• Member Since 23rd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2022



Princess Luna has returned to Canterlot, Luna Lovegood is back at school, the rift between the universes has been sealed, and everyone lived happily ever after.

Except that they didn't.

Weary of her life back in Equestria, Luna re-opens the portal and plunges directly into the magical world of Hogwarts once again. However, once she gets there, she finds that it isn't all cupcakes and roses; Voldemort is gone, but a new, greater threat looms overhead, ready to destroy not only this world but her own as well.

(This story is the sequel to "A Tale of Two Lunas". You should probably read that first. Rated Teen for occasional naughty language and general tomfoolery).

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 47 )

rainbow dash is that you?

2469269 Nope it says Midnight Blue Dash is more like Sky blue


Yeah, I kinda sorta changed that after he made that comment, to avoid confusion.

You do not want to know how many times I have used those two adjectives together in this story. :ajbemused:

Oh my goodness, I only just noticed there was a sequel? I feel dumb. Anyway, this is looking pretty awesome so far.

What's up with Luna?

2513538 Why are she and Harry butting heads with each other?


They're both a bit arrogant, and they both expect to be the centre of attention.

Woah. the plot thickens...

I didn't expect this.
I thought Discord would turn out to be a guardian of a destroyed world or one of the guardians of the HP world, instead he is completely independent from them.
Pretty cool concept right there.

That's a lot of gold.

Wait a second, didn't Discord just say you can't go gallivanting through the multiverse like that anymore? This won't end well, this won't end well...

I approve of that curbstomping

Next chapter?:scootangel:


Coming soon, progress halted by 4,000 word essay yet to be written for school.

You seem to be burning through plot bunnies at a precipitous rate. Conflicts that could have taken entire stories to resolve are wrapped up in one or two chapters and character building interludes (the summer with Dumbledore for instance) are just barely glossed over. I worry at this rate you're going to run out of interesting things to do and say without ever using them to their fullest. It's like you got a six pack of assorted Italian cream sodas and you only take a sip from each one before trashing it and moving to the next.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is :rainbowkiss: so awesome! Even better in dash coloring!

2510260. 2511159. Guys, don't worry! I just noticed on December 10, 201

So, if Luna's anthro or humanized, and she only has a necktie covering her breasts....she's going around pantsless and flashing the students. Why doesn't she wear something like a kilt or something.

The Hawk has left its cage, and the soul is free.


I DID not think Nightmare Moon can be used like that. Can I have some more, please?:fluttershysad:

DX Can't... Wait... For... More!

Also, Luna is best Ravenclaw.

PLEASE FINISH THIS STORY! I BESEECH THEE! I dislike not knowing the ending that an author had for a story. It severely irks me. :pinkiesad2:

“Better be….. Slytherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrravenclaw!”

“What?” McGonagall said.

“Ravenclaw! Ravenclaw! Yes, definitely Ravenclaw!” the hat replied, almost too enthusiastically.

I wonder exactly what Luna said to the Sorting Hat to get it to change it's mind with that much enthusiasm.

(the joker laugh clip is for the VERY evil thing that Luna said to the Sorting Hat. At least, I assume it was a VERY evil thing.) :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

5491033 I don't think he's here, mate. I look at his page, it says he's been offline for about 50 weeks.

No, here's the very evil thing to go along with whatever she said!

because she's not anthro-luna. She's still a pony.

6727983 would you be interest to be continue this fic just go to revive dead fics to do so and please if you can do it its one of many other fics i want to see complete if you need help with it pm me and i can help anyway i can

The hat just saved himself from a torching

a Victorian manor in Upstate New York Charles Xavier is that you???:trollestia:

3862767 Thanks now i have that Image stuck in my head lol

Imagine if luna showed up as a teacher at a random school here on earth as a teacher

“adkrich, chort vazhmi, adkrich…”

Open, god damnit, open

it was a nice story. too bad its unfinished

“Don’t say ‘forever’ around immortals,” she advised him

Something, to be remembered .. :twilightsmile:

I concur. I'd love to see how this story unfolds.

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