• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 2,732 Views, 151 Comments

Antecedent (R) - Anonymous Pegasus

The Elements of Harmony have been scattered, and Raindrop needs them to cure the changeling side of her heritage for her happily-ever-after.

  • ...

New Beginnings

Raindrop, fresh from her duties as a cloudchaser, took a deep steadying breath, pushing open the door to the private practise. A bell jingled softly to announce her entry.

Raindrop was a pegasus. At complete odds with her fiery personality, she was shorter and a little smaller than other pegasi, with a deep blue body and a two-tone cyan mane. Her eyes were a vibrant pink, and the image of a thundercloud on her rump betrayed her job as a cloudchaser.

The receptionist straightened up as Raindrop entered, and Raindrop cast a glance towards the waiting room, her face brightening as she spied the green-coated unicorn slumped in one of the comfy couches.

“Shine!” Raindrop said with a grin, bounding over to him, her wing fluttering happily.

Shine looked up from his magazine, blinking once and closing it on his hoof to keep the page.

“Raindrop,” Shine said with a faint smile, stretching slightly. “The doctor is late. That nice old pony says it’s a normal occurrence.”

Shine pointed a hoof across the room, to where an older mare waved a hoof with an irritated growl, turning the page on her magazine so hard it ripped.

Shine was a unicorn of less-than-average stature. He was strong in magic, but not particularly ‘gifted’ in the physical department. He was a sea-green from nose to hoof, with brilliant blue eyes, a blue mane, and a shining light bulb on his flank. Raindrop was rather fond of stuffing her cheek against his hindleg and claiming she just had an epiphany.

“Well good! I’m late too!” Raindrop said with a soft whine, bouncing slightly in place before hugging her fiance, wrapping her hooves around his neck and laying several firm kisses against his cheek and throat.

“You’re smothering me!” Shine complained with a faint smile, kissing her nose in response and then shaking his head. “I am the last appointment of the day.”

“You don’t want me to get you a sandwich or anything? It’s getting late,” Raindrop soothed, stroking a hoof through Shine’s mane affectionately.

Shine shook his head with a wrinkled nose. “Just feel kinda nauseous.”

Raindrop’s face fell, and she gently pulled herself onto the couch beside the stallion. “Is it bad again?”

Shine had been suffering for several months with a persistent sickness. It made him tired, nauseous, queasy and weak. It gave him headaches, and it even affected his magic to the point that he was afraid to levitate heavy or sharp objects.

Shine nodded glumly. “Can’t concentrate again and I feel all queasy. I’ve been reading the same page of this home-improvement magazine the entire time I’ve been waiting, and I’m sure there’s a very good reason we don’t want these drapes but I just can’t remember.”

Raindrop peered down at the page, and the pink drapes there, with frilly white lace on the bottom.

“Because I’d be on the front-page of the Ponyville Enquirer tomorrow if you dared to bring them into our house?” Raindrop asked flatly.

Shine gave an ‘ahhhh’ of understanding. “My imminent murder. I knew there was a good reason.”

Raindrop shook her head and giggled, leaning forwards to kiss his nose again. Shine sighed, leaning against her and wrapping a hoof around her shoulders, nosing slowly against her neck.

“We’ll figure out what’s wrong with you,” Raindrop said with a soft nudge of his cheek. “Or rather, Doctor Heilende Klinge will. And I’ll take credit.”

Shine smiled at that, resting his cheek against her own. “He must be good. He’s from Germaneigh.”

“Those doctors always are the craziest, and best,” Raindrop said with a smile, bopping his nose with a hoof. “Sure you don’t need anything to eat, baby?”

A sly smile flitted across Shine’s muzzle, and he leaned against her slightly, leaning in to whisper gently into one of her ears, “You look good enough to eat. I love it when you get all active and sweaty.”

“Just because you know I’m tougher than you,” Raindrop said with a giggle, nudging him with her nose. “Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, Shine.”

Shine opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the sound of the front door bell opening interrupted him. A Royal Guard stepped into the room, looking around carefully, before making a beeline for the couple.

Raindrop clung closer against her fiance, her eyes wide.

“Miss Raindrop?” asked the guard.

Raindrop nodded quietly.

Shine looked back and forth between them with a dubious blink.

“Miss Raindrop, of the Ponyville Weather Patrol. Princess Celestia seeks an audience with you post-haste. Present yourself to the Canterlot Palace at your earliest convenience.” Without another word, the guard turned on his hooves and left as suddenly as he’d arrived.

Raindrop blinked slowly, before turning to look at her fiance, brow raised quizzically. “I... don’t even... what?”

“What would the princess want to see you for?” Shine asked dubiously. “Maybe it’s a joke.”

“That guard looked pretty serious...” Raindrop said quietly, shaking her head. “And... he found me here, of all places. Maybe... they’re following us?”

“That’s kinda paranoid, Raindrop,” Shine said with a shake of his head a silly smile, nudging her once. “Run along and see if it was a joke of some kind. I’m a big enough stallion to handle the doctors visit all on my lonesome.”

“But what if you get scared?”

“I’ll be brave, I promise.”

Raindrop huffed, nudging him firmly. “If I hear you even cried a little bit, I’m spanking you.”

“I’ll be sure to think of something sad then!” Shine said with a bright smile.

Raindrop shook her head, kissing his nose. “I’ll be back soon, promise. Try to survive the doctor’s visit until I return.”

Shine nodded once, waving a hoof. “Get me some donuts or something on the way back.”


“Frosted.” Shine nodded firmly.

Raindrop landed in front of the large arched gates to the Canterlot Palace with a dubious expression on her face, mincing her way towards the two guards flanking the entrance.

“I... I’m Raindrop. I have a request from Celestia to... go and see her?” Raindrop offered lamely.

The guards exchanged a glance. One of them nodded, and then they both stepped aside. One of their horns glowed, and the gates began to swing open.

Carefully, Raindrop stepped between them, staring up at the imposing castle. Uncertainly, she stepped down the long pathway, through the gardens, and up to the large front doors of the palace. A pair of guards admitted her through into the large entrance hall, and a guard inside the hall itself led her deeper inside. After barely a minute of walking, Raindrop was lost, and before she knew it, she was in the throne room.

Large stained-glass windows depicted events from the past, and a set of four thrones stood in a neat row. In the centre, the largest throne, was Celestia. To her left was Princess Luna. To her right was first Princess Cadance, and then Princess Twilight Sparkle, or as she was more commonly known: Princess Aurora.

Raindrop felt the weight of the gaze of four different princesses on her, and she cowered under it.

“Raindrop?” Celestia asked warmly.

Raindrop nodded mutely.

“We have called you here today to... give you information.” Celestia paused, as though organising her thoughts, and Raindrop felt herself grow slightly nauseous.

“A-am I in trouble?” Raindrop asked quietly.

Celestia paused for far too long a time, before saying, “Not... directly. Certain... precautions may need to be enacted.”

“What Celestia is trying to say: You are now a threat to the security of Equestria, and you will be detained until your loyalties are ascertained,” Princess Luna cut across them.

“Come on, give her a break,” Twilight Sparkle said with a slight frown.

“Her knowledge is not the problem,” Luna stated with an imperious wave of a hoof.

“Shush,” Celestia said. The single syllable reverberated with a power that made the other three princesses fall silent immediately, bowing to their leader.

Raindrop stared up at Celestia with wide eyes, her bottom lip quivering slightly. “Y-you’re going to throw me in jail? I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Please, Raindrop, calm yourself. We are divided as to how to deal with the situation. Let me... explain it to you.” Celestia lifted a hoof, pink eyes narrowing down at Raindrop.

Raindrop swallowed audibly and then tentatively sat down, legs splayed helplessly, rubbing a hoof against her forehead slowly. “O-okay...”

Celestia paused, collecting her thoughts. “You know of the tale of Chrysalis?”

Rubbing her hoof against her forehead, Raindrop nodded and then said uncertainly, “The Queen of the Changelings. She was defeated by the Elements of Harmony.”

“That was the widely-held belief, yes,” Celestia said with a gentle nod.

“I take it that that is not the case?” Raindrop asked, lost.

Celestia nodded once. “We received word that Chrysalis was not defeated by the Element of Harmony, but rather, she was healed by them.”

“...Healed?” Raindrop asked blankly.

“Healed,” Celestia stated in response. “A changeling feeds upon love, you understand this, yes?”

Raindrop nodded cautiously.

“Well, it appeared that Chrysalis had found a partner and wished to settle down with them.”

“And... how does this all factor in with the Elements of Harmony, and more importantly, me going to jail?!” Raindrop asked, her voice rising at the end.

Luna waved a hoof. “Changeling magic has been shown to have great ill-effect upon a partner. It reduces energy levels, and wreaks havoc with the pony’s immune system and their emotions. Were a relationship to continue normally, Chrysalis would have killed her partner.”

Celestia nodded gently. “Indeed. We believe that Chrysalis used the magic of the Elements of Harmony to revert herself to a more... palatable state. She turned herself into a normal pony.”

“What does this all have to do with me?” Raindrop asked weakly, her ears pinned back.

Celestia looked uncertainly back and forth between the other three princesses. “Well...”

“Chrysalis became ‘Cee’,” Luna finished for Celestia, her tone blunt.

Raindrop blinked slowly, before shaking her head. “N-no, that’s impos-”

“I’m afraid not,” Cadance cut across Raindrop, shaking her head as well. “Celestia confirmed it at Cee’s funeral.”

“C-Cee didn’t have a funeral... she had a... a... well...” Raindrop spluttered, shaking her head.

“I was the one that prepared her cottage,” Celestia stated bluntly.

Raindrop’s ears pinned back. “B-but...”

“Something happened to the Elements of Harmony,” Twilight Sparkle said softly, motioning towards the star-shaped jewel in her crown. “A few months ago, something magical changed about the elements... we believe that it has to do with... with...” The princess trailed off, biting her bottom lip and looking away.

Cadance picked up where Twilight left off. “We believe it has to do with the death of the last of the bearers excluding Twilight. It was barely a day after Rainbow Dash passed on that it happened. It was as though the magic in them had been undone. Or rather, the magic they were maintaining was undone.”

“I still don’t... understand...” Raindrop said, whining faintly and rubbing a hoof against her ears helplessly.

“You are a direct descendant of Queen Chrysalis, Raindrop. You are part changeling,” Celestia said gently.

Raindrop shook her head. “N-no. I’m a normal pony! I’d know if I was a changeling!”

Luna’s eyes narrowed slowly. “Has your partner not been growing sick in recent weeks?”

Raindrop’s ears splayed back. “A-a few months now, actually...”

“And none of the doctors can ascertain what plagues him?” Luna pressed.

Raindrop nodded quietly.

Luna lifted a hoof, pointing imperiously. “You are damaging him.”

“B-but I...” Raindrop lowered her head helplessly, feeling small under the gaze of all four princesses.

“It is the truth, Raindrop,” Celestia explained gently.

“We have watched you since birth,” Cadance added, “To ensure that your latent... ‘abilities’ didn’t harm anypony.”

“I am so very touched,” Raindrop murmured, staring down at her hooves. “I... I just... what happens now?”

“We know this is a lot to take in right now,” Celestia said helplessly, shaking her head once in sympathy. “But... we cannot allow you to return to your partner. Each moment you spend with him, you grow stronger, and he grows weaker. For his safety, and the security of our nation, you will be detained.”

“D-detained?” Raindrop asked, her ears pinning back.

“You will be well-accommodated,” Cadance soothed, “But you understand that we can’t allow you to return to him, yes?”

“B-but... What do I tell Shine? How do I tell him what’s going on?!” Raindrop almost screeched, rising to her hooves in anger.

Twilight Sparkle raised a brow slowly. “Are you threatening the princesses?”

Raindrop immediately lowered her head, her ears pinning back. “N-no... I just... you’re throwing this all at me... and you’re telling me I can’t see Shine...”

Celestia nodded gently. “I know that it’s a lot to take in, but it is necessary. We will arrange a visit with Shine in the near future. But until then... until we are assured of your loyalties, we need to keep you contained.”

“W-what about my family?” Raindrop asked helplessly, pinning her ears back again. “They might be affected by the same thing!”

Celestia went quiet, and looked away.

Raindrop stiffened at that, sitting up. “W-what’s wrong? What do you know?!”

Celestia bit her bottom lip. “Raindrop...”

Twilight Sparkle cut across Celestia, “Your brother was found in his home in Dappleshore yesterday. His wife committed suicide and he followed suit. It is what alerted us to this issue.”

Raindrop felt like she’d be kicked in the chest. All the air disappeared from her lungs, and she found it hard to breath. “H-he’s d-dead?”

“I’m sorry Raindrop,” Celestia said gently, her gaze sympathetic. “We’re tracking down the rest of your family now.”

“S-so you can incarcerate them t-too?” Raindrop accused, biting her bottom lip hard, tears spilling down her cheeks.

Celestia looked away, and Luna spoke for her, “It will be necessary, given your familial ties.”

Raindrop hung her head, staring down at her forehooves sadly. “I don’t even know where my mother is... last I heard, she was in Asgard.”

“Our last intelligence placed her in Gryphus,” Cadance cut in.

Raindrop hung her head, pursing her lips.

“So we should continue the search within Gryphus?” Celestia asked soothingly.

“You shouldn’t search for her at all,” Raindrop mumbled.

Luna raised a hoof angrily, “Do you not understand that you, and all of your family, are part-changeling? And seeing as Chrysalis did not deign to inform you all of your heritage, you are unknowingly harming your loved ones.”

Raindrop nodded gently, sniffling and wiping at her cheek with a hoof. “Last I heard... she lived on the outskirts of Gryphus with a griffon named Garous.”

“Thank you for your cooperation, Raindrop,” Celestia said with a gentle incline of her head, motioning for one of her guards. A guard stepped over closer to the princess, and Celestia whispered something to him. The guard then turned and left swiftly.

“You will be detained here in the castle, and subjected to... interrogation,” Princess Luna decreed calmly. “Upon committee decision of the princesses that you are no longer a threat to the security of Equestria, you will be set free.”

Raindrop’s ears pinned back. “B-but... that’s so vague...”

Celestia nodded gently. “I’m afraid that it is a necessary precaution. The guards will show you to your room.”

“You mean my cell,” Raindrop challenged, lifting her gaze to the princess, eyes narrowing. Tears had lain a streak down her cheeks, but her gaze was set.

“You are not a prisoner, Raindrop, but you are not permitted to leave, either,” Celestia said helplessly, shaking her head. “It is for the best.”

“For the best of you, not for the best of me,” Raindrop retorted, looking away and clenching her teeth.

“I say that we throw her in the dungeon,” Luna said with a wave of a hoof. “Perhaps she will be more civil were she to experience our less... hospitable facilities.”

“I must say I approve,” Cadance said with narrowed eyes.

“I disagree,” Twilight Sparkle said with pursed lips.

Silence!” The single word reverberated on the air, and the three princesses fell silent under the hard gaze of Celestia. “I am the leader of this party. Make no mistake, I value your opinions, but I will not allow you to desecrate Equestria’s system of fair and impartial judgement by throwing an innocent party into the dungeon.”

“And if it were Chrys-” Cadance began.

“It is not Chrysalis!” Celestia spat, stamping her hoof on the ground. A peal of thunder rent the air, and Cadance quietly stepped down from her throne. “Do as you see fit,” Cadance said in her sweetest tone as she walked away, head held high.

Celestia took a deep, steadying breath. “Cadance is... perhaps impartial. Do not let her actions reflect upon the comittee.”

Raindrop’s eyes narrowed slowly, and she wiped her nose with the back of a hoof. “I think the committee’s actions speak for themselves.”

Celestia’s expression hardened. “You have every right to be unhappy, Raindrop. But this is for the safety and wellbeing of Equestria. I do not ask you to forgive us, but I do ask that you understand.” Celestia waved a hoof, “Sentinel, Arrowhead, take her to her new quarters.”

A pair of guards stepped up behind Raindrop, holding a spear each. Raindrop shot the three princesses one last, contemptuous stare, before she turned and allowed herself to be led away.

Raindrop sighed faintly, sitting at the doorway leading to the balcony, staring through the glass panes and towards the view of Canterlot below. The doors were locked. Magically. No amount of physical force would open the doors. The windows were all double-lined magical ‘glass’ that existed in front and behind the real glass. It was spear, explosion, and even cannon-proof.

Other than the almost ridiculously-secured windows and doors, the rest of the room was actually rather nice. A large four-poster bed sat in the middle of the room, with purple felt curtains, pink covers, and azure satin pillows. The bed itself was ‘cloudmix’, a special blend of cloud and cotton that was almost impossibly soft, and expensive. There was a desk with a never-ending candle: a special type of candle that lasted twenty four hours, despite its misleading name. A pile of papers littered the desk and surrounding area, most of them crumpled and half-finished. Raindrop had been trying to find the words to write in a letter to Shine, and had failed, repeatedly.

The two guards, Sentinel and Arrowhead, if Raindrop remembered correctly, were still stationed outside. One of them was there at all times, and it took a special spell from Arrowhead, the unicorn, to even unlock her door. Sentinel was a pegasus, and was insurance that Raindrop wouldn’t be able to fly away.

Raindrop hadn’t received a single word from the princesses, and any question she asked the guards went unanswered.

There was the muffled sound of voices, and then the door clicked and unlocked. Raindrop looked back over her shoulder glumly.

Shine tentatively pushed his way into the room, his ears pinned back and brows furrowed. “Raindrop?”

“Shine!” Raindrop declared, immediately turning and bounding around the bed, tackling him to the ground in a firm, eager hug.

In an instant, one of the guards had tugged Raindrop off Shine and pressed her up against the wall firmly, holding her in place with the haft of a spear crossed across her throat.

Shine rose to his hooves, frowning deeply. “Let her go! She was hugging me, not attacking me!”

The pegasus peered at him and snorted once. “She is part-changeling, sir. They are one and the same.”

Shine blinked slowly, looking back and forth between the guard and Raindrop. “I-is that true?”

Raindrop squirmed slightly in place, and the unicorn released his grip slightly, allowing her to drop back down onto all fours. She rubbed a hoof against her forehead. “They... didn’t tell you?”

Shine stared at her, his eyes wide. “You’re... a... a changeling?”

“Apparently,” Raindrop admitted with a helpless, unsure giggle. “My grandmother was... Chrysalis. From what Celestia told me.”

“And... why are you... in here?” Shine asked, bewildered, confused. “They just said they were detaning you.”

“Because I could be killing you,” Raindrop said, looking away and rubbing a hoof nervously against the opposite. “I... I guess that maybe that’s why... you’ve been sick?”

Shine just stared.

The two guards looked back and forth between them. Raindrop noticed that they were both placing themselves carefully in between herself and Shine.

Raindrop’s ears pinned back, and she lowered her head, staring at the ground in front of her forehooves. “A-and they told me... t-that it’s happened to my brother as well... his wife committed suicide a-and he followed after her... and now they’re telling me I’m a threat to Equestria and I...” Raindrop trailed off, biting her bottom lip and looking away, tears brimming in her eyes. “I-I just really want a hug...”

Shine stepped forwards, and the pegasus guard raised his spear side-hand, blocking him. Shine’s eyes narrowed, and a low growl bubbled out of his throat. “I might not be much of a fighter, soldier. But if you don’t let me comfort my fiancee then so help me goddess, I will walk through you.”

The guard looked him up and down, before giving a snort and stepping aside.

Shine stepped past him, sidestepping the second guard and then gathering his fiancee into a firm hug, squeezing her with his forehooves.

“M-my brother is d-dead and they don’t know where m-mom is and I’m some kind of monster and I didn’t even know it!” Raindrop wailed into Shine’s shoulder, squeezing him with her forehooves tightly and sobbing against his shoulder. “A-and this is going to mess with the wedding a-and I’m not even sure how you feel about it...”

Shine stared down at her, frowning deeply and stroking a hoof soothingly across her wing. “Hey, I’m right here, Raindrop. It’ll be okay.”

“B-but I’m making you sick...” Raindrop whispered, her ears pinned back flat against her skull.

Nuzzling against her, Shine nodded. “There must be... a cure. Something that can be done.”

“They don’t want to help,” Raindrop said with a shake of her head. “Luna and Cadance wanted to throw me in the dungeon...”

Shine frowned deeply. “That’s... an overreaction. Why is it all happening now?”

“S-something happened to the Elements of Harmony or something and my grandmother was affected by them and it stopped working and now I’m making you sick,” Raindrop said in an incoherent rush, pushing her nose into his shoulder all the more firmly. “I-I don’t even know if I’m going to wake up tomorrow as a... a-a bug.”

Shine soothed her gently, rubbing his hoof through her mane softly.

“A-and I don’t even know how you’re going to take all this...” Raindrop whispered, pulling back to stare up at him with moist, reddened eyes.

“Well... I’d prefer not to die,” Shine admitted helplessly, rubbing a hoof against his neck uncertainly. “But... we’ll work through this. They tell me I can visit you once a week.”

“Once a w-week?” Raindrop asked, her ears pinning back flat and her expression falling.

Shine nodded gently, rubbing his hoof through her mane. “But we’ll figure something. It all worked out for Chrysalis, right? She found a way. Otherwise you wouldn’t exist.”

Raindrop nodded, rubbing her nose with a hoof and sniffling faintly. “I-I guess... b-but I don’t know i-if I can do it without you...”

Shine nudged her with his nose softly. “You’re stronger than you know, Raindrop.”

Raindrop gave a giggle interspersed with sniffles, shaking her head. “You’re only saying that to get in my pants.”

Shine raised a brow, peering back at the guards for a long moment. “They’d probably think you were trying to suck out my soul.”

“I already own it,” Raindrop said with another sniffle, straightening and then nudging him with her nose gently. “You shouldn’t stay here too long... you’ll feel better when you’re away from me for a while...”

Shine frowned at that, shaking his head and squeezing her gently. “But I’ll be lonely.”

“You’re a big boy now,” Raindrop said with a weak smile. “You even went to the doctor all on your own. Did he give you a needle?”

Shine nodded, his bottom lip quivering. “And you weren’t there with donuts and a toy cart for me afterwards.”

Raindrop leaned against her fiance with a soft sigh. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there... but at least we know what’s wrong with you.”

“I’m allergic to you,” Shine pointed out with a brave attempt at a smile.

Raindrop nodded. “We need to find some allergy medicine...”

“If I come back with a prescription for some Raindrop, will you give it to me?” Shine asked hopefully.

One of the guards cleared their throat firmly.

Raindrop pursed her lips, shaking her head. “Get going, Shine. I’ll see you in a week... just, make sure you’re here, yeah?”

Shine nodded, kissing her cheek gently. “I’ll be here. Promise.”

Raindrop’s next visit was from Princess Celestia and Princess Aurora. Both of them showed up at Raindrop’s room in the early hours, waking her up.

Raindrop tried to rub the sleep from her eyes as she listened to Celestia and Twilight Sparkle explaining things to her about changelings. Most of it went right over her head.

“Aren’t you supposed to be interrogating me?” Raindrop asked, bewildered.

“We understand your situation, Raindrop. We can speak frankly here,” Celestia said with a deep frown. “Were we to allow you free reign, then the Canterlot Council would try to step in.”

Raindrop paused at that, her eyes narrowed slowly. “...politics?”

“Politics,” Twilight Sparkle affirmed with a single nod.

“Why... Why do Luna and Cadance hate me?” Raindrop asked timidly.

Princess Cadance and Princess Luna,” Twilight Sparkle corrected, frowning deeply.

Celestia cut across her student, “Luna is... She has a unique... ‘perspective’ on the corruption of evil, and how insidious it is. She is very strict against those with the taint of evil. As for Cadance...” Celestia trailed off, biting her bottom lip uncertainly, trying to find the right words.

Twilight spoke up then, “Changelings caused the death of Shining Armor, my brother and her wife. She never forgave changelings for that.”

Raindrop just stared, before pursing her lips and sighing, hanging her head. “Great. So I’m hated for this thing I don’t have any control over. What about the Canterlot Council? Can you convince them to let me free?”

“Not if you’d go straight back to Shine,” Celestia admitted with a deep frown. “They put considerable pressure on us to detain you and your family members. The changelings are still a very public hate figure. If the press got hold of the information that we allowed a changeling to remain amongst the general populace...”

Raindrop just shook her head slowly, feeling her anger rising. “I am not a changeling!”

Celestia pursed her lips. “Raindrop, you are a changeling. Perhaps not a true changeling. But you are enough of one for nopony to bother making a distinction. They don’t care what your circumstances are, all they’ll see is a changeling. Especially seeing as you are harming your significant other.”

Raindrop hung her head again, sighing and shaking her head hopelessly. “What am I supposed to do? Can’t you just... do whatever it was Chrysalis did?”

“That would require the Elements of Harmony,” Celestia admitted, looking away helplessly.

“And... where are they?” Raindrop asked hopefully.

Twilight Sparkle spoke up again, “They were buried with each of their previous bearers. Or at least, their physical manifestations. They were stolen, however. We have no new leads as to their whereabouts.”

Raindrop’s ears splayed back.

“That is not entirely correct,” Celestia said carefully.

Both Twilight and Raindrop looked up at that.

“One of our intelligence-gatherers sent information that he was close to a lead, and then dropped off the radar,” Celestia explained.

“And then we all went after him and explosions and mayhem. This is the plot to every second-rate ‘spy’ story ever written,” Raindrop said, deadpan.

Celestia pursed her lips. “I cannot control the events. He had a lead, and then he never got back to us.”

“So you’ve known about the Elements of Harmony being missing for... how long?” Raindrop asked flatly.

“Several months,” Celestia admitted. “It is not common knowledge. I hope you will take it as a sign of trust that I am divulging this to you.”

“A sign of trust or ineptitude,” Raindrop stated flatly.

Celestia’s eyes flashed with anger.

“What?” Raindrop challenged, rising to her hooves brazenly. “I am sick, and the only way to fix me, from what I understand, are objects that you lost!”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed slowly. “Be that as it may, I have been pondering on the likelihood of sending a team after the agent.”

“And how long will this take and why are you bothering to tell me?” Raindrop asked flatly.

Pausing, Celestia looked the pegasus up and down. “Because I want you to go. Accompanied by a single one of my Seekers. You would travel under the guise of a couple. And you could even seek out your mother while you’re there.”

“You want me to go to Gryphus?” Raindrop asked, staring.

Celestia nodded once. “Indeed. It would solve a lot of loose ends.”

“Explain, please,” Raindrop said, lowering her head.

“The council wants to detain you and interrogate you. If I get you out of Equestria, then you will be safe from their intervention until I can convince the council you are not a threat. You will be able to search for your mother, appeasing the council members who view your family as a threat, while keeping you away from Shine. This satisfies many of the prime directives of the council.”

“You were all talking about locking me up back there!” Raindrop stated, pointing a hoof accusingly in the general direction of where Raindrop had faced the four princesses.

“That was a show, a facade,” Celestia said with a shake of her head. “The council observes all official meetings. This meeting is unofficial, and we can speak our mind.”

“So basically, you want to get me out of the country, and feel that sending me on some wild quest to find this ‘secret agent’ will be the best way to do it?” Raindrop asked flatly.

“I would be able to tell the council that you are on a ‘special mission’ on my behalf and they would just have to deal with it,” Celestia stated with a wave of a hoof.

“And if I never returned?” Raindrop asked carefully.

“Then you would be a rogue agent. I would send guards to search for you... but you would likely evade them,” the princess said tactfully.

Raindrop pursed her lips. “And Shine?”

“Shine would have his whereabouts monitored,” Celestia said immediately, shaking her head gently.

Raindrop frowned deeply at that. “And... if I chose not to undertake this ‘mission’?”

“The council will push for harsher interrogation. They’d likely leak the fact that you are part-changeling to the general public, and use public pressure to try and influence our actions towards detaining you more thoroughly,” Celestia said simply.

Raindrop sighed faintly, hanging her head. “So... I basically have to do this?”

Celestia nodded sadly. “I’m afraid so.”

“Very well... I’ll do it. But I’m not promising that I’m coming back,” Raindrop stated with a shake of her head.

“I will make sure that I am quite horrible with my paperwork. It might delay a search party for days,” Celestia said gently.

Raindrop waved a hoof. “Don’t bother trying to help me. Just tell me who I’m going with.”

Celestia frowned deeply, and then turned to peer at the two guards who had been assigned to raindrop. “Do either of you volunteer?”

“I’ve always wanted to see Gryphus,” the pegasus guard said, saluting lazily. “And I can fly. Definite bonus.”

“Very well, Sentinel will be your partner,” Celestia stated. “To Equestrian officials, you will be on a mission, but due to... pony and griffon friction, while in Gryphus you will be an engaged couple.”

Raindrop gave a long-suffering sigh, peering up at Sentinel with pursed lips. “So, you’re my victim, huh?”

“Fraid so,” Sentinel said with a flat expression.

Raindrop looked up at the two princesses, and then sighed softly. “Well... tell me what I need to do, then.”