• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,817 Views, 20 Comments

Dead Space 1.5, A Forgotten Tail - shadowpheon

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Apple jack find themselves in a terrible situation, and recive help from an unlikely ally.

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Honorable Intentions

The suited figure stared out of the view port at the Sprawl. They turned and began walking out of the room. A deep male voice emitted from the suit, “Audio Log, Rig number 438642, I’ve been selected for a secret mission, down in the core systems of the Shard. I hope I can do them proud. Altman be praised.” The figure walked down the hall, and opened a door.

A new male voice came over the Rig radio, “Ok. You’re in position. Remember, your code name is Vandal, under no circumstances tell anyone your real name, understand? Your voice filter will keep you anonymous if you meet anyone.” Vandal continued down the hall, coming to a small room with two doors and a locker.

“We’ve arranged some tools for you. You should find a plasma saw in that locker up ahead.” Vandal opened the locker and picked up the yellow and white device.

A female voice informed him, “The SH-B1 Plasma saw is designed for dissection of heavy duty materials in both on and off site locations. Users are advised to always wear protective clothing when the saw is in use.” Vandal inspected his new tool, then opened a panel on the power box next to the door, slashing the components.

The door opened, and Vandal entered. “Now, let’s get started. What we’re doing here is vital to the cause. I’ll be with you every step if the way. Start by using your plasma saw to take out the power boxes in this room. Should be three of them.” Vandal spotted the first of the panels, and demolished it’s inner workings. Soon, the other two shared similar fates.

“Perfect. One room down. Now you need to keep up the pace, move on to the next room.” Vandal exited, and passed the locker to the other door. “Remember, always keep an eye on your locator, it knows this place better than anyone.”

Vandal activated it, and figured when it lit up the small blue line down the hall. He followed it as a new voice crackled in, “Attention… Rig number 4… 42… This… Tidemann… Identify…” The voice cracked out. Vandal ignored it and continued on.

He entered another small room with another locker. “There should be a plasma cutter waiting for you in the locker next to the server room.” Vandal opened the locker and picked it up.

The same female voice said, “The 211-V Plasma cutter, is suitable for everyday chipping and trimming tasks in the mining environment. Standard mode, projects a single, long range energy blast. Rotation of the device switches between vertical and horizontal orientation, allowing for greater accuracy.” Vandal weighed the weapon, studied it, then rotated the line and shot the power box high up on the wall. He entered the next room.
* * *

The lavender unicorn sat at the table of a popular Ponyville café. Her friends sat with her, talking happily while they enjoyed a simple lunch. Their chats soon stopped as two royal guards approached from behind the unicorn. She looked to her friends in confusion as they suddenly silenced. Her unspoken question was answered with a, “Miss Sparkle?”

Twilight Sparkle turned around to face the guards, a large smile on her face as she jumped on them, catching the two in a hug. “Nightray! Ramrod! How is my brother?” She asked excitedly. The two guards smiled as well while the tension melted away.

“He is fine, and is the reason we’re here. He is having a little get together, and has invited you and your friends to attend.” Before Twilight could answer, she was pounced by a bright pink mare.

“A party?! Ooo! Can we go Twilight? Please!” She begged. Twilight smiled.

“Of course. We’ll be there.” She replied to the guards.

“Alright. We’ll see you at eight!” They left the group as they returned to their lunch, now talking excitedly for the upcoming party.
* * *

Vandal shot the last box, sending a shower of sparks to the floor while he knelt to pick up some plasma rounds from the ground. “Good job! Only one room left! Let’s …” He was cut off.

“Rig num… 386… Come in… “The voice continued on in garbled static.

Vandal spoke now. “Tyler, what exactly are we doing here? This is pretty low level stuff I’m taking out. I’m worried we’re endangering the Sprawl’s systems.”

Tyler replied, “Sorry Vandal. You’re not authorized to know that. Your engineering skills make you perfect for this task, but you’re still a new convert to Unitology. Relax, and have faith. All I can tell you is that after today, the government will no longer stand in the way of the Church.” Vandal left the room and sighed. He continued through the halls before a sudden drawn out growl echoed out. Vandal slowed up.

He continued after dismissing the thoughts, coming up to a few heavy crates blocking his path. Tyler answered the question before it was asked. “Should be some kinesis modules in the room coming up. See if you can find one while I work on these locks.” Vandal searched through the lockers and cabinets, finding nothing. He then saw the small crate on the floor. He smashed it, retrieving the delicate equipment from the wreckage.

The female voice explained, “The kinesis module acts as an extension of the user’s limbs, allowing for the remote manipulation of objects and equipment. Personnel should be aware of object’s true weight when working in populated areas.” Vandal left the room and approached the crates, tossing them aside like they were paper.

He walked into the now cleared room, and saw three more power boxes awaiting their demise. Vandal made quick work of them, and radio chatter kicked in. Vandal noted, “Finished, and everything’s gone real quiet.”

“That means you succeeded. Excellent job Vandal! What you’ve done here today will stand in Church history forever! You’re a hero! Now get out of there and head for the church.” Vandal opened the door and began down a new hallway, when something ran out, growling loudly as it slipped into a vent. Vandal ignored it, though slightly terrified by it, and opened the door at the end of the hall.

“Foreign matter detected!” Yelled an automated voice as alarms began to blare. More of the creature began to burst out of the vents, growling loudly.

“Vandal! Get out of there, quick! Make for the tram!” Vandal took off in a dead sprint, dodging the creatures as they popped out of vents all around him.

A new, calm female voice came in, “Vandal, I represent the Church. Listen to me. What you see before you is your reward, for today’s accomplishment. You’re to be one of the first blessed with Ascension. The authorities are locking down the Sprawl, cutting off the minds, locking you in. But don’t be afraid. Your death will be glorious, a holy path to the life beyond death the Church promised you. Altman be praised!”

Vandal growled out, “You knew this would happen? You lying sons of bitches! People are dying because of what we did… what I did! Fuck you! See how blessed you feel when the government hears about what you’ve done!” He kept on sprinting. The monstrous screams and growls were right behind him as he dove into an elevator, the door shutting just in time to save his life.
* * *

“Come on Rainbow Dash! We’re going to be late!” Twilight hollered. The cyan Pegasus rushed out of the cloud house.

“Alright! I’m ready!” She said in an annoyed tone.

still need to get Apple Jack.” Twilight told her as the two rushed for the farm. Upon their arrival, they noted a absence of the certain orange mare. Twilight knocked on the door, and it was opened by a small yellow filly. “Hello Apple Bloom, is Apple Jack ready?”

“Ah think shull be out in’m minute. You’re welcome to come in an wait for her.” The filly stepped aside. Twilight and Rainbow Dash entered the house. As they got inside, the desired orange earth pony entered the room.

“A-righty. Ahm ready girls.” She smiled at the two.

“We’re gonna be late now!” Rainbow Dash protested, nodding to a clock which showed they only had about ten minutes to get to Canterlot.

“Don’t worry, I’ve been working on a new teleportation spell that could get us there in a flash!” Twilight proudly stepped forward.

“Well, what ‘cha waitin’ for?” Apple Jack asked impatiently.

“Alright, here we go.” Twilight began focusing her magic through her horn. The air in the room began to swirl around them, a bright light forming at the tip of her horn. The other two shielded their eyes as the light grew brighter.

“Twalight? You sure this is safe?” Apple Jack asked. Twilight did not respond to her, her focus deep in the magical spell she was producing. The three of them began to lift off the floor. Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack gave each other worried looks as they simultaneously asked, “Twilight?” Before they were blinded by a bright flash.

The three were dazed by the loud crack of noise that happened as they teleported. Twilight opened her eyes not to the peaceful Canterlot Gardens, but to a long white hallway, lined with windows on one side. Twilight gasped and rushed to the window wall, staring out at the vast black void. The noticed they were on almost a floating city built on a rock.

“Twalight? Where are we?” Apple Jack fearfully asked.

“I.. I don’t know.” She replied. They heard some voices from down the hall, then a loud alarm sounded.

“Foreign matted detected!” Sounded off a female voice. The three looked fearfully around at the empty hall, then realizing they were the unwanted visitors.

“Come on. We need to find a way out of here.” Twilight told the two, leading them to a door. The floating circle of light in front of the door was red, and read on it, ‘Locked’. Twilight looked around and found a vent that was open. “Let’s go.” The ordered, leading the way into the vent.