• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 1,860 Views, 28 Comments

Deadpool Vs. Bronies - Live Light

Deadpool has left Equestria... now he has to deal with the fans.

  • ...

Issue #9: The Enemy is Revealed

Deadpool Vs. Bronies

Issue #9

Previously on Deadpool Vs. Bronies...


Deadpool stared at the giant cyborg Didn't thing, after having been picked up and thrown at the same spot the Didn't threw Iron Man, give or take a few feet. It was one of those buildings where if you threw a guy at it, they didn't go all the way through the wall, they just damage it, and they stick out of it like they're sitting down. Meaning Deadpool didn't get to see any potential attractive secretaries. Aside from that, his spine hurt. A lot. Why don't I get any kick-ass armour?

{Why should you?}

"...Tough day, huh?" Iron Man asked, after requesting backup, probably from the other Avengers.

"Tell me about it..." Deadpool admitted, "I got shot in the head by Skullduggery Pleasant..."


"I... dunno... I just... referenced it..."

Not wanting to bother questioning Deadpool's logic, Iron Man shrugged, "My Proton Cannon broke down today. Would've been great to use against the big guy..."

"Yep..." Deadpool agreed, sighing... "I wasted time, going to a light-bulb factory..."

"I got a report that a horde of freakish needle-clawed husk people appeared out of the blue, and started attacking civillians who're ending up god knows where..." Iron Man said, "So why are you, Weasel, and a bunch of young women caught in the middle of it all?"

"Hey, somebody's gotta play hero, Tony, and I like the spotlight," Deadpool replied.

"Uh huh... so you got test subjects from outer-space?"

"Do I look like I can just teleport things from anywhere? I can teleport me, but only me."

"You got that bazooka there just fine... where'd you get it from?"

"I found it somewhere..." Deadpool told him, aiming the bazooka he pulled from Hammerspace at the giant Didn't. Iron Man hovered off the building, charging his repulsor gauntlets.

"Careful now, those things pack quite a bunch..." He told him, before flying off, firing repulsor blasts at the giant.

"I know from experience..." Deadpool muttered to himself, with the giant in the bazooka's crosshairs...


The rocket fired out of the bazooka, and hit the giant Didn't in the shoulder, damaging a bit of the wiring on it. The Didn't grasped its shoulder, and, after the sound of whirring, the wires were fixed. Meanwhile, Deadpool didn't take the force of the blast into account (even though he was told to), and was blasted straight through the wall, only to stop at the furthest wall at the other side of the building. There weren't any attractive secretaries...

Intending to get back into the action, he got himself up, and ran towards the gaping hole on the side of the building he exploded through. Running got kind of boring and tiring, so he just teleported near it and, still keeping the momentum, jumped off the building and tried to latch onto the giant, Dragon's Dogma style.

[That game frustrates me.]

"Me too..."

Deadpool, deciding it wasn't worth re-enacting something that angered him to no end just to look badass, let go of the giant, unholstered his dual handguns, and opened fire as he fell.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville...

Princess Celestia, along with Princess Luna and a group of royal guards stood outside what used to be Weasel's workshop/place of residence when he and Deadpool were in Ponyville. The portal was still operable. After hearing Twilight and her friends had gone to this human world, she took it upon herself to visit, and see if she could find Lyra. Because of Deadpool's nature, she assumed this world was different from that other human world with a human counterpart of hers, who was a principle at a high school.

So, naturally, she decided to bring some royal, magically enchanted armour for protection. The group of royal guards were accompanying her, and Luna, who was there to see her off, was to remain in Canterlot, and fill in for Celestia while she was away.

"Good luck, sister... and be safe..." She said.

Celestia nodded, "I will be fine... I trust in your ability to keep Equestria safe in my absence."

"I will do my best," Luna responded, with a smile. Celestia smiled back, before walking over to the portal as it opened. She looked back.

"I promise I won't be long!" She called, before departing.

Meanwhile in New York City, Deadpool was being levitated magically by Twilight Sparkle, who was, at the same time, attempting to run to a safe building her friends had found. Deadpool wasn't resisting much, because his fall was extremely painful, and it was taking a bit of a while to heal. It was pretty nice that Iron Man was blasting some of the Didn'ts that got near Twilight, but she was still finding it difficult to keep composed when creepy creatures with sharp, possibly painful things for appendages that could pierce your skin and inject something unwanted into your system were running right in front of her.

Fortunately, she was able to find the building being used as a safe house, which was some sort of shop with a fence. She dropped Deadpool (Forcing him to endure some extra fall damage), used her magic to pull up the fence, used her magic to bring Deadpool in, dropped him again, and finally pull down the protective fence, before collapsing from exhaustion.

Deadpool eventually healed, and looked around. The rest of the Element Bearers were in the room, along with Lyra, Weasel, Monsieur Sparkle, and three... strangers. One of them was a male of average build with blonde hair, covered by a baseball cap, wearing a cyan-coloured shirt and jeans. Next to him was a female brunette, wearing a winter jacket over a shirt, and slacks. And next to her was a brown-haired chubby male, wearing a white, plain shirt and green cargo pants.

{You're forgetting some important details.}

Oh, indeed.

The blonde guy's cyan coloured shirt had a picture of Rainbow Dash on it, hovering triumphantly, the gal's shirt had a picture of a close-up of Twilight Sparkle, with the dishevelled mane and psychotic grin from Lesson Zero. And the other guy had a Pinkie Pie styled hat.

[But what about the other important detail!?]

I had the feeling you'd find that important, somehow...

The gal was wearing glasses, which made her look cute.

Attractive secretary.

No, not quite. And besides, these important details mean something.

Deadpool pointed at the three weirdoes... "Pony lovers!"

"...Yeah, hi," The woman greeted, "My name's Jessica, the RD fan is Stan, and that guy, we call Cave."

Deadpool looked at the people, before turning to Twilight, who was recovering from her exhaustion, "So, Stephenie, how d'you feel about this girl having your face on her shirt?"

"I'm not even going to question it, Deadpool..." Twilight replied, walking over to her friends, "For all I know, I'm imagining everything, even that skull-faced creep from earlier, because some hallucinogenic substance is affecting me."

Deadpool considered the possibilities. Well, Dr. Fear IS running freely these days...

[Who's Doctor Fear?]

{If you cross Taskmaster with Scarecrow from DC Comics, you get MISTER Fear.}

"Well, sor-RY I don't remember less mainstream super-villains..."

"Huh?" Stan grunted, "You kinda just... rambled on about something we weren't discussing... are you some sort of Pinkie Pie fan?"

"Oh, trust me, he is..." Pinkie Pie told him.

"Well then... you guys... meet these six women over here," Deadpool said, walked over to the Element Bearers, starting from Pinkie Pie to Twilight, "This is Deadpool fan number #42, The Diva from Hell, Skittle-woman, Outlaw, Whisper-whisper, and Stephenie Meyer, who I'm considering calling Harleen Quinzel after a realization!"

"...Harleen... Quinzel?" Twilight questioned, "Why?"

"He knows what he's talking about, Twilight, don't worry!" Pinkie interjected.

"But we don't!" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Well, duh! It's gonna be boring otherwise!"

"I'm so lost right now, I don't even care anymore..." Cave muttered.

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Deadpool fan over there..." Jessica told him, pointing at Pinkie Pie.

"So, my little misfits..." Deadpool began, "Whaddya think of what's going on outside?"

"It's... something out of some weird guy's imagination, I guess," Stan answered.

"Like if this weird guy imagined creepy cybernetic enhancements, and just wanted to remind people why they're afraid of needles," Cave added.

"I'm not afraid of needles..." Jessica pointed out.

"You serious?"


"Will you excuse me for a moment?" Deadpool asked, "I need to speak with my pink-haired colleague!"

"Sure, we're not going anywhere..." Jessica replied.

Deadpool walked over to Pinkie, looking a bit doubtful, "So, Pinkie... who are these weirdoes?" He whispered.

"They're bronies and a pegasister, Wadey!" She whispered back.

"I gathered that... why are they here?"

"I thought they'd wanna meet us! Plus, we needed to make them important characters! After all, the Author mentioned we needed to bring the brony horde from the beginning of this fic back!"

"But we really don't need that..." Deadpool argued, "I have no idea how to deal with these people, I have Weasel, you guys, and a hot thief girl, that seems alright, we don't need any more!"

"Speaking of which..." Pinkie spoke up, "Why is your primary romantic interest the Author's Shoelace-Satire mascot?"


"I'm sure other people would be interested! I'd be interested, if I wasn't already in the past!"


"Also, we didn't get to finish that party back in the last fic!"

"Ssshhh..." Deadpool shushed. "We're forgetting there's an invasion outside, and I don't hear anybody cheering for the Avengers... what're we doin'?"

"We're going to do something desperate improv groups do..." Pinkie replied,

"What's that?"

"PLANNING!" She declared.

"Keep it down!" Lyra hissed, fearing for her life.

"Sorry, Lyra..."

Iron Man watched from a rooftop at the strange humanoids, who were... just sitting down. The citizens that hadn't disappeared had managed to retreat from the general area, and for some reason, the things wouldn't leave the area they had all spawned from. Even the giant was just kneeling. It's like they were waiting for something. An eerie silence filled the air.

Meanwhile, Iron Man's suit had under 30% power left in it, so he was waiting for the rest of the Avengers to arrive. His suit's interface made a ringing sound, and he answered the call he was getting. It's nice to be wearing a suit that has your phone number.

"I'm kind of busy here..." He began.

"I know, Tony, sorry to keep you waiting," replied Captain America's voice. "Thor's on his way to help with the disturbance."

"Goldilocks is the only guy you're bringing here?"

"Spider-Man and Hawkeye are on their way too, but it'll take a bit longer. I'm searching to see if any of their forces decided to infiltrate the city."

"They haven't left, Steve, they're all just sitting down like they're waiting for something big." Tony explained.

"You're saying we should wait until this big thing appears?"

"Well, if it turns out to be their leader, then we've gotten rid of their direction, and they'll leave us alone unless they have any more leaders, or if they aren't led at all."

"Wasn't there a giant?" Steve asked.

"That one's feeling a bit patient too..."

"And what about Deadpool? You told us he had a group, and someone was using a force field."

"They're in a safe building."

"...Are you doing anything at all?" Steve was quite curious.

"I've used my suit up a bit, I don't wanna risk anything... the rest is, regrettably, up to him." Tony knew that Steve would be confused about this, considering Tony just told him he was busy... while his suit -was- used up, he needed to see what would happen. He just hoped Steve wouldn't jump to conclusions. It's bad enough dealing with an invasion, but being accused of slacking off on the job by someone who could easily fill the role of a drill sergeant just makes things worse, in a way.

There was a bit of silence, before Steve replied, "Wait there, I'll get to where you are in a moment."

"Hold up..." Iron Man said, "Deadpool's walking out with one of those girls, one with pink messy hair... I wonder where they got those suits..."

Deadpool and Pinkie Pie stood defiantly in front of the crowd of 'adoring fans' that looked ready to eat them both up, especially Deadpool, yet, at the same time, the Didn'ts were showing some form of restraint. Some were curled up and rocking back and forth, others were looking behind them, and the others seemed bored, a few of them were sleeping.

Deadpool was wearing a red tuxedo and top hat, while Pinkie was wearing the same, with pink colours. Both of them had rather fancy canes. They stood in front of the Didn'ts for a couple of minutes. Satisfied that they weren't just going to eat them, Pinkie raised her hand slowly, and, at the click of a finger, music began...


They began doing a broadway-styled dance, instantly entrancing the creatures, making them feel great wonder, which was caused by mass confusion. But despite what was scary to the regular Didn'ts, the gigantic building-kicker Didn't found this amusing and heart-warming, and began clapping, which caused a few tremors, throwing Deadpool off balance slightly, as Pinkie adapted by adding some hops to their dance. This went on for a minute, until the music died down slightly, which was the cue for Pinkie to begin singing.

Then Deadpool threw a red ball at her. Pinkie picked the ball up, and examined it. There was writing on the Deadpool-styled ball...

I'm not a fan of broadway music.

Pinkie Pie playfully scowled at him, "Whyever not?" She inquired.

"Too happy... too much build-up... I can't tap dance!" Deadpool admitted.

"That's no good reason! It's about getting into the mood, and showing them there's nothing like a show on Broadway!" Pinkie declared.

"'Till they're in movies..."

"We don't have movies where we come from!" Pinkie pointed out, "Well, sometimes... but not where I as a dimensional individual come from!" Deadpool groaned, but was obviously not backing down without an intellectual debate to determine who was in the right mind. "Why do you think we even dressed up like this?" Pinkie asked him.

"Because we're sexy, that's why..."

"Yes I am, Wadey," Pinkie said, ignoring Deadpool's non-existant 'swag', "But that doesn't mean anything to these things, apparently! They haven't seen my true form, I mean, really, it wouldn't mean anything to them if I came here as myself either, but nope, I have to blend in against my will!"

"Are you getting mad at me?" Deadpool asked.

"No!" Pinkie replied honestly. "Yes!" Pinkie admitted... honestly? "Could be!" Pinkie retracted. "...Don't know." She sighed.

"...Is the answer no?" Deadpool asked, hopefully, "Have I been a good host so far?"

Pinkie looked at him, tapping her chin, deep in thought for a few seconds, before finally answering, "Not this time, anyway."

"Wha- how? How have I not been hospitable at all for you? Can you not understand that right now, I'm being a good person in getting us outta here?"

"You've not had a chance to do that yet," Pinkie pointed out, "But judging from Lyra's attitude... you haven't been treating her well!"

"I like the colour green..." Pinkie raised an eyebrow to Deadpool. "No. I don't." He admitted.

They wished to pointlessly argue further, but were immediately stopped from doing so by all the giant, surprising everyone, even the other freaks. The two humans watched as the things stepped away to opposite sides, with the giant stepping to the left group. Immediately, a large, red portal began to form between the groups very slowly. It was a relatively small portal, unlike the other portals, which usually carried separate amounts of Didn'ts, so it was easy to assume it was just one appearing, therefore there were two possible explanations...

That a Didn't was very late, and had to appear as soon as possible... or that their leader was finally coming to visit.

[Ooh, maybe it's both!]

{Why would it be both?}

Deadpool and Pinkie ran for cover. Deadpool found a car, while Pinkie found a bus. A Didn't fell through the portal at an alarming speed. It seems someone was late.

{Oh good, you picked one... absolutely pointless.}

Following him was a taller man who walked out of the portal.

{Wait... wha...}

This one was unlike all the other Didn'ts previously encountered. As opposed to to the monstrous appearance Deadpool was used to seeing, this one seemed... human. All the others had human skin, but this man didn't have any of the grotesque enhancements from the technology, it seemed more like armour than part of him. His armour was coloured white, with glowing blue circuitry patterns, and the obscuring helmet it wore had some sort of crown shape at the top. It was very obvious this was their leader, or, perhaps more precisely, their king.

{You didn't!}

[You listened to me! I feel so loved!]

The King of the Creepies began a slow walk towards Deadpool, before stopping at the car Deadpool hid himself behind, and hitting the car to the side like he was swatting a weird, grounded, gigantic fly. The King towered over Deadpool, who stood up defiantly and pointed at the king.

"Fuck off!" He commanded.

{Yeah! Give him what for!}

The King light-heartedly bopped Deadpool's nose painfully.

"OW!" Deadpool groaned, "That hurt! Go away!"

"I plan to make some negotiations, Mister Wilson, and without expletive epithets..." The King boomed, in a low voice that was amplified by his suit, making him sound robotic, "You have evaded losing your temporal energy. How is this?"

Pinkie walked over to Deadpool as she looked at The King. "Wow, you're really tall. Must be hard to walk through doors!"

The King sighed in annoyance, "I don't wear this all the time, okay?" He admitted, "I'm not this tall, I just wish to discuss things with Deadpool, alright?"

"'kay!" Pinkie agreed, "But only if he doesn't get hurt!"

"I'll ask again, Mister Wilson," The King said, ignoring Pinkie, "How did you survive?"

Deadpool would've told him that Death, his loving companion who appears only occasionally in the comic books and only really appears when he's dying, was the one who saved him... somehow, but if this guy has an army of needlemen who steal time-energy from people, nothing stopped him from going after Death.

{Surely that's not possible.}

"You're really skeptical, you know that?" Deadpool pointed out, surprisingly not getting any strange looks from anybody, "Anyway, you could say... Lady Luck's on my side... and what a lucky lady she would be..."

"Stop deluding yourself, Mister Wilson, please." The King requested.

"Don't be so hard on him, he may be ugly on the outside and the inside, but he's real lovable!" Pinkie said, hugging Deadpool for a second, before stepping well away from Deadpool cautiously, and spraying perfume on herself.

"Now, we finally get to negotiate..." The King said, "The fact you survived when you should have been erased from existence... displeases us."

"Well that's good, I guess..." Deadpool replied, "I mean... you run about with needles on your arms trying not to stab yourself, hoping the pain goes onto other people, and then they're somewhere they don't wanna be, and then they're nowhen after you're done with them, so the point is, I hate your guts."

"I'm the only one of the two of us who will have guts left if you don't co-operate, Mister Wilson..." The King admitted, "We're going to give you one chance... give yourself over to us, now."

"No, you didn't say the magic word!" Deadpool retorted.

"Alakazam?" Pinkie asked curiously.

"Yes, Pinkie," Deadpool confirmed, "Now they have no magic to convey."

"I was hoping this would be simple..." The King sighed, turning over to his minions, "Apprehend Wilson."

The needles on two of the Didn'ts' hands began to enter the fingers, leaving them with... less... sharp digits... and so they ran over to Deadpool to apprehend him. Deadpool delivered a punch in the face for each of them, and posed triumphantly as he had bested the creatures that were now painfully holding on to his legs, effectively restraining him. The King walked over to him, and put his large hand on Deadpool's head, gripping it tightly.

"...It's hard to think with my skull being crushed..." Deadpool groaned.

"Hey! Let go of him!" Pinkie yelled, standing next to the spontaneously appearing party cannon. As Pinkie fired a cannonball at The King, he raised another hand to catch it with what seemed to be magnetic fields. Some more Didn'ts ran over to restrain her by the arms.

Deadpool began to glow blue, still being held by The King.

{Bluepool. Giving people the blues because he can.}

[Ha! Blue!]

The glowing began to intensify until his entire body was surrounded by blue. The King swiftly let go of Deadpool's head, who began floating in the air... and multiplied. The two Deadpools gradually stopped floating and glowing.

[Iiiiiin the left corner is our very own... Deadpool!]

"Huzzah!" Deadpool cried, "I'm left!"

{And in the right corner we have... some Deadpool look-a-like who wears blue and looks... drawn... ladies and ladies, we have... uh... 'Bluepool...' All originality has died.}

Stan was like, "Whaaaaaaat?"

Cave was like, "No way..."

Jessica was like, "Hmm, makes sense in this crazy world..."

"Let me guess..." Twilight sighed, after telling the fanatics the truth about the extra-terrestrial wonder-mares they really are, "You don't actually believe us?"

"Nope," replied Cave and Stan, who were surprised to see Jessica nod slowly.

"Like I said, it makes sense. I mean, with your 'manes' and eye colours, and personalities, you're both perfect matches," she summarised.

"Maybe they're really good cosplayers, Jessica..." suggested good old Stan, "There's a thing such as coloured eye contacts, y'know?"

"Let me remind you, I was the one who got you into the show you know and love today, which was like, a few months ago. You haven't watched the episodes as much as I have. I know these characters better than you two do, it seems. It's like I'm in a weird movie nobody asked for, but got anyway..."

"...I wish Pinkie Pie were still here..." Lyra admitted, "She could make sense of what's going on..."

"A-hem!" Monsieur Sparkle dramatically uttered, "There's dirt on my boots! I need someone to feed my cat! You too can be beautiful!"

"What a drama queen..." Rarity muttered.

Monsieur Sparkle growled in frustration, 'borrowed' some paper from a table near her, and walked off to another room.

"So, what're we doing now?" Rainbow Dash asked, "There's a lot of noise out there... I hope Pinkie's okay..." Twilight raised an eyebrow, "And the red guy too, I guess..."

"Why did they ask us to stay here...?" Twilight thought aloud, "There's two of them against... many thousands of those things... we could help them..."

"And why did we listen?" Rarity wondered.

"Why did we tolerate everything he told us to do?" Lyra asked.

Monsieur Sparkle ran out of the room she was in, holding her completed drawing. "I believe they call it suspension of disbelief, servals!" Everybody raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry... but that doesn't apply in here..." Jessica told her, "This is real life, no matter how crazy it gets. Now, let's all attribute it to poor judgement, and hope that when we all get cornered by a chainsaw wielding maniac with a hockey mask, we don't have the poor judgement to seperate. Now, breathe in..." Everybody breathed in, "And breathe out..." everybody did so, "We just explained the unexplainable. And since this has proved we can do anything, let's go help a hyper-active girl and a hyper-active moron."

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash said, with newly found confidence, "Let's get out there and show 'em what we're made of!" Twlight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack and Lyra all nodded. Twilight went over to pull up the fence with her magic, when large 'BANG!' was heard.

Everypony looked behind them, to find the unpleasant sight of Jessica and Cave aiming side-arms at them, and Stan aiming at Monsieur Sparkle, who had her arms up with a nervous grin on her face. Jessica had a determined look on her face, while Stan and Cave, doing their best to look threatening, were feeling too unsure about the situation.

"You're coming with us..." Jessica stated, "And there's no negotiations."

"Is this the final chapter?" Deadpool asked, "It feels like one of those stupid boss battle moments where you fight bosses you already defeated before... I hate those..."

"Not quite..." The King admitted, "I just needed a worthy foe to be able to fight you... multiplied."

"Multiplied?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Are you gonna unleash a flock of Bluepools?"

"If you mean, unleash an army of hollow bodied copies, with all the skills of Deadpool, onto you, New York City, and maybe the world if you don't hand yourself in... yes. Yes I am."

"...That's uh..." Pinkie said, struggling to put her thoughts into words without him getting angry at her. "That's... that's an idea."

"...It's my plan..." The King deadpanned.

"...Yes." Pinkie agreed.




{Ooh, don't mind if I do...}

"So uh..." Deadpool began, "These copies of me... they don't have brains, so they just destroy things?"

"Correct," The King confirmed. Deadpool was kinda just sitting on the ground, next to the King, which was getting a little bit awkward for him. Pinkie was still being restrained by the Didn'ts. A thought came to Deadpool's mind besides how insulting this is to his intelligence.

"What are you people anyway? I'm kinda tired of calling you Didn'ts," he admitted.

"That's not for you to know," The King retorted.

"Uhh... okay... 'That's not for you to knows.'" Deadpool and Pinkie thought about it in their heads. Everyone sort of waited to see their reactions. But the thought just seemed to put them off a bit, and they soon forgot the gravity of their situation.

"...I'm hungry..." Deadpool said.

"There's a restaurant just around the corner," Pinkie offered.

"Fancy?" Deadpool asked.

"Yeah, we're magnificent though, we can just outrun them, so long as they don't have ninjas."

"Plus, we've got these bitchin' tuxedos!" Deadpool pointed out.

"Uh huh!" Pinkie said, nodding.

"We're the Travellers... if that's what you want to know..." The King said.

"Huh?" Deadpool asked, looking up at the King. "Right, right, generics, cool..."

The King looked next to him, at a group of Travellers. "I don't think he understands what's at stake..." The Travellers shook their heads. "Time for us to change that..." The King pointed at the Travellers restraining Pinkie Pie, gave a thumbs-up gesture... and slowly inverting it into a thumbs-down.

{It's a no from me...}

The Travellers nodded. One took a hold of Pinkie's waist to stop her from moving, and another stood in front of her.

"Uhh... what's going on?" Pinkie asked, nervously.

"You're paying the price, courtesy of your hero here..." The King told her. A hooded figure stepped out of a group of the Travellers, slowly walking towards Pinkie, who immediately attempted escaping, but she could only accomplish struggling. The robed figure looked at the grunt in front of Pinkie, who nodded, and walked off.

{I have two problems with this... why was the grunt there? To help this dumbass Jedi know where he's supposed to be?}

[Maybe we'll find out later...]

{And why doesn't Pinkie Pie use her awesomeness to escape?}

"Suspension of disbelief," Pinkie Pie bluntly states, "Also, I'm not invincible."


Mister Robe, standing in front of Pinkie Pie, slowly positioned his hand near her head, but not crushing it like The King did with Deadpool. Pinkie, instead of glowing blue, seemed to become enveloped in an essence of blue things. Pinkie Pie hid her head as she soon became obscured.

"Is this one of those moments where a frightening reveal is made and I'm supposed to feel bad or terrified?" Deadpool asked, "'Cause... I kinda like knowing in advance."

"Just think of something else..." The King told him.


While Deadpool thought about a captain of the stars spinning on the spot with a segway, a bright, fire-red portal opened. Everyone stopped to marvel [Geddit?] at it. The King wondered what could possibly be interrupting them, while Deadpool wondered why the hell there are so many portals in one story.

Out of the portal came many flying human beings in shiny, gold armour, many of them pale white with blue hair, giving them an unintentionally freakish appearance. Along with them emerged a beautiful woman with familiar flowing hair of many colours, shining bright purple eyes, and a royal aura about her. Deadpool had the feeling that either an entirely new batch of aliens have come to disect New York, or this was Princess Celestia and her Royal Guard, who were scaring Deadpool a lot more than the Travellers ever did. The Princess was dressed similarly to her Guard, and had a golden spear as her weapon to boot.

"Uhh... you guys are here to help me... right?" Deadpool innocently asked, "I've been a really, REALLY good boy, I've kept the stowaway out of trouble, and engaged in chapters of filler that were definitely needed to establish... something!"

The Princess ignored Deadpool, more fixated on the freakish monstrosities that were the Travellers. She took some time to examine them, which made the King Traveller feel somewhat uncomfortable and put off. She finally turned her attention to Deadpool, glaring at him, who could only keep up his innocent demeanour for so long. "Who are these people..." She began, being careful to use the appropriate wording in this dimension, "And what has happened to my subjects?"

"Oh, these are assholes," Deadpool replied, "Yep. See, they don't like me 'cause, I'm awesome I suppose! And as for your subjects... eeerrrr... A lot of them are okay!"

The Princess looked around him, and saw something that caught her eye, "Is that... Pinkie Pie?" Deadpool looked to where Celestia was looking, and was surprised to see that Pinkie had stopped glowing. Her hair was also looking less... wild. In fact, it was rather flat. Which is a really good look for her. It was a bit weird to see her curled up in a foetal position, but she was probably fine.

{Don't forget... she's right in the middle of a lot of techno-freaks. 'Fine' is a little more than pushing it.}

[Should we check to see if she's alright? She's an inter-dimensional friend, after all.]

Deadpool looked at the giant monster that had just thrown a member of the Guard with enough momentum to take them out of New York City. The Princess gave a determined look at the Travellers and Bluepools, and gripped her spear tightly, ready to protect Pinkie Pie from the creatures. The King shook his head, as yet another portal opened, and he dismissively entered it, the portal closing immediately after he'd disappeared.

[Why didn't we go after him!? This is the annoying thing that happens all the time in these... things! Why do we always let the villain get away just so he can antagonize us in another few chapters!?]

{Because of the minions with the pointy things and the giant, you fool!}

[color=][...Oh, right, yeah... But again... we need to get Pinkie outta there.]

{I suppose you have a point.}

The Giant made an immensely intimidating roar, the Travellers and Bluepools walked closer, and Deadpool wondered what to do as the world took on a negative filter for a few seconds.

Fight with the monsters.
Run like hell.

"As the main character of this story, the decision is perfectly obvious!" Deadpool realized.

--> Run like hell.

And so he did, running back to the sanctuary the group had occupied, not caring about what anyone else thought of him.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Merry... new year?

Eh. Chapter made. I mostly had fun writing the chapter while it lasted, but I feel the last moments may not be up to my usual standard.

I'm just happy I finished it before the end of the year, as was my goal. But... 5 minutes before the end. Heh. Timing.

But of course, the judges for whether this is a good thing, are the readers. I'll leave the rest to you.

Comments ( 4 )

I'd say that this was quite a well written chapter, its fairly long but it did feel a bit rushed near the end like you said. Still awesome tho

very awesome. needs more chapters!!!

Comment posted by Akrillion deleted Jul 16th, 2014

I like this but I also like when deadpool is series and actually anger and insane like in deadpool vs carnage

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