• Published 18th Feb 2013
  • 5,317 Views, 96 Comments

Apples to Oranges - Skyeheart

Orange Sherbet is getting ready to attend her family reunion, but feels she may not belong with the Apples anymore. Set in the Manehattanverse.

  • ...

Act 3: Finding your Roots

The rays of Celestia's sun glimmered through the crystal clear glass of the greenhouses in the Neigh York Botanical Gardens as Blossomforth lead the group into the third one from the left.

"I've always loved going here. The fragrant smells of the lilacs, the festive colors of the orchids, oh and those cute little pansy faces! It's great that they sell me seeds from their shop at frequent customer discounts but I really still wish they would have a full-time opening-"

"Uh, Blossomforth? Remember why we're here," Twilight reminded.

"Huh?" Everypony pointed at Orange Sherbet to drive the point home for the flower connoisseur. "Oh! Oh! Right!" Blossomforth hovered back down from a tall sunflower. "We can tour the gardens later. Right now we need to get you to the topiary section so you can get back in touch with fieldwork."

As they continued along the leafy grove, Twilight could not help but look around. Being the scholar she was, she was fervently interested in learning subjects of all types, botany included. If she recalled glancing at the brochure at the welcome center, there were over 500000 different cataloged living specimens contained within the enclosure. This would make a great field trip sometime! As she lingered for a moment her eyes fell upon a rather particular blossom that had an odd orange-red hue and an even odder shape. The petals looked rather thin and stalky and the ovular sepal was only half open. Still, the smell was rather strong and sweet, so it couldn't be still budding. Was it a perfect or imperfect breed? Twilight curiously edged closer and was a stigma's length from the pollen tube when Blossomforth turned her head.

"No Twilight don't touch that!"

"Hmm?" Twilight's eyes left the flower for just a split second and its petals clamped down on her snout like a row of teeth, prickly sharp teeth. "AGKPPPTH!!" She flailed her hooves as she tried to pull away in a sudden panic. The plant's stem stretched to meet her inching distance then suddenly snapped away as the flower released its prey, sending her crashing into a bed of poison sumac.

A round of stifled giggles were shared as Twilight itched her way back to the group. "You know Twilight, there's a better way to familiarize yourself with an Aphrodite Snapdragon than by sticking your nose into its mouth."

One tube of antihistamine cream later and the gang was now gathered around a plethora of trees. Orange Sherbet was staring down at several large pots as Blossomforth flew back with a packet of seeds. "Okay. We're all set to reteach you apples." Ripping open the pouch, she pulled out several black tear shaped seeds. "Now this is an apple seed. With proper care, it will grow into a tree that can produce this." She pulled out a red delicious from her saddlebags. "This is called an apple. It-"

"Blossom," Honey interjected with half-lidded eyes. "I think we can skip the beginner's course. Just get to the planting."

"Oh! Um, of course!" Blossomforth squeed a sheepish smile as she settled next to a pot. "Now, growing a tree is bit more complicated than growing flowers, but still relatively the same, just with a few extra steps. First, we need to dig a hole roughly three times as deep as the root length and five times as wide."

"But, that's just a seed. It doesn't have any roots yet," Honey countered again.

"Oh, that's for replanting. The leaflet here says trees go through several pot sizes before they reach adulthood."

"Well, what about for the seed?"

Blossomforth pawed the soiled filled pots, scooping a clump of it out. "Just give a little scoop, place the seed, then cover it back up."

As she placed a seed in, Spike hunched his cheeks over his palms, sitting in a crouch next to a bag of fertilizer. "Gee, dig hole, drop seed, fill hole. That's a lot to take in. I can see how you forgot to do that, Auntie."

"Spiiiike..." Twilight started.

"Well, there's a bit more to do," Blossom said as she dragged over a large bag. "Trees also need a good layer of mulch to keep their trunks steady and prevent grass and weeds from sprouting around the base and draining the soil of nutrients." She spread the mulch around the circumference of the pot, but not over the center where the seed was planted. "And, they need a cool environment to start growing in, that's why it essential to keep the soil moist at all times." She lifted a watering can with her mouth and sprinkled all over the pot. "Now you try, Auntie!"

Sherbet proceeded to go through the steps shown, and in about a minute, there were now two potted seeds in front of them. Blossomforth clapped her hooves together. "Alright Auntie! How's it feel to stick your hooves in the soil for the first time in years?"

"I actually...don't feel any different," Sherbet admitted.

Several minutes passed as they stared at the pots.

"Uhhhhh...now what?" Spike finally asked.

Blossomforth referenced the back of the seed packet. "Germination takes approximately three to four weeks," she read.

"Oh come on!" Trixie groaned. "You're supposed to be the plant expert here. You know we don't have time to grow an apple tree from scratch. Take Sherbet to the one already grown and show her how to harvest it!"

"Right, right!" Blossomforth fumbled upwards to scan the tops of the trees, searching for one in particular. "Let's see. Pineapple, coconut, pear, cherry, ah, there we go! Apple!" She drifted over to a large tree with small five petaled pinkish-white flowers decorated all over it. "See? You can tell from the pink hue of the petals how healthy it is. Oh, and the smell! Apple blossoms are among the top five fruit bearing flowers in term of fragrance strength! And look how many there are on this tree, it's like a fresh sheet of snow in the spring!"

"Um, it's pretty and all, but...where are the apples?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, um..." Blossomforth inspected one of the buds and the far end of a branch. "Judging by the age of the florets here, I'd say...these apple blossoms will mature into apple fruit in about three months!"

A union of groans came from her friends down below. "Let Trixie guess, this is also the only apple tree in the garden?"

"Well it wouldn't make too much sense to have two of the same on a sample platter," Sherbet noted. "After all, there's only so much space in the greenhouses and trees can last a dozen lifetimes. Rather cost effective to only have one of each for a facility like this."

"That's swell and all, but are you going to practice applebucking if the only apple tree in the city has no apples on it?" Honey mentioned.

"Oh! We just need apples on it, right? Easy enough!" Blossomforth flew off again, and returned dipping somewhat with a barrel of apple and a roll of tape in her mouth. The others watched in puzzlement, astonishment, and confusion as she proceeded to paste their stems to the tip of each bud. In no time at all, the apple tree now sported an apple paired with each blossom. "That'll do it, right?"

"Blossomforth, are you sure that's going to work?" Twilight asked quizzically.

"Logic will get you from A to Z, imagination will get you everywhere," Octavia said. "Sometimes the most practical solutions lie outside the box."

"You are so wise..." Spike fawned.

"Okay, so let's get to harvesting already," Honey said, "Show Sherbet how to do it, Blossom!"

"No prob!" And with a few flaps of her wings, Blossomforth rose to the branches level, reached out and plucked a nice juicy red apple from its sticky hold. Then, nestling it in a cradle with her other hoof, she reached out for another...

"No Blossomforth! That's not how earth ponies harvest trees!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh! Uh, well, that's how we pegasi pick fruit," Blossomforth explained. "I'm afraid I don't know how earth ponies do it."

"What is there to know?" Trixie, having had enough of her compatriot's absentmindedness, crossly marched right up to the base of the trunk. "You just lift your hoof, and give it a good kick!"

And with that, she whacked the tree hard. Causing just about every last bit of fruit that was frailly hung by a strip of adhesive to come loose. She had only enough time to open her mouth to scream when she disappeared under an avalanche of redness.

"Oops. Should I set it up again?" Blossomforth asked as she hovered over the apple pile wearing a starry purple cap.

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander," Octavia motioned over to patches of tree with different fruits hanging over them. "I'm sure we could get the same results if we tried harvesting with other fruit trees."

"Ohhh right!" Blossomforth nodded her head vigorously. "That would be much easier than having to go through rolls of tape! Oh, Sherbet! Why don't you try bucking that banana tree? It's got a ton of ripe fruit."

"Well, technically banana plants aren't classified as trees since they have stalks as opposed to trunks-"

Honey hushed Twilight. "You can still buck it right? That's all we really need."

Sherbet walked up to the tall towering banana plant, and looked upwards at the yellow-green prizes above, then to the column that supported them.

"You can do it Auntie!" Spike cheered. "Show us that leg strength only an earth pony could be proud of!"

Okay...breathe. Think back. This was one of the funnest things I did as a filly, just reach back and...

Her hoof pressed against the banana bunch, but nothing budged.

"Harder! And with your hind legs!" Blossomforth encouraged.

Sherbet tried again, this time raising a hind leg and bludgeoning it with a little oomph. The stalk wiggled, but other than that, nothing.

"Both your legs!" Honey rooted, "Like you're giving a back-alley mugger what for with your karate lessons!"

That certainly sent a strong image through Orange Sherbet's head. Sucking a deep breath, she reared on her front and swung back with all her might. Had she kept her eyes open, she probably would have noticed she was aiming a might high there. And apparently, the key difference between stalks and trunks were that stalks made up for their weaker build by being much more flexible. As the hooves connected, the plant bended over backwards, and sprung back, launching its fruity load like a giant slingshot. Twilight yelped as she became the newest victim to fall prey to modern produce siege weaponry. Sherbet finally opened her eyes to see a splattery mess of banana mush over the glass wall with a unicorn shaped imprint right in the middle. Freeing a hoof from squashy gobs holding her, Twilight wiped away the peel on her eyes and spat out a small bunch from her mouth.

"Yeah, I think that's enough applebucking practice for one day."

"Alright, Auntie Sherbet. Now that we've gotten a feel for the life of a country mare, it's time to find you a look for the country mare!"

Trixie paraded the group into the Manehattan store complex, ushering them to the department boutique Abtenauer and Skyros.

"Great, clothes shopping," Spike grumbled under his breath. "Every boy dragon's dream..."

"Um, I thought I was going to just wear my old bonnet back to reunion," Sherbet said as she hesitantly stepped into the clothing store.

Trixie shook her head as she gripped the older mare's hoof, dragging her towards the changing rooms. "Oh, no. Trixie's sure that would have been good for you thirty years ago, but if there's anything she knows as a showmare, it's that first impressions are all about presentation!"

She whirled around, swishing her cape in a dramatic pose. "By the time we're done, you'll be more Apple than an apple itself. We are going to return you to your old self by creating an entirely new you!"

Sherbet blinked. She looked to the others. Blossomforth and Honey just shrugged. Octavia quietly adjusted her bowtie. Twilight's left eye squinted as she just about finished processing the sentence for the fifth time over. "That doesn't make any sense!" she blurted out.

"The point is," Trixie continued, "that you're not going to feel country unless you look the part. Clothes make the attitude! Why do you think Trixie takes every opportunity she gets to flaunt her amazing and stunning garments?"

"Because you want to advertise your particular magician's eccentricity as having no fashion sense whatsoever?" the baby dragon teased.

Trixie scowled at Spike, but then gave a malicious smirk. "Says the pot calling the kettle black." And with a wink of her horn, Spike was now in a paisley onesie with a polka dot beanie. Everyone giggled as Spike's cheeks flushed.

"There's a reason why Trixie is the Element of Laughter and not you," she said as she levitated a pile clothes into Orange Sherbet's hooves. "Now, chop chop! There's a perfect wardrobe for you somewhere in this humongous closet of a store and it's not going to be found just standing here!"

An upbeat and catchy tune played over the store's intercom as the montage began. The five ponies and dragon sat in a row of chairs as the red curtains to the changing rooms unfurled to reveal...

"Auntie? What are you wearing?!" Twilight exclaimed.

Orange Sherbet had on blue plaid shirt with a brown vest, a huge red ascot that went halfway down to her hooves, and a set of huge pantaloons speckled black and white like she took the skin off a cow, topped with a tall hat that could literally hold ten gallons. "No good?"

"You look like you're wearing a Nightmare Night costume," Blossomforth said.

Honey peeked behind the curtains and pulled out a plastic sack that also held a plastic sheriff's badge and fake mustache. "That's because it is a Nightmare Night costume!"

"Oh Auntie..." Twilight moaned.

"Can I see that mustache?" Spike asked.

"Next!" Trixie shouted.

"Oh my gosh, Auntie!"

Twilight covered her eyes at the sight of the pure white faux leather suit with over a dozen bangles and linen strings draping every sleeve.

"I like it, it looks more authentic than the costume," Blossomforth said.

"Yeah, except the reunion's at a farm, not a casino," Honey deadpanned.

Octavia simply shook her head and Trixie concurred. "Plus, it's after labor day. Next!"

*honk* *honk*

Sherbet honked her red rodeo clown nose as she smiled embarrassingly through her polka dot hat and overly sized patchwork suspenders combo.

"Does Trixie really need to say anything?" The showmare pointed the socialite back to changing room. "Try thinking less festive, more fruitier!"

"It's official, this is the weirdest fashion show I've ever been to," Twilight said.

"At least she can't top that last one," Honey commented.

"I stand corrected."
"Why does this store even have that one in stock?"

Sherbet stood before them, only her face and lower portion of her legs visible from the ponysized apple costume.

Octavia then stood up amongst the giggles and groans. "If I may-?" she asked and lead Sherbet back behind the curtains. "I've been thinking throughout this whole time, and I believe I know what we're all looking for."

Trixie shot up, a satisfied grin on her face. "Trixie thinks we have a winner!"

Orange Sherbet walked out in a lovely apple green southern belle blouse, a finely strung sun hat with a orange lace and fresh apple blossom decorated on it adorned her double braided hair folded neatly over her backside. A pair of silken hoof socks and cobbled horseshoes completed the ensemble.

Everypony wowed and awed as Octavia led Orange to a mirror, where she looked at herself in wonder. "Really? This is me?"

"Even the rustic like to dress up at times. This is the result," Octavia assured gently.

"You look wonderful Auntie!"
"Definitely an apple of my eye!"
"Anypony can see it's perfect for you, right Spike?"

Twilight then noticed the seat beside her had been empty for quite some time. "Spike?" She looked around. "Spiiiiike?"

"Check it out Twilight!"

Everypony turned around to see Spike whoosh his way around from the corner of a shirt rack, wearing a purple starry cape and hat. "Check out what I found in the bargain bin!" He raised his arms and wiggled his fingers in a hocus-pocus manner. "I am the GREAT and POWERFUL Spike! Zippity Zappity Boo!"

Chortles erupted as Spike puffed out his chest. "See Trixie? Not all my jokes are lam-"

Evil eyes met his own at point blank range. "Take. That. Off. Now," Trixie growled through her teeth.

"Repeat after me. *ahem* Howdy y'all. Ah'm Orange Sherbet!"

"Howdy yall. I'm Orange Sherbet."

Honey shook her head for the fifth time. "No, no. You're not laying it on thick enough. You have to treat it like a contraction. Y'all."
"Ye all."
"Yee haw!"

Honey facehoofed as Trixie snickered from the back of the Alpacaztecian monolith exhibit. "Now you sound like a donkey!"

Twilight, busy observing a paleo-pony period piece, took a moment to look away from the clay pottery and ask, "Daring, are you really sure you have the qualified skills to give speech lessons?"

"Absolutely!" the tan curator answered. "In addition to having a major in pre-equestrian history, I also sport several minors in 20 related linguistics, half of which are in dead languages, which I've used more often than not on my expeditions in other lands to eliminate language barriers between the natives, and sometimes, adopt a different persona."

"Oh, like when in Daring Do and the March of the Terra Trotta Army you had to disguise yourself as a monk to get into the monastery where-"

"Like I said, those books are mainly pure fiction and exaggerate by the boatload. Yes, I did sneak in there under the false pretense that I was a part of the Qilin order, but I did not have to shave my mane, stick antlers on my head, and dress up in scales and a fake whisker goatee. All I did was recite a few holy scriptures in the ancient tongue of the Xiezhi who, according to their beliefs, could tell no lies."


All heads turned to Octavia, who simply smiled coyly. "You're not the only one who studied languages at Canterlot University."

Blinking back to reality, Honey cleared her throat again. "Anyways, compared to that, switching accents will be piece of cake, or at least it should be if Auntie here could just enunciate her propositions correctly."

"Technically, use of a southern accent actually makes Equestrian speech more grammatically faulty in favor of a slightly faster pace of everyday conversation."

Honey rolled her eyes. "Alright, one more time. More from the throat, less from the diaphragm. It's a pleasure ta be meetin' yah."
"It's a pleasure tabby meat in yaw."

Trixie fought back a cackle that ended up in a snort.

"Hey!" Honey shot back. "Did I laugh when you kept having her pick out ridiculous outfits for her reunion get-up?"

"No, but you have to admit, that wasn't nearly as funny as this!"

Octavia took the moment to cut the argument short. "In the eye of the beholder, the only difference between tragedy and comedy is whom is at fault. It takes a third to determine what is history."

Both mares stared at the musician. "I'm afraid I'm a little rusty on my philosophy, what does that quote mean?" Honey asked.

"It means ignore Trixie and continue what you are doing."

As Honey resumed the lessons, Spike and Blossomforth arrived walked in from the west hall.

"Hey Twilight! You'll never guess what they've got in the museum's gift shop." Spike held up pyramid shaped tin container. "Gummy Mummies! These things taste awesome!"

"Yeah! They come in lemon, lime, cherry, orange, strawberry, and new tutti frutti!" Blossomforth chirped with a mouthful.

Honey looked over her shoulder. "You two paid for those right? Cause I only offer discounts on a point system."

"No sweat. We wouldn't stiff you." Spike lifted the tin to pour the rest in, and found it rising higher than expected.

Twilight's aura gripped the container as she pulled it towards her. "Spike, dinnertime is in an hour. You're going to spoil your appetite."

"Aw, come on Twi. Just one more?" Spike tugged back as his feet skidded across the marble.

"No, Spike. You've already had a funnel cake earlier today, no more snacks!"

"Then let me have it!" Blossomforth evened the tug-of-war by grabbing the little dragon's waist. "My bits went into those gummies anyway!"

"No, Blossomforth. I'm not going to be able to set an example for Spike if I just let you have it. You'll have to wait until after dinner too!"

The struggle went on for about a minute, then Twilight slackened her grip a bit and caused the two munchers to keel over backwards. Quick as a whip, she snapped the pyramid over to her with a redoubled effort. To Twilight's hindsight though, jerking an open container of tiny treats may not have been the best idea. Little gobs scattered everywhere, and one orange flavored goody happened to sail right over Honey's head and into Sherbet's open mouth.

She gave a quick choke, hoof shooting up to her neck as it struck her windpipe. Twilight gasped in a panic. "Oh no! Auntie! Are you okay? D-do you need the Hooflich maneuver?!"

"No, A-ah'm alright," she wheezed in a slightly deeper tone. "'Mite ah trouble you fer a glass o' water though?"

Honey's eyes popped wide out. "What did you just say?"

"Ah said kin ah have a drink, feels like this gummy needs a little washin' down," she coughed.

"That's it! You did it!" Honey exclaimed as Octavia passed a water bottle to Orange. No sooner had she finished gulping, Honey came straight up and pressed her hoof against the rich pony's throat.

"Say 'Howdy y'all'."
"Howdy y'all."

Honey grinned from ear to ear. "The additional pressure to your vocal chords, they're giving you the accent!" Without another word, she pulled a roll of gauze from underneath her pith helmet and wrapped a layer around her friend's neck. "This will be your training brace for the next few days. Hopefully, the muscle spasms will be involuntary by Sunday."

"Wow. I haven't heard mahself like this since who knows long! Well, thank y'all fer helpin' me so much today. It really means so much ta me." Sherbet then undid the bandage around her neck. "But as Twilight mentioned, it's starting to get a little late. Tell you what, let's all head back to the hotel and I'll have full course dinner prepared for everyone as thanks for sticking by me the whole time."

"Actually..." Twilight scooted up Orange Sherbet, leaning against her side as Octavia flanked her on the other end. "We have something else in mind for supper..."

*Cough* *Cough* "Oh, oh dear! I guess I needed both vents open!"

Smoke poured out from the kitchen doorway into the living area where four mares and a baby dragon sat as Octavia rushed in to open a window. "I should make a note to ask my contractor about installing a window in my kitchen as well."

"I still can't believe you actually have one of those antique wood ovens!" Honey said. "I'm the relic collector and even I cook with gas."

"It's mainly for decor, though it is fully functional," Octavia explained. "I have a gas stove as well that I use much more frequently."

"Why would you buy a second oven when its only practical use is for outrageous occasions like these?" Trixie wondered.

"Some things are beautiful, not in looks, not in what they do, just in what they are," Octavia mused. "It's like how you would warm yourself by a fireplace than simply turn on a radiator. It is more effort, with less satisfying results, but perhaps that is the point."

"Oh yeaaaaah..." Blossomforth slowly nodded, then cocked her head. "What is the point?"

A slightly singed Orange Sherbet then tottered in with a large pan in one hoof. Setting it down on the table, she called out to her friends. "Okay, one sweet potato pot roast with apple stuffing, order up!"

Honey nervously looked around the room as the other ponies averted their gazes from Sherbet. "Okay, show of hooves, whose turn is it to taste test this time?"

"Don't look at Trixie, she had the verily cinnamon apple crisps the last time Sherbet walked out of that kitchen," Trixie said with an eye twitch.

"I'm still digesting the stuffed baked crabapple kebob." Blossomforth clutched her stomach as it gave a slightly unpleasant gurgle. "At least that's what she called it..."

"What's the big deal? I thought those muffins of hers were great," Spike argued with a perplexed expression.

"No, the muffins were definitely the worst," Honey replied, her cheeks turning a tinge of green at the mere mention of it. "I still can't believe you thought nutmeg would be a proper substitute for brown sugar!"

"It worked when my sous chef Saute ran out of paprika for the pumpkin manicotti," Sherbet answered uncertainly.

"That's because the paprika was used as a glaze for the sauce, it wasn't a substantial mixing agent for the dish." Honey took a chance to sneak a peek at Orange's latest dinner attempt. It certainly didn't look like a pot roast, more like a pot toast. The syrupy marinade it was in was hardened like a crunchy shell, and the diced sweet potato chunks seemed charred wherever it wasn't melted over a poorly meshed breading of crumbs and apple skins. "Apples and sweet potatoes were the only things that went into this right?"

Twilight swallowed. "Okay, I'll do it." She marched up to the hot dish, levitated a fork over, and dug it into the lump of broiled fruit. A large crackling sound was produced as she pulled out a chunk, crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside, closed her eyes, and stuck it past her gums.

The result was instantaneous. Her lips contorted as her mane suddenly sprung on end. She doubled over, pupils jumping up and down as her horn seemed to ignite for a brief moment. After a moment of convulsing on her back, she looked up to the disappointed cook and tried her best to give a supportive smile. "I think you mixed the salt and sugar up. But other than that, it's...um..."

"Terrible," Orange finished as she dejectedly slid the pan into a trash basket at the far end of the table. "You don't need to be partial for my sake." She then gave an empty chuckle. "Ironic, isn't it? The head of one of the most largest and prestigious catering companies cannot remake any of her old family recipes."

"But that's just it," Twilight counter-stated. "You oversee dozens of chefs and bakers everyday. You've watched them work, you've sampled their wares, you've advised them, had them double check their ingredients. Even without firsthoof knowledge, you know their routines and equipment inside and out. You shouldn't be this out of touch or inexperienced!"

The earth pony mare just shook her head at her unicorn friend. "You just answered your own question, Twilight dear. I'm not working with my cooks' state-of-the-art appliances. There are no dials, no temperature gauges, no timers. I cannot tell whether I'm cooking at the right heat, if it's undercooked or I'm burning it, or even how long I've left it in there. I've become too reliant on the machines and not on my skills."

She looked to a pie tin with a mushy mess of fruit in it. "I remember when I worked with mother for the first time to make one of her signature pies. We had no measured labeling cups, no sterilized rolling sheet, just a counter and a bed of flour. We even had a little powder fight as we kneaded the crust. And she would spiel for me as we occasionally peeked in the kitchen stove to see if it had browned and waited. Yet for as vividly as I remember the steps, I cannot get the same results as she did."

Octavia tapped her chin, then smiled. "I believe I think I know both the problem and solution." She cantered over to the door to leave her apartment. "Please excuse me, I will return within no less than fifteen minutes."

Orange Sherbet's maw opened to let out a short series of stammers as Octavia returned with the two ponies she least expected to see at this time and place. "W-what are you doing here?" She finally managed to squeak out.

"Well," Mosely started, "your friend Octavia did say you were trying out your old recipes. It's not that often you cook in the penthouse kitchen and...well I just realized I haven't had one of your apple cobblers in years! Not since we stopped the whole special delivery routine."

Eyes then fell on the little groomed filly standing shyly behind Mosely Orange as he nudged her out. Her tail and mane weren't curled fancy like Sherbet's trademark style, but by no means was it unkempt. They were slightly long with a wave that gave it more volume, a style that was usually more favored by pegasi as it was the only free flowing style for long hair that was still aerodynamic. Her soft blue eyes looked up to the group of mares, both curious and demure at the new faces.

Blossomforth was the first to gush. "Oh, aren't you just the most adorable little thing?" she squealed as she bent down low to meet her face and poke her cheeks. "What's your name you cute ball of heartmelting joy?"

The little filly stood as straight as she could politely nodding as she gave the tiniest of smiles in spite of her coyness. "My name is Tangerine," she answered in soft and cloying voice, rich in a sophisticated attitude that belied her diminutive stature. "You are miss Blossomforth, correct? It is very nice to make your acquaintance."

Blossomforth awww'd as the courteous child gave an individual nod to each of the other mares, then looked up to her parent. "Mother?"

"Y-yes?" Sherbet answered hesitantly.

"Father says you are going to be making dinner for us tonight, and that you will be using some recipes that are both new and old at the same time. What does he mean by that?"

Sherbet felt a gnawing reluctance growing in the pit of her stomach. She certainly didn't want to end up poisoning her dear husband and her sweet little filly. But they had come here so expectantly for some Apple cooking, how could she just turn them away?

"W-Well, you see dearie, these were dishes we haven't had or made since we were children ourselves. Why, I was actually your age when I boiled my first batch of oatmeal."

Curiosity seemed to bubble over any caution in Tangerine's eyes. "Really? You cooked all your own when you were my age?"

"Well of course I had a lot of help from my own mother. She always made the kitchen feel more-" she paused, thinking back again to her days in the farm's kitchen, the smile she wore when she presented her first successful tart to her parents, and how they returned it in full after tasting it. She looked to Octavia, who bore a sly grin with her half-lidded eyes and realized she had the same idea. "Tangerine? Would you like me to show you how to cook my family's old recipes?"

The foal's eyes lit up. "Really? I can cook with you? I'd love to help!" She bounced ahead of her mom into the kitchen as the other mare shared a subtle unspoken message with her musician friend before accompanying her.

"Wait, are we sure that's such a good idea?" Twilight mind was already beginning to play out what mess would result with ANOTHER pony with zero baking experience in the kitchen, and a child no less.

A reassuring hoof grasped her shoulder as she started for the kitchen door. She turned her head to meet a familiar smile on Mosely Orange's face. The same kind that Celestia had wore during the time she had tasked her with an unusual assignment of painting pictures of herself from a distance in the courtyard, sometimes with a large rock or tree obscuring her view of the canvas. It had been a week before her teleportation exam...which she somehow aced with flying colors despite the fact she had not read much on the subject, and was now even one of her best spells.

"I think I see what's going on here now...just sit down and wait. I've got a feeling what's going to come out of that room will be the most delicious meal I'll have had in years."

Once more, a series of plates were set upon the table as the kitchen pair walked out to an expectant dragon, stallion and mare and four not so expectant mares. As Orange Sherbet set the meal down for everypony to see, Twilight's eyebrows suddenly arched in puzzlement.


"Apple porridge to be exact," Sherbet explained. "I figured at this point you all needed something easier on your tummies. And for dessert, Tangerine, would you like to show them what you made?"

Sherbet's daughter stood up on her tippy-hooves to place a small plate with a chunky, browned ball of fruit on the table. "It's an apple," Trixie said dryly.

"A baked apple," Tangerine affirmed. "Dipped in cinnamon and rolled in granola. I did it all by myself while mother was making the porridge."

The majority of taste testers' mouths approached the bowls with slowly decreasing caution. Honey's eyes hovered over the lumpy broth. It looked like what porridge should be like. Blossomforth gave a tentative whiff. It didn't smell raw or burnt. A sudden slurping noise jarred their attention to Mosely, who was already digging in, followed by Octavia and Spike. Mustering her effort to bury all trauma out of mind, Twilight then dipped her spoon into the bowl, lifted it up, and like a patient bracing herself for a shot, jammed it between her gums.

Her eyes popped open as her tongue was coated with a sudden warmth of anise and cloves that tickled her taste buds. The consistency was firm enough to hold the sustenance of the apples, yet had enough excess water to soften the taste and let the flavors flow freely. It felt so simple and plain, but the heat mixed with the liquid made every sugar spread itself out as much as possible, washing away all the lingering bitter aftertastes from before. This was actually edible, more than that...

"It's good," came the words from out of Twilight's mouth as she opened them again. She smiled as her tummy sighed in relief at the soothing warmth that entered it. Looking up from her bowl, she noticed Honey, Blossomforth, and Trixie mimic her exact same expression of pleasant surprise, followed by slamming their smiles neck deep into the bowls, their appetites suddenly rekindled with the promise of actual food for the first time tonight. Twilight just shook her head in a knowing fashion as Mosely helped himself to a slice of the baked apple.

"You still know how I like it sweet cream," he said halfway through the slice. He then peered down to his anticipating daughter. "And my little sweet treat? Best first attempt I ever tasted."

Tangerine beamed brightly as her mother's cheeks matched her blush. Twilight scooted her chair closer to Octavia's so she could lean in and whisper. "I don't understand. How did she suddenly become so adept with these two here?"

Octavia took a moment to rest her spoon on the table as she mildly answered, eyes half focused on her confused friend, and to their bashful cooking student. "It's quite simple if you think about it. Love is the most important ingredient after all."

"Mommy?" Tangerine addressed her mother as she was tucked softly away under the covers in the comforts of her lofty bedroom later that night. Sherbet regarded her with a warm smile. The only time her little darling ever spoke so informally was when they were alone together.

"Yes, my sweet citrus angel?"
"Will there be other foals at the reunion?"
"Of course. In fact I know from your grandma that you have a cousin about the same age living in Ponyville."
"Do they all know each other well?"
"I wouldn't know. But I'm sure you won't be the only new face around."

A moment of peaceful quiet passed as Sherbet knew her filly wanted to say something more.

"What if they don't like me?"

Needless to say, she was surprised at that last question. "Why on Equus would you think that?"

Tangerine shifted her back legs underneath her blanket. "Because...I'm richer and fancier than they all are, right? I'm the only one that lives in a city. I have so many toys and clothes that they don't have..." She looked away for a moment. "Maybe they don't think I'll need someone to play with when I already have so much more stuff than them."

Sherbet ran a hoof through her mane. "Oh sweetie, you don't have to worry yourself silly over something like that. Fillies and colts don't care about stuff like that. And they're your cousins, they'll want everything to do with you regardless. Just be yourself and everything will be fine."

"Really?" Tangerine looked back to her mother, their eyes exchanging a vow of affection. A relieved smile dawned upon the filly's face after a few seconds. "Okay. I guess that makes sense. I'll be me, daddy will be daddy, and mommy will be mommy. It's not like I can be someone else, right?"

The way her filly said it seemed to strike a chord in the very back of Orange Sherbet's recesses of the mind. She shook it off in a heartbeat though as she dimmed the lights. She leaned in to peck her child on the forehead.

"Goodnight Tangerine."
"Goodnight mommy. I love you."

The little orangish filly snuggled her head deep into her pillow, sighing with contentment as her mother closed the door behind her. The mare plodded softly across the hall to her own room, her thoughts empty and straying for the while.

Mommy will be mommy.

She squeezed her eyes in a blink as she knocked the words out of her head. Why did that simple sentence not sit right with her? Was it because it wasn't true with what she and her friends were trying to do? No, no, that was ridiculous. She lived the ins and outs of what she was doing before. Apple Sherbet was a part of her, it's not like she was trying to live a lie all of a sudden. She was just getting more in touch with her family roots, right? For memory's sake.

She cleared her mind of all doubts as she clambered into bed next to her already snoozing husband. As she coaxed her restlessness down, she reached over the side to the bed drawer and fished the two photographs that had recently been from her old chest out again. Under the light of Luna's moon, she gazed at her fillyhood image longingly, and slid the photograph of young Applejack over it until the two fillies seemed to touch each other, Applejack's image overlapping her young mother's.

"I promise sister," she whispered to herself as she finally closed her eyes, folding the pictures across her chest. "I swear I won't disappoint you again..."

Author's Note:

And here we introduce Orange Sherbet's daughter, Tangerine. The child of the Oranges is a well mannered filly, always courteous and polite as taught. But also loved and cared for in such a down to earth manner by her parents. Her slight shyness stems from the fact that she has very little interaction with ponies her own age being that her social standing and wealth tends to set her apart and intimidate the others in her school, and thus lacks social experience with other foals. Despite that, her mannerisms give her the courage to face new acquaintances as would be expected of a socialite, though not much further than that. One quirk is that she never speaks with contractions unless she gets really excited and goes into total foal mode. Always caring, always considerate, and lives the best of both worlds even if it's just with her mother and father. But that will soon change after she goes with her mother to the reunion next chapter.