• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 2,377 Views, 102 Comments

The Dark Brotherhoof - CelestialScribe

Twilight is invited to join one of the most feared groups in Ponyville, the 'Black Hoof'...

  • ...

Chapter 5: The Prize

Rainbow Dash came in to land smoothly, for once, her hooves gently touching the increasingly saturated dirt floor. It had begun to rain rather heavily on the remainder of the short trip back- the pegasus ponies were always disorganised, much to both of the mares apprehension. It was getting increasingly dark and therefore perfect timing for them to both get a helping of well-earned sleep. They had successfully outran any pursuers chasing them with help from the mystical mailmare, but Twilight was still replaying the events over in her head.

How in Equestria did that go so well? The location and plan seemed so complex, yet little to no problems occurred. Got in, hit target, got out. Was that really all there was to it? Could any of them have recognised me? The cloak did an amazing job of shielding her identity, she remembered, and although Twilight found many more friends coming to Ponyville, she was still more individualistic socially than the rest of her friends. Not a chance somepony would recall her features. Did anypony follow me? The disorganised weather team would have made that an impossibility. The dark sky, littered with clouds, and now rain, combined with Rainbow's speed could've left the Wonderbolts lost. Twilight racked her brain to find any possible slip-up they could have, anything to bring her down a bit, but came up empty. She was forced to accept that what she had just done was thrilling, heart-pounding, and... fun?

Great, I'm Rainbow Dash. We just pulled off a completely flawless and daring mission, and I can't get over how great it was! Heck, how great I was! Twilight was scowling in her mind, but her body couldn't stop quivering with excitement, her mouth barely containing a huge grin.

"Told ya it would be fine! Can't get that much adventure from your books, can you Twilight?" Rainbow paused. "Well, maybe in Daring-Do." Rainbow stopped bragging long enough to shake a whopping amount of water from her mane in Twilight's direction. "Oh, erm, oops." The purple mare's hanging mane was parted in order to reveal an unamused face. "We should split up, can't let anypony see us go back to Pinkie's, so imma head home, see ya tomorrow for the reward!" Rainbow called out as she flew off as quickly as they had arrived.

Twilight decided to return home as well, not like she had a choice, which was close enough from where she was dropped off. She cantered to the library, but all hope was lost of absconding from the rain, as she entered dripping. Her mane and tail soaked, with her saddlebags imitating them. Now would be the perfect time for bed, had Spike not been waiting patiently for her return, sitting on the same couch when this episode of her life started.

He was reading, a new hobby that must have spouted from living in a library his whole life, something along the same pacing as Daring-Do titled: "The Adventures of Honeydew and Xephos: Return to the Yogcave". Naturally, Twilight would prefer Spike to be reading something more academically structured, but at least this was better than having him read "Resistance: Fall of Equine". Last time Spike had attempted that he couldn't sleep for weeks.

Spike briskly popped his head from the book to greet Twilight, scrunching her hair into a towel. "Hey Twilight! So how'd it go?" A number of descriptions went through Twilight's head, stunning, heart-pounding, brilliant, an astounding adrenaline-rush..., until she settled on one that would confirm her Rainbow-Dashification:

"Awesome!" Twilight had no need to conceal her emotions from Spike, no matter how much she wanted to or if it was possible, as they had known each other for the majority of their entire lives.

"Knew it! Any trouble? Did you get Blueblood good? Anypony see you?" Spike was eagerly awaiting Twilight's response for each question until he interrupted her with another.

"A little, yes, and not really. Rainbow helped me through getting in, took out most of the guards for me, Blueblood was crying by the end of it with pictures being took from every angle, and they only noticed the cloak, not me!" Twilight expanded on each of her points with pride. She finished towelling off her hair and checked her saddlebags for any damage.

"Congrats, Twilight! Now you can finally get that book an' forget about all this..." Spike paused. "Right?" He asked with a clear smirk on his face.


"Erm, yeah, I suppose. B-but, you know, I might have some spare time and i-if they just happen to have another one then...". Twilight paused to stop herself from flushing any more crimson than was allowed, and to resume speaking normally. Clearly, Spike was not buying her story. They both knew how much fun she had, her desire for another rush like that, and how hopeless she was at lying, almost worse than Applejack. "Fine. I really, really, would LOVE to do something like that again, maybe without as much risk though."

"There's always new stuff poppin' up, we might get to do one together! Every contract always has a back-up partner!" Spike said excitedly.

"No offence Spike, but I think I'd need someone with more experience, I've still got a lot of screw-ups to go."

"Hey! I've had experience! Just not as much as the others..." Spike ended slightly insulted and hurt.

"Exactly, as soon as I've had some practise I'd be more than happy to have you as my partner! I just don't want us to be the ones to bring down everything. If they caught me, Celestia's reputation could be ruined! Her protégé can't be seen doing things like this!" Twilight began her whole 'I'm doomed' rant.

"Ok, ok, Twilight I understand. Don't get too worked up about it, the Black Hoof will always be there to support you, and with the new spells you could learn from that Starswirl book you'd be impossible to catch! I'll get there tomorrow to pick up the book and bring it back here, pretty sure they'll want to see you first thing in the morning as well!"

"Ugh. Sleep first. Owlowiscious!" Twilight called out, and within seconds her junior assistant flew in from the kitchen, a few hayfries in mid-swallow.

"Hoo!" Came the accustomed answer.

"Could you put these saddlebags between bookshelves two-a and two-b? I'd prefer to keep them hidden until tomorrow."

"Hoo!" Owlowiscious had the strength to lift the set of double saddlebags by the strap, and hid them in the designated zone.

"Thanks!" Twilight glanced at her clock. Only nine o'clock. Close enough. "I'm going off to bed now, can one of you make sure I'm up before ten?"

"Sure, night Twilight!"


"Night guys!" Twilight called as she trotted up the stairs drowsily, it may have been early, but it had felt like one of Twilight's longest days since arriving from Canterlot. Now she could finally have a peaceful sleep, free of worry from impending crimes she might have to commit. She was asleep in minutes as she climbed into bed, content with her work and outcome.

The sunlight from the new day somehow managed to awkwardly position itself through the slight division of the curtains, to rest upon Twilight's eyes, waking her with irritation. It seemed Celestia was doing this on purpose. Five more minutes...

Her annoyance, however, would continue to grow as she heard the words she was fearing.

"Twilight! Time to get up!" Why did these words always sound like she was being called for an execution? She shifted slightly, but nothing more. Maybe he'll leave me alone if I... "Twi-light!" No, of course not...

"I'm up! I'm up!" Twilight mustered up the strength to arise from her, unfortunately, cozy bed to begin her natural phases after waking up. The clock read nine o'clock. Twelve hours isn't good enough.

After finishing the stages needed to make herself presentable, Twilight proceeded downstairs and gathered the saddlebags after having a quick substitute for breakfast, leftover salad and an apple, then decided to go straight to Pinkie's with Spike.

The day appeared as a usual one in Ponyville, the previous heavy rain allowed the casting of a rainbow from the pegasi, which complemented the beautiful sunny day well. Everypony was going about their normal lives, nothing out of the ordinary, until Twilight and Spike spotted Rarity carrying a few bags of fabrics and sewing materials. It would have been normal routine for her, except for the excessive smile bound to the mare's face.

"Wonder what Rarity's so happy about?" Spike asked sarcastically, "should we go see what's up?"

"Well, I would like to gauge her reaction on last night's events. If she asks, I was in the library the entire night!"

"When AREN'T you?" Spike snickered.

"Good point, if I may offer a rebuttal, shut up." Twilight intelligently put before they both walked up to Rarity, sorting through her bags.

"Good morning, Rarity!" Twilight offered as the fashionista looked up to see the friendly faces, still smiling giddily.

"Why, hello Twilight, Spike!" Rarity spoke cheerfully.

"You seem in high spirits today, anything happen?" Twilight wondered aloud, already knowing the answer.

"Well! Now that you mention it..." Rarity savoured the opportunity to express her enjoyment, "...you remember 'Prince' Blueblood, yes? The catastrophe of a stallion I so foolishly believed to be my Prince Charming?"

They both nodded in reply.

"Well, while I realise it may be a fraction unladylike to gloat at ones enemies, that oaf was completely debunked at a social call I happened to attend here in Ponyville. Some masked, 'vigilante', if you will, completely encrusted him with a number of vile materials! I can't imagine he'll be stepping out of the shower any-time soon! Better yet, is it was all captured by reporters!" Rarity paused to take out a copy of the Equestrian Enquirer newspaper and offered it to Twilight. "Here, take a copy, I've bought seven!"

Twilight took the newspaper and made a start reading the first page. "Prince Blueblood Royally Creamed." Twilight read audibly. "Patrons at Lord Champag-Neigh's charity fundraiser today were in for a drastic change of events as what started as a show of musical talent and performances, turned into complete carnage for Prince Blueblood, a well-known Canterlot socialite, as he was assaulted with a number of dessert eatables." Twilight looked at Spike who was successfully containing his need for laughter and boasting, while a faint smile was being repressed on Twilight's. "One eye-witness described the events as: "satisfying, entertaining and hilarious".

"Oh! That was me!" Rarity broke in with liveliness.

"He deserved it, if you ask me." Said Spike, gaining a glance of approval from Rarity.

Twilight continued. "Investigators and some witnesses suspect the involvement of the infamous 'Black Hoof'. Their trademark outfit hinted at this as the cloak was spotted escaping with the help of a pegasus."

"The full story is inside, you keep that one, I need to pin up these ones." Rarity said as she shook her bag full of materials and papers. "I must be off, work to do, ta-ta dears!"

"See ya, Rarity!" Spike called.

"Bye Rarity!" Twilight said, as they went their separate ways.

"Best. Contract. Ever." Spike said with delight.

"Hey, Mr. Cake! Is Pinkie here?"

"Hello there, Twilight, Spike, she's just in the basement I think. Come on through." Mr. Cake said as he lifted the table to grant entry to the kitchen of Sugarcube Corner. "So, are you here for the Black Hoof?"

"Oh, you know, huh?" Twilight asked, still nervous as she had given it away if he didn't.

"I'd be surprised if he didn't, Twilight, they are kinda on top of the base." Said Spike.

"Yep, me and my wife keep it secret for Pinkie, its no trouble and we have loads of space for our ingredients down there." Mr. Cake then lead them to the basement and opened a wooden hatch in the middle of the floor, revealing a gentle slope of rock and dirt into the tunnels. "Well, good luck with whatever is going on down there, you sure caused a stir with that Blueblood thing."

"All-right, thanks Mr. Cake!" Twilight and Spike left Mr. Cake to close the hatch behind them as they worked their way to the main room of the 'sanctuary', the group's one safe retreat. Twilight was getting used to the atmosphere of the tunnels, they were dark, damp and confined, but they hadn't fallen on her yet, so they seemed safe. The air also felt fresher than usual, some circulation must have been added. Twilight came to the main living room, and found that there was a fair amount of talking going on amongst the inhabitants. Currently, there was Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Discord and now Twilight and Spike.

"There she is! Mare of the hour! I never thought I would see the day when YOU, Twilight Sparkle joined a group as... alluringly chaotic!" Discord made Twilight's introduction for her, sparking everyone else to exchange greetings.

"Ah'm guessing you'll be wantin' yer book now then?" Applejack announced proudly as Pinkie rushed off to get it.

"Yes! Please! I can't wait to see all of the new studies that Starswirl might not of mentioned! Special types of illusion and-..." Twilight stopped as she saw Applejack's look of confusion.

"Yeah, ah'm not followin', but ah hope it was worth it."

"He- yoo go!" Pinkie said around a mouthful of the book, before spitting it into Twilight's telekinetic grasp. "Bleugh! That's a lot of dust!" Pinkie said as she wiped of her tongue erratically.

"Careful Pinkie! This must be decades old!" Twilight said as she felt through the books pages and bindings. Dust emerged from almost every touch, but enough was wiped off to present it with a simple front cover of black, with an indented font labelling it 'Recording's From My Library: Shadow, Manipulation and Psychological Spell Edition'. Twilight couldn't keep hold of herself. Written by THE Starswirl the Bearded, unedited, untouched. Raw detail from one of her magic idols, maybe it would contain some of his famous dry wit inside?

"So, you said you just wanted to leave before all this started once you had the book. Still thinkin' that, Twilight?" Rainbow asked smugly, pulling Twilight out of her stupor.

Twilight grunted, angry, everypony already knew how much she enjoyed it, yet they still insisted on asking her. "No! Of course not! You were all right from the start! It is awesome being part of this! Congratulations! Now stop asking me!"

Everypony was silent, leaving Twilight breathing heavily.

"You owe me ten bits, Discord." Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

"Twilight the bookworm? Joining the Black Hoof? Ugh, fine, it's times like this I'm glad I don't have the use of my arms. Or any need of currency."

"Ah realise this may be a bit fast, but how'd ya like to be mah backup fer the next contract? We got quite a bit of time before then, so y'all can read your book fer a while first. And your choice of reward, either bits, or we'll see what Fancypants can get."

"Who's the target?" Twilight asked, unsure because of how short-notice it was.

"Remember our friends, the Flim Flam brothers?"