• Published 30th Mar 2013
  • 4,416 Views, 52 Comments

Eye of the Moon - MadaraUchiha

  • ...

The Truth of Cold Reality

After a short walk and fighting the need to dismember the mare and throw her into the bushes, Tobi and Forest Leaf arrived at the cottage.

Forest Leaf threw Tobi a small smile as she pushed open the doors. ''Welcome to my modest little cottage, mister! Do you want me to give you a tour of it?''

Once again, Tobi had to keep himself from cutting her head off. ''No. I just want the information.''

''Um, okay. Please, follow me mister.'' Forest replied and motioned him to follow her. She opened the door to the kitchen and gestured Tobi to the table before asking. ''W-Would you like something to drink? Or maybe eat?''

''No. I have no such needs.'' The Uchiha said, becoming irritated by her sympathy. Well, one thing was for sure, and that was that he won't show her the same response when he is done with her. ''Now, Forest Thief –''

''It's Forest Leaf, sir.'' She corrected politely.

''I don't care.'' Tobi replied, but she decided to pass it as his grumpy self. ''Answer me about your 'princesses'.''

Forest Leaf took a seat across the masked man and spoke. ''Well, there are three princesses in total. They are princess Celestia, princess Luna and princess Cadance. All the princesses are caring and unselfish. Th-''

''Unselfish? What makes you think that, mare?'' Tobi interrupted rather rudely.

''Well, they always help others whenever they can and they always encourage us to chase after our dreams and ideals.'' Forest said with a smile on her face, hoping that Tobi would think better of them now.

However, even thought he wore a mask, she could see that the masked man was still not interested as he gave his response. ''What is so unselfish about that? They're only doing it to make themselves feel better and important. In other words, your so called 'princesses' are pulling you with a pathetic lie and you blind fools are following it without a second thought.''

At that moment Forest Leaf would lie if she said that she wasn't shocked by his answer. He speaks so bad about the princesses, even thought he hasn't met them. Why would he even speak that badly about anypony? ''I-I....W-Wha... Wh-hy would you even speak like that about anypony?''

''Does it matter how I speak about others? You should learn that not everything is made out of rainbows and other similar foolishness. In this accursed world, the only ones you could actually trust is yourself. The longer you live you realize that reality is just made of pain, suffering and emptiness. In this world wherever there is light there are also shadows. It just can't be avoided. I don't care about anyone else than myself. The only thing that matters to me is completing my goal.'' The
uchiha explained.

Forest Leaf was now disturbed. So much evil in his words. What could it be that made him so cold? She had to fought to urge to cry from his words. It was just too much for her. ''N-No-o... Y-yo-ou're wrong... Y-you ha-ave to be. E-Equestria i-is a peaceful land!''

Tobi grunted in disgust. 'How foolish.' ''Peaceful? Don't make me laugh. There is no such thing as peace. Peace is only an illusion to compliment your pathetic existence. There is no place in reality for fools such as yourself.''

That was it. Her breaking point. Tears started to stream down her cheeks as she struggled to reply. ''B-B-Bu-ut... I-I...''

''Be quiet, mare. You still haven't answered me about the princesses. I still have one last question.'' Tobi commanded, satisfied by her reaction to his words. ''Where are these princesses located?''

Forest Leaf brought a hoof to her face and wipped away some tears. ''T-Th-hey l-live in Canterlot. I-In the c-castle. W-why d-do youd w-wan-''

She was cut midsentence as Tobi reached for his gunbai and brought it down on her before she could even comprehend what was happening.

Placing his Gunbai back on his back, The Uchiha gazed upon her with a blank expression as her body splitted into two and blood splashed everywhere in a second.

''Tch.'' Turning away from the now lifeless body of Forest Leaf, Tobi exited the blood stained kitchen and went straight for the doors leading to outside.

Reaching for the door knob, two words escaped his lips. ''Idiotic horse.''

Celestia watched as her younger sister paced across the room, being both nervous and angered. ''Luna, you should calm yourself. Being nervous won't do us any good against this new being that entered Equestria.''

''And what will being calm do?!'' Luna shot back as she stopped. ''What if this being decides to attack us instead of becoming allies?! I felt it's power level, I'm not stupid! Who knows how much power it has since we felt it from this far away!''

''I already know that.'' Celestia said, eyeing her frustrated sibling. ''That's why I sent Shining Armor and his best team to investigate this.''

''Shining Armor is strong, I know, but what if he fails?! There's no telling what this creature could do! It may be even more powerful than me and you, sister!'' The night princess shouted. Yep. She was paranoid.

Celestia sighed. ''Luna, please just calm down. I'm sure that captain Shining Armor will do just fine. We only have to be patient.''

''Ugh! Fine! But don't tell me later that I didn't warn you!''

Shining Armor gasped for air as he brought a water bottle to his mouth. An hour full of galloping already passed, but they still didn't find anything. He sent two pegasi guards of the group to go and try to find something from the air about half a hour ago, however, they still haven't returned.

They just stopped under a patch of trees minutes ago, so he along with his men could get some rest. If this creature was really something powerful, they'll need every bit of their energy to fight it.

He heard a branch snap as he shifted his gaze to see a guard coming his way. ''What is it?'' Shining asked when the guard approached.

''Sir, may I ask for what exactly are we looking for?'' The guard asked curiously. Althought he was invited to acompany the
captain along with eighteen more guards, they didn't get any specific information for what were they searching for.

Shining sighed. He knew that somepony was going to ask this sooner or later, but he actually didn't get much more information than they did. Still, he had to give the guard his answer. Even if it didn't held any more information. ''Well, the princess told me to look for something strange and powerful, but that's all she said. I'm sorry, I don't have any more information.''

The guard blinked in response. ''That's it? This is the Everfree forest! Everything in here is out of ordinary!! How are we supposed to find this thing if we have so little knowledge about it?!''

''Calm down, soldier! I'm sure that the princess had a reason not to tell us anything else.'' Shining said, annoyed by the guard's reaction and hoping that he will calm down.

But that hope was crushed when the guard continued to yell. ''What reason could it possibly be that she didn't give us intel about our mission?! Who knows how long it will take us to find this thing!''

Shining Armor was about to reply, but an another elderly guard beat him to it. ''The captain is right, Headstrong. You should calm yourself down. I'm sure we'll find this thing eventually. Especially since it's so special that we had to leave immediately for this mission.''

The guard, Headstrong, flipped around and glared at his elder. ''Eventually?! That's the problem! I don't have time for running around Everfree Forest and searching for something that we'll find 'eventually' !''

''Well, you'll have to! It's your duty! And you should show some respect to both your elders and superiors.'' The elder guard shot back.

''Stop! That's enough!'' Deciding that it was enough, Shining joined in their conversation. ''I have intel on one more thing.''
With his temper boiling, Headstrong once again brought his attention to his captain. ''Why didn't you tell us already?!''

''Because I didn't want to tell you this if I didn't have to.''

''Well now you have to!''

Shining sighed. ''I'm not sure, but this creature... It's supposedly powerful as princess Celestia, -'' He began, earning many shocked expressions from the guards. ''- so if it chooses to attack us we won't do very well.''

''Sir, we all do respect, but how the hay are we supposed to fight this thing then?!'' The guard that previously defended his captain yelled in panic.

''I'm not sure, but that's why this team is made out of eighteen unicorns and two pegasi. I already sent Feather Fire and Lightning Wind to scout out before us. We'll just have to wait until they return with the results.''

Tobi stopped near a small pond, remembering what he did to the mare. 'Since I killed her with my gunbai, it would be best to wash it before I continue my trip. I don't need any kind of police trying to attack me, however, I doubt there is any. Considering that this land is full of idiotic innocent... horses.'

Walking to the pond, the Uchiha grabbed the gunbai from his back and lowered it into the water as he took a small rock to scrub off the blood stains. 'This is embarassing. Me in the same world as this low-life creatures. It's pure luck that none of my subordinates are here to witness this.'

After scrubing his gunbai completely from blood, Tobi brought it back where it usually was kept – on his back – and he was about to resume his travel to the Canterlot, but something entered his Rinnegan's field of vision. 'Excellent.'

Feather Fire and Lightning Wind flew a long way with still no results, and that fact annoyed them greatly.
Lightning shifted his gaze to his friend and groaned. ''Ahhh! There's nothing here! We should return to the captain and report as nothing unusual.''

His friend, however, shook his head. ''No. Not yet. We have to find at least something.''

Once again, Lightning let out an annoyed groan, hanging his head in irritation. While doing this he spotted something bellow and decided to tell his friend. ''Hey, look. There's a cottage down there. Let's go check it out. Maybe somepony who is living there knows something.''

Feather Fire nodded. ''Yes, let's go. Any information is useable.''

With that said, both pegasi flew down to the ground and landed next to the front door.

Fire trotted to the door and knocked on it a few times. After waiting for a moment without getting an answer, he brought his hoof up and knocked one more time.

Just as last time, he got no answer. Sighing, Feather Fire turned back to his partner and told him. ''Let's go. There's no one home.''

Not getting an answer from his companion, Fire asked. ''Something wrong?''

In response, Lightning Wind pointed his hoof at a window on the cottage and spoke. ''Hey, what's that red dot on the window?''

Feather Fire glanced at the window and said. ''Let me see.''

Not waiting a second longer, Fire hovered up to the window and took a look at the inside.

He completely froze in shock and disgust...

Turning his head back to Ligthning, Feather Fire flew off and yelled in both panic and shock. ''We have to go! Now!''

Leaving a confused Lightning Wind behind who decided to look what's inside as well.

However, what he saw disgusted him to the point where he almost vomited. There was blood splashed on the floor and the wall, and the blood's source was a... cut in half mare.

Shining Armor stood up from his seating position. He was glad that the guards have calmed down. Telling them his strategy seemed to work and now they're not as nervous as they were a moment ago. ''C'mon, everypony. Break's over. We still have a mission to complete and a thing to find. Le-''


Shining glanced at the guard who called him, a little irritated that he was interrupted. ''Yes?''

''I think that thing has found us.''

His head snapped back at the sound of rustling leaves as a clothed creature walked out in front of them. Althought he was at the same time shocked and alarmed by the creature, Shining spoke showing off his incredible courage. ''You there. We
have some questions for you.''

''What if I refuse to answer those questions?'' The creature asked, startling all of the guards.

''Who are you?'' Shining asked, his courage still present.

''Does it matter who I am? You're about to die anyway.'' The creature replied.

Shining frowned and glared at him. ''Your threats won't scare us.''

The creature's eyes snapped open as a response. ''Is that so? Perhaps I should show you how cold reality really could be.''

Author's Note:

Ok, that's it for now. Next chapter: Shining Armor vs Tobi! Who will win? Wait and you'll see

Also, I'm certain that all of you noticed that I changed both the name and cover of this fic. You'll see why when we get further into the story.

If there are any grammar mistakes, please point it out and I'll fix them.