• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,400 Views, 123 Comments

BLAMMO! - 2K Chrome

A large hunting game with everypony in Ponyville... using spoons

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Round 1 Day 1.2

Time frame: 11:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.

The ponies gawked at the midnight-blue Alicorn sitting in the bowling alley. It wasn’t very often that a princess would go to a bowling alley. It was quite the sight to behold.

Princess Luna tried hard to ignore all the ponies staring at her. Her face was burning from feeling all the eyes on her and her hoof was all sweaty from holding her spoon for so long. She had been at the alley ever since the place opened up, but she hadn’t took in the fact that she could not remember what Pinkie said her target looked like.

She stood on a comfortable cushion as she watched ponies hit strikes and spares in front of her. She shifted nervously on the seat. It was exciting to watch all the ponies knock pins down with the perfect curve of their throws while still holding a spoon, but watching for several hours was quite tiring. She sighed and decided to leave and come back tomorrow.

“Does anypony know where I can find a Pegasus named Fyrefly?!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she streaked through the doors of the alley.

All the bowling ponies merely stared at the rainbow-maned Pegasus. Several of them shook their heads and returned to their games.

“I know Fyrefly!” a rather lanky mare said. “She works on the weather team!”

“I know that,” Rainbow said rolling her eyes. “I mean, do you know where I can find her?”

“I think her house is somewhere above Ponyville. Maybe half a mile above Bonbon’s Café?”

Rainbow gave a swift hug to the mare. “Thank you so much!” She took off for the door in a dash.

HALT! RAINBOW DASH!” Princess Luna yelled in her royal Canterlot voice, absolutelt needing some assistance.

The force of the Night Princess’s voice disheveled Rainbow and caused her to fly straight into the wall.

WE APOLOGIZE!” Luna coughed into her hoof. “I mean, I’m sorry Rainbow.” She trotted over to Rainbow and helped her up.

“Oww…. a little warning next time?” Rainbow said. She shook her head and cleared the stars in her eyes. “What do you need Princess?”

“We are in need of your assistance,” Luna replied. “Do you know of the pony they call Allie Way?”

Rainbow looked behind Luna. “Well, isn’t she the pony I was just talking to?”

Luna looked back over to the lanky mare. She had a striped blue mane and was readying herself to bowl a strike. Pinkie’s description of her flashed through her mind and she looked at her spoon.

“We thank thee, Rainbow Dash. We may now continue on the game,” Luna told Rainbow with a smile.

“No problem, princess. Glad to see you’re having more luck than I am. Well, if you’ll let me, I’ll be seeing you around!”

Luna nodded and waved a hoof good-bye. Rainbow blasted through the doors in search of her own target.

The princess strolled back to her seat and stared over at the cream-colored mare. She looked over to the score and gave a small gasp as she saw the excessive amount of X’s that appeared on the screen. Apparently, she was a pretty good bowler. She shifted her focus to the mare herself and stared at her intently.


Rainbow flew straight towards Bonbon’s place. She walked into the café to see Bonbon crying into Lyra’s shoulder. She felt just a twinge of annoyance at the thought of having to stay and ask what’s wrong, instead of finding Fyrefly.

“What’s wrong?” Rainbow asked.

“She just got Blammoed,” Lyra answered somberly. “Some stallion walked into the café and just drank coffee here for hours. When Bonbon put down her spoon to get more coffee out of the pot, he stood up and got her.”

“That’s too bad,” Rainbow said sympathetically. “What was she planning to use the bits for?”

“Oh…. it-it’s fine…” Bonbon said after finishing up her waterworks, “he seemed really sorry for having to-to Blammo me. I was planning to use the bits with Lyra to go to….” Lyra and Bonbon each shared a blush.

“Oh, that’s all I need to know!” Rainbow said hurriedly, not wanting to know any more about their relationship. “Sorry to hear your plans didn’t work out. But anyways, does a Pegasus named Fyrefly live around here?”

“Fyrefly?” Bonbon said curiously. “She comes here in the morning a lot to get some coffee. She said she lives in the clouds high above my home. Why do you ask?”

“Duh,” Rainbow replied, pointing to her spoon.

“Oh, right,” Bonbon answered sheepishly.

“Yeah. So can I get a cappuccino and a table outside?”

Bonbon wiped the remaining tears in her eyes and nodded. She trotted to the coffee pot and got a cup.

Rainbow couldn’t do much from that point on. She could check up to see Fyrefly’s house, but not much else. She couldn’t Blammo Fyrefly in her home, considering Rainbow wasn’t an Earth pony. So, all I have to do is wait here and when I see some pink flying through the sky… whoosh! I’ll be right on her tail! And then I’ll see just how this “Fyrefly” is…

Lyric Noir walked away from Bonbon’s Café with a small smile on his face. He didn’t want to hurt the cream-colored mare’s feelings and make her cry. But he had to if he wanted to continue in the game. He walked over to the facilitator’s tables.

“What do you need?” the pony asked politely.

“My name is Lyric Noir. I just got out my target, Bonbon.”

“Lyric… Lyric… yes, congratulations! The pony put a line onto the paper she was holding. “Your new target is the Mr. Girokon.”

“Who?” Lyric asked.

The pony shrugged. “Don’t ask me, that’s for you to find out.”

Lyric nodded. “Thank you,” he told the pony. Hmm… Girokon… Never heard of him. Maybe I’ll ask Rainbow Dash when she comes over later today.

Another pony confronted the facilitating mare.

“Umm… hi. I forgot my target…” the pony said.

“What is your name?”

“My name is Blue Breeze.”

The pony tilted her head down to her papers. After a moment, she began to speak again. “Let’s see here… Blue Breeze, yes. Blue Breeze, you are to go after the Miss Cheerilee.”

Blue Breeze nodded his head. He shifted the spoon he was holding in his mouth as he thought. Miss Cheerilee, the teacher down at the school. How am I supposed to get a mare like her?


“Aren’t you worried about now going after your target?” asked Fluttershy.

“Now the game is good and all, but ah still got work on the farm to work on,” Applejack responded. “Anywho, ah can go over to Junebug’s flower shop anytime.”

“That’s true,” Fluttershy answered. Applejack recommended Fluttershy to come over to the farm. Applejack knew that Fluttershy wouldn’t take any action on her own. As much as the family needed the bits, she would still play fair and give her friend a chance to Blammo her sister.

“Howdy sis!” Apple Bloom said with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo following. “Ah know we’re busy tonight to make the apple cider for Pinkie’s party. Can ah go over to Sweetie Belle’s place tomorrow? Her sister said we could.”

“Rarity? Ya sure we’re talkin’ about the same unicorn here?” Applejack said with a doubtful tone.

“She’s going for Scootaloo, remember?” Fluttershy whispered into the orange mare’s ear. “She wants the slumber party so she can get Scootaloo.”

Applejack made a silent “Oh,” upon hearing this. “Well that’s fine Apple Bloom. Ah’m sure y’all will have a good time at Rarity’s place.”

“Thanks Applejack!” Apple Bloom said excitedly. “Oh, by the way, do you know a pony by the name of Lyric Noir? Scootaloo is targeting her.”

Scootaloo bumped her friend in the shoulder. “You don’t have to go around telling everypony that. It’s supposed to be a secret, remember?!”

“It’s fine, ah won’t tell a soul,” Applejack stated. “Lyric? Ain’t he the colt Rainbow’s with?” The memory of her beating the horsefeathers out of a stallion on the very land she was standing on flashed through her mind. “Yeah, that’s the one. He lives a bit far from here. Why don’t you ask Rainbow Dash where he is, ah’m sure she knows.”

“We get to meet up with Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo exclaimed. “This hunt just got way more exciting.”

“Scootaloo, all we’re doing is getting information from her, it’s not like…” the trio walked away.

“And you,” Applejack said, confronting the canary-yellow mare next to her, “are going over to Rarity’s as well.”

“But why?” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Cuz then ya can get Apple Bloom silly. Listen, this is the best chance ya got on getting her. Just git her while she’s sleeping. Sincin she’s not in her own home, it’s still allowed fer ya to Blammo her.”

“Oh my,” Fluttershy said nervously. She wasn’t really planning on getting Apple Bloom, but now the perfect opportunity was laid out right in front of her. “I guess so.”

“More like ya know so,” Applejack corrected.

“But why are you helping me so much?” Fluttershy asked.

“It’s only fair, Fluttershy. Listen, if Apple Bloom wasn’t mah sis, would you feel the same kinda way tryin’ to Blammo her?”

“I guess not…”

“Exactly. Ah’m just helpin’ you out like Apple Bloom was just a random pony. But after this, don’t be expectin any more help from me, this is all ya get.”

Fluttershy gave a small hug to her good friend. “Thank you, Applejack.”

In a little over 24 hours, Fluttershy would be at Rarity’s, waiting for her target.


Author's Note: In case you are wondering about some of the ponies that were mentioned in this chapter, here some links:

Allie Way is a background pony that appeared in "The Cutie Pox". She's my favorite background pony of Season 2.

Fyrefly is the character Rainbow Dash is based off of! (Apparently also her mom.)

Blue Breeze is an OC from "Continuing the Dream" The story's got quite some talent poured into it.

Lyric Noir, again Until you Met Her.

Other characters like Junebug and Girokon will be credited later.