull her closer.

“Oh beautiful princess, what a lovely surprise…” Rarity slipped into her role as comfortably as a hoof in a sock.

“um… ” Fluttershy blushed, her eyes rising to meet her lover’s. “I… oh my…”

Fluttershy was cut off as Rarity began kissing her neck, each soft smooch deepening the crimson that covered her cheeks until she could no longer contain herself. Fluttershy let slip a soft moan which caused her lover to stop and look at her; she didn’t know what she had done, why did Rarity stop? Fluttershy recoiled in fear that she may have upset her marefriend, of course the truth couldn’t be more opposed. A devilish grin snuck across Rarity’s lips as she loomed over her shy lover.

“Meep!” Was the only noise that escaped before Fluttershy was ravished by her lover’s touch; soon she found herself lying beneath the panting white unicorn, suddenly her wings extended with an audible pomf sound which only seemed to encourage the white mare. Each moan and squeak drove Rarity wild until finally the two were a coiled, writhing mess of sweat and saliva. Finally Rarity stopped kissing and looked into the cyan eyes of her partner.

“Fluttershy….. will you… will… you…” Rarity stammered as she tried to catch her breath.

Fluttershy knew what the white mare was about to say and smiled; pulling her closer to answer her lover’s question by using only the sensation of that sweet kiss she loved so much. Rarity didn’t hesitate, understanding exactly what her marefriend meant she dove back in and blanketed her with soft kisses.

“The lover’s continued their taboo romance, vowing to never leave the other’s side. Eventually the town’s ponies came to accept them; even twilight who had been so closed minded at first finally gave them her blessing to be together. It almost seemed like the ending of a ponytale, but there was just one thing missing…”

It had been several months since the day Rarity and Fluttershy fell in love and that love grew stronger with each passing day; then on a bright summer’s day Rarity had invited her timid companion to the spa that they visited once a week for her birthday.

Fluttershy entered the spa’s reception to see Rarity waiting on one of the many cushioned chairs; she was reading a book, her eyes gracefully dancing across each page as she read on. Finally the white mare looked up and smiled wide as she saw the beautiful mare walking over where she was sitting.

“Um… I hope I didn’t keep you waiting… um… I’m sorry.” Fluttershy was wearing a dress Rarity had made for her as a birthday present and because of that fact she treasured it more than any other gift she’d gotten.

The yellow mare was so cute that Rarity couldn’t hold herself back for more than a moment; she leapt up and planted a kiss on Fluttershy’s soft cheek. “Of course not darling I got here only a minute ago.” She hugged her companion and turned to the spa owners gesturing with her free hoof. “The usual.” Were the only words she needed to utter before the two spa ponies hurried them into the massage room.

After a soothing massage and mud bath the two went for lunch at the only five star restaurant in Ponyville, it was here that Rarity had planned to give Fluttershy her real gift.

“Fluttershy darling….” Rarity suddenly felt her heart beat a million times harder and her words catching in her throat.

“What is it?” the yellow mare asked; her smile and cyan eyes now aimed directly at her lover.

Fluttershy’s natural cuteness, coupled with her beautiful dress and her tender voice completely overwhelmed the purple maned fashion pony making her stutter. “Erm… Flut… Fluttershy darling… I … I wanted to ask… erm…” She took a sip of wine, but quickly choked when Fluttershy leant across the table.

“Are you ok Rarity?” Her eyelids batted as she stared deep into the azure ocean of Rarity’s eyes until finally her lips met with the white mare’s.

Rarity broke the brief kiss and took a deep breath. “Fluttershy darling these last few months have been so wonderful and… how do I put this…” She took another deep breath. “I know that ponies with our persuasion can’t get married, but Fluttershy my darling…”

Rarity stepped next to the yellow mare and opened a box. “Fluttershy my love will you marry me?”

Fluttershy looked down at the golden bracelet and became quieter than usual with the only sound that escaped her was a soft gasp. Several moments passed and Rarity began to lose hope that her companion would say yes… her heart was beating out of her chest it was as if time had stopped.

Softly, a yellow hoof touched her shoulder and another; she felt herself being pulled in by the other mare until finally she was embraced. She felt wet droplets cascade down her fur, was she crying? No. It was Fluttershy the happiness had surged through the timid mare and caused her to weep. A hushed whisper escaped her lips and fell into the white mare’s ears.

“yes….” Was all she heard, it was all she needed.

The very next day Rarity set out for Canterlot; she had a mission and she was determined to succeed at any cost, but it wasn’t for herself that she had to this. It was for her, for Fluttershy.

The train journey had been long and tiring; Rarity hated riding in coach as somehow she always ended up sitting next to a pony with a cold. The thought of their coughs and sneezes being anywhere near her made the unicorn cringe, so she finally decided to hold up a tray between them as a sort of shield; it was an ordeal and she was glad it was finally over.

The purple maned mare stepped out from the station and was immediately accosted by the noise of the hustle and bustle of Canterlot’s high street; she’d always considered herself a Canterlot pony except for in this instance. The overbearing noise of the market place was deafening and very different to that of the more ruralised Ponyville.

“Ugh… I can’t believe I’d forgotten how ridiculously noisy it was here, I think I have a migraine coming on.” She thought aloud and began trotting towards the castle.

Finally she reached the tall white stone walls of the palace and found herself immediately surrounded by several rugged stallions clad in golden armour; the tallest of which stepped towards her and removed his helmet.

“What business do you have here?” He asked in a commanding tone as he gestured for the other guards to lower their weapons.

“Erm… I have an audience with the princess, her student Twilight should have sent word that I was on my way.” Rarity stated although the statement wasn’t exactly true; in truth Twilight was still uncomfortable with her romantic persuasion and not wanting to push the issue Rarity decided to avoid talking too much about it.

“Really?” His voice dropped from commanding to pleasant as he heard the name of the princess’s favourite student.

“Yes darling, were you not told?” Rarity smiled, clearly she had pulled one over on the guards all she needed now was to drive it home and deliver her master stroke. The white mare batted her eye lids and looked at the large guard sergeant.
“Would you please take me to see her? I’ve had such a long trip and I would so hate to keep her waiting.” She delivered her coup de grace with devastating effect as the guard became a bright red and ordered his men to return their duties.

“Squad return to your posts, I’ll escort her to the main hall. Corporal you have command until I return.” The stallion said, his voice becoming stern and commanding once again. The squad of ten other stallions formed up in two ranks and replied in unison with one loud shout.


The gleaming white walls of the corridors stretched as far as she could see; each twist and turn leading to another hall of white stone. Finally the guard lead Rarity to the audience hall; she stood bewildered by the fineries that filled the large room from the stained glass windows to the golden throne that stood in the centre of the room surrounded by blood red curtains that hung from tall ceiling and golden pillars that lined each wall. Truly this was the most majestic room in the entire of Equestria even if it was a little daunting.

“I will inform her majesty that you’ve arrived, please wait here.” The sergeant stated as he turned and left the room.

Rarity heaved a sigh of relief that she’d managed to talk her way past the guards, but quickly tensed up again as she realised the scale of the task she was undertaking; sadly it was too late to turn back and so she just stood waiting for the princess.

Minutes of tense silence passed until finally the sound of hoofsteps echoed throughout the hallways of the palace. Rarity’s heart was running on triple digits; she had been so confident up until now, but that confidence had shattered and blown away. What would she say? Would the princess even listen to her plea? After all it had been her that declared Rarity’s love wrong. At last the echoes stopped and the large doors creaked open to reveal the slender white alicorn; Celestia entered the hall each step from her golden horse shoes rang like the bells of neigh-tra dame.

The princess gracefully ascended the steps to her golden throne and sat in silence for a moment before finally dismissing the guard sergeant with a gesture of her forehoof. She waited for the stallion to leave before she finally turned to face the much smaller unicorn.

“Finally!” The princess sighed in relief. “My council wouldn’t leave me alone and those guards! Would it kill them to drop the formality every now and then? I know what you’re going to say; it’s their job, but seriously Luna’s captain calls her by a nickname. I think it was Crescent something, and why can’t I have a cute nickname? It’s always your highness this and princess that…” The princess cut her ramblings off and giggled.
“I’m sorry, I just needed to vent. Now what was it you wanted to see me for dear?”

Celestia seemed to be in a good mood, maybe this wouldn’t be so difficult Rarity thought and took a deep breath. “Princess I… I have a request… would you…” Rarity began trembling, her voice choking in her throat almost suffocating her as she spoke.

“Speak up my dear, you know you can talk to me about anything.” The majestic mare stated, her tone was soothing and friendly.

“Princess, I came to ask you to allow mare couples to marry.” Rarity stared up at the royal mare, her eyes were filled with desperation and her heart was almost pounding out of her chest; she’d finally said it. There was no retreat for the purple maned unicorn and no matter how harsh the punishment she’d gladly face it for Fluttershy.

The princess sat silent for a moment her brow furrowed in thought. Suddenly, she spoke up; her voice was colder and more regal than it had been a few moments ago. “You do realise that what you just asked of me has been strictly forbidden by royal decree and that such a request is punishable by banishment. With such knowledge are you certain that you want to ask such a thing?”

The princess’ face carried no expression, her voice was flat and equally devoid of emotion; it was almost as if to warn Rarity to retract her statement and pretend that such words weren’t even uttered.

Rarity recoiled in fear because even though the princess had shown no intent to become aggressive Rarity still felt the coldness of her voice and the blankness of her expression growing more intimidating. She took another deep breath; there was no turning back, she had to do this if not for her then for Fluttershy the mare she loved.

“I am sure your highness; I know that you have decreed against such things calling it wrong and even disgusting, but I cannot stand down from this. I love Fluttershy too much.” The white unicorn stated, tears began to well in her eyes as she thought of being banished and never allowed to see her lover.

“I understand that love between two mares is unusual and I know that nopony will ever truly approve of us. Still, I promised her that we would be together forever and that we would marry. Just because she fell in love for a mare doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t be allowed to have a wedding… after all it’s every filly’s dream to marry the pony they love.”

Rarity wasn’t sure whether her words had any effect on the princess as she continued to say nothing and just sat staring at her. Again she repeated her plea stating that she should be allowed the same rights as the mares that fall for stallions. Finally the princess closed her eyes and took several deep breaths; the argument swam through the princess’ mind and she considered each word again and again until at last she spoke.

“Show me.” She stated, opening her eyes to once again look upon the smaller mare.

“I don’t understand, what do you mean princess?” Rarity asked confused by the request.

“I’m not a tyrant and I did issue that decree almost five hundred years ago, so if you can sway my judgement I will allow you to marry. However I would like to see proof that your ‘love’ can indeed be as pure as that between a stallion and a mare.”

It seemed like the princess was prepared to give her a chance, but how would she prove such things she wondered as she looked up at the royal mare. Moments passed and before she knew it Celestia was stood within inches of her.

“Well? Let’s go and see your ‘love’ Rarity.” She smiled lightly almost reassuringly as she lead Rarity out of the hall and to the chariot keep.

As quickly as they’d departed from Canterlot they’d arrived in Ponyville, the chariot pulled by two armour clad guards landed just outside of Carousal Boutique and the princess followed by the small white unicorn stepped down from it gold plated frame.

They’d arrived in Ponyville rather late and the streets were barren, making it easy to do this visit without any disturbance. The boutique was shrouded in darkness with only a small light flickering in the upstairs bedroom; most likely left on by Fluttershy as she waited for Rarity’s return. The purple maned unicorn led Celestia to the backdoor of the boutique which leads directly into the living areas and upstairs.

Meanwhile a pink maned yellow Pegasus was sprawled out on the large silk covered bed that she and Rarity shared; she wasn’t asleep however, no, such a thing had eluded her since Rarity headed out earlier that morning. Instead she was simply tracing shapes in the sheets with her hoof, her gentle touch leaving only faint trails as it circled around and around on the silk beneath her. She sighed and looked at the empty space where Rarity usually slept; she’d contemplated putting a pillow there for something to snuggle with until the white mare returned, but dismissed the idea. No matter how much the pillow smelled like her lover it could never be her, it could never embrace her back nor could it fill her with the same happy warmth that Rarity did. No, she would simply have to wait for the real thing and that was that.

Suddenly she heard the door open derailing her train of thought, it was clear that her lover was home and she rushed to greet her like an excited dog to its master. The yellow mare descended to the kitchen where she was greeted with the sight of a beautiful white unicorn with a purple mane.

“Rarity!” She said as she closed the distance between them and leapt on her lover with a tight embrace. “I missed you so much; did you have a good day?”

“Oh Fluttershy darling, it was absolutely dreadful. The train ride was an ordeal, first it was late and then I was sat next to a pony with a cold for the entire journey. Hmmm… however it wasn’t all bad I did get you a gift.” She smiled and dug around in her saddle bag for the gift.

Celestia had decided to wait outside and watch the couple through the window as she believed her presence would cause Fluttershy to act differently than normal; of course Rarity had been given strict instruction to not tell her lover so that the princess could see the purity for herself.
In truth Celestia didn’t know how to get Fluttershy to prove herself as Rarity had when she confronted the princess with a resolve as strong as iron; suddenly it came to her. Her resolve should be tested in the same way as her lover and that the best way to test such love is to see how they would go to defend it, with this thought in mind she decided to enter the boutique.

The majestic mare climbed the stairs to the living area that occupied the second floor and interrupted the tender scene in front of her.
“Ahem!” she cleared her throat and stood in the doorway.

The sudden appearance of the princess startled the pair and they turned to face her, their forelegs still holding the other in a soft embrace. The tall royal mare stood looking at the two ponies in front of her.

“Oh… prin… princess what brings yo…” Fluttershy was cut before she could ask her question.

“Silence! I have seen enough and I will now pass my judgment.” Her tone was harsh and cold. Rarity opened her mouth to speak, but was immediately silenced and brought to heel by the sun princess’ magic.

“Rarity, for the crime of engaging in taboo relations with another mare i sentence you to exile.”

Celestia was never one for theatrics (that had always been her sister’s forte) but even she found herself impressed by her ‘show’; now she needed to issue the challenge to the timid yellow mare who was currently holding onto her lover. However it seemed she didn’t need to as the mare’s eyes were currently glaring up at her through tears and in an uncharacteristic anger.

“You can’t do that!” She stated and rose to her hooves. “If you banish her you’ll have to banish me as well!”

Celestia found herself taken aback by the sudden fire and passion that radiated from the small Pegasus. Fluttershy began beating her wings, hovering up to meet the royal mare eye to eye as she stated her case.

“I don’t care if you banish me and lock me away in the place where you banished me, as long as you don’t harm her. I love Rarity; she means more to me than my own life. So I beg you if you must punish her then allow me to share her fate… because my life wouldn’t be worth living without her!”

Her blue eyes pierced the princess to her core; in all the thousands of years that Celestia had lived she’d never seen such raw passion, such love. She took a step to retreat from the yellow mare and looked upon the pair with a smile; she’d attained what she’d come for and so she released her magical shackles that bound the white unicorn. Fluttershy quickly ran to her lover once more to make sure she wasn’t hurt in anyway.

“I understand now.”

Fluttershy’s anger disappeared as swiftly as it had manifested and left her feeling somewhat confused by the sudden change of character in the princess. “Huh?”

“This was a test for you my dear. Rarity came to the palace seeking my permission to allow you to marry; I was so moved by her resolve that I had to test your ‘steel’ as well, to make absolutely certain that you too were worthy of my blessing…” The princess smiled once more as she stepped closer to the lovers who were currently locked in an embrace.
“After seeing the fire that burns in each of you for your partner, it would be my pleasure to allow you to join in the eternal bonds of matrimony.”

The two stood in silent awe for a moment as Celestia’s words sunk in; finally they looked at each other in absolute exaltation and kissed happily as tears of joy streamed from their eyes and down their cheeks. Finally the two turned to face the awkward feeling princess and thanked her in unison.
The day of the wedding was perfect, the sun shone brightly and Rainbow Dash had even used her connections in the weather patrol to clear all the clouds over Ponyville just for today.
The ceremony was being held in the largest field of Sweet Apple Acres to allow all the friends and family of the couple to attend, although they really didn’t need that much room. In the centre of the field sat all the seats filled with relatives of the two brides and running through the centre of the rows was a long luxurious red carpet with gold trims. The alter at the farthest end sat shaded by simple white tent like structure and beneath the shade stood princess Celestia herself garbed in ceremonial robes used only for coronations, knightings and other such occasions.

Rarity stood in a black tuxedo jacket that she made of course it was embroidered with ornate patterns around the hems and pockets. Her mane was pinned up letting only a few select strands of hair fall down her neck so that could be braided. Her top pocket contained a single white rose and handkerchief to complete the look; feeling that she should play the role of groom so that her yellow lover could take the role of the radiant blushing bride.

Suddenly, the string quartet led by Octavia the lead cellist of the royal orchestra began to play the traditional wedding march. At the opposite end of the carpet to Rarity stood the blushing yellow pegasus garbed in a beautiful snow white dress; her mane was also tied up and a crown of white roses rested atop her head, allowing the veil that was attached to cascade gently over her face.

Fluttershy was preceded by the cutie mark crusaders who were happily filling their role as flower fillies and stood next to Rarity was Twilight who played the roll of ring bearer. As the beautiful yellow mare drew closer both she and Rarity felt a deep blush cross their cheeks; finally she reached the alter and the ceremony begun.

Celestia began the usual ‘we are gathered here today’ speech as the crowd watched with smiles and in spike’s case: tears. Finally she reached the most famous part; the declarations.

“Do you Rarity take Fluttershy to be your wife? To have and to hold until death parts you?”

“I do.” Rarity answered without any hesitation; this is what she’d been waiting for, this was the ultimate confirmation of their love.

“And do you Fluttershy take Rarity to be your… erm… wife? In sickness and health for as long as you both shall live?” Celestia had never had to think about the correct way to say this until now.

“I do.” Fluttershy Responded, her cheeks now a deep crimson from the blush that covered them.

“Then I now pronounce you married, you may now seal the bond with a kiss.” Celestia once again changed the wording as she wasn’t entirely sure how to phrase it in this situation.

Of course the wording didn’t matter, the two mares knew the meaning regardless and were more than happy to follow the instruction. Rarity lifted the veil that stood between her and her lover’s lips, a thin smile crossed her lips and she dove in planting a kiss directly on the mark. Fluttershy blushed and kissed back as the crowd cheered and clapped.

“and as the ponytales say; they lived happily ever after…”

Author's Note:

hey guys and gals, i hope you enjoyed this resolution of the story.

i gotta explain some stuff first though, firstly i realise that the whole reason for the conflict in the story is kinda poor however in my defense i'm neither gay nor am i a homophobe so i have almost no reference to these situations. still, i don't think i did too badly right?

please leave a comment below to tell me what you think and as always please like and follow.

Comments ( 4 )

5409155 dont worry he's gonna get his ass kicked in my war story :)

I'll try to summarize what I, as a reader, saw happening here:
Rarity realizes that she likes to work with Fluttershy. After discovering a romance novel, she instantly decides to seduce her. Even if she doesn't know if Fluttershy likes her or if she even is into mares at all.
After spending one day with an awfully obvious named stallion, Fluttershy knocks at Raritys door... and instantly is seduced. Huh. Okay, you know what? Since Fluttershy isn't exactly the best example for 'speaking up for themselves', maybe that actually could happen. Even if she wasn't into mares. Which, in return, would make that scene kinda creepy.
So they don't date. They instantly hop into bed. Well... okay, some relationships move faster than others... I guess...
But then, Twilight happened. I really try to see her behaviour as something that results of a princess Celestia being a narrow-minded idiot. But that horribly clashes with Twilight being, you know, a bookworm. Studious. She's always trying to read, to learn, to explore. Her whole being is centred around curiosity. And, the latest addition, her obsession with studying friendship. (Which is, in a way, more curiosity.) She wouldn't just abandon her friends instantly.
Which brings me to Celestia herself. She forbid homosexual marriage five-hundred years ago, so... another five-hundred years after Lunas banishment. Why? Why did she create that law in the first place? For an immortal being, older than a few thousand years and always shown as wise and good-natured, that's a pretty mean an nasty move. Downright stupid, even, since - with time, which she had plenty - one should realize, that ones gender doesn't matter if it comes to love.
Even when Celestia tried to test Rarity and Fluttershy, she was cruel - which, again, doesn't fit her role as portrayed in the actual show. And Celestia stuttering at the wedding? Somepony like her would've been prepared.

There's just a lot that bugged me. The pacing seemed far to off, horribly rushed, and with Celestia and Twi portrayed that way, I wasn't able to enjoy this story at all.

I'm sorry.

5504163 thats fair; to be honest im not a good writer, i simply do it for fun and i cant expect to turn out literary gold without practice and critique. either way i still thank you for spending your time reading it and for taking the time to explain what you disliked.

5507218 I wouldn't go so far as to say that you're not a good writer. I can see potential in there. :pinkiesmile: It just needs to be refined. With a lot of practice, as you said yourself.

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