• Published 27th Jan 2012
  • 3,160 Views, 79 Comments

The Music that Binds. - Johnfreemanwepon

An OctaScratch story. Not much else to say.

  • ...

Screw the names! chapter 4

*** At Octavia’s house***


That was all Octavia managed to say.

“I can’t stay. I need to go back to ponyville. I’m late to get back, anyway- I should’ve left right after that gig.”

“So, what, we just make out all last night and now you’re leaving? Jeez, if you knew that, why didn’t you just go for broke?!”

Hearing the pain in Octavia’s voice, Vinyl placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“I don’t want it to end. I’ll visit as often as possible, but I have a life in Ponyville.”

Octavia turned. “Leave.”


“Just leave.”

Vinyl was taken aback. Was this really the same mare who had just complained about her having a life? She was saddened by the prospect- she might’ve really hurt Tavi. Silently, she walked out the door.

“I love you, Tavi, and I’ll miss you terribly.”

Octavia was unmoved visibly- from the back, at least. Tears were streaming from her eyes, and she was still crying as she heard the door close.

She turned around, half expecting the white mare to have stayed. Unfortunately, Vinyl wasn’t the stubborn type and thought it would be better to leave her alone. Seeing nopony, she descended into a bout of rage. Before she did any damage, she ran to her bedroom and jumped into the pillows on her bed.

She sobbed, all thoughts of... anything instantly leaving her head.

On the elevator down, Vinyl ran through the events in her head. ‘What did I do wrong? I told her that I’d come visit. I can’t stay here forever! I have a life in Ponyville- Pinkie always needs me to DJ her parties, and I have a house there. Octavia can’t come with ME for the same reason... Can she?’ She shook her head. If Octavia wanted her to leave, she would leave. If she wanted her to come back, she would come back. ‘I’ll wait forever if I have to.’

***Three weeks later***

Octavia was in a rut. She couldn’t think of anything, all her concentration had left her in the past few days. She had scrapped her “pet project” she started when Vinyl was staying with her- she couldn’t feel it any more.

‘I need to see her again... I need to fix what I did. She... The last thing she said to me was “I love you”... I told her to leave. What the HELL have I done?!’

She heard a knock on her door.


After a short pause, she heard a voice from the other side “Miss Octavia, I’m afraid we need to collect your rent. If you refuse to comply, we shall have to evict you.”

Grabbing a sack of bits and going to the door, she found it wasn’t her landlord. Staring back at her was her friend with a bouquet of flowers.

“Now that I have your attention, may I come in?”

Octavia nodded. The last thing she wanted to do right now was turn away another one of her friends- the last time that had happened, look at what it did for her.

He sat down on her pure white couch after placing the bouquet on the table.

“What brings you here today, Duke?” Octavia asked, almost rhetorically.

“I’m worried about you, Tavi.” The nickname sent waves of guilt and pain through her, and a tear started to form in her eyes.

“D...Did I say something wrong?” he asked, seeing the tear streak down her face.

“No. You... You didn’t. I’m okay, Duke, I just need to take a few days to get back into the swing of things.”

He nodded. “I think I understand now. Who was it?”


“Who left you? From the way you’re acting, I’d say that’s just about the only possibility.”

She smiled at her friends’ acute ability to sense emotions- she always admired that about him. Sniffling slightly, she told him “I..I’ll explain over tea.”

She walked over to the kitchen, leaving him to his own devices.

He stared at her- he had always secretly had a crush on her, but now wasn’t the time to act on that. His friend was hurt- that much was obvious. He wouldn’t take advantage on her. Even so, her flanks were enticing, swaying back and forth as he watched. She was nearly done, so he tried to focus on something else. He was always drawn back to her.

‘Why shouldn’t I ask her out? She’s been dumped, hasn’t she? Now’s my chance!’ He frowned, suppressing the thought. ‘She’s your friend, asshole! Don’t do this to her while she’s down! What if she’s not over him?’

Still at war with himself, he forced a smile onto his face while she sat down with the tea.

“I made a mistake.”

He was surprised- it was obvious something had ended, but he didn’t expect her to be the one to end it- especially considering how torn up she was over it.

“What happened?”

“She... I... I DON’T KNOW! I can’t figure out what the hell came over me! She had to leave...”


“Vinyl Scratch.”

“Oh really? I wouldn’t expect that- her being who she is, I thought you’d be mortal enemies. Also, I never pegged you for a fillyfooler.” He was good at hiding the pain in his voice. He would never get a chance to be with her.

“Yeah, it is a bit of a strange match. Anyway, we were talking, and she mentioned that she had to leave... and I... I just got so mad, I don’t really know why- I guess I just felt... lied to. She didn’t tell me about it the night before, and that just made it worse.”

Duke raised his eyebrows “How... How far did you two go? Did you...”

“No!” she interrupted, before saying “I don’t care how far we went, which wasn’t even that far, I still feel betrayed. I need to see her- she became my inspiration even in that short of a time. Her music... Her... Just being there is enough to make me need to do something creative, to do something important.”

“So, why didn’t you follow her?”


“If someone has that much of an effect on you, why would you let them leave? They probably need you as much as you need them.”

***Ponyville, 1 week earlier***

Vinyl had lost it. She had nothing left to do- sure, she had a job in the last two weeks, but after her first gig, everypony canceled. They heard she wasn’t good anymore- that she had washed out. Of course, Vinyl thought that as well- but she knew WHY- unlike her employers. She had left on a... less than positive note with Octavia. If she had told her beforehand, maybe this would’ve been different. Although, she still overreacted- it wasn’t like she stole her virginity or anything, they had just kissed. Still, there was something to be said- it was still sorta a “one night stand” and now Vinyl was paying the consequences.

She couldn’t get into it- she was preoccupied.

‘I hope Tavi isn’t feeling the same way’

***Present day, Canterlot, Octavia’s apartment***

“So... What are you saying? Are you saying I should... Go to Ponyville?”

“If that’s what you think I said, then yes.”

He always thought of a way to mindfuck me, she thought- it ended with her learning something, though- and that’s a good thing.

“So, what, I should just pick up and run? What about my job? What about my friends? What about you?”

He swallowed.

“I just care about what is best for you” he replied, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “Go to her, and the music will follow. Just be happy.”

After saying this, he pulled her into a hug. The desire to steal her away was gone- he knew this was not the time. Now, he had to worry about her. She deserved to be happy.

“I’ll help you pack.”

(Author’s note: OH GOD this was late. You guys need to tell me when I delay this much!)