• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 362 Views, 6 Comments

The Real War - Overwhelming Light

The son of a great warrior must step up to the plate when Equestria is attacked by an unknown enemy. The teen must learn the truth to his father's great abilities and control them as his father once had.

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The Real War


“Hey son...” I immediately recognized the voice. It was my father, my dear father. He who loved me throughout my life, the one that had helped me throughout every sticky situation I had gotten into. He trusted me and I trusted him.

“Son...come over here.” I regained my senses and noticed that the steel door had moved and there was now a very large room filled with equipment ranging from medical equipment to weaponry and armor. I was overwhelmed with the magnitude of this room, at one end there were many stallions dressed in black putting on metallic armor. On the other side of the room there were many doctors working on patients. It was then that I noticed my father laying on a cot with many machines connected to him. He waved his hoof at me, I nodded and walked towards him.

“Hey Dad.” I had to be strong or at least act like it.

“Son, I need to tell you something.” He began.

“What is it Dad?”

“I haven’t been quite 100% honest to you.” I was a bit taken off guard but I let him continue. “I was never a standard Royal Guard....I was something more...something greater. I was a trained killer for justice, my team and I fought for safety and liberty for the common Equestrian. We killed Tyrants!” He gave a short pause. “We saved thousands through killing one...but with the justice came restrictions...”

He began again “I was never allowed to tell your mother of my team or my actions. I had to keep it to myself or my family could become targets.” He sighed. “I do not regret my actions though. They needed to be done and I was the unfortunate pony who had to do said tasks.” He looked up to me. “Son I know I am dying. I needed to clear my conscience to you so I could be at peace.”

“WHA..? How do you know your dying!?” I asked completely terrified.

“All the times in the field that I had been injured have finally added up...I can no longer feel or use my rear hooves.”

“Why.” I asked slightly taken back but trying to stay calm.

“The times when I had been healed by a unicorn in the field have left a mutation in my cells that causes paralysis, as soon as it reaches my brain. I will cease to be.” He shook his head effectively wiping the thought from his mind. “The doctors, even here in Canterlot, cannot undo what has been done to my cells.”

I gazed at the floor, “How long do you have left D-Dad?”

“I do not know, as we speak the doctors are trying to find a way to slow the process...”

“Oh” I said my heart aching.

“Yes but I needed to tell you all that, I couldn’t leave without explaining to my only son why I would disappear for months during his filly hood.”

“Dad, I understand and I admire your duty to the Princesses. I have always tried to strive to become you. This... 'I waved my hoof to the entire room' does not change anything. You have just proved to a greater extent why I should be just like you...” I paused. “Do we know who did this?”

My father nodded.

“Do we know why?”

“Revenge” My father said sternly.

Shortly after my discussion with my father I was hauled away still very worried and confused about well...everything. I admired my father even more so than when I was a colt. He was a hero. A hero who nopony knew. I know of one thing, I wanted to became...whatever my father was. I wanted to destroy the ponies who had hurt Canterlot.

And my father.

Bent Steel led the way as we silently trotted through the Training Grounds. Bent Steel had told me before we had entered, “Do not show emotion only show discipline as we enter the Grounds. Doing this will show the rest that you are meant to be here. They will eat you alive if they know your soft and fragile.”

The Facility was created to test Guards to see if they could become the next great soldier. I would be here for the same reason but I would have a much less rigid training schedule due to my lack of skill. I would begin at the bottom, a simple newcomer. I would be a target, I knew that much for sure, I was not much to look at. I wasn’t a weakling but I wasn't an Iron Pony, I was average. I had a charcoal coat and a long black and navy blue mane. My eyes usually got the most looks, for they were golden.

My attention snapped back to reality when Steel nudged my side, I looked to him then ahead. There was a mare wearing a light blue dress uniform, and be the looks of it, was a very commendable pony. (Judging by her many, many medals.) She stared at me, her lavender eyes strafing over my body in an erratic fashion clearly assessing my abilities or strength.

I suddenly felt very insecure.

“So your the son of Standing Tall?” She questioned staring at each of my hooves.

“Yes Ma'am”

“I figured you would be well...taller.” She cracked a smile.

“Sorry?” I raised an eyebrow, I had not expected her to be so....normal.

“Right, now down to business. I am Gilded Edge. I have heard of your fathers great successes, he is truly a hero. I severely hope you have gained some of his innate ability, it would be...beneficial to our cause.”

“And what is that cause?” I asked curiously.

Gilded Steel stared harshly into my eyes bringing a wraith that only Fluttershy could match. “Our duty is to safeguard and protect Equestria against every threat we know of.” She closed the gap, her snout almost rubbing mine. “Any threat! Public or private.” She quickly turned around and began to walk away.

Bent Steel broke the short silence following. “Lets get you settled in, your hardest day begins tomorrow.”

The next day became a blur of pain, hate and a lot of running. Bent Steel was quite older than me but he was a lot more athletic and in a better shape. He only became slightly winded while I would be gasping for air. In total during the day we ran about eight miles which was still less than everypony else. All in all I didn’t think I did too bad, I mean it was only my first day. I began to really enjoy Bent's company. When ever I would be at the back of the pack when running Bent would slow down a bit and wait for me. Then while we were jogging, he would tell me of some stories he had heard of my father. (Most were exaggerated I could tell, because like who could take on five stallions at once?)

“-then your father turned back around and bucked the third in the face sending him flying into the fourth. The thirds horn impaled the fourth and by the time the fourth had died, your father had already fired two shots, one at the third and one at the fifth assailant who was hiding behind one of the bodies.” Bent Steel chuckled. “Even I still don’t believe parts of that story but I know for a fact he killed five ponies that day.” We had just got done with training for the day and were walking back to the barracks.

“Ya, ya you told me that story twice already today.” I said tiredly.

“Oh sorry I forgot that I tol-” Bent Steel began.

“HEY! Colt cuddler! Get over here!”

“Fuck not this sped again....” Bent Steel whispered through his teeth.

“What does he wa-”

“I SAID get over here!” The idiot yelled again.

“Fine lets go see what he wants Bent.” I hissed through my teeth. We slowly began walking over to a yellow stallion with a green mane who had been yelling across the yard. The yard consisted of a few brick roads crisscrossing and a small apple tree. We had just gotten over to where he was standing when two more ran up behind us so we were trapped between them.

“What gives you the right to be here? Why the FUCK do you get privileges? I have earned it! We have all earned it!” He waved a fore hoof to the two behind us, then he pointed at me. “Except you...”

Next thing I know the one stallion behind Steel, twists around and bucks Bent right on his head. Bents bloody body hit the ground painfully slow. As soon as his eyes closed, I felt a weird burning feeling in my heart that was not normal. I turned my head back around to see the yellow stallion running at me, but he was barely moving any closer. His movements showed he was running. That is when I saw it, a bird flying overhead..... it....it was barely moving at all. It was moving maybe couple inches every second.

Time had slowed.

When I looked back forward I saw the yellow stallion had gotten closer and was about to turn and buck me. I brought my fore hoof up and brought it down on the side of his head. Then I turned my head around once I saw the yellow stallion start to bleed where I had hit him. The pony behind me was about to stab a knife into my flank so I bucked him in the jaw and I heard a delayed 'Crack'. I looked to my left and saw the other stallion was about to bring a hoof down on top of Bent's head so I turned and ran at him. I twisted my body the last second and bucked him in the side sending him launching into the air comically. I heard a very low grumbling noise and turned to see the Royal Guard, who was stationed on the other end of the yard by the double doors of the barracks, running at me yelling something.

I suddenly felt very weak, and I fell to my stomach in the grass. I just needed rest...... I just needed a little nap. I rolled over to my side and closed my eyes. The burning in my heart stopped...