• Published 26th Feb 2013
  • 4,046 Views, 212 Comments

A Decade Lost - Neonz

Twilight teleports herself ten years into the future without realizing her spell was a one-way trip. Now stuck in a world that hasn't seen her in a whole decade, she's forced to see how her friends' lives have fallen apart. DECADE LONG HAITUS OVER!

  • ...

12. Admissions

In retrospect, it was all very short. Twilight watched the clouds soar by as Celestia’s pegasus guards pulled her golden chariot through the sky. She was glad that she managed to get to the Crystal Empire, but was anxious to see Rarity again. If Twilight knew Rarity like she thought she knew Rarity, then she would be in the center of all of this drama.

Twilight hadn’t seen her parents since Shining Armor’s wedding, so even for her it felt like a long time. She couldn’t imagine what her parents were going through, but their reunion was pleasant, if tearful. Cadence’s chefs outdid themselves with a five-course meal, and even little Skyla was able to find room for every morsel she was given.

Twilight had told everypony the same thing when she left the next day: “I’ll come back soon! I promise I’ll come back soon!” She knew that her family didn’t want her to leave them, especially not so soon, but, once again, they graciously allowed her to leave with little guilt. Just like when she was a little foal going to train with Celestia, or when Shining Armor left for Guard Academy, or when Twilight left for Ponyville. Her parents always trusted her to make decisions on her own, and for that Twilight was eternally grateful.

The guards made landfall in front of the golden gates to Rarity’s home. Twilight leapt out of the chariot and smiled at them. “Thank you so much for everything.”

The two pegasi bowed. “It has been our pleasure,” one of them recited. They didn’t take off right away, presumably to be sure Twilight was able to get past the gates without a problem. Twilight nodded back before approaching the gates. After looking over the eye scanner and magically-powered lock, Twilight found a doorbell and pushed it.

It didn’t take long before somepony came to answer the door, although the figure that appeared was much smaller than Twilight had expected. “Hello Miss Twilight!” Blue Jasper said happily as he bounded toward the gate and nudged the lock open with his white forehooves. His light blue mane blew gently in the wind, and he beamed at his visitor. “Did you come back to visit with me?”

Twilight laughed softly and trotted beyond the gates. She heard the carriage take off behind her. “I made a promise to your mother that I’d come back as soon as I could. Do you know where she is, Jasper?”

Jasper nodded eagerly. “Uh huh! Mummy’s inside! Do you want to come in with me?”

“Yes I would,” Twilight affirmed with a smile.

Jasper took off at a run. “Mummy! Mummy, Miss Twilight is here!” he announced as he bounded through the doorway.

He was intercepted by a bemused Sweetie Belle. “Whoa!” she laughed. Moonstone was hovering beside her in a cloud of green magic. “Your mom’s working, Jasper! You know that!”

Jasper tipped his head. “But Miss Twilight is here!”

Sweetie Belle smiled briefly at Twilight before her expression turned to a frown. “Did you go off and answer the gate by yourself?!” she peered nervously behind her, ears flat. “Uh, don’t tell your mom, okay Louie?”

Jasper huffed and put his nose in the air. “Yeah, yeah…”

Sweetie sighed. “Good. Rarity would wring me for that.” She placed a giggling Moonstone on the ground. “Watch your sister for a sec, Jasper. I’ll go get your mom.”

Jasper rolled his eyes at Moonstone, who smiled innocently at him as Sweetie Belle hurried away. “I hope to Celestia I don’t have to look after kids when I’m older,” he said matter-of-factly.

Twilight frowned. “Why do you say that?” she asked gently.

Jasper flattened his ears. “Because they’re a lot of work!” he said, looking at Twilight as if this should be obvious. “Aunt Sweetie has to spend all of her time looking after us! I want to be like Dad,” he continued, his eyes shining with ambition. “I want to travel everywhere and make lots of money – ugh Moonstone!” he groaned as the toddler grew bored and ran into the kitchen. “You are not to go in there alone!”

Twilight caught Moonstone in her magic and carried her back to them, but wasn’t sure how to respond to Jasper. It was an odd thing for a foal to say. Granted, it did sound like something Rarity would say. She lowered Moonstone back to the floor, pondering over his words. Surely he wouldn’t have gotten that idea from his parents…?

Moonstone took off giggling as soon as Twilight released her, as if they were playing a game. Twilight realized her mistake and went to pick her up again, but a green glow engulfed the little foal before she had a chance. “Twilight…” Sweetie Belle said seriously, her expression unreadable. “Rarity’s going to wait in the living room… I’ll take the kids outside.”

Twilight was taken aback by her lackluster tone of voice. Clearly Jasper was as well, as he eyed Sweetie Belle nervously before running ahead of her out the front door. “O-okay, thank you.”

Rarity was pacing the room when Twilight entered. She recoiled slightly when she spotted Twilight, and shook her head lightly. She smiled weakly. “I’m truly glad you came back, but I was expecting you to visit with your family longer. Is everything alright?”

Twilight blinked at her. She really wanted to ask Rarity the same question. “Oh, yes, of course!” she insisted. “I had supper with my parents, Shining Armor, Cadence, and my niece Skyla,” she recited. “But I couldn’t stay long. I still have so many ponies I need to visit, so much I need to understand…”

Rarity eyed Twilight uncertainly, but nodded slowly. “Please, have a seat…” She herself sat on the couch, while Twilight settled herself in a red armchair.

“Rarity,” Twilight asked hesitantly. “What’s going on?”

Rarity smiled sadly. “I may have just scared the life out of my poor sister. That really wasn’t necessary of me; I know I can trust you with this. I don’t believe I can help you any unless I open up about the secrets of my past, and there’s really only one logical place to start.”

Twilight sat up. “What is it?”

“It concerns my children…” Rarity sighed and was quiet for a few moments. A ticking clock echoed around the house, with which two young children occupying it was doubtlessly an unusual noise. “Twilight,” Rarity said, and surveyed Twilight with a hard look through her glasses. “What I am about to tell you is… very personal, but I do think you have the right to know. I would like to think if you hadn’t vanished that I would have felt comfortable confiding in you. Nothing has changed.”

“I appreciate that.”

Rarity nodded and held a smile for a few moments before giving up and staring at the floor. “…Moonstone is not my husband’s daughter. He is aware.”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. “You’re one hundred percent sure he doesn’t have a recessive gene?”

Rarity nodded and bit her lip. “We haven’t performed a paternity test for risk of hurting Moonstone in the eyes of the public if such information was ever released, but we did do a thorough background check. If there are any pegasi in his linage, then they’re back further than records show. It’s very unlikely.”

“Do you know who the father is?”

Rarity flattened her ears and stared at the floor. “It was only one time, I-I swear. I… I have reason to believe he’s a pegasus.”

Twilight gaped. “You don’t know?!”

Rarity covered her face with her hooves. “It’s not what it looks like, praise Celestia, it isn’t!” She sighed and put her hooves down. Her expression looked tired and defeated. “…There was a Wonderbolt’s derby a few years ago. We were both invited to attend, but Fancy Pants stayed home to look after Jasper.” Rarity groaned. “I’m so awful, Twilight! He was looking after our child while I was… ugh!”

“You think it was one of the Wonderbolts?”

“There was an after-party at the Moonlit Tavern. The same one that Sweetie works at now, though fortunately she did not at the time… an odd choice for an upper-class party, but according to them it’s a Wonderbolt’s tradition. I remember going there after the show and socializing a bit with the other ponies. It was a mix of the Canterlot elite and the entire fleet of Wonderbolts pegasi and their trainers. I ordered a few drinks and…” Rarity broke off and gave Twilight a heavy look. “That’s about all I can remember from that night.”

Twilight frowned. “What’s the next thing you remember?”

Rarity sighed. “Waking up in some hotel – an expensive one, mind you – with no recollection of the previous night. My head hurt terribly; it was a world beyond any other hangover I’d experienced before. I think I might have still been drunk because I was still rather dizzy and disoriented. You can imagine my confusion at having woken up somewhere unfamiliar.”

“And the stallion wasn’t there?”

Rarity shook her head. “He, er, wrote a note. It…” Rarity blushed deeply. “It thanked me for a good time and explained that whoever it was had a practice to get to. It was signed with a hoofprint. If I had been in a right state of mind, I would have kept it, but I was so appalled and terrified that I burned it right there in the hotel room with my magic.”

Twilight coughed nervously and touched her forehooves together. “And… you’re, um, sure that you had… relations?”

Rarity gave Twilight a blank stare for a few moments before laughing. “Oh Twilight, how do I put this… well, just trust me, the evidence was all there. There was really no doubt that we had unprotected sex. I could go on, but…”

Twilight flushed and looked away. “Oh, um, I see…”

Rarity smiled apologetically. “I’m sorry, darling. You always were a little prude, if I may say so.”

Twilight rolled her eyes and waved a hoof. “It’s fine.”

There was silence for a few seconds. “Twilight... I’m surprised that you aren’t questioning any of this. Surely you must be skeptical on a few details?”

Twilight knew that she should be, but she wasn’t. It was as if her mind had simply given up on trying to comprehend everything. “I… I dunno…” She put a hoof to her head. “It’s just so much to sort through.” Twilight thought for a few moments, then lowered her hoof and looked at Rarity. “I don’t want to offend you, either.”

Rarity smiled sadly. “Sweetie Belle has already exhausted the list of delicate questions. I’m sure anything you can think of I’ll have heard already.”

“Okay.” Twilight was quiet for a few moments. “How long did it take you to realize you were pregnant?”

Rarity chuckled. “That’s hardly an offensive question.”

Twilight flattened her ears. “It has implications behind it.”

“Just shy of two months is when I performed the spell, I believe,” Rarity said, putting a hoof thoughtfully to her chin. “Unlike with Jasper, I was horribly ill for the first few months of the pregnancy. That, and I was worried because of…” She gestured a hoof in the air. “You know.”

Twilight nodded and ran a hoof in circles on the edge of the chair.

“You want to know why I didn’t have an abortion, yes?”

Twilight didn’t look up. “Well… that would have solved a lot of problems…” she murmured.

“Twilight, I told you not to be afraid to ask me questions.” Twilight finally looked up, and Rarity was smiling warmly down at her. “It’s perfectly reasonable to question why I didn’t just terminate the pregnancy and be done with it. The answer is more complicated.” Rarity fiddled with her purple glasses. “I considered it with Jasper as well, though I was so far along with him that they recommended I just carry to term and put him up for adoption. I wondered… what if I had done that?” Rarity’s gaze was confident and determined. “Jasper meant and still means everything to me. To break a potential connection like that... I-I… I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life, regardless of the circumstances. I will never wish to take back that decision.”

“No, I get that,” Twilight said, and resumed staring at the ground. “But why go to all of that trouble only to hide her from the world?”

Rarity stiffened. “You know about that.”

Twilight nodded once and looked up. This time her gaze was not shy or hesitant. It was steely. “I know you’re trying to protect her, but you’re only going to hurt her in the end. What if there was a medical emergency? What about her education? What will happen when…” Twilight sighed. “When she starts questioning her lineage?”

“She’ll assume Fancy Pants has a recessive gene - ”

“If you can figure it out, then so can she.”

Rarity bowed her head. “Jasper’s already asked me about it; they’re learning the basics of genetics in school, of course. Pegasi are dominant over earth ponies, earth ponies are dominant over unicorns, and unicorns are dominant over pegasi. I’ve had to stress to him not to bring his sister up in class, and for now he can be content with the fact that I have a pegasus close in my lineage, but I know it won’t last forever. The thought of my children looking back on my actions with shock and betrayal pains me to no end.”

“Pony genetics can be tricky,” Twilight offered. “Take the Cakes for example; earth ponies can’t carry recessive pegasus genes. It should have been impossible for them to have a pegasus baby!”

Rarity rolled her eyes and scoffed. “Yes, because their marriage ended so swimmingly,” she deadpanned.

Twilight stared at her. “W-what?”

“The twins shared a mother, but were fathered by different stallions,” Rarity said. “It was all over the headlines once it was found out, of course, because it’s highly unusual. Not impossible, though, clearly. Pumpkin Cake was Carrot Cake’s daughter – proven through genetic testing, and of course she’s practically the spitting image of him – but Pound Cake?” Rarity shrugged. “A recurrent stallion, apparently. My theory is a slip up with him caused a ‘slip up’ with Mr. Cake...” she blushed and cleared her throat. “Though that may be, er, personal experience talking…”

Twilight flattened her ears. “I-I didn’t even consider… poor Pinkie Pie…”

“Yes,” Rarity nodded. “Poor Pinkie Pie indeed. The Cakes sold their land and went their separate ways – Cup Cake only received custody of Pound Cake, by the way, so the twins were separated as well – and Pinkie Pie was left jobless and homeless. I’ve seen her twice since then.” Rarity turned to the small table in the corner and levitated a picture of Applejack and Pinkie Pie playing with a newborn Jasper. “Immediately after the births of my children… actually, she was nearly present for Moonstone’s birth. We downplayed my pregnancy as much as possible and even decided on a homebirth, so how Pinkie managed to be there at the right time is still beyond my comprehension.”

Pinkie Pie had always been beyond Twilight’s comprehension, but there were more serious matters that needed to be addressed. “When did all of this happen?”

“Around a year after you vanished, I believe. I had already moved to Canterlot at that time.” Rarity stared at the photograph, and a tiny smile finally managed to win its way onto her face. “I had almost forgotten what it was like to have her around, but I suppose that’s the purpose of photographs, no? She was such a bundle of energy!” Rarity laughed and placed the photograph carefully aside. “Oh, but I suppose that’s all beside the point isn’t it? I’m more optimistic with Moonstone. Fancy Pants treats her no differently than Jasper, even though he’s fully aware of the difference. That’s the key, I believe.”

Twilight managed a brief smile before it fell back into a frown. “You’re saying it hasn’t put a strain on your relationship…?”

As Twilight expected, Rarity winced, but fortunately was quick to counter. “Yes, yes of course it has… I won’t lie to you, Twilight, it indeed has. But we will always be parents and, for the time being, business partners.” She sighed and looked at the floor. “I-I’m trying my best… he… he’s gone on business often. He’s been the frontpony for Carousel Boutique since Jasper was born. When we’re together I feel like we talk more about financials than anything else… and when I say ‘talk’, I of course mean ‘argue’…” Her ears sunk down against her head, and she stole a glance at the door. “I’m trying so hard, but I-I…” She grimaced as tears pooled in her eyes. “I know I’m being unfair to Moonstone. I’m being selfish – you know that’s not me, Twilight! I just… I feel so… stuck.”

Rarity sniffed and looked away as a few tears began to roll down her face, but what Twilight saw in front of her was not a broken mare. The Rarity she remembered was a pony who would completely melt down if any small thing did not go according to plan. This side of Rarity still had yet to show itself, and Twilight was beginning to think that she had matured out of it altogether. Although Twilight had never quite been able to fathom the sheer velocity of Rarity’s emotions on the occasions they got out of hoof, the need for perfection was something they could both relate to.

“Let me help you,” Twilight said. Her expression was still serious, but there was a softness in her tone. “We can figure this out together. I’m sure there must be another pony in the historical records with a similar situation. We can compare them with you and work on a plan from there.”

Rarity dabbed at her eyes. “That means a lot to me, Twilight, but I already have a plan in motion.”

Twilight perked her ears, intrigued. “Oh?”

Rarity sighed heavily. “I’ve been trying to protect Moonstone from the public eye by keeping her out of it. I know this won’t work in the long run, but the only reason she’s in the spotlight in the first place is because of me…” Rarity’s voice faded off until it was barely more than a whisper, and she stole another glance at the door before continuing. “Twilight, I’m planning on selling Carousel Boutique and retiring from the fashion industry all together. Within the next year, I’m hoping.”

“O-oh, wow…” Whatever Twilight had expected Rarity to say, that wasn’t it. “Are you sure? I mean, it’s your life’s work!”

“My children must come before it. As with all things, though, there are complications…”

“Such as…?”

“Well, er…” Rarity flattened her ears. “As it happens, I actually had the Carousel Boutique incorporated. I only own thirty percent of the company.”

Twilight nodded slowly. “That doesn’t keep you from selling your shares and exiting, though, does it?”

Rarity shook her head. “No, technically speaking. I could be done with it if I wanted to be, but it’s privately incorporated. As in, most of the shares are all owned by my immediate family members.” She paused and put a hoof to her chin. “Fancy Pants owns thirty percent, his parents and my parents both own ten, Sweetie Belle owns ten, and the remainder is divided among various family and friends.”

Generous percentages, especially from a booming business, but it came as a relief to Twilight, who would have expected nothing less. “I still don’t see how that’s preventing your exit, though.”

Rarity sighed. “Twilight, my parents and Sweetie Belle depend on those dividends. Sweetie Belle almost exclusively, given her rather pathetic annual income. Considering I’m the lead designer, head of management, and either me or Fancy get the final say on almost everything that happens, well… I’m sure that my leaving would very negatively affect profits. As such, the price of the shares will drop. Even if I can sell to a respectable competitor, I doubt I’ll benefit financially from the transaction, and I really can’t see the Carousel Boutique ever reaching the same heights that it once had.”

“Even with all of that,” Twilight said, “you still think it’s the best solution?”

Rarity shook her head. “It’s my preferred solution, but I do have another. Or, at least, I had another until yesterday…”

Twilight tipped her head. “What do you mean?”

“The other option is to send Moonstone far away to where the paparazzi cannot reach her… Twilight, don’t look at me like that, I’m being serious! Allow me to explain!”

Twilight quirked a brow. “Alright. Go on.”

“Thank you. My plan was to send her to live with Fluttershy and Big McIntosh.” Rarity smiled and her eyes glazed over. “Couldn’t you imagine it? Growing up with two of the most loving ponies, the fresh air of the countryside, all of the cute little animals… it’s any child’s dream, Twilight! But…” Rarity shook her head. “I don’t think I could do it. You understand why, I’m sure.”

“…Besides the legal issues, you mean?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I’m certain we could figure something out without the public catching wind. We’ve been very secretive of her, after all. I could say I was sending her to a medical institution far away!” Rarity smirked. “They’d never know. Not once has a rumour circulated revolving my infidelity. Not once! But Twilight, to give up my little filly…” She frowned. “That would be the ultimate sacrifice. However, I would have been willing to do it if I truly thought it would be best for all parties involved.” Rarity looked at Twilight with heavy eyes. “You said something yesterday that I think disproved that.”

“What did I say?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Well… believe me, Twilight, I was trying to leave you and Princess Celestia in private, but during your conversation there was a moment where you… you began shouting,” Rarity explained and looked away.

Twilight blinked and tried to recall what Rarity was talking about. There had been a point when she was trying to explain her friends’ situations where her emotions got the best of her, but Twilight knew she had quieted before saying anything about Rarity. “Okay, go on?”

“Fluttershy is with foal?” Rarity stared anxiously at Twilight. “Is that true?”

Twilight opened her mouth and then closed it again to rethink her choice of words. “I… I thought you kept in contact with her?”

“I try, but she hasn’t responded in quite a while…” Rarity sighed and flattened her ears. “You see, Twilight, this plan I had for Moonstone hinged on the fact that Fluttershy and Big Mac are both very lovely and very family-oriented, but unable to carry a child to term. She experienced difficulties getting pregnant, and the two times that she did both ended in miscarriages, unfortunately.”

Two times… Twilight mused this new information over in her head; Fluttershy had only mentioned the one. Regardless, Fluttershy was very obviously close to a successful delivery, and it was hard to argue that Rarity, who already had parenting experience, wouldn’t have been the most obvious choice for her to confide in. So why didn’t she?

“Ironically, I only pronounced her a godmare of Blue Jasper, as well a-as… well, Sweetie Belle actually holds the title over Moonstone, but she’s flat out refused the plan herself… that being said, she still doesn’t know of the alternative. For the better, really,” Rarity continued, snapping Twilight out of her thoughts. “And look at me, Twilight, going off and having two accidental foals when Fluttershy would give just about anything to have one herself! It’s really no wonder that she wouldn’t want to speak with me, is it?”

“That can’t be the reason…” Twilight muttered, mostly to herself. Fluttershy was far too kind to hold a grudge against another pony, especially under circumstances that they couldn’t control. Almost as soon as that thought ran through her mind, Applejack startled her as she remembered the exception.

“Er, Twilight? Are you all right? You look - ”

“You still keep in touch with Applejack.” Twilight spoke her words not as a question, but as a statement.

Rarity bit her lip. “Of course I do. More often than Fluttershy as of late, though I still haven’t heard from her in a few weeks. I’ve been getting worried, to be honest.”

“They must have thought you’d tell Applejack if they told you…” Twilight stood up and started pacing. “They didn’t want Applejack to know there was a strong chance they’d be leaving because of the foal. But… why? Why leave her in the dark until the last second?” Twilight paused and looked over at Rarity. “That’s cruel, isn’t it? Just up and leaving with no warning whatsoever?”

To Twilight’s surprise, Rarity rolled her eyes. “Indeed Twilight, but I think they felt there were more dire consequences on the line than Applejack’s life.”

Twilight quirked a brow. “What could possibly be more important than somepony’s life?”

Rarity sighed. “Their child’s life, clearly.”

Twilight’s confused expression did not let up. “What do you mean? How would an unborn foal’s life be on the line if they just told Applejack the truth?”

“Twilight…” Rarity groaned and gave Twilight a hard look through her glasses. “Well, I’m not surprised that they didn’t tell you. Applejack doesn’t fully understand the situation and Fluttershy is too blinded by sorrow to see the truth.”

Twilight ran an agitated hoof along the carpet. “What are you talking about?!”

“Fluttershy feels that Applejack is responsible for her second miscarriage,” Rarity said. Twilight blinked but Rarity swiftly continued. “She isn’t, of course. She claims Applejack attacked her, and while that may or may not be true, there was a one-week delay between the confrontation and the actual miscarriage. Given Fluttershy’s track record, I believe it was simply an unfortunate coincidence.”

Twilight was quiet for a few moments before deciding to sink back into the chair. “That…” Twilight’s ears flattened against her head. “Explains a lot.”

So… you’ve just sort of… fallen out?” Twilight asked, her voice a bit hollow.

Well…” Fluttershy looked away from Twilight. “There’s more to it, but…” She hesitated, tears forming in her eyes.

Twilight was certain now of what Fluttershy was referring to. There were very few things that Fluttershy’s kind heart would consider unforgivable, but this situation would certainly be one of them. And Applejack…

“…What did you do to her?” Twilight felt daring asking it. She wasn’t expecting a response.

Applejack was quiet for several moment. “Can’t tell ya, Twilight. Ah barely even remember what happened… blind rage… you’d… you’d hate me, too…”

Fluttershy was the only pony who could vouch for what actually happened, and her view on the matter was solid. Now, years later, the truth was irrelevant.

“It’s difficult not to feel horribly sorry for Applejack,” Rarity continued, her voice firm. “Her family was everything to her and they’ve left her one by one, but I have offered my friendship and wealth many times and she has been quite resolute in her decision to refuse help.”

“Her pride is all she has left…” Twilight sighed. “I need to go back to see her again. I’m worried.”

“I would very much appreciate that, Twilight. I… I should go with you, but…” Rarity looked away. “Well, I suppose Applejack should come before my work, shouldn’t she? I have a lot on my plate, but you’re right to be concerned.”

Twilight offered a small smile. “I’m sure Applejack would really appreciate that.”

“Yes, yes, you’re right.”

“We could go see Rainbow Dash first - ”

N-NO!” Rarity screeched. Twilight flattened her ears and winced, prompting Rarity to blush. “Er, excuse me, I… no, I cannot see Rainbow Dash.”

“Why not?”

“…Twilight,” Rarity said, speaking slowly as to emphasize each word. “Rainbow Dash must not know anything about Moonstone. If she asks, feign ignorance.”


“Well.” Rarity fidgeted in her seat. “Their mutual connection to the Wonderbolts worries me is all…”

Twilight had already put that together, but the bigger question was why Rarity preferred not to know anything about the father of her own child. Twilight supposed that it wasn’t her place to ask. “I wasn’t planning on visiting Rainbow to discuss Moonstone, you know.” Twilight offered a smile, but Rarity refused to make eye contact. “There’s lots of other things to talk about. I wouldn’t even mention it.”



“…TWILIGHT I’M A HORRIBLE PONY!” Rarity erupted into violent, wracking sobs and curled into a ball on the couch. “I’M A COWARD! I’M TIRED OF THESE SECRETS, BUT THERE’S NOTHING I CAN DO WITHOUT MAKING IT WORSE!”

Twilight leapt out of her seat, and Rarity practically threw herself onto Twilight as she joined her on the couch.

This was the Rarity that Twilight remembered. Twilight stroked Rarity’s back and gently shushed her, but her mind was racing to figure out what had caused her to crack. Rainbow Dash was undoubtedly more involved than Rarity was willing to let on…

“…I’m scared, Twilight,” Rarity whimpered and separated herself from her friend. “I’m sorry, but I… I don’t even have the right to look Rainbow Dash in the eyes after what I’ve done – and to be perfectly frank, I don’t think she’s even aware of it.” Rarity’s ears drooped. “That only makes it worse. And to think that we were once so close… I’m so sorry.”


Both mares turned to see Sweetie Belle poking her head through the door. She hesitated, then took a few steps into the room. “Rarity, you should go with Twilight.”

S-Sweetie Belle…” Rarity protested and glowered at her sister. “Were you eavesdropping?! Where are the kids?”

“I think all of Canterlot could hear you, sis,” Sweetie Belle said with an eyeroll. “Moonstone was asleep – not sure if she still is – and Jasper’s still moping around outside. I just came to get supper started, but…”

Rarity groaned and waved her away with a hoof. “Forget about that. No offense, but I will not subject Twilight to your cooking.”

“Louie likes my cooking.”

“Jasper likes everypony’s cooking. And don’t call him Louie!” Rarity snapped. “You know he hates that.”

“Ugh…” Sweetie Belle glared back. “Rarity, you need to go with Twilight.”

Rarity tore her furious expression away from Sweetie Belle and softened it before her eyes landed on Twilight. “I’m so sorry, Twilight, but I… I can’t. Please understand…”

Twilight glanced between the two sisters. “Um… that’s fine, it was just a suggestion - ”

Sweetie Belle pawed anxiously at the carpet with one forehoof. “This could be your chance to sort everything out!”

“I am resolute on this matter,” Rarity huffed. “You will not change my mind. Now, if you will excuse me, I must check on Moonstone and Jasper – somepony has to, after all – and then I will get dinner started.” With that, she rose from the couch and marched straight out of the room.

As soon as her sister was out of earshot, Sweetie Belle’s ears drooped and she took Rarity’s spot on the couch. Twilight resettled back on the chair. “She’s always like that,” Sweetie Belle said bitterly, glaring at the door from which Rarity left. “Ever since Rainbow served jail time, things have just been weird between them. I can’t even mention her name if Rarity’s in the room.”

“Hmm…” Twilight mused. Was it really something to do with Moonstone? It seemed like a weak excuse from a mare who tended to over-embellish. “Do you know why, Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes flicked to the doorway, then she snuck closer to Twilight. “I think I know why,” Sweetie Belle whispered. “I don’t want Rarity to know I know. I’ll tell you later.”

Twilight nodded, starting to wonder if this was something she would regret finding out. It was painful enough just knowing how much all of her friends had come to dislike each other…

“Twilight?” Sweetie Belle asked, her green eyes shining with excitement and a small smile playing on her lips. “Um, can I ask you something? A favour?”

“Uh,” Twilight hesitated, a bit surprised. “Well, I guess so?”

“I want to come with you, to Cloudsdale,” Sweetie Belle announced. “If Rarity won’t go, then… I can take her place, sort of. Scootaloo lives there, and, well… I’ve never actually been there because, y’know, no wings.”

Twilight smiled. “Of course you can. I’d appreciate the company.”

Yes!” Sweetie Belle cheered. “Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash are still friends, you know. I bet we could get loads of dirt off of her.”

It wasn’t the way Twilight would have liked to put it, but any information was good at this point. “I was planning on leaving tomorrow morning, if that’s okay with you?”

“Oh yeah.” Sweetie Belle laughed. “I don’t work for, like, another two weeks. Eee! Jazzy’s gonna be so jealous – I don’t even know another unicorn who’s been to Cloudsdale!”

“Oh, so you’re going to Cloudsdale too, are you?” Rarity’s voice cut across. She had re-entered the room carrying Moonstone in her magic, but the foal squirmed at the sight of Sweetie Belle and Rarity gently released her onto the floor. Jasper stood quietly beside his mother, clearly picking up on her emotions.

Moonstone squealed excitedly and launched herself into Sweetie Belle’s waiting grasp. “Aw, hey Moo!” she cooed, then flattened her ears and stared at Rarity. “Well… yeah. I mean, you weren’t gonna go, so…”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “It matters not. Do what you’d like. I don’t care.” The tone of her voice suggested that she did care, so Twilight proceeded with caution.

“I don’t know what’s going on with you and Rainbow Dash – or anypony and Rainbow Dash, actually,” Twilight said. “But I’m determined to get to the bottom of everything so that I can fix this mess I caused - ”

“My life doesn’t need fixing, Twilight…” Rarity spoke her words very calmly, very clearly. “I know where you’re coming from – believe me, I would be absolutely distraught if it were me in your hooves – but… well, what’s done is done. The choices I’ve made in my life may have been influenced by your disappearance early on, but they were my choices and my choices alone.”

Twilight shook her head. “You two were friends. You were all friends. It isn’t that I want to fix your life, but I still feel obligated to help you remember our friendship – us, the six elements – maybe you don’t need help, but Applejack and Fluttershy do.”

“Rainbow Dash will not help you, nor will she take kindly to your reappearance, I can assure you.” Rarity glowered at her, but Twilight refused to break eye contact. “Let me give you some advice, Twilight… Go back to the Crystal Empire.” Rarity sighed. “Be with your family. They are your essence. They will help you heal. You don’t need to worry about us. None of this was your fault.”

“Rarity - ”

“That’s all I have to say. Dinner will be ready in ten.”

Rarity turned tail and swiftly disappeared back into the kitchen. Blue Jasper hesitated, his little ears flat to his head. He looked anxiously at Sweetie Belle for a moment, then ran after his mother.

Twilight watched him go, then drooped with an exasperated sigh. “Just great…” She felt like she had finally been getting somewhere with Rarity, but one mention of Rainbow Dash and she was back to square one. She looked sideways at Sweetie Belle. “…do you think she’s right?” Twilight asked, a pang of worry in her voice. “You’d know better than I would, Sweetie Belle. Should I just leave everyone be…?”

Twilight was surprised when Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow and huffed her annoyance. “No! I’m tired of seeing my sister like this! This isn’t her and it isn’t right!”

“Sweetie Belle…”

Sweetie Belle met Twilight’s gaze firmly. No longer was it filled with the shy respect of a foal, but with the steely determination of somepony who had been pushed beyond her limit. “We need to figure this out, Twilight. I know Scootaloo feels the same way.”

Twilight nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude and relief. She wasn’t alone in her anxiety. This was support that she desperately needed. “We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.”

Author's Note:

Hey all, it's been exactly ten years. One decade. This chapter I wrote eight years ago. Short explanation: I fell out of the fandom, and by the time I'd finished the chapter, I worried it had been too long since I last updated and wasn't sure if I had time or interest in finishing it. I've been steadily continuing this fic and feel comfortable now publishing chapter 12. I did always want to finish it and regretted leaving it where I did. If anybody is still around all these years later - I am amazed and humbled, and hope you don't hate me.