• Published 6th Mar 2012
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Pinkie Pie's Wonderful Flying Machine - OmegaPony11

Join an adventure in the skies above as the Mane Six journey past Equestria's borders, across oceans, and into new lands of wonder and technology. Follow their journey in Pinkie Pie's Wonderful Flying Machine!

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The Duchess

Chapter 5: The Duchess

Everypony stared at the massive machine that was Cogworks' great mode of transportation. Resembling a much larger version of the same contraption the Flim Flam Brothers used, the “open air land carriage extraordinaire” as Cogworks put it seemed more of a hazard than a safe mode of transportation. Parts fell off at random from gears to springs to screws, all the while both Pinkie and Cogworks made repairs with what seemed to be reckless abandon. Like most of the machines of Mechanon, the land bus was powered by a large steam engine with tall stacks trailing exhaust.

“I think that’s all for the fuel lines,” Cogworks said, “Well then! Now we can go to my workshop! Dear Pinkie, it has been too long. I can’t wait to for a proper party so I can meet all your friends and hear all about grand Equestria! Oh, and the ship of course! When I saw it, it truly brought a tear to my eye. Did you follow the plans like I said?”

“Of course I did, you silly old goose.” Pinkie reached into her saddle bag before unfurling the blueprints and laying them for both inventors to see. Rarity winced as the repairs as a loud bang resonated from the land bus. “I just had to make some teensy weensy adjustments. Your plans included a great, big, humongous, ginormous steam engine! But that would have been too heavy, so I replaced it with a big magic crystal!”

“Mageia Chrysalidas.” Rainbow Dash shot Twilight a look that screamed egghead, though Twilight did not seem to notice. Rarity felt she had to get a word in edgewise quickly.

“Excuse me, Mister Cogworks.” Rarity approached Cogworks while keeping a wary eye on the land bus. “While it would be a great pleasure to have one of Pinkie’s… amusing parties in your home, I’m just concerned that mode of locomotion is a bit… unsafe.”

Cogworks burst out laughing. “This old girl is as safe as safe can be! I made it all the way here, didn’t I?” To accentuate his point, Cogworks patted the side of the machine tenderly. A hubcap fell from one of the wheels, and the machine sounded like Opal when she coughed up a hairball.

“See? Just needs a bit of roadside maintenance, some tender loving care, maybe a good kick to the radiator. Give us a moment, and we’ll be right on the road! Everypony is invited of course, including the members of our fine Air Patrol!” Cogworks beamed at Hurricane and Steele, leaving the pegasus to raise an eyebrow.

“Pardon me, Artificer Cogworks, but we really don’t want to impose. These are your guests after all.” Hurricane bowed her head with Steele following suit. To Rarity, it was a shame they did not want to come, for she wanted to thank them for their generosity and kindness since the arrival to Mechanon. Though Pinkie’s parties were loud and obnoxious affairs, few ponies did not enjoy themselves at those soirees.

Sweetie Belle would have loved the party. Rarity couldn’t help but think of her comatose sister in some strange hospital in a foreign land. What if the doctors couldn’t help her? What if her condition was worsening? Rarity should be with Sweetie Belle, not stepping into a deathtrap driven by a mad scientist.

She turned to look at Applebloom and Scootaloo, her heart breaking to see their usual enthusiasm completely diminished. The three fillies should have been together in Mechanon in complete and utter awe, raising havoc trying out everything new and wonderful to get their cutie marks. Instead, they looked defeated, a cart missing a wheel and unable to move forward.

“You seem troubled, my dear.” Rarity looked up to see Cogworks nearby while Pinkie continued to fix up the land bus. Rarity gave a faint smile before explaining the situation with Sweetie Belle to him. Cogworks stroked his chin for a moment in thought.

“When we get to my workshop, I will be sure to send a message to the hospital to give your sister the best possible care.” Cogworks’ grin gave him a confident air as he climbed into the driver seat of his land bus, pulling switches and tugging an assortment of levers, causing the machine to awaken with a loud thrumming noise.

“Can ya’ll do that?” Applejack cocked her head. “Just tell the hospital to fix Sweetie Belle up lickety-split?”

“Have clout, will use it,” said Cogworks with a smirk. “Being the palace artificer has benefits you know. Now climbed aboard! We have a ways to go to my workshop, and much to plan! And you two…” He pointed at Hurricane and Steele. “Are coming with us. Palace Artificer, have clout, yadda yadda yadda.”

Hurricane looked to Steele who merely shrugged in reply. One by one, everypony climbed aboard the massive machine, securing themselves in their seats while both Cogworks and Pinkie fumbled with the controls together.

“Uncle Cogworks, you have the chitty’ chitty bang bang’ button on, don’t you?”

“So I do, my dear, so I do.”

“I know that’s a fun button with the bouncing and kablams! But I think you should turn it off. We have some ground to cover, and we can use this to bring about some exposition on how Mechanon and Steele work!”

“Right you are! Nothing like a little world building before supper! Allons-y!”

The ride down the roads of Brasseldorf was a pleasant experience. The land bus was no longer loud and obnoxious, instead emitting only the slightest purr. The busy streets of the city passed them by while few ponies gave sideways glances at the large machine. Cogsworks had said this was a prototype, and not being mass produced. He muttered about something about how ‘they didn’t like the idea of ponies driving automobiles’, as machines like this were called, yet sky skiffs were perfectly normal for the military arm of Mechanon.

They left the city limits overlook a bright sea of colours, a valley covered in flowers of such beauty Rarity had to rub her eyes that she wasn’t dreaming, all while in the distance a great palace of shining gold and brass all but glowed in the setting sun. Rarity was breathless at the sight of the palace and its gleaming arches and shining walls of white. Statues of various ponies important to Mechanon lined the road, which was expertly paved compared to the dirt roads of Ponyville.

“Excuse me, Cogworks, but I was just wondering why unicorns can’t use magic in the city.” Her interest piqued, Rarity turned towards Twilight and listened for the answer to her question. For a pony whose special talent was magic in its entirety, being unable to cast even the simplest spells must have been frustrating. However, when asked that question, Cogworks’ smile faltered.

“It’s a long story, young lady.” He gave a heavy, drawn out sigh. “To put it the most simplest of terms, Magic and Technology do not get along well in Mechanon, or on the continent for that matter. In a place where machinery is everywhere, like a factory or a power plant, magic ceases to function and just… fizzles out. In a place condensed with magic, machinery refuses to work, and sometimes even explodes!”

“This dynamic has been controlling Mechanon for decades. It is why many unicorns who wish to study and practice magic go to Icekierka to the north. It is why the automatons shun magic, as it causes them immense discomfort, even pain. It is why the Duchess Machina and Lord Cold Snap have not spoken for years, not since the Five Day War.”

War. With the utterance of that word, Fluttershy let out a sharp gas as she looked up at Cogsworks in horror. There were wars in Equestria’s history, to be sure, and young foals were taught about them during history lessons. The War of Night on the rise and fall of Nightmare Moon, or the war against Discord. All were horrible to think about, and as Rarity turned to look back on Brasseldorf, a part of her knew that somepony looked to the impressive arrays of technology and used it to make weapons for fighting.

“This is why Mechanon has a strong military tradition,” Hurricane piped in. “Even though the Air Patrol is the most active branch to defend our country from wyvern incursions, the Navy and the Army can mechanize rapidly to meet any threat. It’s unfortunate, but we’ve had to fight to maintain our way of life.”

“That seems really… sad.” Fluttershy’s ears drooped as she looked down on her hooves. Poor dear was a stranger to violence, and the idea likely saddened her to no end. “Ponies shouldn’t fight each other. What could cause two sides to come to blows?”

“Cold Snap hated the duchess for embracing the expansion of Mechanon as well as what he felt was a betrayal towards the old ways of magic. So he tried to take over… by force. Needless to say, he lost, but the cost was great. Years of rebuilding, so much knowledge lost in the fires. And the duchess, well… she hasn’t been the same since the war.”

Cogworks cleared his throat. “Sorry for the somber news, but something good did happen after the war. Once Cold Snap and his armies were forced back towards Icekierka and all of Mechanon was rebuilding, that was when the automatons first appeared. At first there was fright, but then to everyponies surprise, the automatons found their way around the cities of the nation and started asking for jobs!”

“I was just a little filly when the automatons first arrived. I was scared of them then as well, only to find they were quite polite and cordial.” Captain Hurricane regarded Steele with a smile, one that Rarity saw was rather warm. The kind mares gave their special someponies; a lingering gaze that Steele did not notice.

“Nopony knows where the automatons came from, but needless to say we were very grateful for their timely arrival.” They turned around a bend as they made a final approach towards the gates of the palace. “Workers who wanted to work as long as their gears and joints could hold out. At first it was a godsend, and the duchess made them citizens of Mechanon.”

For once, Steele appeared uncomfortable, shifting on his hooves. “Automatons can only perform the functions given to them by the Fabricators,” he explained, “All automatons are given three primary functions upon assembly: The Function of the First, of which we recite the hour on the hour. Then the Function of Performance, where an automaton performs the function given to them by the Fabricators. This could be anything from carpentry to masonry, to performing the roles of a nanny towards foals as per the parents’ specific instructions. The third is the Function of Experience, where all automatons are to go about and experience everything they can about the world, should they be able. These three functions are in all automatons, and they cannot be denied or reprogrammed.”

“Fascinating, isn’t it?” Cogworks said, “I wish I could do more research on them, to find out more about the automatons. They just won’t let me!”

A powerful stream of exhaust jetted out of Steele’s nostrils. Rarity raised an eyebrow at what she assumed was an act of anger, or at least frustration. When Steele did not continue, she turned her attention back to Cogworks, who continued his story.

“But once Mechanon was back to a pre-war state, there began to be some grumblings. These automatons worked rather cheaply and without tiring, and business ponies preferred hiring them for those reasons. Many ponies were soon out of jobs, and then there was… the violence.”

“Many automatons were… destroyed.” Hurricane sighed. “The mob was angry that so many automatons were taking their jobs. They went to a large factory outside of Brasseldorf and set it on fire. The automatons did nothing to provoke the attack, and they did even less to defend themselves. Most automatons simply sat by and watched.”

“Automatons are not programmed for violence of any sort,” interjected Steele, “Until I was assembled to join the military. The fears of the common pony were unfounded. Now our Fabricators are… elsewhere.”

Rarity could hardly believe her ears as they neared the gates of the palace. The history of Mechanon appeared to be the same as tarnished silverware. It may have been beautiful in its prime, and even now the shine of progress and advancement could be seen when the sun reflected off the brass surface. Still, the stains of blood and oil marred the surface, and Rarity began to wonder just what other tragedies had befallen an otherwise lovely duchy.

The vehicle stopped in front of the great golden gates of the palace, the center of the bars holding a coat of arms dedicated the family of the duchess. The emblem comprised of two ponies, one unicorn and the other a pegasus, rearing up with their right foreleg against a book. Under the book, the words engraved read:

Pro Scientia, Nos Ferte. Enim Sapientia, Nos Cogita.

“Well that’s a funny sounding language.” Applejack squinted at the words, trying to make out what they read.

“It comes from an old language,” Cogworks replied as he hooked a hoof around a megaphone. “It means…” He then lifted the megaphone to his mouth. “For Knowledge, we advance. For Wisdom, we reflect!”

The translated verse acted as a password, the emblem spinning around as locks clicked open and the gates flung themselves wide enough to fit the jalopy through. The machine began to move again, giving everypony a full view of the palace. It was splendid to behold, a true rival to Celestia’s castle in Canterlot, yet to Rarity there was something missing. Canterlot Castle simply buzzed with activity. This palace was very silent, to such an extent that Rarity felt disturbed. She preferred at least some kind of ambience.

The vehicle stopped in front of the main entrance of the palace, stairs unfolding themselves to allow the ponies ease of departure. They all descended off the combustible contraption only to stare in awe of the palace. The doors appeared to have been made in gold with many intricate metalwork designs crafted into the door. Two guards, an earth pony and a pegasus, stood at attention dressed in similar long coats and hats as the Air Patrol, theirs being pitch black with silver inlays.

The two guards did not react at all as Cogworks lead the way up the stairs to the door. “Don’t worry, gents, all of them are with me!” He smiled at each guard despite their lack of reaction, only to watch as they opened the door silently and quickly.

A low murmur of gasps and awe sprang from the Equestrians as they entered the palace. Rarity’s eyes dazzled at the sight of such intricate jewel crafting that she could only dream of replicating. A massive chandelier hung above their heads strung together on chains of gold and brass while diamonds hung and swayed to the breeze, clinking together like chimes. They walked on luxurious velvet carpets as tall paintings of ponies hung on the wall with care.

“This place is incredible,” Rarity whispered. Panic took over as she looked down on her dress and realized too late a new predicament. “I feel we underdressed for this occasion! Girls! Cogworks! We need to get back to Brasseldorf and get proper attire for meeting the duchess!”

Cogworks chuckled as he trotted his way through the palace. “Silly Rarity, the duchess will receive you in an official capacity later! Tonight, she wishes to meet to new guests outside of protocol for a change. She wants to meet you, not what you represent.”

They came across a pair of white, and relatively plain, double doors. Cogworks approached the doors, but for a moment he appeared to hesitate. Taking a deep breath, he turned one sad eye towards the group. “Please excuse me. Like many other Mechanonians, I love the duchess dearly. It is difficult to see her in the state she is since the war. I ask that you show respect when you see her… I know you will… but… please.”

“I wonder what he is worried about,” Rainbow muttered. She turned to look at Hurricane, only to see that the good captain’s eyes were also downcast. Steele remained as stoic as ever. Rarity swallowed. What exactly had happened during the war that made Cogworks so apprehensive?

The white doors opened to reveal a grand library, with mountainous shelves almost overflowing with books as far as the eye could see. Twilight burst into the room with wide eyes and even wider smile as she soaked in what Rarity could only guess was her single greatest hope for this voyage. Knowing Twilight, she had likely read near every book in the Royal Canterlot Library, and was now brimming with anticipation to simply dive in and read the works of Mechanon.

The expansive room soon revealed that it was more than just a library, but also a place of experimentations. Several apparatuses were running on tables, though what their function was, Rarity could only guess. At the far end of the room was large desk with a book sitting open as well as several quills, though of more importance was the pony sitting at the desk.

At least, Rarity wondered if it was a pony. Standing as tall as Celestia, though lacking the unicorn horn or pegasus wings was what she assumed was the Duchess herself, though she appeared more like an automaton than a pony. Her body shone like finely polished brass, every movement joined loud creaks and squeals as metal rubbed against metal. Rarity winced at the sounds, the image of an elderly mare like Granny Smith having difficulty walking, with creaky bones and terrible arthritis.

Still, there was no doubt that the Duchess held a regal splendour to her. Like other automatons, her mane and tail appeared made from stylized metal rather than hair. She had a long flowing ermine cape draped across her shoulders in a fetching violet, though that appeared to be the only decoration for her station. From her mechanical body, a low hum could be heard.

It was the face of the Duchess that garnered the most attention. Instead of what Rarity considered a “gas-mask” face like Steele was rather something akin to a burial mask. The eyes were wide open and glowing with a faint white light, while the carefully crafted lips were held in a perpetual state of neutrality. No joy nor sorrow nor anger could be seen from the Duchess as she regarded the guests to her nation.

Cogworks took the lead, bowing his head low and bending his knee, followed soon by Captain Hurricane and Commander Steele. One by one, Rarity and her friends did the same, bowing in respect to the sovereign of this foreign land. The Duchess looked over them all in silent, only the hum and creaks of her metal limbs.

“Please rise.” Her voice resonated from within the armour, the soft voice in a sort of echo from behind the metal casing. “Be at ease, all of you, and feel welcome to my duchy, my home, and the home of all my little ponies. I am Machina Ex Adagnitio, Duchess of Mechanon. It is my honour and privilege to welcome you, guests from Equestria. I look forward to building a bridge between our two nations that will stretch across the ocean.”

Wondering if Machina was being literal or not, Rarity turned towards Pinkie Pie and Cogworks to see if wide grins and wild ideas ran through their minds. Both looked at back at her blankly while Pinkie gave a slight shrug.

“We’re mad scientists-slash-inventors-slash-party planners, silly,” Pinkie replied to the unasked question. “You want a bridge that long, you better call an architect. Oh, but just think of all the parties we could have with another country of ponies!”
Machina chuckled at Pinkie Pie, while the others gave a quick introduction. She graciously received them all, the true air of a monarch around her. She is so regal, so graceful, Rarity thought as Machina approached her, despite such a form, or perhaps because of it.

“Your eyes,” Machina said, snapping Rarity’s attention towards her. “They bear grief all too familiar. What has happened to cause this?”

Rarity blinked away the newly formed tears, though her efforts proved futile. She recounted their journey across the ocean to the feral storm, where Sweetie Belle injured herself in an effort to help. The Duchess kept her silence while Rarity spoke, standing perfectly still as she listened with rapt attention.

After the tale was told, Machina spoke. “Cogworks, have the finest doctors we have to make sure young Sweetie Belle makes a complete recovery.”

“Already done, Your Grace,” Cogworks beamed.

“Then inform them that she is now a very important pony, and a personal guest of my House.” Rarity gasped as Machina made her commands. “I will not have sisters and friends separated if I can help it. Make my will known, Cogworks, so long as there are no other emergencies they must take care of first.”

Cogworks galloped away to carry out Machina’s orders, leaving the Equestrians alone with the Duchess. Rarity stammered for a moment as she tried to collect herself, only to be silenced by a simple wave of Machina’s hoof.

“I had a sister once,” Machina said, a sadness creeping into her voice. “If there is anything I could do to stop the pain of separation, I will do so. Come, we can have lunch in my dining hall. The cooks will be excited to serve ponies again. They do not normally work except for when I have guests, you see.”

Rarity understood and felt pity for Machina. The war scarred her terribly, and must have left her trapped within that brass shell to survive. Rarity could only imagine what sort of suffering she endured, through battle and becoming part of her armour. The very thought sent shivers down her spine.

They entered a grand room with a single massive table, a spot for perhaps hundred or more ponies marked by velvet cloth, china plates and fine silverware for those that would make use of them. Crystal glasses awaited fine wines. Candelabras awaited the illuminated flame to be applied to solid white candles. High above their heads was the most decorated chandelier Rarity had ever seen, with sparkling jewels that reflecting the sun’s rays perfectly into a cascade of light and colour.

High above the head of the table, which Rarity assumed would be seat of Machina, was a large painting done in one of the traditional styles. It was a regal piece of artwork, depicting what Rarity assumed was Machina’s family. In the center of the painting was a blue unicorn stallion dressed in high ranking officer’s garb, epaulets of golden thread hanging off his shoulders along with a red velvet jacket, a silver sash, and several medals pinned to his chest. A grey earth pony mare to his side countered his stern expression. She stood adorned in a dress of silver silk with a simple yet refined diamond pendant around her neck. A smile gave her a warm countenance, compared to that of her husband.

Under the adults in the painting were two fillies, perhaps the same age as Sweetie Belle. One was a unicorn, her coat a much darker shade of indigo, with her stark white mane decorated in ribbons which were styled with little stars. To her right was a peach coloured earth pony with a bright smile. Compared to the other three figures in the painting, the earth pony filly was faded, appearing to have been ignored by the restorer of the work.

“I am interested in hearing of this land you come from, this Equestria,” Machina said, taking her seat at the head of the table. She waited as everypony made their way to their own seats. “Aircraft is one of our most revolutionary inventions, but not even our greatest vessels have been able to traverse over the ocean. Sadly, due to so many ships and crews lost, I had to place a ban on exploring the ocean. I am interested in how you were able to cross the ocean.”

“We were travelling across the ocean just fine, Your Grace,” Rarity answered, “Until we were trapped by something my dear friend Twilight here called a ‘feral arcane storm.’ My… my sister was a casualty of our braving the storm.”

Machina lowered her head for a moment, but underneath her bronze mask, Rarity could almost swear she heard the Duchess sob within. “Even after the war, the scars we have created still harm ponies, especially those who should not have been touched.”

“I don’t understand,” Twilight added. “What do you mean? Was the feral storm caused by the war?”

Machina slowly nodded her head. “It was a weapon created by Cold Snap during the most devastating of battles, what historians now call the Siege of Brasseldorf. The storm would have destroyed all of Mechanon and Icekierka, as it proved more powerful than Cold Snap could control. Together, we threw the storm into the ocean, so that our ponies could be saved. A shame… the only time we cooperated was because our very existence was threatened.”

“Um… if you don’t mind me asking…” Fluttershy shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “Why did Mechanon and Icekierka have a war?”

“We disagreed on the direction of the future.” Machina turned her head towards the kitchens and watched as the doors swung open. A pair of unicorn chefs pushed a rolling tray filled with food and drinks towards the grand table, and Rarity’s stomach rumbled at the sight of food. She had forgotten how long since her last proper meal. She blushed as her stomach continued to make unladylike noises.

The unicorns did not use magic to levitate the silver dishes holding varied hors d’oeuvres. Rarity had never seen such a display of culinary artisanship since her time in Canterlot. She recognized a platter of deviled eggs, but everything else was foreign to her.

The doors of the kitchen opened once again, this time with an automaton who wore a black sash and a black chef’s hat making his way to the table. The automaton bowed to the Duchess along with the other two chefs.

“Greetings and salutations, Your Grace, and guests of the House of Adagnitio,” he said, his voice much higher pitched than Steele’s. “I am Head Chef Zink, and it is my honour and privilege to be serving you. I have an extensive internal library of culinary dishes suited for pony, sphinx, and hippogryph dietary needs. For today’s meal, I have brought to you simple yet delicious dishes that are sure to appease your taste receptors. We have deviled eggs with a fine mustard spiced with tangy herbs, as well as bruschetta, made with the finest tomatoes grown from local farms, spiced with basil. There is also…”

As Chef Zink continued to rattle on, the unicorns pressed buttons on the mobile tray which revealed the true nature of the device. Several arms sprung to life and carried the platters directly onto the table. They stretched to extreme lengths for such a small contraption, but by the end of full disclosure of their meal, the mobile tray was bare and the table decorated with all sorts of savoury dishes.

Rarity looked to see the plate of bruschetta placed in front of her. The aroma of garlic and basil wafted into her nose, and if she did not have the mind of a lady she likely would have begun drooling over the confectionary.
“How does an automaton know what a thing tastes like?” Applebloom asked, her hoof poking a deviled egg. “Ya’ll are nuts and bolts.”

“Applebloom!” Applejack admonished. “Mind your manners in front of company!”

“A common question, dear guests!” Zink pointed a metallic hoof at a platter of papaya rings filled with cream. “All things are chemical equations and compositions. Whenever travelling dignitaries come to meet the duchess, I always request that they bring one of their favourite chefs along. That way, I may learn all I can of their cooking habits and determine through experimentation what creates the most nutritious and delicious courses! It is just so exciting to see ponies enjoy my work. I cook and I cook, for it is the function that I have been given, and I aim to do it well!”

Rarity began to understand what Steele had meant when he spoke of the functions of the automatons. They were the same as a pony’s cutie mark, though they appeared to be much more as a directive. Zink seemed quite pleased with his work, and in an effort not to be rude, Rarity stretched her magic to pick up one of the exotic dishes.

Try as she might, she could not get her horn to spark. She looked to Twilight who also struggled with her magic. The haunted look at her friend as she could not do the most basic of spells spoke volumes.

“I am sorry,” Machina said, “This is the heart of technology in Mechanon. Here, my laboratories, Cogsworks’ Locum Aedificium, and my own life support suit cannot allow magic to work in such close proximity. Magic is dead here.”

“That is quite all right, Your Grace,” Rarity replied, “We’ll just have to adjust. Won’t we, Twilight?”

Twilight’s ears splayed back against her head. “Is there anywhere in Brasseldorf that we can practice our magic?”

“The only place where one can cast spells in Brasseldorf and not disrupt the machinery or cause harm to the automatons is in the Icekierkan embassy on the outskirts of the city. I will be certain your guides will take you there.” Machina turned her head to Steele, who merely nodded in reply. Rarity watched the two as they seemingly shared a conversation that was privy only to them.

They ate in silence, and while originally difficult for Rarity, she managed to get a few morsels of food without the aid of her magic. One bite of the bruschetta made her forget all about her arcane troubles, as the delicious tomatoes and basil seemed to melt inside her mouth, the bread acting more as a foundation for the flavours. Her smile was praise enough for Chef Zink, who nodded in approval.

“I have two announcements to make.” The Duchess stood up to her full height after the meal was over. “It is by my will as Duchess of Mechanon to welcome the dignitaries of Equestria to our land quite formally. As such, I would like to officially extend an invitation to all of you to the Thirteenth Annual Masquerade Ball, to be held here in the palace within a week’s time. The details will be left on your invitations which will be delivered in the post by tomorrow morning.”

Rarity’s eyes widened with surprise and anticipation. She quickly squashed the nightmare that was the Grand Galloping Gala, and brought her mind’s eye to bear on the possibilities of such an event.

“Captain Hurricane. Lieutenant Steele.” Both pegasus and automaton snapped to attention as Duchess Machina mentioned them by name. “Your exemplary performance of aiding these foreign guests is to be commended. For that matter, I am issuing you two a reassignment as liaison for them until they are prepared to leave.”

Hurricane looked to Steele, who otherwise said nothing. She stammered for a bit before she replied. “Your Grace, this is an honour to be sure, but we are Sky Patrol, not diplomatic ponies. We have our duties…”

“Aww, c’mon!” Pinkie suddenly grabbed Hurricane and Steele in a big hug. “We like you two! You are nice, we never met anypony like Steele before, and maybe you were due for a vacation! We’ll be friends, we’ll have fun, and who knows, maybe we’ll have awesome adventures in Mechanon together? Won’t that be great?”

Hurricane smiled at Pinkie, then to Steele. Servos and gears clicked inside his metal head, and Rarity found herself just how those gears translated to thought processes. Finally, the automaton snorted with a great exhaust of steam through his nostrils.

“My function is to protect ponies,” he said in that hollow voice of his. “I suppose the capacity will have changed. I accept the charge, Your Grace.”

The dinner continued with idle chitchat, though Machina excused herself due to a need for “maintenance.” Rarity could only guess what the process entailed. She looked around the table at her friends. Rainbow and Hurricane talked excitedly with each other, while Twilight drilled Steele with more questions. Rarity tuned out on the dinner as her mind drifted to Sweetie Belle. She looked out the nearest window and wondered just how long it would be when her sister could join her in this wonderful new land.


The five arch-mages sat the great table, each holding their cards aloft in auras of icy magic. They looked at each other with sly glances. They all sought to have the upper hand, but they also paid great attention to their master who sat at the head of the table.

Lord Cold Snap held his own cards high in front of him. A unicorn in shape, he towered above in the tallest of his servants with a body made from black ice. His gaze drifted from his cards to his arch-mages. He watched them all from glowing blue eyes, and noticed one of them trembled. Spellslot, he recalled the name. The newest of his arch-mages.

“They say intelligent ponies play chess,” Cold Snap said, his voice echoing all the way to the top of his hollow salon. “And I agree with this. Chess brings two sides against each other in equal footing. The same amount of rooks, knights, and pawns. However, the game is not equal. White goes first, and therefore sets the pace.”

“I much prefer… poker.” He looked around at his assembled arch-mages, though specifically at Spellslot. “The elements of random chance and emotional manipulation are far more interesting to me. Far more… methodical. The ability to read your opponent and react appropriately. It’s your move, Spellslot.”

Cold Snap looked down on the cards on the table. Two aces and a jack of hearts. A powerful flop that most would jump on. He regarded his own hand: a two of clubs and a queen of hearts. Not a good start. He knew Spellslot had better. Predictably, the new arch-mage put his cards face down on the table and muttered weekly.

The turn came up with an eight of spades, while the river came up with the seven of diamonds. Cold Snap revealed his worthless hand, while another of his arch-mages revealed he had the best hand and took the pot. Just before the cards slid away for the next deal, Cold Snap tapped the poker table to call for attention.

“Spellslot…” he all but hissed, “Why don’t you reveal to us your hand? I’m very curious about what you folded on.”

The young arch-mage trembled at the sight of Cold Snap’s glowing horn. “M-m-my Lord… it would be… unbecoming to reveal such a trivial—“

I make the decision as to what is trivial, Spellslot.” The massive ice pony brought his head closer to his subordinate. “Now. Show me your cards.”

Spellslot quaked on the pressure of Cold Snap’s drilling eyes. He revealed what his hand was: another ace and an eight.

“Aces and eights in a full house. A winning hand.” Cold Snap turned his attention to the guests of his table. “I enjoy poker because it keeps my mind sharp. To study the hidden messages ponies play with their eyes, their faces. However, what I do not abide by are cowards. Those so foolish as not play the game with integrity. Do you fear my station as ruler of Icekierka? As Headmaster of this academy? Or do you fear my magic?”

Both horn and eyes glowed bright blue, then an all-consuming black as Cold Snap summoned forth an intense spell of cold. The rest of the arch-mages remained silent as Spellslot became flash-frozen on his seat, a look of terror now stuck for as long as Cold Snap willed it.

“Only my enemies and fools should have fear of my power,” Cold Snap stated. He stood up and walked towards the window of his salon, the one that overlooked the snowy Frigid Wastes that floating city-state of Icekiera kept constant vigil over. “Remove him from my sight. Once he has recovered, inform him that he will be sent to that accursed Mechanon for embassy duty. We shall see how much he enjoys not being able to use his sacred gifts.”

The other arch-mages bowed before their Lord and Mentor, and then carried off Spellslot so he could properly thaw. Cold Snap, now alone, continued to watch the snowfall against his window when a chime sounded high above his head.

An orb made of crystal-clear ice floated from Cold Snap’s personal chambers towards him. Magic radiated from his communication implement, and Cold Snap found himself suddenly interested for whatever news came his way. This one came from the embassy in Mechanon. His icy face did not show emotion, though he did feel a sense of excitement. His orders to his agents were explicit: do not send news of anything unless it would raise his interest exponentially.

The orb hung in the air before him just as the images of his two agents formed against the surface. Both Icekierkans bowed to their lord, and Cold Snap lifted a hoof in reply.

“Rise, my pupils,” he said, “You can called for my attention and now you have it. Tell me of news from Mechanon.”

“My Lord, we have the information you have sought out,” said the mare, who Cold Snap recalled as Piano Viola. “A new flying machine arrived, my Lord. The contraption is larger than anything the Mechanonian Sky Patrol has ever raised to the air.

Cold Snap let his glowing gaze narrow. He did not care for the machines and technology of Mechanon. They were the cause of the land’s woes, and the fact that the defilers made simply a larger vessel did not interest him.

The stallion, Final Draft, cleared his throat and stepped in, quickly. “We learned that the airship, this Harmony, is not of Mechanon origin, my Lord. It came from across the ocean. Past the feral storms.”

Now that caught Cold Snap’s attention. “Only one ship made it through the feral arcane storms, and it was that damned interloper Cogsworks. Now there is another.”

“My Lord… we believe they have a Chrysalidas.” As Viola mentioned the ancient artifact, Cold Snap felt for the first time, in decades, surprise. He controlled one of the most powerful magical artifacts known in the land. Duchess Machina controlled the other. So long as the Chrysalidas stayed in their own protective measures, the balance between Mechanon and Icekierka maintained itself.

A third could complicate matters. Or speed them along.

“There is one other thing, my Lord,” Viola continued. “The crew of the Harmony had children aboard the vessel. One of them was a unicorn who was badly injured. I believe the cause is arcane severance in the horn. We could… we could help her, My Lord. By your will, of course.”

Cold Snap became still as Viola mentioned a foal. The thought of arcane severance in one so young… No, he thought, do not let emotions play into this game. You have been dealt a hand with a very promising flop. There was still the turn to be worried about after all.

“Do what you can to heal the severance,” he commanded, “Make sure you remind these foreigners of whose authority you act on. Carry out your duties, and keep me informed”

Both unicorns bowed just as their images faded from the orb’s light. Cold Snap resumed watching the snowfall outside. There was much to be done, and much to be planned. For the first time in years, Cold Snap wished he could smile at providence.

Comments ( 2 )

Well, I'm not a fan of steampunk but the world's pretty fleshed out.

Anyways, will we see a cyberpunk world or no?


Sorry about the late response.

I would like to do cyberpunk world, and even had some designs to do so, but never really found the time between this, that, and the other thing. I'll greatly consider it though, as I am fascinated with ponies playing with tech of all kinds.

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