• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 639 Views, 1 Comments

O.M.G.S. - Zlalapa123

SpotSinger is a young peigasi with the ablity to contol magic by her wings and a new student at O.M.G.S.

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Shy & white

I was walking down the hall to fluttershy where about, whistling joyfuly, I didn't notice a grey pegasi mare and brown earth pony stallin galloping toward me, shouting something about a blue phone both, they ran past me, surprising me and making me lose my blance and fall straight onto the floor , "hey! watch where your going!" I shouted at them, " now I need to find where FlutterShy is" I said looking around for someplace I notice a fancy looking room not too far away, "well I can ask where a good place to find FlutterShy is" I said to no one as I walk to the room, not noticing red, glowing eyes watching me in the shadows.


I walked into the fancy room only to see twi and a white unicorn put a dress on her, "hey twi!" I giggle, the white unicorn didn't notice me,"emerald! Oh darling let me you some ruby!" she said running off, "quick lets run before she get the dye!" Twi yelled grabbing spike and we ran away from that room.

At FlutterShy where about-

We come around the corner in the garden with spike still in love daze, we saw a yellow pegasi about to start a bird chorus and twi was going to interrupt it when I put my hoof on her mouth and pulled her into the bush that I was hiding in, and sang with the birds mimicking them perfectly, and after it was done I spoke " are you FlutterShy, because I'm SpotSinger" "yes.." she said and then whimper, "well then, let get going" I said and spike came out and she basically send us flying back and started a conversation with spike, though I wasn't listening to it, I was busy thinking about that dream, " why did it seem so real".

Author's Note:

I done with introducing five of the mane 6 and my oc!

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