• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 23,797 Views, 1,086 Comments

Canis Ezo Kage - BioChemicalWolfGear

A man is turned into a black wolf and finds himself in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 7

A purple unicorn paced around the ground floor of the Ponyville library with her eyes scanning the floor. The bookshelves lined almost every wall, and each book had a different colored spine that read the titles of each book. The shelves themselves weren’t labeled by alphabet, but the books were still shelved alphabetically, and the only indication of which letter of the alphabet the books were would be the titles of each one.

Said unicorn kept pacing impatiently around a reading table, with a wooden horse statue as its centerpiece. Her dragon assistant looked on at the top of the stairs that led to their room. He laid down on his stomach, watching the impatient mare circle the table endlessly, his eyes and heart filled with worry for her. The purple mare stopped in her place and looked straight forward. She was looking right at the front door. She gave it a quick glare before groaning in frustration.

Her dragon assistant decided it was time to confront her. “Face it, Twilight. You haven’t seen your friends for almost two whole weeks! I’m sure they’re very worried about you right now,” he exclaimed with worry. “Besides, what’s going to get a creature from another dimension reason walking into your library besides any other building?” Spike asked.

Twilight gave Spike and unimpressed glare. “The spell I cast, summons the creature and makes it want to come to me for study,” she answered him dully, as if it was the hundredth time she’s explained it. “It will have a burning desire to obey me and answer all my questions.” she then put a face of worry back on and continued, “But I don’t know what it would look like! Maybe it’ll take the form of a creature from Equestria. But I can’t tell until I meet it and confirm its obedience. Then there’s the issue of if it’s capable of magic. It might be able to dispel my magic, wander Equestria, and never meet me.”

Spike stood up and looked down at her. He crossed his arms and gave her an unimpressed look. “So, you’re just going to keep yourself cooped up in a dusty library while your friends worry about you?” Spike scolded her.

Twilight looked into his eyes and frowned. She lowered her head, her ears flattened down, and let out a defeated sigh. Then raised her head to look at her caring dragon assistant. She saw his sincere smile as he crossed his arms confidently, and she couldn’t help but smile with him. She picked up her head and lifted her ears while she contemplated her response. She felt obligated to let him get his way after putting him through so much.

“Ok Spike. You win. I’ll see if anypony can hang out today to get my mind off of all of this.” she gave up with a chipper attitude.

“Yes! Finally! I’ve been getting tired of watching your pace.” Spike smiled happily.

He faced the stairs and quickly started running down them. Twilight giggled as she watched him running down the stairs enthusiastically. He reached the bottom of the stairs and rushed over to an awaiting Twilight. He looked up with her with a smile.

“Who should we hang with? How about Rainbow Dash? Or Rarity! Or Fluttershy! We haven’t seen her in a week. But then again-” Spike continued on enthusiastically.

Drifting off to her own thoughts for a few seconds, Twilight only just noticed how close Spike was to all her friends. The way his eyes sparkled while he listed off all the ponies he missed seeing made her think back to all the times he would stay by her side, even when she didn’t need him. She began to feel honored that Spike would give up so much to be with her, when she doesn’t even need an assistant to watch her circle a reading table. She only just realized exactly how loyal Spike was, and was surprised that he wasn’t the Element of Loyalty.

“-And Lyra always has some awesome new song! We can totally recommend her to Celestia. Also most ponies have the day off because everyone’s getting in line for Zap Apple season.” Spike finished and stared into Twilight’s eyes with a look of excitement.

Twilight giggled again and rubbed the top of his head with her hoof. “Maybe you can pick.” she gave him an affectionate smile.

“Oh really?!” his eyes lit up with youthful joy.

“Sure! Why not?” responded Twilight.

“Sweet! I pick-! Uhh...” and like that, his enthusiasm was replaced with uncertainty. “Hmm…” he fell back on his rear and narrowed his eyes. He then used his right claw to hold his left elbow, while his left claw was raised up so his head can rest on it while he thought.

“Oh Spike.” Twilight shook her head and put her hoof on her forehead. But she smiled warmly nonetheless.


I walked alongside Fluttershy on her left as she guided me to her friends’ house. I panted the whole way to exhaust the heat from the afternoon sun. And as we walked I got bored and started thinking about how the buildings were made. I assume the supposed ‘magic’ the unicorns display must have something to do with it. But I’ve yet to see any of the unicorns we passed by use any sort of magic. I’m even doubtful if it would be visible anyway. Just like in Harry Potter, if the unicorn were to lift something then I don’t expect it to have any visual difference.

But it wouldn’t mean the effects weren’t there. But I was also wondering what kind of magic they could use. Do they cast spells or is more like telepathy? But then the other types of ponies would be left out. The Pegasus ponies can fly, but what about the regular ponies? Surely if the pegasi fly and the unicorns use magic, then the regular ones have some sort of trait too?

“Ok Hushed. Twilight’s Library is just around the corner.” came Fluttershy’s enthusiastic and sweet voice.

I looked over at her and saw her head swiveled toward me while she wore a soft smile, right before she faced forward again. The street was narrowing, but it wasn’t by that much. There was still a good distance between us and the doors of each individual home. I began to notice the time of day and the sun was beginning to set. The sky's color didn’t change, but I could tell it would after something of one or two hours. If the bowls and food back at her place were any indication, we’d probably have to head home to feed them… and me.

To Fluttershy’s word the location was just around the corner. But as we neared the corner we began to hug the wall. I wasn’t sure why Fluttershy was getting closer to the left wall, but I followed her every movement. I looked back at her face and noticed the worried frown she wore. I wanted to ask her what’s wrong but it wouldn’t be my place, nor did I think I could do anything about it given my inability to speak. I also noticed her pace was picking up slightly. I stopped panting for a few seconds before looked behind us.

No one looked like they were following us. I began to wonder what put Fluttershy on edge as we rounded the corner. The moment I looked forward and at a large tree with windows I felt a nagging sensation at the back of my mind. It felt like there was something inside it that was almost trying to get a foothold in my mind.

I felt it… magic.

I knew what it was the moment I noticed it. But I realized it was there the whole time, but the fact that this body is new to me I took the sensation as normal. But now that it was ‘wiggling’ in my body I realized it was there. It didn’t feel like magic, it felt almost like a parasite stuck in my mind. But I could tell for sure it was trying hard to control me, but something about me was keeping it at bay.

“My magic resistance! Oh I love my body right now.” I thought to myself happily.

But then I got worried when my thoughts went back to Fluttershy. She seemed to have started acting strangely when we got closer to the tree building. I looked between Fluttershy and the tree building and realized she was leading me straight to it. Her nerves haven’t yet calmed down, nor has her small frown gone away. I began to think she was possessed by the same magic that was trying to possess me right now. It would explain her strange behavior.

I stepped in her path and she gave me a confused look.

“Stop!” I barked.

She recoiled at my bark. She landed on her haunches and gave me a confused look before looking back at the library as if in a trance. Her ears flattened against her head and she looked down sadly while nodding her head at me. She stood back up and looked at me right it the eyes. Her sad eyes showed me how helpless she is and it made her look afraid of the world.

“Y-you’re right. I’m sorry if I was acting strangely.” she apologized, but still didn’t smile.

I cocked my head in thought. “Wait. Why is she apologizing?” I sat down and stopped panting.

“I-I’m just nervous about talking to Twilight right now. She’s been so busy waiting for somepony she summoned a while ago and she hasn’t been out of the library since.” Fluttershy looked sorrowfully at the building. “I haven’t seen her in since last week and I’m worried Rainbow and Rarity didn’t get through to her,” she looked back at me and admitted, “I haven’t really thought about it till now.”

I felt obligated to tell her something. But I knew for a fact it really isn’t my place to give advice about someone I didn’t even know.

“Well, I’m not sure. But you can’t let your nerves get the better of you.” I told her in growls and grunts.

She smiled and stood up on all fours. She looked back at the library for a moment while that smile vanished, but she nodded her head and looked at the library front door.

Her smile returned as she looked at me. “All right Hush. Let’s go inside, so we can find out what you are.” Fluttershy started walking again, with a renewed sense of enthusiasm.

I was happy she was back to her chipper self. But I wasn’t too sure if she’d do this often or this was a one-time thing. I’d probably avoid her if she does this drama thing too much, it’ll get annoying after a while if she keeps doing it. By then, I’d have lost all sympathy for her and not offer my opinion unless I can’t continue without her.

She continued on down the dirt road while heading for the library doors. I wondered how these ponies were able to construct a tree library like this, but I came to the conclusion that it was a fake tree and was very artistically shaped to look like one. However as we continued forward and got closer I realized the tree was actually very real. I was slightly impressed, but I’ve seen even better architecture on the human world. Even more so beautiful rural neighborhoods that would put these to shame.

My paws didn’t even rustle the occasional rock on the ground as we walked diagonally across the street toward the library. We got within two yards to the front door before it opened and startled Fluttershy slightly. She only flinched before looking neutrally at the two entities at the door. Her mouth was in the shape of an “O” and she blinked once as we watched a small purple reptile skipping giddily out the front door with a purple unicorn in tow with a big smile.

They both stopped when they saw us and everyone besides me smiled widely.

“Fluttershy!” exclaimed the purple one.

“Oh Twilight! You’ve come out! I was so worried you’d still be inside worrying about that creature you summoned.” exclaimed Fluttershy.

“Creature? Summon?” I thought slightly uneasy at the idea of summoning.

I’ve seen enough movies with witchcraft or ritual summoning with human sacrifices to know that summoning anything with the word ‘creature’ to describe it, was a bad thing. But I kept an open mind. I suddenly felt the magic inside my body try even harder to get a hold of my consciousness. It was nowhere near enough power to take control of me. The only thing I could compare it to was a human trying to swim across the Atlantic Ocean from England to the United States without a break.

“Wait. Powell said my coat is magic resilient. But I thought that meant everything under my coat wasn’t magic resilient. Could I be wrong and my whole body was actually resistant to magic to some degree?” I thought to myself.

“Fluttershy... don’t move.” ordered the Purple unicorn.

While I distracted myself with my thoughts I didn’t realize the purple unicorn had turned to me and was looking at me with a fearful expression. I brought myself back to reality to see her horn light up and made a sort of buzzing noise. I was distracted by it and slightly amazed that it was able to actually become encased by a purple material before my eyes. But I soon connected the dots as I realized the fear she held on her face was also the reason why it was glowing.

“Not go-” My thoughts were cut off by Fluttershy stepping in front of me, I was beginning to move out of the way due to the connection of the horn and the unicorn's fear, despite me not knowing what it’s for.

“Twilight stop!” Fluttershy pleaded with her forehooves spread out to the left and right protectively.

I became worried for her but I realized the strange buzzing noise was dissipating and thanks to my sidestep to the right I was able to see ‘Twilight’s’ face and she held a confused look as her horn dissipated.

“B-but...” she looked between me and Fluttershy and then put her hoof up close to her mouth with an embarrassed look on her face. “Oh, y-you brought him here.” she looked flabbergasted, her face turned a light shade of pink and she sheepishly added, “Uh, sorry.”

At this time I realized I wasn’t able to see the lizard thing. Fluttershy put her hooves down and let out a sigh of relief. She then stood up on all fours again since she had to sit down and balance herself on her back hooves. I could see the little legs of the creature I’ve yet to identify, and I walked forward to peek around Fluttershy. I saw the thing looking at me oddly with a cock of his head and a confused expression. Fluttershy and Twilight both watched me intently while I looked at the lizard thing with green scales.

I decided I had a good enough look and paid attention to the two mares that were watching me with neutral expressions. I laid down submissively while continuing to pant in protest to the suns warmth. Fluttershy smiled and nodded at me, then looked back to her purple unicorn friend.

“Sorry Twilight. I would have come early and warned you, if you were going to act like that.” Fluttershy apologized.

Twilight cringed when Fluttershy unknowingly gave her a jab. “N-no I'm sorry, I probably should have realized you’d bring an animal with you eventually. Oh did you want something? I let Spike decide who we should meet up with first but since he’s responsible-” she gave ‘Spike?’ a sly look. “-I think I can let him go without me.”

The little lizard thing gasped happily, which almost threw me for a loop but I now expected unexpected. “Really? You mean it? Aw yes! Thank you Twilight! I’ll be back from Rarity’s at eight!” he exclaimed, scurrying away jovially.

We watched as he ran off down the street the opposite way Fluttershy and I came from. I sensed he used to not be trusted as much with responsibilities, most likely because he was a kid. I could hear his voice wasn’t really fully developed if I went off human logic, so I determined he was a child. I also assumed that this place was a lot like Denmark where people are more trusting of their neighbors. Hell, some places in Denmark they would leave strollers outside and they’d come back with nothing taken from them.

I wondered if this was the case with parents and their children here. If so then I’m probably much safer under the protection of ponies rather than in the forest where anything can hunt me. The idea of not eating meat and only eating dog food for the rest of my life suddenly sounded so much sweeter than it was before.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy giving her a questionable look.

Twilight nodded surely and proudly replied, “Yes. Spike has been very patient and he’s been the best dragon assistant I could ever ask for.”

“Dragon?” I thought to myself.

“He stayed in the library with me the whole two weeks of me worrying and not seeing you guys. I think letting him go wherever he wants isn’t too much to ask.” Twilight added with a sheepish smile.

Fluttershy looked almost appalled. I had half a mind to bite her because I thought she was reacting to the fact that Twilight’s assistant wondered off after being worried sick before she said anything, “You were in the library for two weeks?!” she held her hoof to her mouth.

Twilight’s ears lowered and she frowned. “Y-yeah, sorry for worrying you,” she perked up again nervously, “But was there something you needed?”

Fluttershy gave her a hard glare before sighing in defeat. “Yes,” she pointed her hoof at me for emphases and said. “I don’t know much about him, and I want to be able to know as much as I can so I can take care of him.” Fluttershy responded putting her hoof down on the ground. She had a small frown on her face.

Twilight rubbed her chin and squinted her eyes at me. “Uh, no offence Fluttershy, but I didn’t take you as the one to house wolves.” she looked up at her and smiled widely. “But congrats on domesticating him.”

I gave her a short low growl. “That was really uncalled for.” I thought to myself.

She looked at me with a bit of worry, warily adding, “Mostly.”

Fluttershy gave me a short glare and turned back to Twilight. “Oh no, he was like this when I found him. Well actually he came to me while traveling with his beaver friends.” Fluttershy responded with a smile, I wagged my tail and whined playfully to show my thanks for defending my civility.

Twilight looked at Fluttershy with surprise. “Wait beaver friends? Are you sure about that? I thought predators don’t associate with prey,” Twilight stated matter-of-factly.

“Of course I associate with my prey. I’m associating with you.” I thought snarkily.

Fluttershy nodded her head in confirmation. “Oh yes. They told me he led Timberwolves away from them while they hid until the coast was clear. He stayed the rest of the night in the forest and just came to us this morning.” she told her reassuringly.

“B-but why beavers? What could he accomplish by being friends with beavers?” Twilight argued. “Unless they were going to lead him to a better food source...” Twilight trailed off in contemplation and rubbing her chin.

I began to think Twilight will never think anything more of me than a beast. But I had to put up with her to appease Fluttershy, who happens to be the only friendly pony I’ve met other than the three children and random passersby. Oh and I also forgot about Applejack, who I believe was related to the pony child with a bow.

“Oh no, I don’t believe that. If he wanted a food source, he would have eaten a bunny already, and Mr. Barry told me he didn’t cause any trouble. Even after he left him alone.” Fluttershy defended while holding her smile.

I believed this was an argument Fluttershy was destined to win, so I waited for Twilight to continue her argument. I began to enjoy the little debate the two were having.

Twilight gave her disapproving eyes. “Are you sure?” she asked skeptically. “Then why was he following them in the first place?” she asked.

Fluttershy had a thinking gaze as she stared intently at the ground in contemplation. She lifted up her head and smiled in realization. “Oh I remember! He wanted to come to Ponyville.” she looked back at me. “Right?” she asked with a smile.

I nodded my head while looking at Fluttershy for a few moments. My head moved back to Twilight who seemed like she was about to give a rebuttal, before something clicked in her head. She had her hoof up for emphasis and I assume she planned to start her next argument with it. But with her disapproving face gone the scene before me is almost comical, but it makes me worry. She put her hoof down and gave me an analyzing gaze. Her horn light up again but Fluttershy didn’t defend me from any sort of blast.

“Twilight… What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

I began to feel the magic that was under my fur start to respond by an outside force. I quickly realized that Twilight did this to me. I already knew she had to have something to do with it, but now this confirmed it. I responded by trying to figure out what the magic inside of me was doing. I realized it was trying to reach out to her. Almost like broadcasting my position. Worst of all I knew it was going through, I could feel it going through my fur with heavy resistance and eventually going outside of my body to contact her horn. Her eyes narrowed at me almost menacingly.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy worriedly asked again.

She noticed Twilight’s look and started becoming worried when I showed signs of apprehensiveness.

“Please stop.” Fluttershy pleaded while stepping forward.

Twilight realized what she was doing and looked at Fluttershy with a sheepish look. She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof as she avoided eye contact for a little while. She then had the courage to look back at Fluttershy after one awkward minute. She had a small frown and she glanced at me a few times before she spoke again.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy, but I was sure that the wolf was actually what I was waiting for.” Twilight admitted.

“Wait, she was waiting for a wolf? But why?” I thought to myself while cocking my head to the side in confusion.

“Sorry about the trouble, you can come in if you’d like.” Twilight told us sheepishly waving a hoof towards the door.

Twilight turned to the door and headed inside. Fluttershy and I watched her take a few slow steps and waited until she’s out of sight and in the library. I felt apprehensive going inside, but I realized Fluttershy was feeling the same way. We looked back at the entrance in unison and waited a few seconds. There was no prodding from Twilight to head on in so we were deep in thought.

I thought about it quickly before coming to the conclusion that it would be a good idea to go in anyway. Twilight can offer me information about myself, and she’s a friend of Fluttershy. If Fluttershy thought she’d do me any harm she wouldn’t have led us here. But then again… she isn’t exactly going in first. I’d feel safer if she goes in first, but we’d have to get through this eventually. I swallowed absentmindedly and walked forward.

My steps were silent but Fluttershy saw me and quickly made up her mind. She started trotting faster than me and went into the library first. I followed her in and looked around.

I was subtly impressed by the collection of books, and the architecture of the library. I actually felt like I was in an environment meant for learning and literature. The wood floors that were only made because of the carving out of the tree made little noise against my paws, but they seemed to convey the thought process by being a tree. The fact that the floors were actually part of the tree made you think differently. It felt like you could learn even more here than anywhere else. I wasn’t exactly sure how that assumption would make me feel if I had to check out a book and leave.

Fluttershy made her way to the center of the library and looked around. At this point I stopped thinking of the atmosphere of the library and followed her gaze. She was looking between each corner of the library while standing in one place, just scanning the surroundings with her eyes as if she were a child in a strange and bizarre place. I looked around with her and only saw two reading tables and a door on the far left of the room and a set of stairs that went up into another part of the library. I looked back at Fluttershy after I discovered nothing of interest.

“Does she see a fly?” I thought.

She looked to her left which allowed me to see her face. She wore a confused expression while she scanned her surroundings. Her face made me paranoid and I too started to look around the room while walking closer to her. It’s at this point I figured out what she was looking for.

Twilight was nowhere to be found.

I then had the need to blend in with the shadows. Although there weren’t enough shadows for me to blend in with, and Twilight’s memory of this place would allow her to pick out a dark form in a normally shady area. But I thought about it and I realized I wasn’t entirely sure that Twilight actually lived here but maybe just hung out here so often that it was an inside joke. I’m sure no one really lives in the library.

“Ok-” Twilight’s sudden voice startled Fluttershy and both our heads swiveled toward the top of the stairs. “-I found all the books regarding wolves.”

She was staring absentmindedly at a book. My eyes were elsewhere. I was staring between her glowing horn and the eight glowing books hovering around her. One happened to just float in front of her face and she looked at it with her eyes moving. I assumed she was reading. I realized that this is magic, no doubt about it. I also began to fear the idea of magic. If mind control wasn’t enough, then levitation was what did it for me. If I piss her off I might find myself fifty feet above the stratosphere. I wanted to just sneak away silently, but I knew it would be futile.

“But do you know which one he is?” Fluttershy asked, completely forgetting the earlier predicament with Twilight’s strange behavior and disappearing act.

Twilight closed the book that was in front of her face and she looked toward the other seven books around her. Her expression remained neutral and analytical as she read the titles of each one and went deep in thought. She stared at one for a few seconds before opening it and sifting through it really quickly. She shook her head disapprovingly and set it down slowly while she levitated another one with a black bind and some strange greenish symbol on the cover.

From here I couldn’t get a good look at it, so I waited between the open door and Fluttershy. I looked around the room once more and found at least two circular reading tables. I walked over to the one with a wooden carving of a horse. I walked along the wood floor and looked down, it reminded me of the atmosphere of the library. I felt as if I was intruding all of a sudden, but I kept on going toward it and looked under it. The table seemed to have a log like cylinder as a single support. I looked back at Fluttershy and Twilight and saw Twilight looking through the same book, but with a smile on her face.

I ducked under the table and went to the other side so they wouldn’t see me. I felt much more comfortable while out of their sight, and I felt like I could learn a lot more this way by listening to them speak.

“Wait... why am I doing this?” I thought to myself.

I was utterly confused by my actions, but before I could think more on it I heard Twilight speak up.

“Ok, I think I found it.” she announced happily.

I heard a sound of something ‘powering up’ like a machine with a turbine or a laser from a video game before hearing a pop. I scooted around the tables view obscuring wide wooden leg and I saw Twilight now only a meter in front of Fluttershy with a smile on her face. I was on the left side of the room while Fluttershy and Twilight were basically in the center. Twilight looked around with a confused expression.

“Where’s the wolf?” she asked.

Fluttershy looked around too and began the same process of location Twilight but with me. “I don’t know…” she looked in my direction. “Hush?” she asked, but she didn’t see me. She was looking over the table and at a door behind me. I dared not move or I’d be discovered because my movement will give me away.

“Seriously, why am I doing this?” I thought to myself again.

I was even more confused now than I was the first time. I had full control of my body, but it almost felt right to do this. But I trust my body more than Twilight or the magic that’s still present in my body. I knew for a fact that it wasn’t making me act any differently, mainly because I could feel it was still at bay. But I noticed Twilight seemed a little put off by my disappearance. She huffed and brought the book down to her face. I noticed the ones she had around her earlier were nowhere to be found, presumably they were still upstairs by the staircase.

“Ok, so anyway.” Twilight opened the book and went to a page that I thought seemed preplanned and explained, “I found the entry I was reading last week. It’s about the Ezo family of the wolves.”

“Why were you looking up wolves? If you don’t mind me asking.” Fluttershy responded with a tilt to her head.

I remained stock still while I watched Twilight look up from the book with her neutral expression.

“I needed to know more about all types of animals so I’d have an idea of what abilities the creature I summoned would have. I wanted to be as prepared as I possibly could.” Twilight replied proudly, and offered the first smile since entering the library.

Fluttershy returned the smile as she welcomed the normalcy. I also welcomed it because it lifted the tenseness of the room by a few notches. Everything seemed normal now, except for the fact I was still hiding.

“Ok.” Said Twilight looking back into the book. “It says here that ‘The Black Wolf’ is scientifically called the ‘Canis Ezo Kage’ and lives in dark or shadowy areas. They use their dark coats to blend in with the surroundings and use shadows and dark colors to their advantage…yada yada yda…” Twilight paused for a while before finding something that raised her eyebrow. “It also says that they’ve been associated with the arrival of the recently declining Poison Joke.” Twilight quoted.

“Poison Joke?” interrupted Fluttershy. “Isn’t that the blue flower we stepped in the Everfree? I thought that was everywhere.” She said with a confused look.

“Wait, that’s the name of the stuff I sleep in? More importantly I need to note that they can walk through it and survive.” I thought to myself, still remaining stock still under the table.

Twilight frowned. “Well, actually ever since we found out about it last year I discovered the plant is in decline, and is considered a rare plant species. I’ve only recently found that it only exists in the Everfree and Northern Woods. It’s actually been attempted to be spread by ponies but the seeds won’t leave the pods until the proper carrier is used.” Twilight put a hoof up to her chin and looked away for a moment. “I think Canterlot Ecology discovered it reacts to dog fur, but it has to be slightly long for the seeds to grow. But they couldn’t train a dog to enter the Poison Joke.”

“But isn’t it a good thing that it’s going away?” Asked Fluttershy.

“Well no. Some animals use it to get away from Timberwolves or Hydra despite the consequences of simply running through it.” Twilight replied.

“Wait… oh god, I hope I don’t get cancer.” I thought depressingly.

“Aw poor critters.” Fluttershy sympathized with the animals.

“Well-” Twilight started. “-some have resistance to its effects. Even the common beaver doesn’t get as affected as a pony would. So your deep voice and my floppy horn wouldn’t be as bad if we were any other animal. This is because they’ve got resistance to it over time while ponies avoided it and never got any sort of immunity. But this was done in millions of years of evolution. If ponies were to do start now then it wouldn’t be worth it even after ten thousand years.” Twilight said matter of factually.

“Oh… but what about the Canis… umm.” Fluttershy’s statement died when she couldn’t think of the scientific name.

“Canis Ezo Kage.” Twilight finished for her with a smile.

“Yes that.” Fluttershy continued with a smile and Twilight’s ears drooped when she didn’t use the name. “What about them? If they appear when Poison Joke does then does that mean they can spread it?”

Twilight’s face seemed to drop slightly and her eyes became wide and her pupils stopped moving entirely. Her gaze was fixed on Fluttershy and her ears were pointed directly skyward.

“Maybe.” she replied simply.

She shook her head and returned to reading, seemingly more interested in the context. Her eyes stopped darting from left to right and only slowly transitioned. I assumed she wanted to remember the passage sentence by sentence. A few minutes in Fluttershy looked away and around the library for a whopping five seconds before Twilight gasped dramatically. Not even a millisecond after the gasp she looked up from the book with a serious expression.

“Fluttershy, how many times have you looked at it in the eye?” she asked worried.

“Please go into detail Twilight” I pleaded silently.

“Uh I don’t know. Maybe a few times, why?” She asked with an unsure look.

Twilight spun the book to face Fluttershy and pointed at a passage with her hoof. “The Ezo wolf family is known for almost supernatural abilities. The one you have is known for hypnosis. You need to look directly into its eyes before it can take hold of you, so if it’s staring intently at you look away.” Twilight warned her.

Fluttershy nodded and her eyes wondered to the bottom of the page. She gasped in horror and put a hoof to her mouth in shock. Her eyes widened and she started shaking slightly as if disturbed.

“Oh this can’t be good.” I thought with a chill running up my spine.

Twilight raised an eyebrow before looking at the bottom of the page. Her head backed up as if she were punched.

“T-their coats are… worth thirty thousand bits, each. 'Because of its unusual properties and… magic resistance.'” Twilight had a hard time reading the paragraph; she read it more to herself than anyone else. Probably because her brain couldn’t process it without hearing it out loud.

Good thing for me too. I felt it was time to get out from under the table. I scooted to my left and came out from under the table. My chest was slightly sore from lying on a flat surface for that amount of time, despite it not being very long. I walked around the table and walked up on Twilight’s peripherals. Fluttershy instinctively looked over to me, but Twilight only just looked up from the book and saw her looking to her right. Instinctively Twilight looked right and directly into my eyes.

My very purposefully intent eyes.

I could already see Twilight zoning out and falling into a trance like state. Fluttershy didn’t notice so she opted to charge me and give me a bear hug. Almost knocking my gaze away from Twilight, but we both followed each other’s gaze and kept our eyes fixed with each other. Twilight’s gaze only a little more absentmindedly than mine.

But Fluttershy was really successful at almost tearing away my focus. “Oh, I promise I won’t let any bad ponies take you anywhere you won’t like. I’ll make sure you’re well fed, safe from harm, and under my protection for as long as possible until-” she babbled on with her loving embrace that I let her continue as I tried to command something from Twilight.

“Uhh... say hi.” I thought quickly, knowing that I can’t pay attention to Twilight long enough to really experiment with commanding her.

“Hi” stated Twilight absentmindedly.

I was actually pretty astonished it was thought related. Maybe my eyes translated my thoughts, or I basically projected mine into her mind. Either way that was a shot in the dark before my gaze was forced away from Twilight. Fluttershy was squeezing my neck but not in a painful way, only with a bit of force too be considered a loving headlock. I leaned into it and started licking the air while Fluttershy finished whatever she was saying.

“-and we should make sure you’re protected at all times.” Fluttershy finished looking directly into my eyes.

Although I didn’t look intently at her I did try to lick her as a sign of affection to distract her from Twilight who was shaking her head to get reoriented. I don’t want to be yelled at with the phrase ‘bad dog’ any time soon. Especially not with a degrading dog scolding that will make me feel more like a trained animal. I have a bachelor’s degree in art I’ve got stored up here! And to feel degraded after knowing my cultures and several art styles that made history, I feel like I should be respected. At least to some degree.

“That was weird.” Twilight commented, before she looked back at me. “Oh…” she stated so quietly that Fluttershy didn’t hear. But I did.

Fluttershy let me go with a smile on her face and adding, “Ok Hush. Let’s go home. I know we were supposed to meet your beaver friends, but I don’t think we can do that with the amount of daylight left.”

I was momentarily confused before I looked outside the window and saw the orange sky. I noticed the library was still as bright as midday without the orange tint from the falling sun. I looked out the window for a moment before realizing I had no choice but to follow Fluttershy home so I can get food. I nodded to Fluttershy and she began leading me out the door… the still open door.

And there happened to be a pony in said door.

“Hey Twilight! Fluttershy! I see you’re not so shut in anymore. I guess Pinkie finally got through to you huh?” exclaimed the pony in a spunky voice.

Author's Note:

Sorry for being so late...college stuff and procrastination is a bitch.

Editor's Notes:
Two guesses as to who's at the front door. The first doesn't count.