• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 4,699 Views, 43 Comments

Amnesia: Fluttershy - Yukito

An Amnesia and My Little Pony crossover, starring Fluttershy

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Chapter 6

Fluttershy moved the dark hallway, staying close to the lit candles scattered about on the floor. There wasn’t much light in the hallway, and she didn’t have a lot of oil left. She would take a few seconds to rest by the light of a candle and allow her eyes to adjust so that she could see ahead of her, and then dash over to the next light source. There were many doors on the sides of the hallway, but she was more focused on following the pipes than risking a look inside any of the rooms.

There were cobwebs and spiders on the walls, and rat scuttling across the floor, neither of which were helping to calm the yellow Pegasus’ nerves. Even though she was good with animals, these animals seemed…Different, somehow. She didn’t know why, but for some reason, seeing and hearing these animals scuttling around made her even tenser than before.

She figured it may have been the Shadow playing mind-games with her, but simply that thought alone wasn’t of any help to her. She stopped when a sudden gust of wind blew all of the doors she could see in front of her open, followed by the sounds of Grunts crying out. She shook like a leaf, hoping the darkness would be able to hide her. However, after a few seconds of nothing happening, she decided to continue on, and cautiously peek inside each room as she passed by.

As she thought, there was nothing inside each room. Well, nothing living, anyway. Just another trick the Shadow had played on her to try and make her break down. “Just keep calm, Fluttershy. Twilight needs you right now…”

She repeated those words over and over. She was determined to rescue Twilight, at any cost. She had betrayed all of her other friends, and had lost everything that she once had, simply because she was too scared to make stand up to Pinkie Pie. However, at the very least, she wanted to make sure that Twilight escaped this nightmare alive. This thought was the only thing that kept her moving.

She found a fork in the path after walking for a few minutes, but the pipes split up, and flowed down both possible directions. “Great…Now what?” She noticed that one path was much brighter than the other, which was almost pitch black. That didn’t really tell her which way to go, but since she had to pick one path out of the two, she decided try her luck with the lighter one.

Pressing on down the somewhat light corridor, Fluttershy noticed the sound of running machinery up ahead, and it was getting louder as she continued moving forward. It sounded like she had picked the right path after all.

She found a door to the side of the corridor, which seemed to be where the sound of the machinery was coming from. “Twilight? Are you here?” She asked as she opened the door slowly, gasping and suddenly slamming the door shut when she saw a body flying towards her. It banged loudly against the door, and Fluttershy had to calm herself down before she could open the door again.

Panting heavily and shaking like a leaf, Fluttershy slowly pushed the door open again. She had expected the body to be jamming the door, but to her surprise, it was rather easy to open. When she looked inside, there was nothing. The body was gone, and there was no sign of it anywhere. She checked the backside of the door, and saw that it was in good condition. It didn’t seem to have been damaged or anything.

She noticed a lot of running machinery in the room, and a desk at the far end, the only light source being a single flickering candle on the desk. She started to hear screaming coming from the desk, and realised that it was Twilight’s. She cautiously moved closer to the desk, looking around the room to make sure that nothing was going to pop out.

She heard a loud groan behind her, and turned around quickly to see a Grunt charging at her, ready to tear her apart. She didn’t have time to react, and let out a loud scream when the room started to violently shake, and the ceiling started to collapse. She was hit hard on the head by a falling rock, and fell down to the floor, barely staying conscious as the whole world seemed to float up to the sky.

She heard a loud splash, and felt her whole body suddenly become wet. She looked up, waiting for her dizziness to end, and saw a huge hole in the ceiling above her, with the Grunt from before falling down. She realised that she must have fallen through a hole in the floor, and landed in some water in a lower floor.

“Wait…Water…” Sure enough, her worst fears were realised as a series of splashes quickly made their way over to the Grunt, who had just risen to its hooves, and the invisible beast in the water started to tear the Grunt to pieces.

“Fluttershy! Run!” Fluttershy turned around to see Twilight Sparkle standing on a ledge, bleeding from a wound on her forehead, and throwing bits of a corpse into the water. “Hurry!”

Fluttershy watched as the splashes in the water made their way over to the bits of flesh that Twilight threw into the water, and then quickly looked around for a way to escape. She found a gate that would lead to another part of the sewer, and could see a ladder heading up just past it. If she could just find a way to raise the gate…

“There!” She found a lever on a platform not too far from the gate, and made her way to a pile of rubble which she could use to climb up to the platform. She heard a series of splashes getting closer to her, and realised that it was no longer being distracted by Twilight’s offerings. She just barely managed to reach the pile of rubble, feeling her tail being grabbed a hold of by something behind her. The monster that was chasing her was attempting to drag her back into the water, and she wasn’t able to keep a good grip on the rubble.

There wasn’t much time to think, so she acted immediately. She picked up a sharp piece of rock that was within reach, and used it to cut through her tail. It took four attempts to finally cut through, and the end result was the vast majority of her tail being chopped off and submerged into the dark, dirty sewer water. Not a harsh price to pay for keeping one’s life, but to Fluttershy, she didn’t do it to keep her own life. She did it to save Twilight’s.

She started to climb up to the platform carefully, almost slipping and falling into the water a few times. The water would occasionally splash around her, remind her that the monster in the water was still there, waiting for her to re-enter the water.

She eventually managed to climb up to the top of the platform, and had to take a quick rest to catch her breath. She looked over to the other side of the room, and saw that Twilight was still alright. She pointed a hoof over to the ladder. “Twilight! I’m going to open the gate! Are you ready?”

Twilight rose to her hooves, picking up a few more pieces of flesh, ready to lure the monster away from Fluttershy. “Why did you come down here? I told you to go on without me!”

Fluttershy didn’t answer. She couldn’t bring herself to tell Twilight about what she had done. All that mattered to her was that Twilight survived, so she simply walked over to the switch, confirmed once more that Twilight was ready, and pulled it down, raising the gate up. At the same time, the whole area began to shake once more, and a mixture of roars and screams could be heard.

As if the situation wasn’t already bad enough, now they were running out of time. And even worse, when the gate opened, another series of splashes started to enter the room from the other side. Now there were two of these monsters.

“Go!” Twilight shouted as she threw the final pieces of flesh that she was holding to the far end of the room. The two monsters made their ways over to the distraction, and Twilight and Fluttershy immediately jumped into the water and began running.

Once they cleared the gate, they heard the sounds of splashing behind them. The distraction was over. Now, they just had to hope they could reach the ladder, before the monsters reached them.

Fluttershy tripped over a rock hidden by the sewer water, and Twilight had to stop for a second to help her up. The two made the mistake of looking behind them, and saw the splashes had almost caught up with them. They both yelped and dashed towards the ladder as quickly as their bodies would allow them to.

Fluttershy noticed that Twilight would make it…If the monsters behind them were slowed down a little bit. She slowed down slightly, just enough that Twilight wouldn’t notice, and then stopped. Twilight was almost at the ladder when she looked back to see her friend standing perfectly still, facing the direction of the splashes. “Fluttershy, what’re you doing!? RUN!”

Fluttershy shook her head, and stared at the splashes approaching her with a determined look on her face. This was it. With this, she could allow Twilight the time she needed to escape, and completely make up for her past sins. With her sacrifice, she could finally do some good to make up for the evil she committed. It was that thought running through her mind that set her heart at peace as her end drew near…


Fluttershy’s eyes and mouth were wide open as she was knocked back by a cloaked figure in front of her. The figure turned around, and smile at Fluttershy. “Not yet. It is not time for your tale to end. Live on, if your mistakes you wish to mend.”

Fluttershy recognised the voice and the striped face of the figure in front of her. It was Zecora, the zebra who had made the Amnesia Potion, and who was making the other potion designed to help them escape. Fluttershy was about to speak up, but Zecora cut her off. “Go now! With all haste! Do not let my sacrifice be a waste!”

Fluttershy’s thoughts were all over the place. She wanted to sacrifice herself in order to help Twilight escape, but instead, someone else was sacrificing themselves. For Fluttershy’s sake. The splashes were nearly there. There was no way out of it for Zecora now. If Fluttershy allowed Zecora to die for nothing, that would just be another pointless death on her shoulders. It would be her fault.

She nodded, and started to run towards the ladder. Twilight followed Fluttershy as she passed by, giving one final farewell to Zecora, and thanking her for her brave sacrifice. The two began climbing the ladder, stopping to give a moment of silence as they heard the screams of the zebra below them as she was no-doubt torn apart by the monsters that were chasing them.

After finally reached the top of the ladder, and finding themselves in a very dark room, Twilight decided to use a few of the tinderboxes left in Fluttershy’s bag to light some of the torches, so that the two could rest and catch their breaths in a well-lit environment.

“Fluttershy, we should probably start moving again soon.” Twilight finally said after a few minutes. Fluttershy didn’t respond. She simply sat still, staring blankly into space. She had been like that for the past few minutes.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked in a more soothing voice, trying to get the yellow Pegasus to open up to her. Fluttershy turned towards Twilight, her face filled with fear, tears running down her cheeks. She grabbed onto Twilight, wailing loudly, screaming that it should have been her. “Whoa, whoa! Calm down! Now, tell me what happened.”

It took Fluttershy a few minutes of searching for the right words, and being able to get them out between her sobs, but she eventually managed to tell Twilight everything. The whole truth about how she had helped Pinkie Pie commit her murders. About why she had done it, and how she didn’t have the right to go on living anymore.

Twilight thought about what Fluttershy was saying, and stayed silent as the thoughts ran through her head. She looked at Fluttershy, who was crying uncontrollably, and wasn’t sure whether to comfort the poor pony, or to…’No!’Twilight dismissed the thought immediately. Fluttershy was her friend, and she only did what she did because she was frightened, and cornered by Pinkie Pie. She didn’t deserve to die. The only one at fault…No. The only thing at fault was that accursed object that they had found before. The orb that started all of this.

She looked down at Fluttershy, who was telling Twilight to go on ahead and leave her behind. Twilight gritted her teeth, and stood up suddenly, shocking Fluttershy. “SHUT UP!” Twilight shouted, causing Fluttershy’s crying and begging to stop. At last, it was here. Twilight was going to punish Fluttershy for her friends’ deaths. She was ready for it. She was ready for whatever punishment Twilight had in mind. Yet, what she wasn’t ready for, was a big, warm hug from the purple Unicorn.

“Don’t say things…Like “I want to die”, or “leave me behind”. You’re my friend, Fluttershy. My last friend from Ponyville…If I lose you, I’ll be all alone again.”

Fluttershy felt tears running down her face, but they weren’t her own. Twilight was crying, and she tightened her grip on Fluttershy. “But…I killed…”

“Don’t say it!” Twilight interrupted. “You didn’t do anything, Fluttershy! You had no choice! You were as much a victim in all of this as we were! So…So don’t try to force all blame for onto yourself!” Twilight released Fluttershy, and pulled away from her, but still kept her face fairly close to Fluttershy’s. “If you die now, Zecora’s death would have been for nothing. And if you die now, I’ll be all alone. Do you want that, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy didn’t respond. Mixed feelings were running through her head right now. She didn’t know what to say or do. Twilight saw this, and continued. “The only thing your death will bring is more sadness. If you die now, it will be pointless. But…If you continue living…You can start your life anew. You can make up for all the mistakes you’ve made up to now.”

Fluttershy’s eyes shot open, and she gasped, as she recalled what Zecora had told her before she had died. “Live on, if your mistakes you wish to mend.”

Twilight was right. If Fluttershy died now, nothing would be accomplished from it. And if she was truly sorry for what she had done, then…The only way to set everything right, would be continue living, and work hard to atone for her sins.

Fluttershy was about to speak up, when a loud roar caused the two to gasp in panicked surprise. “Come on!” Twilight said, extending her hoof towards Fluttershy. Fluttershy smiled, and grabbed Twilight’s hoof, allowing the purple Unicorn to help her up.

Twilight and Fluttershy ran out of the small room that they were in, and found themselves in a familiar corridor. It was close to the room where the machinery was house. They could even hear the sounds not too far from where they were. Twilight led the way down the corridor, and Fluttershy followed, whispering a quiet “thank you” to her friend.

The corridor had changed drastically since their earlier visit; it was much darker, and there were blobs of pink matter all over the place. There were also corpses lined up down the corridor, though thankfully the darkness made it hard to see the more unsettling features of the bodies.

The corridor began to shake, and the Shadow’s roar began to sound throughout it, getting louder each passing second. After a series of burns and near-death experiences from falling rocks coming from above them, the two eventually managed to reach the door. “Hurry! Open it!” Fluttershy yelled as she caught up to Twilight.

Twilight panicked, and it took her awhile to finally open the door. The two slipped through, and slammed it shut, just in the nick of time. As they closed the door, they heard the sound of the ceiling collapsing right where they had just been standing. The roar became more quiet, and eventually, disappeared.

The two let out relieved sighs, and had to walk the rest of the way to the maintenance room. They were completely out of breath, and their whole bodies ached from the running, and from the injuries that they had obtained.

Once they had reached the maintenance room, Fluttershy decided that it would be a good idea to take a quick break, and treat their wounds. Twilight agreed, and they both sat down for a few minutes, allowing themselves to catch their breaths. Fluttershy took out her last two bottles of Luminal, and the two took one each. A strange, green leaf fell out of Fluttershy’s bag, and Twilight leaned in to examine it. “What’s this?” She asked.

Fluttershy shrugged, and thought back, trying to remember to when she had picked it up. She couldn’t recall ever picking it up, and she couldn’t remember seeing any plant life throughout most of the mansion…Except…The sewers. She remembered seeing some of these leaves in the sewers, but as her mind was focused on more stressing issues, she didn’t really take notice of them that much.

She then remembered when Zecora had pushed her back, and thought she could recall Zecora touching her bag, too. Did Zecora put this leaf in her bag? If so, then what for? “I think we should hold onto it for now. I think Zecora may have left it for us.”

Twilight nodded, and placed the leaf back into Fluttershy’s bag. Once the two were able to breathe properly again, they stood up, and moved over to the large staircase that would take them to Zecora’s potion.

They slowly ascended the large staircase, pressing their hooves against the wall for support. The steps weren’t very big, and were badly damaged. They both prayed that the Shadow didn’t roar until they at least reached the top. Thankfully, they managed to reach the top of the stairs without any dramatic events taking place.

Fluttershy opened the door at the top, and allowed Twilight to check ahead for any dangers. Once she was told that it was safe, Fluttershy followed Twilight through the door, entering the back hallway. It was a large room, with a large dolphin-themed fountain in the centre, which was right in front of where the two mares had entered the room from. Behind them, there was a balcony, with five doors lined across it. Around the room, there were many lit torches, and a few large windows, allowing a lot of light to illuminate the room. There were nice paintings along the walls, and there was very little rubble spread throughout the room.

The room was much more peaceful than any of the other rooms that they had come across, and it almost completely calmed Fluttershy down, until the faint sound of a familiar roar could be heard coming from the bottom of the stairs behind them. They closed the doors that they had just passed through, and Twilight began leading Fluttershy to the room where Zecora’s potion was hopefully waiting for them.

They reached the door, but their hearts sank when Twilight was unable to open it. It was locked tight, and neither were strong enough to try breaking it down. Fluttershy noticed the sign above it. “Party room?” She asked, reading the sign again to make sure that she had read it right.

“Yeah, we needed a big room, and this was biggest we could find.” Twilight explained.

Fluttershy gasped, and reached into her bag. She pulled out the key that she had found in the guest room, and looked at the engraving. ‘Prty’ was all she could make out, but maybe…She tried to unlock the door with the key, and…”Yes!” She shouted with enthusiasm as she heard a clicking sound coming from the door. She covered her mouth with her hooves, and blushed slightly. “Um…I mean…Yes.” She said in a much quieter volume as she pushed the door open.

She and Twilight walked into the room, which was completely pitch black. Fluttershy lit up her oil lantern, and placed it onto the nearby table, where a vial of some purple liquid was sitting inside of some kind of apparatus.

Twilight walked to the other side of the table, and picked up a piece of paper that was lying there. She began to read it out loud.

To whomever may be reading this, I fear it may be too late for me.
But fear not, for salvation may yet exist for thee.
The potion to quell the Shadow’s wrath, I have prepared,
But a vital ingredient, I have none to spare.
To the sewers I shall go, in search of the herb I need.
I may not return, but it’s a risk I must take, indeed.
If you are reading this, it may mean I am gone.
In my place, finish this potion, and

The note ended there. Twilight could only assume that Zecora had to leave suddenly. At least now they knew why Zecora was in the sewer, and they also had an idea as to what the green leaf in Fluttershy’s bag was.

Fluttershy set her bag down, and took of the leaf. It was a little dirty, so she cleaned it up a bit. “Do you think this is the final ingredient?”

Twilight shook her head, and turned to the vial on the table. “I don’t know, but it’s the only chance we have at this point…Let’s put it in the potion, and take it with us.”

Fluttershy nodded, and placed the green leaf into the vial. After a few seconds, the mixture began to bubble, and the leaf dissolved into it. The colour of the liquid changed from purple to green, and stopped bubbling a few more seconds later.

Twilight placed the lid that was sitting next to the vial onto it, and picked it up carefully. She nodded to Fluttershy, and the two began to leave the lab. “Ok. The Orb Chamber is back underground. We passed it on the way here. Although you were asleep, I guess…”

Fluttershy nodded, and looked around the back hall a bit. She noticed that one of the paintings seemed different that it did earlier. She examined it closely, and let out a loud yelp when the people inside it moved slightly. Twilight looked up at the painting, but didn’t see anything strange. “Don’t worry, it’s just your mind playing tricks on you. Try to ignore it.”

Fluttershy nodded, and then remembered that she had left the lantern in the party room. She turned back to go and retrieve it, but was pushed back by a sudden gust of wind, accompanied by a loud roar. The back hallway began to shake. The fountain stopped spraying water, corpses began to appear on the floor, and blood began to stain the walls and paintings. Soon, the lights were blowing out one by one, and the ceiling of the party room collapsed, making retrieving the oil lantern impossible.

“Oh no! It’s here!” Twilight shouted, running down the stairs to the lower level, followed closely by Fluttershy. The two made their way back to the doors below the balcony, and opened them quickly. Another loud roar caused the two to trip over as they quickly descended the stairs. Fluttershy managed to regain her balance, and caught Twilight just in time. Twilight had somehow managed not to drop the potion, but neither mare had time to be relieved. The roaring and shaking continued, and pink blobs were starting to appear all around them, attempting to burn them like earlier.

They both managed to make it down to the bottom of the stairs with minimal injuries, and charged out of the maintenance room, slamming the door shut behind them. The roaring stopped, but they knew that it wouldn’t last for long.

They dashed through the hallway as quickly as they could, heading in the opposite direction than earlier, and didn’t stop, especially not when they heard a loud crash behind them. The door had been forced open, and the Shadow’s enraged roar could be heard once again.

They were nearing the Orb Chamber, and the Shadow was starting to lose its patience. It began extinguishing whatever light sources existed all around them, shaking the room more violently than before, and causing the walls on both sides to seemingly close in on the two. Another mind-trick to throw them off, but they paid it no mind. They just had to keep running. They were almost there. Just a few more steps now…

They made it just in time. They turned at a branch in the corridor, and entered a large room, with a dome-shaped ceiling. It was the biggest room Fluttershy had seen in the entire mansion, and also, the most empty. The only thing inside the room, was a single pedestal in the centre. And on that pedestal, was a spherical object, shining with a brilliant, bright blue light. Despite there being no other sources of light in the room, things single object seemed to be enough to illuminate the entire chamber.

They hurried to the centre, and Twilight wasted no time in opening the vial, and pouring the potion onto the orb. “Come on…Please work…” The two watched as the orb began to glow pink for a second, and then saw a strange wisp of pink smoke surrounding the orb. They were forced back by a sudden shock when the smoke reached their bodies, but before they could question what was happening, they heard the Shadow’s roar directly behind them.

Both ponies turned and watched in horror and pink blobs began to fill the room. The only way in and out had been block now, and their deaths were quickly approaching them. Closer…Closer…And closer. The two were just moments away from being consumed by the Shadow. This was it. It was all over.

The two closed their eyes, and held each other close, waiting for the end to come…Waiting for the Shadow to take them…

“…Huh?” Fluttershy dared to open her left eye slightly when nothing happened, and then opened her eyes completely, surprised by what she saw. She nudged Twilight, who was still quivering and keeping her eyes tightly shut, with her hoof. “Twilight…Look…”

Twilight opened her eyes. She was just as surprised as Fluttershy was by what she saw. They were no longer facing the pink blobs of matter formed by the Shadow. They were no longer in the Orb Chamber. And, they were no longer in the strange mansion. She took a look around, taking in the sight of the all too familiar surroundings. They were back home. They were in Ponyville.

“Twilight? Fluttershy?” The two ponies turned around to see a white Pegasus clad in armour approaching them. He wasn’t alone. Behind him, there were numerous ponies of all types dressed in armour, some examining the town, and some watching in awe and wonder at the two ponies.

Fluttershy looked at Twilight, completely at a loss for words. Twilight looked at Fluttershy with a similar shocked and confused expression, but eventually, she managed to form a smile on her face, tears running down her cheek as pulled Fluttershy into another comforting hug. “It’s over…We’re back home…”

Comments ( 14 )

Oh man, this was so good!!!! :pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:
Congrats on finishing a great story :trollestia::yay:

:yay: It is oveeer! A big YAY for happy ending! Congratulations, It was a perfect story! :twilightsmile:


I'm really confused, so they were the only ones who made it back and everyone else died?:fluttershysad:

Pretty much

wow that was EPIC!

But surely people will think that flutershy and twilight were the ones to kill the others when they realise they were the only ones alive

Also where are Luna and celestia when you need them

But apart from that great story

:raritycry:I'm pretty sure this story was bad for my health.:fluttercry::applecry::ajsleepy:

very good story. I couldn't stop reading it till it was over. I love Amnesia and play a lot of the custom stories, I wish there was one similar to this. I actually found this story while looking for one. defiantly a good read if you enjoy the game. for one who never had it might be abit weird and confusing. after playing a few custom stories and seeing the evil fluttershy attacking (Small Horse and a few others) I was actually expecting this story to be how she became like that but this was an even better story. midway through I was almost expecting to have flying naked people come out of nowhere also.

there were a few problems I noticed. a few messed up words, spelling errors, and such but it was pretty simple to know what it meant to be. there were some parts that seems like you tried too hard to combine how one would play the game to what would be more realistic but its understandable. some small things wouldn't quite make sense (why Twi didn't free Shys wings was one that really got me).

Anyhow great story, now im in the mood to play a custom story or 2

Absolutely loved this story. It was amazing! You should make more like this!:yay::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

good story but a sad tragedy

I really thought they were going to die!

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