• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


Twilight has had feelings for a while, feelings she can't explain. What happens when the one she has these feelings for also has these feelings? And what will happen when a mare is forced to choose between the mare she loves or her life's goal?


Edited by my good friend Snowfrost, go check him out!

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 167 )

You have my attention sir

And my axe!
Sorry. Had to do that.

On a more important note, good start. Looking forward to seeing more.

Good so far. Keep it up!

What happened to your capitalization in the last two paragraphs?


... :facehoof:
This is what happens when I write at 2 in the morning and then don't eddit it before posting it. Thanks for drawing this to my attention, because it's REALLY bad.

No problem, enjoying the story so far so barring inability to read you'll always have me to give you a nice friendly slap if/when you make mistakes.

Good chapter now I want moar I hate when story's do that

If ponies of the same gender were forbidden to marry each other, it's a pretty safe bet that no one would ever get married. Ever.

I agree with the guy below me but yea great chapter!

lol at dat pinkie moment:rainbowlaugh: i just imagined someone slapping whoever said that and saying "Get the fuck outta here!" :rainbowlaugh:

Nice chapter!... again!

Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh. To be honest I had planned this scene before the rest of the story. I know it's totally out of character, but it reflects me in a way. I cannot stand when people use 'gay' as an insult, and do not hesitate to make it known. So yes, this one point makes no sense and probably shouldn't even be in this fic at all, but I wanted it and it's my fic. Along with this, I can see Pinkie getting increadibly mad, no, not to the extent as she did, but still. Anyway, that's my rant on trying to justify this scene. Take it or leave it, the scene is staying. Not like it affects the story at all.

Part of me wanted Rarity to stand her ground, but at the same time I am glad see is with her friends. I like where this is going and I would love to see more


I'll let you in on a secret; I have the next two chapters written and fuly eddited. I like to keep a buffer of at least two so if, for any reason, I am unable to write for an extended amount of time I can still release semi-regularly. So more will always be less then a week away. Glad you're enjoying the story.

Woot, and the scene in question is fine by me.
"win and imaginary competition" Surely should be 'an' rather than 'and'. :twilightsmile:

Nice work! I think you captured it rather well. Oh man, if they woulda broken up...well, I probably would've spent the remainder of my evening watching sappy chick-flicks and eating cookie dough ice-cream on their behalf.

*cough* keep the ice cream on-hand for next chapter *cough*

Thanks!... I didn't spoil anything, right? right!? RIGHT!?


(Rushes out of dorm still in his robe to buy some ice-cream.)

Oh this should end well.

Hmmm... Let me think. What is in the Everfree that can possibly help. Oh, I don't know, a certain [SPOILER REMOVED].

Bloody censors.

Sometimes it needs to be done. You can't make yourself constantly miserable to be with someone. Putting it out there so tactlessly isn't the best approach, I grant you, but sometimes you need to make it clear that you can't keep them as such a large part of your life when you're such a tiny part of theirs.

Oh dear, this can only go well...

2210123 Sometimes it just has to be said, but yes, maybe a bit more tactfully, not: 'Me or them'.

2210768 Aye, that's a little more harsh than it should be.


Yes, in most ordinary cases it should not have been as harsh as it was. However, this was hardly ordinary. Rainbow is with Twilight for around two days a month, and due to this fact Twilight is, more-or-less, depressed for months on end. I'm not sure if any of you partaking in this discussion have been severly depressed before, but at the point Twilight was at, you, quite frankly, don't give a damn about how harsh you're being. At this point you wouldn't be thinking straight, your mind would be focused on two things; the actual depression, and looking for a way out of the depression. (this is generally when the first thoughts of suicide occure) and Twilight found that making Rainbow choose would at least begin the process of getting out of her depression, no matter what her answer was.

And into her own reflection she stare'd, urning for one who's reflection she shared, and solemnly swear not to be scared at the prospect at being doubly mare'd

Oh no, I understand it completely in context lol. I was still referring to what the other guy was talking about, how you shouldn't do this to your significant other. In a real relationship something like a your-dreams-or-me ultimatum should be handled with some measure of tact. Should doesn't mean will though, and sometimes it's going to be blunt because frankly the circumstances are terrible, as we see with Twilight here.

I do understand where she's coming from with it. Interestingly, scenario is somewhat analogous to my own just a few months ago, though my girlfriend was just going through a lot of stress rather than trying to be an ace flier. In both cases though, you can only stay patient for so long. Spend enough time feeling neglected and unloved, eventually it just comes down to telling them that it has to stop, or the relationship has to end.

Luckily for me, it never came to that, and my girlfriend didn't try to go into a haunted forest to [REDACTED] herself. Poor Rainbow, you should know the [REDACTED] won't solve your problems. Just look at what happened to [REDACTED], she only wanted to [REDACTED], but was almost [REDACTED] instead.


It was that obvious where she's going, eh?

I'd like to think spending a good chunk of my life shunning social contact in favour of books has made me a slightly more astute reader than most, but it was pretty clear to me :P

Without a battle-hardened Droid Army, what use are clones?

I know...(facehoof)...

Poor Rainbow. Not very good at the whole forethought thing.

:ajbemused: good choise feather brain :rainbowhuh:

Called it, to easy LOL

And Dash done messed up. no good will come from this. at all

So you only have the epilogue to write.

Because Rainbow has just betray Twilight and her trust.
Rainbow has chose and it's the Wonderbolts, too late for regret, sorry but there no turning back.
And I don't give Twilight more than 24 hours to know it isn't the real Rainbow Dash who is with her; She's far from stupid and it's an insult to the character to write something else.

Also, nothing that you could write will make believable the two together at the end, you shot yourself in the foot.
That why you only have to write the epilogue.

Cédric out

I don't think your giving me enough credit, you'd be surprised at how believable I can make something like this. but you'll have to wait and see, I can tell you right now there are at least 4 more chapters to this story.

At this point she is only thinking about maximizing how happy she and her friends are. I really need to add something though, something make a little more sense of what I'm about to say; she couldn't just leave the Wonderbolts, element of loyalty and all, loyal to her team, herself, and her dreams, along side her friends. Next chapter clears this up a bit, for now this chapter is only to get the clone situation handled. Next chapter will explain more.



Wait, you were serious ? I give credits where credits are due and It isn't your fic's case.
You need to take a dictionary and read what a betrayal is, because this is exactly what Rainbow did.
And a romantic relationship would never survive a betrayal, but maybe you don't have first hand experience to know.
Four more chapters of useless drama you mean ? Seriously write an epilogue,this is the only logical step after this chapter.
Because this chapter was worse than a Harry Potter fan fiction.
And for the 'wait and see', please don't make me laugh...Again.

Cédric out

cedric, stop trolling so much

and btw i was expecting like 50 or 60%. or maybe thats my imagination coming up with a massive really bad issue thats gonna start up between rainbow and dash that will drag out the plot line more

either way good story

I'm well aware of what betrayal is, I have expirienced it first-hand. I'm well aware it is next to impossible to recover from it. Though for future reference, I would advise you wait until you can read the next couple chapters before passing a judgment such as you did. I mentioned in the notes that this chapter held very little content and that the next chapter would contain more of this. As for pointless drama, you have no clue what I have planned, so you are in no place to judge what kind of drama I have planned.

The thought crossed my mind for soemthing like that. But in this case I have to give it to cedric: Twilight not finding out is an absolute insult to her character. Though I have a few ideas to extend the story even further passed the main plot it will most likely be in the form of an epilogue.

Well, that ended like I expected but still...looking forward to the next one as always!

Glad to hear it! And yeah, from this point on the plot gets a level of predictability that I can't really help, but some points should still have some surprise to them.


Before you can say whether or not you know what betrayal is, perhaps you should consider entering a relationship that doesn't include your right or left hand. Maybe then you will come to realize that the author clearly knows what betrayal is and conveyed it rather well.

god, i'm torn between wanting to forgive rainbow and wanting to make her suffer for hurting twilight so badly. i mean, she's hurt SO bad she skipped the entire freak-out session and went straight to doubting her self worth. that's bad bad bad bad BAD!


But you are a barrel of fun my good man. Did I break a internet rule when I give my opinion ? I though the comment box was here to say what you think about the fics ? Silly me, I should have know you can only say good thing unless you want a internet white knight on your back...
We need more people like you, but in real life, don't see many in Afghanistan...
And I say cleary I stop reading the fic, so I still don't understand what you were trying to do here,well...


I feel so bad for Twilight,

Dash has no Idea how bad she made things.

I think that, based purely on my picture, I'm not much of a 'white' knight. More like a 'blue and grey knight'. I think I'll sleep a little better tonight knowing that!

Dash made the wrong decision. She SHOULD have had the clone stay with the Wonderbolts because she will still get the fame and then she should stay with Twilight. Plus with this method even when they find out Twilight won't feel as abandoned just angry that Dash used the mirror pond.

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