• Published 27th Jan 2012
  • 4,708 Views, 95 Comments

Beautiful One - Trznce

Rainbow Dash wanted someone to love.... She wanted someone to love her back. Will she find the one?

  • ...

Oh Derpy

My first FiM:fic! I hope you all enjoy!!! I was inspired by the handy work of NukaColaBomb and SgtRainbowDash, so I decided to make my own. They rock, you should SOOOOOO check them both out right now!
And not in that way, silly's! :D Anyways, please enjoy!

Chapter 1

Oh, Derpy

Rainbow Dash paces on a cloud, back and forth, with tears flowing fast from her red-ringed eyes. Her rainbow mane is a mess, she has mascara running down her dull cyan cheeks, and her ears flopped down. Small droplets of water hit the apparently solid ball of fog. She would've stopped to wonder how the cloud was solid, but then she remembered she was a pegasus. A lame one, too.

"..I..I...I", she attempted to speak, but no real words came out.

She opened her mouth once more, and gets greeted with the salty taste of tears mixed with a little mascara. At this point, Rainbow Dash doesn't care anymore.

"W..Why....Why did he..." she stumbled around in her brain, looking for the right words to say.

"Why does...... Why does this always.... HAPPEN TO ME!" She screams out the last part.

She was enraged. There was no pony around to hear it, so it didn't matter. But even if some pony WAS around, all they would do is snicker at her and call her....

"A slut. No pony knows. They think i'm a slut. They think i'm a whore; and you know what? THEY'RE BUCKING RIGHT!"

Rainbow Dash breaks down and falls to her knees.

"I....I can't take it.... Anymore... all I want is a lover. I don't even care about the Wonderbolts anymore.... So what? What if I AM the best flier in Equestria? That doesn't mean i'm happy to be alone. All I want..... ALL I BUCKING WANT IS A CELESTIA DAMN LOVER! IS IT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR? Why..... I SAID WHY! DAMN IT!" she yells loudly.

"Why... Won't... Any.....Pony..... LOVE ME?!?" she screams in between sobs.


Rainbow Dash jumps and turns around quickly.

"Huh? Who's there? SHOW YOURSELF!"


Rainbow Dash is now SURE she heard something. But she doesn't see anything.....

"Umm.... Please?" Rainbow says politely, attempting to now coo it out of hiding. Needless to say..... It didn't work. That is until...


Rainbow Dash jumps up at the sound. She quickly faces the direction she heard the noise from, getting in her battle stance. Then she realized....Was it.... Crying!?!? She decided to take further action.

"Ummm.... Will you please come out? Don't worry, I won't hurt you....."

Dead silence.

She was about to go and check on what happened, when suddenly she was tackled from behind. She struggled to get a good look at who the culprit was, but she couldn't get up. Whoever this was, they were REALLY strong! Rainbow Dash saw the hoof of her perpetrator, and did what was needed to be done. She went a bit it. Hard.

The pony screams as it releases Dash. Rainbow Dash takes this moment now to kick it where the sun don't shine. Then, all in one swift movement, turns around and back-hands the inferior pony.

Dash jumps back to get a good look at it, and finds that it's none other than...


Yes, it was none other than Ditzy Doo. Ditzy Doo with a probably broken nose (considering how she had a bruised nose and the fact that it was dripping wet with blood), an injured hoof which she was holding ever so tightly, and probably an excruciating....Well, nevermind.

Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo just stare at eachother with shock in there eyes.

Ditzy's eyes start to tear up a bit. She sniffles, then.....

"WWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Derpy lets out a deafening scream of pain and anguish. It was then Rainbow Dash realized that she had a saddle over her back. Judging by the looks of it, that plus her weight was enough to take Rainbow down. But that still doesn't account for the fact that Ditzy just attacked her.

"Derpy..... Why? Why did you attack me like that? You of all ponies should know that I lash out when you surprise me, but attack me?" Rainbow Dash says softly but firmly.

Ditzy Doo sniffled, and didn't answer.

"Uhhh... Derpy?" Rainbow spoke, getting a little annoyed that she wasn't answering.

Ditzy just stood there in silence with her muzzle down, trembling in pain.

"Ok.... let me ask you one more time before I start to get really pissed. Why would you"-

She stopped short, hearing Ditzy mutter something under her breath.

"...What did you just call me?" Rainbow Dash snarled, bucking as a sign of dominance.

Once again, Ditzy Doo muttered something uncomprehendable, but a little louder. Damn, this mare was quieter than Fluttershy!

"......SPEAK THE BUCK"- she gets cut off again as an object gets flung at her head.

"DAMN IT BITCH! I'M GONNA BUCKING KILL YOU!" Rainbow Dash roared as she started running towards Ditzy.

Unaware of what was about to happen because she was still in a state of shock after the broken nose (the blood was still dripping out), she sat on her rump and started crying. Rainbow Dash suddenly stopped, as if she didn't expect Ditzy Doo to give up that easily.

Rainbow Dash sighed, and looked down at the now whimpering Ditzy, who was only sitting about a few feet away from her.

Dash looked at Derpy's hooves and realized she had something in them.

"If you even think about it...." Dash growled, showingly pissed off.

Ditzy then did the last thing Rainbow Dash expected her to do. She held the thing she had in her hooves. It was a letter. Rainbow Dash was in shock. She started putting one and one together, but it still wasn't coming out to make two.

She got up and handed the letter to Rainbow Dash.

".......Dewivery..." Ditzy Doo says silently, with tears streaming down her face.

She then turned around and left, in a pretty big rush, too. Rainbow Dash was going to stop her, but then realized that it doesn't matter. She'll get Derpy tomorrow.

"Oh, Derpy.... Why? I'm still so confused....." Rainbow Dash says.

She looks at the letter. There was something on it. It was a sticker someone put on to keep the letter shut. The sticker was in the shape of a heart. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh. Oh great. Either it's another "Secret Admirer" who, if they started dating, would probably easily take advantage of her like everyone else, or, it was the fact that it was the last kind of sticker that the pony had. But doesn't every pony know how to tuck in the flaps? You'd have to be worse than Derpy in intelligence..... Then something struck Raibow Dash so hard that she almost cried. There was some red marks also on the letter.

Rainbow Dash took a closer inspection and realized it was exactly what she thought it was. It was Derpy's blood.

She cringed. "Well", she thought to herself, "She got what was coming to her."

Rainbow Dash opened the letter. what she saw next to her made Rainbow Dash so confused, she had to stop and empty the contents of her belly off the side of the cloud. She wiped her mouth and then looked at the picture. Rainbow Dash just realized what a huge mistake she just made.

It was a hand-drawn picture, probably made from crayons. It wasn't too pretty, though. She could just make out what it was (It wasn't THAT bad, but she could probably draw better). It was a picture of Rainbow Dash. Above her head, there was a heart; and can you guess who was on the other side of the heart? Did you guess? It was Derpy.

Rainbow Dash nearly fainted, but then she brought herself back from her daze with a thought.

"Oh, wow! How could I be so ignorant?" she stammered. She walked back to the place that the other pegasus threw the object at her. There, laying upside down, was a muffin.

Rainbow Dash just stood there, not knowing what to think anymore. Tears started swelling up in her eyes.

"I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON!!!!" Rainbow Dash cried.

She finally realized it. What she just did to her poor, poor friend. Even if she DID kind of seem like she was attacking her, she still shouldn't have hurt her. She pondered on what was happening and came up with a solution.

"So..... Derpy saw me crying and wanted to cheer me up. That's why she didn't answer me. She wanted to have enough time to write the letter without having to do it in front of me. So it would be more of a surprise. And she didn't tackle me, she hugged me! It must of felt like she was trying to attack me because there were probably a lot of letters in the saddle. She wasn't calling me names under her breath, she was attempting to speak with crying again! She threw the muffin at me because either she didn't want to come closer to me in fear of being hit (while still wanting to give her the muffin to try to cheer her up), or she just didn't know what to do. Knowing Derpy, she was probably really confused and didn't know what to do anymore. So she did what she was best at. She was random. UGH! I FEEL LIKE SUCH A DICK RIGHT NOW!!!" Rainbow yelled angrily.

But then Rainbow Dash saw something else on the paper..... There were words. She took a deep breath a started to read out loud.

Dear Wainbow Dash,

I'm Vewy sowwy for not being able too tawk to you in powny (IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING, IT'S THE SAME THING AS SAYING IN PERSON! LIKE, NOT TALKING TO SOMEONE IN PERSON! GET IT? ..........DAMN), but i was weally newvous. You see..... ummm..... I kind owf..... uhh...... Like you. I know that you awe vewwy stwong, and smawt, and pwetty, and..... I'm nawt. But I feel a stwong connection wetween us..... I'm sowwy if you down't like me anymowre or if you never want to be my fwiend again, and I understand. The only powny's I ever see you with with are big stawwions; and I know that you pwobably didn't wike mares. I didn't until now. I'm vewwy sowwy that this was sudden, but.... I just can't wait any lownger. I weally want to get my feewings out..... again, I'm sowwy. And...... umm...... I wuv you.

Love, Derpy.
P.S.: Why do you call me Derpy? No wons ever called me that befowre..... I hope that it's a name you aways call me, because I think that feels nice if we become a couple. Nawt that we will or anything.... But umm... I would never say no! Uh-oh..... I fowgot my ewaser!..... Umm.... pwease don't hate me...

P.S.S: Why are you cwying? Pwease don't cwy. That make me want to cwy! Uh-oh. I think you heard me. Haha i'm going to do something weally funny to you! I'm going to hug you fwom behind! Haha I hope you smile and waugh and we have a good time..... Then i'll give you the letter and fwy away fast, then you'll be suwpwised! And then you'll tell me that you wuv me and.... oops, did I wight that down? I weally should've bwought an ewaser. Anyways, I'm going to do it now! I wuv you!

Derpy Dash =]

Then, Dash fainted.

Author's Note: Well, that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed! In case you were wondering, I'll try to upload new chapters daily, but considering my chapters are probably going to be about a little shorter than this, unless i put in just a little short and very climactic part (Like calm before the storm). Anyways, please leave a comment saying how my first chapter of my first stowy was!.... Uh-oh, I think Derpy here is twying to.... uh, I mean, trying to rub off on me or something..... Anyways, Have a nice day and expect more!!!! :D

.... P.S.(oh shit): If you didn't read the top of my story, then please go check out NukaColaBomb and SgtRainbowDash! They are amazing writers who inspired me to make this. Anyways, PEACE!!! :P