• Published 25th Feb 2013
  • 409 Views, 2 Comments

Rainbow Tears - DitzyDerperellaDoo

Spectral is wondering where his parents are, when suddenly he is giving a pocket watch.

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Spectral took one step at a time. His legs ached so much, he began to wobble. He coudn't hold his wieght anymore, he collasped onto the cold floor of the dark ally. He was lost,confused, and wondering. He had no idea were his parents were, his family. Only a day ago he had a wonderful life, He and his family were laughing and singing, they were all smiling, but then the next day it happened, they were all gone, all of them, exept one, Spectral. Somehow Spectral had lived, but he didn't like it. "WHY COUDN'T IT HAVE BEEN ME INSTED...., WHY...!?!?!", he cried out in agony.
Tears were falling down his cheeks, making a plip plop sound when they hit the ground. He didn't bother to wipe then away like he used to, "Why...?" he whispered to hisself. His rainbow mane that would change colors because of his mood, became a solid as dark as night black.
It started to rain and he tried to take cover but there was none, so spectral layed down on the cold ground looking into the puddles. He then saw... it, he quickly hit the puddle and screamed a blood curling scream. He cried for the lost of his parents, and the lost of his family, the lost of his life, the lost of his sanity.
He was too busy crying over all his loses to notice a chestnut pony with a big blue hat walk by, the pony's face was covered by the hat and the night. As he walked by, a old antique golden pocketwatch was dropped into a puddle next to Spectral, spashing water onto Spectrals face.
Spectral looked up, and he saw the chestnut pony with the blue hat. He then looked at the old pocketwatch and picked it up, "Hey Mr, you dropped your watch!" Spectral cried out to the mysterious pony. The mysterious pony did not come back, insted he kept walking away. Spectral ran after the chestnut pony with the pocketwatch, he almost got to the other pony,but then the other pony vanished, they last thing spectral saw of the other pony was, his cutie mark, An hourglass.
Spectral decided to open the watch, it could have the name of the pony in it. Spectral carefully unclicked the watch and opened it. He then saw, Spectral carved in cursive into the golden watch, and instructions to use the watch. Spectral was confused, how had that pony known his name was Spectral.... was it just a concindence, or was it more. Spectral decided he might as well keep it if he coudn't find that strange pony. He looked at the instructions, "Hm.... this must be to fix the time." He said out loud.
Spectral pressed 0123, He didn't know what that ment, but it seemed famaliar, it reminded him of yesteryday, where his life was destroyed at 1:23 A.M. Suddenly a light was surrounding him, it first touched his hoofs and slowly raised. He screamed. Was he dying....., was he going to heaven he wondered. It slowly came up to his back, and then reached his neck. He smiled and closed his eyes as a tear went down and hit the hard pavement. He then vanished with the old pocketwatch.

Author's Note:

Spectral is an OC of my friend, and he asked me to write a story about Spectral, this is what my friend wanted the story about, but I changed some things too it, and in the next chapter you are going to find out were Spectral is taken to. Also the cover is a drawing I made! >3> I love all my fans! thank you for your support! Oh and who do you think the strange pony is...?