• Published 22nd Feb 2013
  • 2,331 Views, 197 Comments

Just Winging It - arcum42

When it comes to flying, Scootaloo isn't inclined to take 'no' as an answer.

  • ...

In the Dead of Night

Scootaloo quelled under Octavia's ice cold gaze as she entered. Octavia immediately got up and began delivering a rant she seemed to have been saving up for her entrance.

"And where exactly have you been?" she started, frowning and crossing her forelegs. "What do you have to say for yourself, staying out until after dark, not letting us know where you were? The two of us have been worried sick!"

At the living room table, Vinyl Scratch glanced up. She took a large bite of the submarine sandwich she had been eating. A pickle plopped out, and runny mustard dripped down to the plate below. Vinyl shrugged casually.

Octavia steamed on ahead, not letting Scootaloo get a word in. "Let's have a look at you. Undoubtedly you've been out crusading all over town, and have a new collection of burrs, brambles, cuts and scrapes. You look-"

She faltered as she finally really looked in Scootaloo's direction and took her appearance in.

"-immaculate?" she finished weakly.

Scootaloo grinned at seeing her rant derailed. This, however, may have been a mistake, as Octavia began looking her over more closely.

"I swear you are cleaner than you usually are when you leave the house. And I see a few patches of fur missing," Octavia mused. "From the past, that usually means you got covered in tree sap. Usually cleaning that up removes some of your fur in the process. Where exactly were you?"

"The library. I told Auntie Vinyl I was going to the library!" Scootaloo protested.

"You did, did you?" Octavia looked over at her partner sternly. Vinyl shrank a bit under her gaze.

"Er, maybe?" she answered weakly.

Octavia sighed, some of the tension leaving her. "Honestly. Why do I even put up with you two?"

She turned back to Scootaloo.

"All right, Scoots," she asked. "how, exactly, did you manage to get covered, head to tail from appearances, in tree sap while at the library?"

It was testimony to her previous escapades that Octavia didn't question whether it was possible, but rather how. Scootaloo had proven capable of getting covered in tree sap anywhere.

This, however, was a tricky question for her to answer. She didn't really want to tell Octy the full story. It would get her out of trouble, but she could scratch all chances of going back to the library tomorrow as well. This might honestly not be a bad idea, but she still felt she needed Twilight's help. Time to try to talk her way out of it.

"Er, the library is a tree?" Not that that was relevant, but it was true, anyways. "Spike got me all cleaned up, and Twilight said she'd research my problems with flying. She asked me to meet her back at the library tomorrow, after she's had a chance to check things out properly."

All of that was completely true, and it completely derailed Octavia's train of thought, as intended. At the mention of her flightlessness, the rest of Octavia's stern demeanor melted, and she engulfed Scootaloo in a big hug.

"Hey!" Scootaloo protested, squirming. "Gerroff!"

Actually, she kinda liked Octy's hugs, but she wasn't about to be seen as a softy.

"Scoots, I didn't realize you were still upset about that," Octavia said. "I know it's hard, but no point in moping around about it. We'll still love you just as much, even if you can't fly-"

At the last part, Scootaloo's demeanor changed, and she suddenly pulled out of Octavia's grasp. She'd had about enough of that earlier.

"It doesn't matter. Because I will be able to fly," Scootaloo said angrily. "And at least Twilight's willing to support me in trying, rather than constantly telling me I can't do it!"

She headed past Octavia, and stormed up the stairs. "It's been a long day. I'm going to bed."

As she disappeared into her room, Octavia started to follow. Getting up, Vinyl caught her partway.

"No point in heading up there now," she told her. "Let her chill for a while. You can always talk about it later, when you're both calmer."

Octavia paused for a moment, then kissed Vinyl on the muzzle. "Now I remember why I put up with you. Come on."

She drew Vinyl into the bedroom with her and closed the door, leaving a half-eaten sandwich on the table behind them.

Scootaloo stood in her room and slammed the door behind her angrily. They just don't understand. Why can't they at least give some thought to the idea that I might become a good flier. Even a great flier!

Her room did nothing to help calm her down. Everything in it reminded her of flying. The Wonderbolts posters on the wall. The blue and white cloud-patterned comforter on her bed. The picture of Rainbow Dash on the dresser.

The last actually made her cross for a different reason. You'll take me under your wing, huh? And then you're always missing or busy any time I look for you.

Maybe Rainbow Dash was having second thoughts about the whole thing. Maybe she realized she doesn't need a silly orange pegasus with stubby little wings that can't fly tagging around behind her all the time.

You know, I don't really want to think about it any more. Why don't I get some sleep? She tipped the picture over, so she wasn't reminded of Rainbow any more, turned out the lights, and climbed in bed.

Sleep didn't come easily for her tonight. She tossed and turned restlessly, seemingly unable to get comfortable. A few years ago, she might have snuggled up to a stuffed animal and gone to sleep that way, but she didn't keep stuffed animals. Not since- well, she didn't keep stuffed animals.

All around her, the Wonderbolts posters on the wall seemed to be mocking her, telling her she'd never be worthy to join their ranks. Finally, she got up and savagely tore them from the walls, and piled them face down in one of the corners of the room. Only then was she able to get some rest.

Scootaloo found herself in the living room of a very different house. Concert posters for the Flaming Tulips adorned the walls, signed 'Ruby Sunshine' at the bottom, and a guitar lay flung in the corner. She recognized the room immediately, as she'd lived there for many years.

As if to confirm her first impressions, a young orange pegasus ran into the room, giggling, followed by a white unicorn with magenta hair that matched her own. Mom.

Calm down. It's just a dream. As if to confirm this, the younger version of herself ran right through her, wings extended, with her mother running afterwards.

"Caught you!" she said, throwing her forelegs around her daughter.

"You can't catch me, mommy!" The young filly said excitedly. "I'm zooming off into the sky!"

"A sufficiently determined mare can do anything she puts her mind to, dear," she told her daughter. "Always remember that."

"Will I be able to fly real high and fast when I grow up, mommy?"

"I'm sure you'll be able to put all the other pegasuses to shame," she replied. "In the meantime, though, it's time to go to bed."

"Awww..." The young filly pouted. "Do I have to?"

"I'm afraid so." She levitated her daughter onto her back, not noticing a stuffed frog fall to the floor. "Come on."

Scootaloo felt herself drawn along with them, though she'd rather not have followed. She knew all too well how this was going to end.

They headed up a flight of stairs, walking next to a sturdy railing. At the end of the stairs was a nook overlooking the living room. Just there, they headed into a doorway to Scootaloo's old room. Weaving past a chest full of toys, Scootaloo's mother deposited her in the bed in the center.

She neatly tucked her daughter in under the covers. "Alright, time to get some sleep, Scoots."

"But I'm not at all..." She stifled a yawn. "tired. Can't you tell me a story?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, dear," she said. "I don't really have time tonight, I'm afraid."

"Sing me a song, then?"

"That, I could do," she said. "What would you like to hear, Scoots?"

"A rock ballad!"

She shook her head. "I'd give you something off my last album, but the point is to get you to go to sleep, not wake you up."

"A sleepy rock ballad?"

"No rock tonight, Scoots." She looked thoughtful. "Here's a song I always liked, though. Not one of mine, but still a good one. Get yourself all properly tucked in, and I'll sing it."

Young Scootaloo snuggled into her covers, as her mother started to sing.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these sunken eyes and learn to see

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Blackbird fly Blackbird fly

Into the light of the dark black night.

Blackbird fly Blackbird fly

Into the light of the dark black night.

Blackbird singing in the dead of night

Take these broken wings and learn to fly

All your life

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

As she finished, she kissed her daughter on the forehead. "Good night, Scoots. See you in the morning."

She crept out of the room. It was peaceful for a while, as Scootaloo watched her younger self sleep, feeling more and more agitated. Then there was a thumping noise from downstairs, and the young filly stirred. She smacked her lips, then went to grab something next to her, and clutched thin air.

"Mister Hippity-Hop?" she said questioningly. She looked around, but there was no sign of the stuffed animal. She hopped out of bed, and headed to the door in pursuit of the missing toy.

"No! Don't go down there!" Scootaloo yelled, remembering what happened next, and blocked the door. To no avail, of course, as her younger self just walked right through her, to the nook right outside her room.

Scootaloo followed despite herself. In the living room, her stuffed frog lay on the floor, but something - or somepony - was moving in the shadows, grabbing things and stuffing them in a bag.

Her father's voice came from below. "Stop! What are you doing in my home?"

A crash followed, and Scootaloo fixed her eyes on the stuffed toy, and pinned her ears to the side, refusing to see or hear what was happening below. A keening noise came from her younger self, watching everything wide eyed.

And Scootaloo sat there through the yelling and screaming, not moving her eyes from the toy, wincing as a splatter of blood landed on it. She didn't have to look down there to know what was going on. The images had been seared into her brain the first time.

Her father was lying there, head bashed in with a lamp. Her mother had been flung against a wall. She wasn't even sure why she'd survived, other than that her parents' attackers had been eager to leave, and the nook she was in wasn't easy to see from down below.

She'd had nightmares for a long time after that. They'd stopped for a while, but everything that happened today must have been enough to bring them back. She kept staring fixedly at the frog lying on the ground, trying to keep her emotions under control, and barely noticed as a purplish-blue wing wrapped itself around her.

"It's all over and done, Scootaloo," a voice said from by her side. "This all happened a long time ago. And there is nothing you can do to change it. All you can do is move on."

"I k-know, Princess Luna." She sniffed. "But it's so hard."

"Many things in life are," she said. "But they still must be done. It hath - ahem - has been several months since you last had this dream. Was there something wrong that has triggered it tonight?"

"I don't know. Everything," Scootaloo said. "Nothing's going right right now."

"You must tell me all about it. But first, let us go somewhere less stressful. And do not worry about them. They-" She pointed down below. "are in maximum security cells in Canterlot for the rest of their lives."

She smiled, showing all her teeth, a vindictive gleam in her eyes. "And they are having very bad dreams right now."

She guided Scootaloo back into the bedroom and closed the door. Sitting on the bed, Princess Luna held Scootaloo close to her to comfort. As if this released something inside her, Scootaloo started sobbing into her fur for what seemed like forever. Once she regained control of herself, they settled down to talk.

"So, what has been troubling you, child?"

"It's been taking a long time for me to start flying, so Vinyl and Octy took me to a doctor to have me checked out," Scootaloo said. "He said that I only have a twenty percent chance of ever being able to fly."

"Statistics!" Princess Luna spat, as if the word offended her. "Naught but educated guesses. Hardly worth even giving credence. Any fool could offer a one in five chance of your flying. Backing it up is something else entirely."

"Yeah," Scootaloo said, ears beginning to perk back up.

"And even if the figure is correct, it is hardly insurmountable. I have overcome worse odds myself. When I first showed signs of becoming Nightmare Moon, the wisest ponies in the land were sent for, and gave a five percent chance of my ever returning to normal."

"Really?" Scootaloo asked.

"Really," she confirmed. "A thousand years later, I am here, and those who made that assessment are long gone."

Scootaloo scratched her head. "I hope it doesn't take that long for me to fly."

"Well, Rainbow Dash has taken you under her wing, has she not? Has she made any suggestions?"

Scootaloo's ears sagged back down at this. "I haven't told her. She's either been gone, or hasn't been able to make time for me since the camping trip. I think she may be having second thoughts."

Princess Luna frowned at this. "Having a sister is not always easy. Have you told Rainbow Dash how you are feeling?"

"Well, no..."

"Then by all means do so!" she exclaimed, then caught hold of herself. "Keeping things that are bothering you from your sister never leads to good things. Though I suppose attempting to bring about night eternal is unlikely to result from your present situation."

"Um, no," Scootaloo said, puzzled. "Not really."

"Nonetheless, she is likely to know a good deal about the mechanics of flying, and would be a good pony to talk to about your situation. As would Twilight Sparkle."

"I've already talked to her!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "Things started off on the wrong hoof, but she's doing some research, and I'll be checking in with her tomorrow."

"Good! Now, I apologize, but my control of this dream is weakening, so I will have to end our conversation here. I will be keeping an eye on your dreams to see how you are doing."

'Does that mean I'll be going back to the dream I was having?" Scootaloo said, worried.

"Actually, I shall use what's left of my control to wake you up to prevent that." she said gently. "You should have already gotten enough sleep tonight in any case."

"Oh. Thanks."

"My pleasure. I look forward to an account of your attempts at flight with interest. Farewell, Scootaloo!"

With that, she walked through a wall and departed. Scootaloo felt an urge to walk back out to the hall again, but almost immediately, everything started going transparent and fading out. In a moment, she found herself laying in a tangle of covers in her room, sunlight streaming in through a window.

Feathering nightmares again. She'd had these nightmares every night after it had happened, but they'd gradually occurred less and less. She'd hoped she'd seen the last of them, but what happened yesterday must have retriggered them.

Not that I really mind seeing more of Princess Luna. Celestia may raise the sun, but Luna had helped her through the tail end of these nightmares, and was certainly her favorite princess. She'd just like to see her when she wasn't reliving her worst moments.

Oh well, there were more immediate matters at hand. It was breakfast time, and she'd never even had anything for dinner last night. She slipped through the door to her room, and trotted downstairs in search of something to eat.

Author's Note:

Well, that went darker then I'd planned. Knowing Scootaloo's backstory, though, this chapter just fell into place. Odd as it might sound, I'd already written a version of what happens to her parents before. The other version was even more painful, actually.

And sorry about the delay. Luna's dialogue wasn't coming out right. Still not entirely sure on it, but I'd like to get the chapter out, at least. So far, the next chapters lighter. Though I seem to be involving music more then I thought I would. I suppose when you have a dj involved, that'll happen...